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File: 24 KB, 293x401, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18719562 No.18719562 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18719764

Because he wasn't christian and didn't care about catering to their sensitivities

>> No.18719769

Of who?

>> No.18719795

That's actually a good question. I think it's because he always wanted to give the broadest range of examples in demonstrating his ideas. Christianity is focused on christ, he was often focused on a broader subject than something just one religion could encapsulate.

>> No.18719799

He was a coomer.

>> No.18719814

He might have been a secret muslim.

>> No.18719823

Except that he wasn't

>> No.18720020

In Revolt he pretty clearly lays out his case for the problems with Christianity. Mostly it's leveling of the castes into simple a blob of believers as well as it's tendency towards passivity and pacifism, which goes against Evola's idea of the Western man's soul of action and ascesis. He lists other reasons to, and he does recognize the Catholic Church's solutions to almost all of these issues during the period of the "Ghibelline Middle Ages". Evola really has a problem with what Christianity started as, and what it's become in the modern era, but so much what's in-between. This is because Europeans took Christianity and basically infused it with their own spirit rather than the other way around (at least until the Reformation). The Catholic Church today is the last echo of the Traditional structure of Christianity, but here Evola still has issues because the Church never allowed for any forms of esotericism to flourish like other Traditions did (Islam being a prime example with Sufism). Of course Evola would be against this and struggle to identify himself as Christian because of it. In Europe we have Hermeticism instead, which he wrote about extensively. Many say Evola simply hated Christianity but it's obvious he simply felt the need to go elsewhere due to the failings of Christianity to make room for people of his human type (which again explains why Hermeticism survived so long in the west)

>> No.18720030

Omar Amin was a neat, smallish man in his early sixties. At first, as he opened the door, he looked at me suspiciously – I learnt later he was afraid of being kidnapped and taken back to Germany to be put on trial for his rampant anti-Semitism. As a former theoretician on racial matters in the Third Reich, Omar Amin Von Leers was a wanted man. (I had no knowledge of the man’s real identity and background back then. All that Evola had told me was that Omar Amin was a scholar, a learned chap.) But, as soon as I handed him Evola’s letter of introduction, his manner changed. Beaming friendship, he invited me in. We drank sweet tea from small, pear-shaped bottles. He spoke nonstop in rapid, German-accented Italian, leaving me hardly a chance to get a word in edgeways. His conversation was far-ranging. From reminiscences of the time he had spent in Italy, to Dante, whom he adored, and Guenon, whom he seemed to like less. He also spoke about Zionism – he considered himself a visionary, a supporter of “spiritual Zionism”, having encouraged Zionism from early on, he claimed. Of course, his idea of Zionist goals did not quite coincide with that of Jewish Zionists. He blamed the British for the Balfour declaration and for allowing Jewish immigration – “colonialism”, he called it - into Palestine. He had no time for the Catholic Church, either – “This Pope looks Jewish. Are we sure he is a pure Italian?” he wondered, referring to Paul VI. That struck me as a bit weird. (What is a ‘pure’ Italian, anyway? My people are one of the most mixed races in the world. Evola had no doubts about it.)The Vatican and the Synagogue do not quite see eye to eye. And wasn’t the first Pope, after all, a Hebrew? St Peter was hardly Aryan. But it is true that, long before becoming Pontiff, the young Giovan Battista Montini had crossed swords in print with Evola over his paganising ideas. In a veiled manner, Omar Amin seemed to suggest that in opening up to the Jews Pope Paul was continuing his anti-Evola polemics. It sounded like pie in the sky to me. Yet...I am not so sure...Anyway, I admit I found him an engaging fellow. Still, although I was not aware of it, Omar Amin had been a Nazi. Perhaps that is a contradiction in terms but...Yes, he came across as a nice man. A nice Nazi, then – is that too Dadaist? Not that he would have still considered himself a Nazi. He declared himself a Muslim and a Sufi. National-Socialism has nothing to do with those, surely?

>> No.18720036


At some point my host begged to be excused. ‘Time to pray’, he announced. Von Leers of course had embraced Islam, adopting the name of Omar Amin. He invited me along, suggesting I should wait for him at a cafe outside the mosque. ‘There are some interesting people you should like to meet’, he said. With some alacrity, I agreed.

After his Salat, Omar Amin emerged from a small masjid at the end of an alley, accompanied by a smiling young man of my age. ‘This is Ali’, Omar said. We walked together to the great Huseyin Mosque nearby. Ali spoke a little French, so we conversed about politics and fiction but his real passion was the Qur’an. Unfortunately his French was too broken to allow for a really meaningful conversation but Ali’s shiny brown eyes did the talking, somehow. By the time Omar had led us all the way to another, huge cafe, I felt Ali and I were friends.

