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/lit/ - Literature

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18721920 No.18721920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What justification do lefties have to think they’re the dissidents?

>> No.18721925


>> No.18721932

Dude I'm a right winger but could you please keep this shit on /pol/? I'm trying to talk about books.

>> No.18721937

Your meme is disinformation 101.
You seem to be living in a bubble

>> No.18721942

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.18721944

What fascism?
More lefties here. Plus topic pretty dismantles all postmodern thought.

>> No.18721949

Agreed. OP, I share your sentiment, but stop shitting up /lit/.

>> No.18721968

>antifa and blm looters are literally funded by corporations with the current Vice President asking for people to donate money to get them out on bail
>all institutions believe mutilating your penis turns you into a woman
>general in the military says he likes reading Jarl Marx and Mao Zedong

>> No.18721976

>general in the military says he likes reading Jarl Marx and Mao Zedong
Trad larper zoomers really don't know what are War Studies?

>> No.18721983

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/.

>> No.18722044

What does reading Das Kapital have to do with war studies? On top of that Zedong’s little red book has practically nothing to do with war.

>> No.18722066
File: 114 KB, 1028x675, 41BBEE77-414F-4354-B95B-75D8603E01B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was drummed out of the military.
And if the government is getting money of antifa, they’re not antifa. BLM has been compromised. As has been DSA. They’re fakes. Social media is censoring leftist media. The Pentagon just put out a paper targeting anti capitalists as domestic terrorists alongside racists

>> No.18722112

Look you dense fuck, it's simple. There is liberalism and then there is leftism (Marxism and anarchism). Leftists want to abolish wage labor whereas liberals do not. Both liberals and leftists can support identity politics, but liberal identity politics is the variant adopted by the establishment including giant corporations, since leftist understandings of identity politics are interwoven with anti-capitalism. Do you fucking understand now?

>> No.18722123

Marx wrote a lot on stuff like revolutionary strategy and he also studied war from a historical materialist perspective.

>> No.18722124

Only marxists use that definition of leftism

>> No.18722132


>> No.18722138

>studied war from a historical materialist perspective
That sounds utterly useless and homosexual

>> No.18722141

because television is god

>> No.18722153

Oh tripfag, you sweet, summer child...

>> No.18722154


Now look who’s the general.

>> No.18722171

Do these establishment institutions support the rights of workers to organize into a union? That's the reason.

>> No.18722172

Well I’ve won more wars then the US military has in this millennium so yeah.

>> No.18722176

Then why do you vote democrat?

>> No.18722177

Marxists and anarchists do, but regardless OP's image applies if we're talking about liberal self-described "leftists". Except that doesn't make being a reactionary particularly anti-establishment, since the old establishment that reactionaries like OP defend was just that - and liberals are progressive insofar as they undermine it. It's not any more radical or anti-establishment than grandpa whining about the good old days.

>> No.18722183

There is no uncompromised left. There is no uncompromising right. What you are seeing is government powers conspiring with media conglomerates to paint a false picture of reality to further entrench their power structures. Everything is controlled opposition. We are however on a literature board, so I have no idea why this topic is being discussed. Try /his/ and stop shitting up the board.

>> No.18722187

The old establishment doesn’t exist anymore. Whatever remnants of it are left are fully wrapped into the liberal establishment. Reactionaries are the only true dissidents to the current ruling class, with values and hierarchy structures in complete opposition to the current world order.

>> No.18722190

>your brain on Twitter

>> No.18722192

Why do you vote against organized labor?

>> No.18722203


>Has been compromised
>Implying they weren't compromised from the start

They were literally built from the ground up by feds to push the globo-homo agenda. They're the westboro baptist church of leftism, but it just so happens that leftism is the more popular religion, so antifa and BLM grew bigger. Every single revolution has been funded by banks.

>> No.18722205

Yeah no. There’s too many fucking schizos on /pol/. Trump might be an Zionist shill, but the current establishment played way too much of its hand trying to bring him down for me to think they weren’t terrified of the real right wing coming to power.
I don’t. I’m supportive of nationalist populist republicans opposed to neocon faggotry, as well as keeping out illegal immigrants That suppress working class wages.

>> No.18722214

>destruction of European heritage
The question is already disingenuous unless you truly believe that heterosexuality and racism were integral to European culture, in which case you should start with the Greeks and stop posting Wojak cartoons.

>> No.18722221

DSA perhaps, but wanting an end to police brutality and murders is legit enough. Not everyone in it is a stooge.

>> No.18722225

they say its performative and doesnt count

>> No.18722229

>your meds daily thread

>> No.18722282

Greeks and Romans were super racist

>> No.18722301


Yes, not everyone in it is a fed, but everyone in it *is* being tricked by feds into doing their work, on the pretense of doing something good, or correcting some injustice.

That's how every political con job works, on principles of basic advertising - you promise something good, to smuggle in your secret agenda, and have people unknowingly work for your agenda.

>> No.18722334

>but everyone in it *is* being tricked by feds into doing their work, on the pretense of doing something good, or correcting some injustice.
Exactly. Like going out to meet the cops who will crack their heads and everyone will see a riot and the right will call it a race war and everyone will forget about the poor organizers trying to get a labor movement with wildcat strikes and rent strikes on the first of every month.
Worked like a charm.

>> No.18722427


Yes. Both the right and the left are subject to fed psyops. The best way for them to acheive their revolutionary goals is to cultivate the false dialectics between left/right, rich/poor, black/white, etc.

>> No.18722620

>/lit/ - Literature
fuck off to /pol/ cunt