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18734571 No.18734571 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18734616

he has it easy desu

>> No.18734685

Dont be rapin now boy

>> No.18734716

Did he rape? I don’t remember that at all

>> No.18734718


>> No.18734993

>that dinner scene
I hope my autism never reaches those heights

>> No.18735014
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wow he's literally me

>> No.18735229
File: 18 KB, 94x131, come on now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no "The" in the title

>> No.18735996

I am LITERALLY the man from the underground. What are some books/suicide methods for me?

>> No.18736064

>haha what if I go into the whorehouse and meet this prostitute, but she's like cute and pure one, and we start talking and she falls in love with me lol that's crazy and then I reject her because I'm just so awkward and self-hating but like one day we totally hook up XD
People consider this serious literature

>> No.18736069
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tfw no aglaia gf

>> No.18736097


>> No.18736116

The only Dosto novel I couldn't finish. By the time Myshkin has his seizure and wakes up at some dude's villa I realised that I've got no idea which ivan ivanovich ivanov is which and I have zero interest in this retarded marriage drama. Myshkin is also a hugely unlikeable dipshit, I get that he's supposed to represent a godly man with unclouded, clear morals, but he just comes off as a cunt who makes lives of people around him worse while wearing a dumb smile.

>> No.18736250

the best part is in the end bear with it also aglaia a best

>> No.18736598
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Imagine posting a strawman this pathetic

>> No.18736691

lol I thought this about raskolnikov, but suspected that everyone probably felt this way

>> No.18736747
File: 62 KB, 911x611, 0104c158971a8baea9b0cc2a2399ba3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never killed no old woman but I did give up on my studies and spent a few years rotting in my room desu

pic unrelated

>> No.18736886
File: 205 KB, 290x450, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow he's literally me

>> No.18736980

Anon, take it from me, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.18736992

I've never actually read this; is it good? How doomer-core is it? I'm in a 'oh god please let me kill myself already' mood of late.

>> No.18737129

>Implying it happened exactly like the underground man wants you to believe it did because he was the one writing about it after all
Ngmi, Dosto has you by the balls

>> No.18737325

it was literally banned in Denmark and Italy due to inspiring suicidal behaviour in young men.

>> No.18737517

Wew neat. Guess I'll try it; thanks anon, if all goes well I'll be dead in the month.

>> No.18737537

Most people who cannot relate to the struggles of the protagonist find him unbearably whiny and annoying.

>> No.18737561

You always get that with whinging emo protagonists; tough guys need to show everyone how macho they are by belittling other's existential struggles, even whilst they themselves are incapable of going grocery shopping.

>> No.18737914
File: 81 KB, 497x918, 1625945929593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone read demons? camus shilled it in his book s but I don't really trust him is it any good?

>> No.18737959
File: 322 KB, 1228x1874, 81tFP6xLP4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow he’s literally me

>> No.18738073

I’ve been reading it for months now it’s super slow, hard to get into. There are exciting moments but it’s drawn out. I’m in the last third now so hopefully it will pick up

>> No.18738097

Why do women give this such a bad rating on Goodreads?

>> No.18738262

women will never understand

>> No.18738307

wrong, traders daughter is the best

it is good. Though one character almost made me kill myself so be careful. It can be a bit slow, but it starts rolling and I would say it is one of Dostos best.

>> No.18738308
File: 27 KB, 320x294, Tersites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow he's literally me

>> No.18738325

>traders daughter
literally who

>> No.18738363

I had to go and check my book. No idea why I thought he was a trader. It is the daughter of the oldest guy the MC meets on the train in the start of the book. Her name is Vera Lukyanova Lebedeva.

>> No.18738502

still no idea who that is I only read like half of crime and the idiot

>> No.18739556

Gay as fuck.

>> No.18739598

>Camus first read Dostoyevsky when he was 20 years old, and later called it a “soul-shaking experience.” He was moved by the moral weight of Dostoyevsky’s words. When the horrors of Stalin’s purges came to light, Camus refused to look away. As he later said, “The real 19th century prophet was Dostoyevsky, not Karl Marx.”

And Camus was right. Dosto literally predicted what would happen.

>> No.18739958

what book did he predict that?

>> No.18739970


>> No.18739986

Demons predicted what would happen.
Notes predicted why.
Dosto had the fucking shit down to a motherfucking T.

>> No.18740042
File: 120 KB, 889x1280, 226D87B1-4F2E-41D2-81C5-3B5D6F2D659A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s literally me

>> No.18740144

thanks guys, that's the only book i haven't read from him, gotta buy one after the covid ended

>> No.18740213

While we are at it, can anyone remind me why Raskolnikov
does it?

>> No.18740248

Thanks for this post, anon. I read the first few pages and it's good so far.

>> No.18740533

Has anyone actually read this book or am i misrembering it? Didn't she just go to him for help not fall in love with him? It's really not that difficult of a book im not sure how you can misunderstand it.

>> No.18740563

You’re probably just really smart

>> No.18740575

its heavily implied after the prostitute chick sees him not even able to command his own servant. The scene isn't described but the end of it is, she is crying on the floor slumped up against the bed. He certainly didn't do anything chill to her.

>> No.18740579
File: 59 KB, 554x676, FB_IMG_1625409416828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you're being sarcastic but like a third of the book was about him convincing this prostitute that she should leave, offering his help, and then being too much of a horrible person to follow through. You cant really miss that unless your IQ is less than 90

>> No.18740684

ummmm she’s crying because he broke her heart bro

>> No.18740712

Bro I think you might be retarded.

>> No.18740719

I’m couldn’t finish it last time I read it. Should I try again?

>> No.18740724

I found it really slow but once things get rolling they REALLY get rolling. Absolutely brutal.

>> No.18740770

nah dude don’t worry about it