Three dignified old men sat around an inlaid table inside, smoking the nargile, the water pipe. Omar introduced me to each in turn. Much shaking of hands and salaams. ‘We do zikr’, he explained, forgetting to explain his explanation. I later learnt the meaning of zikr in Sufism – the remembrance of God’s Name. I did not understand Arabic, but Omar interpreted. ‘This sheikh knows Evola. He has read many of his books...’ ‘Yes, Sheikh Julius Evola is one of us’ the portly fellow asserted, with finality.

>> No.18720054

He was an expressly anti-Christian thinker and went so far as to claim that the Christianity of the Middle Ages wasn’t well and truly Christian. Hence, why he believes he can speak so highly of it. The thing is, his motivations are almost expressly moral and frankly, made up. He sees Christianity as a religion befitting a “slave caste”, which he doesn’t say it explicitly but implicitly disdains and sees himself as greater than. He also sees it as the fundamental religion of bourgeois society and if you understand his philosophy as anti-bourgeois reaction, you pretty much have the key to all of his thinking. It’s all very sad then that he quite literally never engages Christianity on any legitimate grounds whatsoever. He takes Nietzsche’s anti-Christianity as a priori, and simply goes from there. The only real argument he ever made about Christian doctrine, Christian tradition is stating simply that he accepted morality as subjective and he departed morally from the beatitudes. In short, he hated Christianity because he loved Nietzsche and had a particular affinity for historical views of pre-Christian Rome. That’s why he downplays it. It’s all subjective for him.

>> No.18720075

Maybe go read C. S. Lewis or some other midwit if you want Christkike apologetics.

>> No.18720216

If you understand the theology of the divinity of Christ and the reason why Muslims (and Jews I guess) reject it, you would also understand Evola's motivation

>> No.18720224

Because he's a LARPing fagan who wants magical mystery powers without the discipline of an actual religion.

>> No.18720228
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I recently reread Evola after almost a decade and it honestly bothers me how much he criticizes Christianity, but then gives Islam a pass for doing those exact same things.

>> No.18720249

No he likes Islam because it departs morally. It’s almost like Protestantism BM minus the Christian morals. Since the morals are removed he can continue to pretend he’s a Roman legionnaire and say it’s great.

>> No.18720257

How does Islam depart morally?

>> No.18720271

Why the hell do people find Christ so interesting he’s literally just some dude that can duplicate bread and fame back from the dead, the pagan gods are so much more interesting with there battles and associated abilities.

>> No.18720280

Christianity has no conception of jihad and Islam has no conception of the beatitudes. There’s a strong moral departure even from Western to Eastern Christianity (sort of), but he was almost singularly obsessed with the concept of jihad.

>> No.18720289

St. George was pretty cool.

>> No.18720346

Christians are soulless.

>> No.18720351

>One God in three coequal and coeternal persons
>one of those persons, the Son, is identical with the Logos, the universal Means, Word and Reason
>that very same Logos becomes incarnate by a virgin by the power of the Spirit
>the being that is born has two different but inseparably joined natures, human and divine
>not only that but also two WILLS, a human and a divine, inseperably joined in the mission of salvation with the human nature and will retaining their humanity
>this being accomplishes tons of miracles, dies and is resurrected in order to triumph over sin and death, and ascends to the right hand of the Father
>while he is dead he is in four places at once and also permeating the whole universe to keep it running
>not interesting enough


>> No.18720412

>Christianity has no conception of jihad
what are crusades?

>> No.18720451

>all that gay pansy shit
>pantheon of alpha males and females battling primordial deities, killing monsters, fucking each other and various humans, falling in love and tragically perishing / murdering through the flames of their love

>> No.18720520

Because he let himself be martyred and preached loving your enemy. That was some bizarre stuff back then

>> No.18720583
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>Just like my marvel movies xd!

>> No.18720597

Not jihad nor is crusading or the crusades part of Christian doctrine, Christian scripture, and I explained earlier that Evola went so far as to claim those Christian Middle Ages weren’t all that Christian and baselessly used the grail myth to do it.

>> No.18720635
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This thread makes me realize how fucking indecisive and clueless I am
>arguments from christians are convincing
>arguments from other religions are convincing
>don't know who to believe
>read sacred texts and scripture
>still don't know
>ponder it on my own for two years, meditate, pray, try to change my life in various ways
>still don't know
I just want an answer. I just want the truth. I want to stop feeling anxious over the possibility I might make a mistake.

