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18720611 No.18720611 [Reply] [Original]

LGBT writers thread

>Henry James
>Patrick White
>Gertrude Stein
>Tennessee Williams

>> No.18720617

You forgot Nietzsche, who became a woman later on in life.

>> No.18720620

Gay bros... we just can't stop winning

>> No.18720629

do u try to push an agenda?
who the fuck cares about it?
whats the point of this post?

make us a favor and KYS fucking faggot

>> No.18720640

Is there some connection between being a fag and being unable to produce good philosophy consistently?

>> No.18720651
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Thread’s for real answers, brew.

>> No.18720660

only a fourth of this list was actually gay and not surprisingly they are the worst ones

>> No.18720673

So you prefer the bisexual and lesbians. Okay.

>> No.18720674

Is it true Sophocles was gay?

>> No.18720679

no, bisexuals and lesbians are scum.

>> No.18720683

You forgot Plato

>> No.18720695
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He left off a lot.

No, you.

>> No.18720717

You forgot all Greek philosophers

>> No.18720757

my ancestors :)

>> No.18720759

I wish I was gay bros... Don't forget Verlaine and Gide

>> No.18720914

Lgbt is not an agenda or an ideology it is based on the self evident principles of science and love and real news. While reactionary ideology is based off christian religious superstition, white supremacy conspiracy theories and fake news. Chuds who vote for russians even though they dont live in russia.

>> No.18720921

Grind clits with me :3

>> No.18720933
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>LGBT writers thread

>> No.18720941

Not me :3

>> No.18720949

Trannies are unable to produce anything resembling art they are fundamentally undignified creatures

>> No.18720980

Wilde and Rimbaud could be considered trannies

>> No.18721070
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>> No.18721125

Trans people have higher iqs and are more creative

>> No.18721366
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>Baiting this hard
You can't be this obvious, retard

>> No.18721508

Wasn't gay, just hated women.

>> No.18721515


>> No.18721523

hemingway was a tranny

>> No.18721743

Bitch I'm a faggot and even I acknowledge most of these people weren't gay and this is just a bait thread

>> No.18721881

The thing i like most about Trannies is how they are not like women and all and for some reason more like an autistic males idea of a woman.

>> No.18721904

Trannies approach, or at least attempt to approach men's idea of the feminine, which actual women tend to hate. I tend to prefer trannies for this reason

>> No.18721914
File: 248 KB, 630x871, Aleister_Crowley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget Crowley. Cowley got fucked in the ass by a Jewish guy on top of an alter to Pan in the middle of the desert.

>> No.18721923

Based and keked

Troons are fundamentally hideous

>> No.18721952

>has never read nietzsche's journals
I wish you could suck my last breath from my lungs and feel me cum as i die in an elated quiver.

>> No.18722090

Plenty of great creatives were fundamentally hideous. Looks have little impact on how they made their art.

>> No.18722099
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Some trannies are better than others

>> No.18722104

I can't tell if that's a trannie or a German woman.

>> No.18722111

ee cummings

>> No.18722120

a tranny of german descent

>> No.18722130


>> No.18722157

I don't consider trannies to be women, that's the main reason why I love them

>> No.18722182

so basically you're a faggot.

>> No.18722268

yeah many are just incels on a different path, they imitate women from porn both because thats their primary experience with women and because the whole thing is a fetish so they only have any interest in emulating hyper sexualized femininity

>> No.18722276

yes if i could fuck any its be lesbians like you, but lets get back to the topic on hand

>> No.18722304
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They are not "LGBT" writers. They are not here to validate Cultural Marxism, everything you post is about your repulsive necessity of attention.

>> No.18722370

Outside of Shakespeare tasteful praising of a twink in his sonnets(not even that sexual just telling him hes beautiful and should repriduce with a woman) is there any evidence he was into gay sex?

>> No.18722373
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>Cultural Marxism

go back to pol chud

>> No.18722377


>> No.18722456

experiencing same sex attraction =/= LGBT

Homo-eroticism has been colonized by the LGBT movement.
We need to decolonize it.

>> No.18722473

As a heterosexual male, I gotta say there's nothing more sexy and feminine than broad shoulders, large hands, an adam's apple, cone tits, and, best of all, a penis :)

>> No.18722483
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>> No.18722489

I want to jizz all over your tits moth

>> No.18722494
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>> No.18722499

this but without a hint of irony

>> No.18722717
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>> No.18722772


Do Anglos really?

>> No.18722843

thats because theyre jewish

>> No.18722846

That's what the say around the κῠ́κλος of the agora between slave auctions.

>> No.18722850
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Gore Vidal.

>> No.18722868

Shakespeare was not gay. He fucked men.

>> No.18722915

Most of the people he listed are verifiable fags.

>> No.18722937

Was Wittgenstein a pedo as well?

>> No.18722969

>Le cultural Marxism bogeyman
>>>/pol/ immediately

>> No.18722985
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twelfth night has some crossdressing antics going on
but then in those days women were not supposed to be actors anyway. so the girl who dressed like a boy was played a boy dressing like a girl dressing like a boy. always should be someone you really loooove as a wise man once said.

>> No.18722993

My hero

>> No.18722997

Imagine wasting your precious time reading a guy who couldnt even pull women.
Also, Pessoa is in no way a fag.

>> No.18723006


>> No.18724136

I like the term cultural marxism because it pisses all the right people off.

>> No.18724150

>This is who i really am i am definitely not a pervert who derived entirety of idea of gender identity from anime and pornography. Im not being brainwashed by democrat propaganda my identity is actually based on science. Also im totally fixated on going after children for some reason

>> No.18724299

why not writers with a mole on a foot?

>> No.18725142

You forgot to add butts and you, OP.

>> No.18725156

You're being trolled, dipshit

>> No.18725172

Exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish

>> No.18725257

pic unrelated

>> No.18725451

We're not sure if Wittgenstein was gay.
Are there any sources that show that Wittgenstein was really homossexual? I know that he had a close friend that some suppose to be his lover, but i think that might be just suppositions about Wittgenstein's relationship with him

>> No.18725754

No, we are sure. His relationship with Pinsent is well-documented by letters and diaries. If you look at the evidence it is very difficult to suppose anything other than a romantic and sexual relationship. Read Ray Monk’s biography.