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18724258 No.18724258 [Reply] [Original]

I read relatively slow compared to the average reader because I don't really absorb the whole product if I go fast, though I can. I know this isn't about being stupid because I have a tested high IQ and a college degree, so I'm thinking the average person just doesn't really pay attention when they read. That or this is another application of the whole 'NPC' meme where they have so little going on inside their heads that it's easy to focus entirely on what's in front of them without having their thoughts drift.

Am I right in my assumption that if someone who acts like a psued claims to have read an absurd number of books, they basically just skimmed the pages and then read some generic interpretation of it so they could have the "correct" view on it?

>> No.18724277

OP, you've already proven yourself to be a pseud with this:
>I know this isn't about being stupid because I have a tested high IQ and a college degree, so I'm thinking the average person just doesn't really pay attention when they read.
Your pseud ass might be surprised to know this, but the more you read books, the better you get at reading them. With time, you will be able to absorb information and digest it more thoroughly and efficiently. Reading is a skill, it can be developed with practice.

>> No.18724284

why do you give a shit loser?

>> No.18724294

I read slowly. But some people are better communicators, and process dialogue and written word better. It's not a competition.

>> No.18724300

cope, retard

>> No.18724309

>I feel insecure about something
>I feel insecure about something else as well
>I'm really smart though
>I have [achievement]
>The average person is worse in my insecurity
>The average person is dumb, that's why they don't have my insecurity
>Is my cope correct?
>My ego needs this

>> No.18724315

grow up, child.

>> No.18724343

>tripfag acts like it isn't of the lowest caste.

>> No.18724352

What is the intended message of the picture? "Haha black cuck" or "Grr, black beating white child"?

>> No.18724365

You're stupid for asking and even dumber for trying to prove you're smart to people who are going to forget about this post in 15 minutes

>> No.18724384

College degrees are strong indicators of low intelligence particularly when used as evidence of the opposite.

>> No.18724390

I don't care what you think of me as a person lol, that was just to get a retarded comeback dealt with pre-emptively. Obviously you guys were going to attack my intelligence at some point so what else is there to say, "I feel very smart, please trust me"? Also I wanted to test if this board would sperg out as much about it as others, and it failed.

>> No.18724398

Do you think you're intelligent? If so, why?

>> No.18724425

it's like OP's subconscious is reaching out and posting directly on this board. Amazing.

>> No.18724432

This is one of the most reddit-tier posts I have ever seen

>> No.18724439

>Your pseud ass might be surprised to know this, but the more you read books, the better you get at reading them. With time, you will be able to absorb information and digest it more thoroughly and efficiently. Reading is a skill, it can be developed with practice.

Yes, but an important caveat is that reading fast is a product of reading well, not the other way around. (Although there still is some minimal technical component to it, which I don't mean here).

>> No.18724455

I'm sure that can be how it works but you seem to be assuming that everyone actually cares about the quality of their reading and would only read faster if they can maintain the same quality. I highly doubt that is true.

>> No.18724460

I 100% pay attention. I do whatever I need to do that. Which means sitting upright, not laying in bed, not getting overly comfortable, following with a pencil so I can mark up the book as I go as well, etc. If I miss something or don't understand, I'll reread. If it still isn't happening then I'll take a break or something. The best books deserve that kind of effort.

>> No.18724474

Do you think this is the norm? How fast do you think you read relative to the average person?

>> No.18724523

I consider myself well below the average of people who produce things of value, eg people.

>> No.18724539
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Probably not the norm. Most people don't even really read these days, unfortunately. I'd say average. Usually I don't speed read unless it's an article or a magazine or something, but for novels, and other important books I will read analytically. Check out pic related. You want to go for quality reading, reading for true understanding, otherwise what's the point?