>> No.18720637

No it wasn't. People doing miracles and then dying and ascending to Godhood were really common in both Europe and the Semitic world at the time. "Born special, lived, fixed problems, got martyred, then ascended" is literally Hercules, Socrates, Apollonius of Tyana, Caesar, Diomedes, Asclepius, and Empedocles. That's in Greece ALONE.

Evola doesn't "like" Islam, because it, like Christianity, is just a Satanic Inversion of Tradition. They just happen to retain different things, and Islam, by virtue of being more recent, is even more Inverted than Christianity. For example, Islam's more coherent form of Monotheism is a grievous inversion because Polytheism is just obviously true and Traditional. It's cool that Muslims are going around beheading people for disagreeing with them and all, but Islam isn't Solar Imperial Based Crusader Priestly Neo-Paganism therefore it's shit

>> No.18720648

Did you even read my post lol. The point is specifically that he let it happen to himself, which ties into the loving your enemy thing

>> No.18720652

>Hercules, Socrates, Apollonius of Tyana, Caesar, Diomedes, Asclepius, and Empedocles. That's in Greece ALONE
And all of those stories were significantly modified after Christianity gained prominence to capitalize on it's popularity.

>> No.18720659

Forgot link.

>> No.18720663

Not really.

Perhaps that's your theology, but that's not what the Church Fathers believed, except when it was convenient.

>> No.18720670

He is literally god of course he let it happen

>> No.18720675

Well, except when it was forced upon him of course.

>> No.18720676

>Not really.
Yes, really. Apollonius of Tyana was written long after the Gospels as a response to Christianity encroaching on Greek paganism. Rene Girard talked about it.

>> No.18720678

What are you talking about

>> No.18720682

He could have stopped it being as he is God is the point, and you still arent addressing the love your enemy part

>> No.18720688

The earliest text referencing Apollonius was written sometime before 217AD. At this time Christians made up less than 5% of the Roman Empire.

>> No.18720694

And all of the men I cited not only could have stopped their deaths but also talked about loving your enemy.

>> No.18720698

Christianity is the only religion with direct evidence to verify it's supernatural claims.

>> No.18720700

>Love your enemy

>> No.18720703

Of those I know for a fact that Empedocles neither said to love your enemy nor did he allow himself to be martyred, so you are lying about at least one

>> No.18720708

>The earliest text referencing Apollonius was written sometime before 217AD
Yes. Long after the gospels
>At this time Christians made up less than 5% of the Roman Empire.
Which was still enough to cause the government some vexation.

>> No.18720709

You could make an argument that because non-Greeks weren't human that this doesn't go as far as Paul takes it, and that's true, but that's still irrelevant.

>> No.18720719

So then you take back your claim about Hercules being a fabrication, then.

>> No.18720739


Investigate the lineages.

Neo-Pagans have a lineage going back, at best, to their favourite black metal/folk bands. Some of the folk metal ones have some good aesthetics, like wardruna, but none of them can trace a lineage any further back to a reconstruction. They're pagan Protestants - picking up lost relics of a lineage they've lost connection connection to, and attempting to reconstruct what it "would have been like."

Orthodox Christianity has a lineage going back 2000 years - you can trace lineages of Saints from Christ to today, from from the Desert Fathers in Egyptian Thebaid, to the Northern Thebaid in Russia, to Optina, to Mount Athos in Greece, all with the same spiritual and ascetic life, with miracle-working Saints across all of the 2000-year period, being living proof that Christ's path is something that you can actually walk in and do, not just being something recorded in a book in the past.

All of this is heavily and extensively documented, in hundreds of books, many of which we use in the divine liturgy every week. Where is a single unbroken lineage in any of the hundreds of disagreeing sects of paganism? Literally nowhere.

>> No.18720741

How the fuck does this constitute a reply to my post

>> No.18720743

>Neo-Pagans have a lineage going back, at best, to their favourite black metal/folk bands
i didnt know plato and aristotle made music. can you link their soundclouds?

>> No.18720754

>you can't partake in the Western traditions dating back to fucking Plato and Aristotle, but you can buy a bunch of icons off of amazon and grow your beard out and LARP as archheyschaschomonk brother pederastes on twitter
Three years ago you were shilling Dolphin Fucker's books, and in four years you'll have moved onto heckin BASED Coptic Christianity (their ICONS look like CARTOONS and JESUS is BLACK!).

