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18734299 No.18734299 [Reply] [Original]

>The prime anti-Western fantasy for our age, however, was expressed by Nietzsche. Two years after hearing the piano score of Wagner's epoch-making opera Tristan and Isolde, Nietzsche made a lifelong commitment to sexual revolution by deliberately infecting himself with syphilis in a Leipzig brothel. Thomas Mann saw in that gesture an act of "demonic consecration." Whatever the motivation, Nietzsche was outraged when Wagner had second thoughts. When Wagner "prostrated himself before the cross" by writing Parsifal, Nietzsche flew into a rage not only against Wagner but against German music and all of Europe as well. Turning his disease-damaged eyes southward, he began to discern what he termed the "lewd melancholy" across the Mediterranean. As an antidote to Wagner's prostration before the cross, Nietzsche discovered Africa. "This music," Nietzsche writes, describing his impression of Bizet's Carmen, "is lively, but its liveliness is neither French nor German. Its liveliness is African. It has this destiny; its happiness is short, sudden, and without pardon. I envy Bizet, therefore, because he has the courage to give impression to this sensibility, a sensibility which up 'til this time had no expression in European music, a more southern, browner, more burned sensibility. ... How the yellow afternoons of this happiness give us pleasure! We look out and believe that we have never seen the sea calmer. And how this moorish dance speaks to us so tranquilly! How even our insatiability learns satiety from its lewd melancholy! Finally we have a love that has been transposed back to nature. Not the love for of some "higher virgin"! No Senta sentimentality! Rather love as fate, as fatality, cynical, without guilt, cruel - and as a result just like nature. That love which is war in its means, and at its basis the deadly hatred of the sexes [my translation]"
-E. Michael Jones "Degenerate Moderns"

Do atheists really?

>> No.18734318

>Famously, in his published writing Nietzsche sets up Bizet against Wagner, declares Carmen to be the greatest of all operas, and compares its music favourably with Wagner's in a certain amount of detail. But he does not believe this either. Privately, in a letter to a friend he writes: 'What I say about Bizet, you should not take seriously the way I am, Bizet does not matter at all to me. But as an ironic antithesis to Wagner, it has a strong effect' (27 December 1888). It does indeed, and has been quoted ever since. We begin to realise who, as between Nietzsche and Wagner, is the actor, the master of insincere effect. As for Wagner the man, although Nietzsche heaped almost incredible public abuse on his head ('Is Wagner a human being at all? Isn't he rather a sickness?' — this remark in The Wagner Case is representative of dozens such to be found in his writings) he never, in spite of himself, lost a vivid sense of Wagner's greatness. In the last year of his effective life he wrote to a friend: 'Wagner himself, as man, as animal, as God and artist, surpasses a thousand times the understanding and the incomprehension of our Germans. Whether it is the same with the French I do not know.' (26 February 1888).

>> No.18734532

p 30:


>> No.18734561


Stupid invective. And liking niggers after having met one, and that one nigger was regular and unexceptional, would make it difficult to have much good to say about their nature as a people, the significance of their good or bad fortune since for them it is random and unrecognized, or the general viability of their project in America where they are a totem and justification through pity of the very worst and despicable vices by their own countrymen.

Americans use niggers as a toy and playmate. To make their disgraceful faith in equality seem better than a joke, or the need to be at least polite or at least hold your tongue to a perpetual and truly insane mob. And if niggers were intelligent enough to even notice they wouldn't care. To feel disgust and rage when made for no good reason an object of merciless pity, that is what would be nature if niggers were good natured yet ugly and unintelligent. So it is meaningful to call someone a nigger in spirit. Or to be black hearted. Or if men were only souls and not bodies some would be white and some black and a word like "negro" wouldn't be innocuous for meaning merely an apparent difference and inequality in fortune. On whiteness in soul refer to that freaking epicly based passage from Moby Dick.

tl;dr niggers have no good sense and no opportunities. They're not even worthy of slavery lmao even that was a confusion. Both their supposed heights and supposed "suffering" are entirely fabricated. FUCK NIGGERS

>> No.18735998

This can't be real... Nietzsche would never do this.

>> No.18736035

>E. Michael Jones "Degenerate Moderns"
keking at conservacucks who are obsessed with sex

>> No.18736055
File: 303 KB, 1200x503, 1612347862245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E. Michael Jones

>> No.18736084
File: 7 KB, 168x219, homerSquint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a conservative leader admits to have had sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation and having had enjoyed it
Might as well be a homosexual prostitute in Vienna for fucks and sucks sake

>> No.18736099

What page is that on? I have a copy and Alex Linder's audiobook holy fuck I want to hear Alex Linder comment on that

>> No.18736113

Those are from a variety of pages.

>> No.18736131

Some alt-right types are very biased against Nietzsche because he didn’t think that modern white people are absolutely perfect with no flaws whatsoever and he didn’t think that Jews are literally demonic hellspawn with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Andrew Joyce has expressed similar views about Nietzsche.
Take everything they say with multiple grains of salt.

>> No.18736194

How is he wrong?

>> No.18736201

How is it an irrational bias to quote his own words? He was an impulsive artist who wanted to live like a nigger.

>> No.18736271

anaemic protestant detected

>> No.18736433

Better than being a faggots atheist.

>> No.18736521

Not one sentence in the OP can be said not to be based

>> No.18736574

>tl;dr niggers have no good sense and no opportunities. They're not even worthy of slavery lmao even that was a confusion. Both their supposed heights and supposed "suffering" are entirely fabricated. FUCK NIGGERS
I don't see negroes being obsessed with moral purity and policing other people's lives. Neither do they have the masochistic impulse for self humiliation. American whites have been set on denouncing their own traditions and cultural heritage, trying to impose an artificial conformity of thought to society from above and generally spread resentment towards everything that's vital, strong and successful. What if negroes have a proclivity towards petty crime, their overall demeanor is more dignified than their white counterparts.

>> No.18736577

> This music," Nietzsche writes, describing his impression of Bizet's Carmen, "is lively, but its liveliness is neither French nor German. Its liveliness is African…
Where did Nietzsche write it?

>> No.18736666

So you want to live like a nigger?

>> No.18736816

If this is a euphemism for the liberation of human sensuality from the bondage of traditional morality, sure.

>> No.18737535


>> No.18737945

There's no actual evidence that Nietzsche had syphilis, so this is no more than a conspiracy theory, and a rather ignorant one at that since it ignores the Bayreuth event.

>> No.18738224

>Thomas Mann saw in that gesture an act of "demonic consecration."
Must have been an inspiration for the character of Adrian Leverkühn.

>> No.18738270

Bizet was French and Carmen is based on a French novella set in Spain. There is practically nothing African about it.

>> No.18739543

God, what a retarded thread.

>> No.18739616
File: 805 KB, 657x720, thai koh tao laws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i must admit, even the admonition of the swarthier creatures brought forth here is more eloquent and further refined than the crude primal hatred expressed on some of the other boards