>> No.18724571


You're right, I will rephrase it. Attempting to read well will make you read both well and fast; trying to read fast will make you read fast yet poorly. There's nothing bad with reading fast and it doesn't mean you have no retention, but if all you care about is your goodreads tally, then you're a pseud. I don't know how often it happens, but I imagine it does. It's all about honesty.

>> No.18724616

How? I thought it was pretty accurate.

>> No.18724621

>threatened by the so called "lowest caste"
Cringe at your boogeyman.

>> No.18724650

Not him, you. You're frothing over a basic list of points you liked and tried to add some cringey joke to it that made no sense.

>> No.18724855

>I was told I was very smart as a child and my parents paid a man to give me an exam so that they could say that I am very smart
>my parents shelled out more shekels to send me to college
>other people telling me that I'm smart is all that I have and the idea that I might read at my own pace to get what I want/need out of the text I'm reading makes me insecure because in reality I'm the pseud who's imagining that I can comprehend my intelligence relative to that of others based on how fast I think they're reading

I used to read incredibly quickly. I could burn a book every two or three days, my appetite was bottomless. I imagined not one line of dialog being spoken in real time, I took not one care to deliberately imagine anything in any scene. I would simply scan, comprehend wordlessly, and move to the next book. I was hyped up about my own reading comprehension because teachers and family kept stroking me off about it. I annihilated standardized tests in 20 minutes, and always tested in the adult range of those fucking reading aptitude tests.

As I aged, I've slowed down more and more to chew on what I'm reading. If I go too slow my internet-and-substance addled mind will wander. If I go too fast, it will also wander. It's like a bike. Just read at the speed that keeps you upright and enjoying the scenery. You aren't racing anybody and if you're a grown adult this concerned about your fucking reading level, you're a faggot. You aren't in school, nobody is giving you star stickers and head pats.

>> No.18724935

>this was all a test
>you are but pawns in my 200 iq chess game on 4chan

The fragility of the gifted child. You get out into the world and it doesn't sling problems at you that were engineered specifically to test and better you. It just slings shit.

Your speed relative to the average person means fuck all. How do you quantify how much they're getting out of what they're reading?

>> No.18724961

I actually have a really low IQ and I read like a slug, almost stopping and constantly having to read back a little to put context upfront. It's not that bad, really. I accepted long ago my place in the intellectual scale. My only grip with all of this is having to search for meaning sometimes because I don't remember or don't know what a word means, which means I have to stop reading and that interrupts my flow.

Anyway, I wish I could convince more people (specially young) to read. Not more, because AFAIK it's not a thing in my country. Just read would be enough. It's so important to develop our faculties and can take you to many places and experiences almost like you felt it yourself.

>> No.18725004
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Boogeyman? Tripfags are very real and very annoying part of this board.

>> No.18725038

>I actually have a really low IQ

Don't think this was about yourself, friend. If anything, IQ represents your experience with a particular form of reasoning. If someone is interested, I can look up studies to back it up, as I'm really fed up with people believing that they're somehow unable to grasp certain topics due to some genetic determinism.

>> No.18725138

Both of those were me, OP

>> No.18725139

I appreciate, anon, but I don't believe I'm unable to learn certain topics, just that it would take longer than some. This would never stop from me from learning say quantum mechanics or pure mathematics if I was truly interested. I'm a programmer and I'm happy as a trout with Calculus and Linear Algebra. Trying my way into Statistics any day now for that Machine Learning big bux VC bait.

>> No.18725160

What did the trout do to gain this reputation

>> No.18725530
File: 177 KB, 1378x1042, E6B71FA2-1354-498D-84CC-8E2A41138FB4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18725544

I think it's a little different when it's a stepdad doing it to "his son" for acting out when he's freaked out about having to go to the first day of school. Also "whoop his ass" implies it was a bit more than a few smacks.

>> No.18725630

There is fear in her eyes

>> No.18725649


>> No.18725657

Lol, the mom is so enthralled by BBC that she doesn't give a damn about her son. It's the fate awaiting all whitebois!