>> No.18720792


Good job, you guys listed some good Greek pagan philosophers (both of which disagreed with each other on fundamental metaphysical points, but had their own insights).

Now, can you actually explain to me how either of you are in an unbroken, personal lineage of initiation that can trace itself back to either of them? Why did you only list them, too? Didn't the lineage actually at some point become the neoplatonic lineage of Plotinus & co? Are you not aware of the Egyptian lineage that Plato was initiated into, either?

Or does my criticism stand: that just like Protestants, you pick up ancient writings, divorced from any direct transmission of the tradition, and attempt to reconstruct the rest of it like a couple of spiritual vultures?

I've been baptised into the Orthodox Church, with priests ordained by Bishops who can trace their lineage of ordination back to the Apostles, with hundreds of miracle-working Saints in recent history and living memory and testimony to the reality of the faith.

>> No.18720845

Nothing like Marvel

>> No.18720871

Hermeticism wasn't the only mystic tradition in Christendom anon. What about Eckhart and Tauler and all the other Medieval mystics?

>> No.18720872
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Fine. Whatever shounen anime you like.

>> No.18720878

Nothing like anime either. Do you know anything about Greek mythology?

>> No.18720888

Some of you should try reading the authors you talk about.

>> No.18720897

Do you?

>> No.18720910

>Because he wasn't christian and didn't care about catering to sensibilities

>> No.18720916

Yes. Clearly you don't. Marvel and anime are low brow forms of entertainment. Greek mythology is religion.

>> No.18720917

You don’t have a direct lineage with Plato or Aristotle besides the one you’ve inherited from Christianity ironically.

>> No.18720925

Greek mythology as performative public entertainment performed at theaters with acrobats and fireworks and shit.

>> No.18720927

Just admit you are completely uneducated on the Greeks.

>> No.18720948

Just admit you're gay.

>> No.18720950

You’re not educated on the Greeks either. It’s ironically not even true to say Greek mythology is religion and yes, your argument is essentially marvel cape shit because you think Thor had a hammer and Jesus had a whip or something. We can tell you’re young though and the thing is you live in a time where confusion is the norm, so my advice to you would be to make sure you’re one of the handful that listen and read before they speak and write so they know what they’re talking about. You’re not there yet.

>> No.18720966

I'm not.

>It’s ironically not even true to say Greek mythology is religion
Opinion on the Greeks discarded. Stick to Christianity, the religion for bores.

>> No.18720985


>> No.18720991

You're uneducated, so all you have is opinion.

>> No.18721011
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>this thread
So much less time would be wasted, and so much better discussions would be had, if you just went away and read the books/authors being talked about

>> No.18721237

he was tried as a heretic by the Catholic Church, which proves the point that Christianity leaves no official room for esotericism. They dont even just let it exist they go out of their way to destroy it.

>> No.18721258

Islam is alpha and Christianity is beta
Unga muscle unga grug

>> No.18721261

sure he was likely initiated into a sufi order because of Guenon's influence on him, but he clearly rejected Islam as the force to revive Western Civilization like Schuon and Guenon did.

>> No.18721267
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I recently read Breivik's manifesto and he is definitely Evolapilled

>> No.18721270

And Islam flayed so-called esoteric mystics too. What’s your point?

>> No.18721273
File: 175 KB, 750x1503, arab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it´s not beta, you dumbfuck, the reason faith in christiany declined is because of the enlightenment age and scientific discoveries and research that was able to refute many of the arguments/stories presented in the bible

dumbfucks arabs never had their enlightenment and still believe in nonsense (the quran) like they did in the medieval ages, pic fucking related

>> No.18721279

And this is why no one takes him seriously, which is only half called for. He’s mostly read by literal morons who hang out on 4channel and /pol/ pilled brain dead terrorists. The number of people who’s read his books and even care to try to understand them, has to be in the single digits.

>> No.18721285

found the seething Mohammadan
your time is up bitch ass nigger

>> No.18721354

Because he is not on the side of Christ. Because if he admits that Christ is True God Incarnate, he has to repent of his dumbass life style, love his fellowman, and be humble. Sadly, humility doesnt fit into the picture of being an imperial super solar tinky winky trad romaboo polytheist master morality live by the sword LARPocrat maniac

>> No.18721369

You can't even decide if you're a post-Calvinist Baptist or a pre-Luther Wycliffe-influenced Methodist, I don't think you have much room to criticize others, anon.

You haven't read Aristotle or Plato.

>> No.18721387

>an imperial super solar tinky winky trad romaboo polytheist master morality live by the sword LARPocrat maniac
Evolabros...you may not recover

>> No.18721388

You haven’t read Lossky if thats what you think Orthodoxy is
>you are either a baptist or methodist

Remind me where the baptists are doing hesychasm, or the methodists have actual Mysteries

>> No.18721412

No, I haven't. I don't really care about whatever lame LARP you're engaged in.

>> No.18721418

>an imperial super solar tinky winky trad romaboo polytheist master morality live by the sword LARPocrat maniac
god I wish that were me

>> No.18721421


>You can't even decide if you're a post-Calvinist Baptist or a pre-Luther Wycliffe-influenced Methodist

What the hell are you talking about, Anon?

>> No.18721430

As long as he didn't outright deny it, I would presume it is because he wanted 'breathing room.'

>> No.18721438

pretty sure hes making fun of the other dude for just picking and choosing random bullshit to roleplay as

>> No.18721507
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>Sadly, humility doesnt fit into the picture of being an imperial super solar tinky winky trad romaboo polytheist master morality live by the sword LARPocrat maniac


>> No.18721514

>hes literally just some dude
No. He is God. What did the pagan gods do other than diddle children and engage in adultery, gluttony and satiation of every desire?

>> No.18721762

They turned water into wine, among many other things.

>> No.18722043

Eckhart was executed before his trial.

>> No.18722057

>dumbfucks arabs never had their enlightenment
What is the Islamic Golden Age?

>> No.18722065

Hey retard, please stop calling the Vatican "Christianity". The Vatican has no room for esotericism, Christianity does.
Stop confusing a political body with Christianity, kthnx.

>> No.18722082


>The Vatican has no room for esotericism

The Vatican is literally a giant satanic gay bar. It's one of the world leaders of esotericism. The Jesuits are perennialist occultists.

The true esotericism, the kind that doesn't give your soul over to be the plaything of demons, has been preserved in Orthodox Christianity, which the Roman Catholic Church split off of in the great schism of 1054.

>> No.18722462

Agreed. Probably 1% of the people who quote Ecola have read him. A lot of the right love to be edgy and talk about Mosley or Hitler and other fascists but Evola is literally like 10 steps ahead in terms of extremism. He didn't call himself a super fascist for nothing. If those people had read him they probably wouldn't be quoting him so much because it contradicts their ideas of freedom and materialism.

T. Evola admirer

Literally know several people on the right who post Evola quotes and memes without actually having read him btw

>> No.18722508

Evola's view on Islam in revolt against the modern world is that Islam is a religion with more potential than Christianity because

>The potential for man to transcend through acts of war for his cause eg jihad
>Koran is the direct word of God as opposed to the bible which is the word of others
God why can't I remember the other points he makes

>> No.18722549

A politically correct myth circulated by multicultural con men.

>> No.18722641


When I was going through my Evola phase (eventually ending up in Orthodoxy) I also saw how everyone quoting him did not read any of his metaphysical works, and didn't understand him at all.

It was after I had some demonic experiences when trying out the rituals in "Introduction to Magic" that I figured out that maybe fucking around with demon magic was a bad idea, and I decided to chase down his reference to the Orthodox Monks of Mount Athos in that book,
about placing the mind in the heart, and become Orthodox.

>> No.18722656

>that I figured out that maybe fucking around with demon magic was a bad idea
Evola told you that himself, did you even read him? The left-hand path is fundamentally about using extreme danger and demonic currents to springboard your way into higher existential states, at the considerable risk of being annihilated by these same forces. I'm guessing you simply did not take his advice before attempting this?

>> No.18722658

Literally maximum prelest. Just stop.

>> No.18722666

You're a fool, I'm guessing you really did miss his warnings.

>> No.18722723


Like any prospect wizard, I naturally assumed I was a bad enough dude to do it anyway.

The problem is that later on, every single wizard ends up getting getting personally annihilated by these demonic forces anyway, and becoming their mouthpiece, as was later self-admitted in later editions of "Introduction to Magic".

Then, after looking into Guenon for more of the "right-hand path" side of things, I had to find a legitimate initiatory lineage - and the only legitimate, unbroken initiatory lineage was Orthodox Christianity. Everything else, including the Sufis that Guenon was initiated into, were born from innovation, division, and schism, from the original sources. Orthodoxy has proven to be the only actual living initiation, by Guenon's standards - and it turns out to be the only valid initiation since the creation of human nature in Adam, being preserved from Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, through the Prophets, and fulfilled in Christ for God Himself to initiate man into his kingdom.

>> No.18722740

>super fascist

>> No.18722745
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For more proof that literally every wizard goes down the same path, look into Crowley, Blavatsky, Bailey, etc. They are literally all unanimous in hating the real Christ, re-interpreting Christ as the devil for the New Age, and so on.

The myth of a "well-adjusted" wizard, at a higher existential status who can control these infernal powers without actually being controlled by them, is a total lie - because the entire pagan ontology that makes the temptation plausible is a lie. The true ontology is Orthodox ontology, where only God is at a higher ontological status than anything created, and that created beings can become united with God ontologically in one of the three ontological categories - energy. The union doesn't happen either by essence ( we do not become the essence of God) or person ( we do not become the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit). Instead, the incarnation of Christ is the blueprint for the energetic union of the divine energies of the Holy Trinity with our created human nature. This requires accepting Christ as the true God, and the Orthodox Church as the true lineage of Christ, and is the only viable spriitual path in the world, because it is the only true one.

>> No.18722747

Wet path and dry path, anons.

>> No.18722773

bless you anon

>> No.18722774


Straight and narrow path, or bust.

>> No.18722780
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the only path

>> No.18722817

>neo-pagans have no "direct lineage" to their pagan forebears
yeah wow its almost like christians destroyed it

>> No.18722832

might is right, am i rite my ebin fellow neo-pagan warrior of thor?

>> No.18722918

i'm not even a pagan

>> No.18722931

>He didn't call himself a super fascist for nothing.
You obviously didn't read him either.

>> No.18722935
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>> No.18722952

Why does this guy have a nice home on a nice piece of land?

>> No.18722960
File: 2.88 MB, 576x1024, c287e3ee402e9698f6d1f4a5c745354d-videowebm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he has the ((right opinions))

>> No.18722965

UCC faggots are not Christians.

>> No.18722972

Why does he have a wife and children?

>> No.18722998

They're protestants.

>> No.18723056

No, every religion has videos like this, Christianity is not special in that regard
I don't care about lineages and all the larpy traditionalist shit, I just care about what is true.

>> No.18723068

Or maybe it's all bullshit and you're wrong

>> No.18723080


Then you would have to care what has been true since all eternity, and this can only be verified if there actually is a traceable lineage of the truth since the beginning of time to today.

The pagans & vedic types cope by saying that there are infinite eternal cycles, but that's just cope for admitting that they can't trace their claim of truth to a beginning point. "Infinite eternal cycles" falls apart when you use the smallest amount of logic to think about it - if an infinite amount of days have passed to reach today, then it would take an infinite amount of days to reach today, meaning that today would never happen. It's absurd and retarded - time being finite, and having a beginning, and it having a real, recorded beginning, is the only solution to this.

However, in Orthodoxy, not only do we have the lineage going all the way back to the first man Adam, it's continued up until today, where the God of Adam is dwelling in the Orthodox Church and deifying Saints up to this very day, being living testimonies that the faith is actually true.

Lineage is unironically the opposite of LARP - it's how you get legitimate transmission of truth from the past, across successive generations. Without lineage, your only resort *is* to LARP, and try to re-invent what you think the eternal truth might have been in the past, rather than receiving it personally.

>> No.18723121

So what happened before the beginning of time? You're just postponing the issue, time cannot be understood.
>we have the lineage going all the way back to the first man Adam
But nothing proves this.
My issue with Christianity is that it often feels like a big larp even if their arguments seem logical.
What difference is there between reading about it and "receiving it personally"? I'm not a traditionalist so I don't believe initiation matters at all. I've gotten more from reading Plato than from being baptized.

>> No.18723168


>What difference is there between reading about it and "receiving it personally"?

Have you ever learned a practical skill? Being directly taught by someone who has mastered that skill, in a mentor-student situation is far easier than just reading about it. The mentor actually knows the practicalities of applying the skill in real life, and covers details missed in writings.

I'm a programmer, and I skyrocketed in programming skill since I started getting mentored, but when I was just reading about programming my improvement pace was slow. There were innumerable practical tips my mentor taught me that written guides skipped over.

>So what happened before the beginning of time?

Any usage of time-related words to describe "Before" the beginning of time can only be used in an analogical way, since there was no such thing as "before" before "before" was even physically possible, so that's how I'll be using the word in the following post.

Before the beginning of time, the Holy Trinity existed, according to their shared uncreated nature, "before" the beginning of time. When time was created, that was the first time anything apart from God started existing.

God's nature fundamentally does not behave according to the same rules and limitations that created nature does, much in the same way that a strawberry bush doesn't behave according to the same exact rules a bird does - those two different things have two different nature. Strawberry bushes do not sing or build nests, and birds do not grow flowers or photosynthesise, but since they share a created nature, they are both subject to a certain subset of common properties, proper to their created nature.

>nothing proves this

How about, for starters, 2000 years of mountains of documentation since Christ's coming of holy men who have become deified from following Christ's path, exclusively in the Orthodox Church, preserving at the same time countless works that are doctrinally unanimous over 2000 years.

It's already enough of a miracle that there is a body of literature *in agreement with itself* over 2000 years, let alone that many of those men were recorded miracle-workers, up to this day, with many people who are alive today that can give personal eyewitness testimony to the miracles of Orthodox Saints. Every single other body of literature, be it pagan literature, buddhist literature, marxist literature, and the literature of every single Heterodox Christian sect (Roman Catholics, Protestants and everything that has happened since) disagrees with each other and internally refutes every other member of the camp.

It blew my mind when I read the Orthodox literature, and found that it was all consistent and coherent - of remaining faithful to the same eternal truth. Every single other group falls to the trap of wanting "re-invent" something - and that's as retarded as wanting to re-invent math so that 1+1 does not = 2.

>> No.18723204

Cuz it's silly. Christians have bene trying to make their stupid shit more intellectually coherent for centuries. It's how you end up with 'secular humanism' - Christianity in drag.

>> No.18723219

Christ was a living symbol of the Divine (the man who has achieved apotheosis), he is not Divine in the sense that the Church posits (as in, one single being which has exclusively been divine on Earth at one single point in time and who has to be personally "believe in").
>but muh heresy
Yeah, I don't care.

>> No.18723224
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Aha, so just like the wiccans aren't actual pagans

>> No.18723276

There are plenty of miracle workers in every culture on the planet but christians like to pretend they're the only ones with miracles.

>> No.18723335
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The only ones with miracles caused by God, yes. No Christian would deny that demons can cause similar phenomena to miracles to occur, since that's both scriptural and in countless historical accounts.

Then, whenever pagan witches and miracle-workers were confronted with the power of God, power of the demons was defeated. This is why wherever Orthodoxy went, pagan witchcraft died out. Heck, St. Cyprian was a pagan occultist who became Orthodox because all of his witchcraft failed in the face of a simple praying girl.

>> No.18723339

This is very interesting, where is this from?

>> No.18723340

>if it's not my religion, it's demons
Do you understand why people don't take this seriously?

>> No.18723342

Because he's a self-serious dumbass obsessed with foreign nonsense.

>> No.18723360

excellent post, thank you. I knew I needn't have bothered with Evola. The anecdote about Paul VI possibly being a cryptojew is fascinating, especially given his role in Vatican 2, but I'm sure it mostly shakes out as hermeticist cope.

>> No.18723361
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Yes, if it's not the truth, it is demons.

It doesn't matter if people who hate truth don't take it seriously. It's popular to hate truth nowadays, and wants to have their own, personal, custom truth nowadays - which ends up in everyone believing roughly the same nonsense, just with superficially different flavours.

Orthodoxy always does the best when it's despised by the world - it's proof that it's the only one actually saying anything different, so when you lose faith in the hogwash you used to believe, Orthodoxy is the obvious and true alternative.

>> No.18723369

>my religion is true because a lot of people disagree with it
Tired of your nonsense, let's leave it at that
Christians are the most delusional people I have ever seen. I gave Christianity a chance, but the mental gymnastics required were too much

>> No.18723373


>> No.18723381

Ah yes, the usual cope response when Christian pilpul is exposed. "I-it's not nonsense you just got filtered!"
Have fun wasting your time on false dogma, doesn't affect me

>> No.18723388


You still haven't offered anything except for petulant emotionalism, you know.

>> No.18723396

>You still haven't offered anything except for petulant emotionalism, you know.
>if it's not the truth, it is demons.

>> No.18723423

>it´s not beta, you dumbfuck, the reason faith in christiany declined is because of the enlightenment age and scientific discoveries and research that was able to refute many of the arguments/stories presented in the bible
Is the west more "developed" because of christianity or because it abandoned it and adopted the religion of progress instead?

>> No.18723427
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>They're protestants.

>> No.18723442

You write in arabic numerals because of the golden age.

>> No.18723447

I write in roman numerals thank you very much

>> No.18723450

You mean Indian? Indians weren't Muslims.

>> No.18723458

Go study algebra or learn some algorithms and be grateful to the based 300 iq muslimchads who thought you.

>> No.18723461
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>based 300 iq muslimchads

>> No.18723499

The fact that he used all this knowledge for fun instead of starting an industrial revolution that enslaved most people in the west (even children as young as 9 worked in factories for 12 hours just to survive) says a lot about the difference between eastern and western mentalities.

>> No.18723508

Indian numerals were made by Indians, not Arabs. You're still wrong.

>> No.18723510

He's right in the sense that pajeets were for the most part hinpoos

>> No.18723544

I could say the same about latin alphabet being phoenician or whatever.
The difference is that these numerals were never developed in you land because you just took it as it was from the maghribi arabs whose books filled your libraries and formed many of the foundations on which your current civilization stands.

>> No.18723546

I'm sorry that you've lost the cosmic dice by being born an arab
personally I judge collectives as collectives and individuals as individuals
supposing that you yourself were skilled or talented in some manner, more so than a westerner, then you would be superior to that individual westerner, but if you want to claim that arabs as a collective are superior in anything such as technological development or culture (or any group relative to westerners for that matter) to westerners, then you will always be wrong

>> No.18723580

Congratulations. You are an adult that does not want to believe in fairy tales. Embrace agnosticism.

>> No.18723591

>Embrace agnosticism.
But that's a copout and I want truth. It makes no sense to me that this is it and once we die it's all over, my instinct tells me there's something else, but I've been seeking for years and I'm not any closer to figuring it out

>> No.18723599

>my instinct tells me there's something else
the eternal recurrence friend

>> No.18723601

>I am condemned to seek the answer forever and never find it, over and over again
Please no

>> No.18723606

if you arrive at the answers you'll forever experience their realization, the eternal recurrence makes every moment of sadness as short as possible as to avoid dwelling in it, and every joy more profound
you only lose if you aren't motivated enough to do anything

>> No.18723613

But the problem is that I can't move past doubt, I feel like no answers can be found, so this frustration and fear of the unknown will be eternal if you're right

>> No.18723620

>Whether each life is a single burst of consciousness – a scream in a desolate void vindicating one’s own being and existence, this preceded by an infinite expanse of non-consciousness, then followed by an infinite expanse of non-consciousness, or if each life is repeated ad-infinitum in the exact same manner with no divergence or deviation, the experience of the individual life and the passions within remain the same.
what questions do you want answered anyway? you said you'd still have doubt and still fear even should you be convinced that the eternal recurrence is true, so your fears don't seem to stem from the uncertainty of death

>> No.18723624

The quote is true but I don't see how I'm supposed to confirm without a shadow of a doubt that eternal recurrence is the truth, so that means I will always doubt until I die
My questions are the usual existential ones, why am I here, what is the nature of this place, what happens after I die, all religions provide answers to this, all have equally convincing proponents, none are fully convincing otherwise I wouldn't be making this post. I am in spiritual limbo

>> No.18723636

>why am I here
you share with the Absolute the quality of being, if all other abstractions prove to be falsities, you can still be certain of your own existence, and it is from the awareness of your existence but no clear indication given as to its purpose or meaning that all other mental anguish emerges
>what is the nature of this place
seafoam which will return to water, then become seafoam one day again
>what happens after I die
you live again, in the exact same manner with no difference or divergence, you do not experience time in death, and the time between however long this physicality takes to emerge again in the exact same form as is now could take an amount of years that not even a supercomputer is able to comprehend
>all religions provide answers to this
which are you taking inspiration from the most?

>> No.18723655

No, I am the one who is truly sorry that you were born in the west where you will get to see your beautiful civilization tremble before your eye, even worse, you will see your children throw you in adult daycare when you age because you are no longer a viable economic unit while they mix with niggers or cut their balls off because you have no say in their lives.
The reason jews rule is because no one is willing to go as far as they go with lying and deception, and the reason you have the more "advanced" civilization is because you have no boundaries to your cult of progress which will eventually lead to your death and the destruction of the environment.
The problem is that you will die off before that and the chinese will replace you and they are more brutal to nature and are willing to go even further.
It's a sad Faustian existence.
I am not an arab. In fact, I wish I were one so I could read arabic without difficulty.
What does that even mean? weren't most of the ones leading the charge of the enlightenment considered barbarians by Rome (the model of western civilization)?
Tell me about the industrial or scientific achievements of people in the balkan or central european countries like slovakia, aren't these people westerners too?

>> No.18723668

>but I've been seeking for years and I'm not any closer to figuring it out
Well then change your methods if they aren't working, dwelling on 4chan rarely helps. Try do to something extravagant - like fucking an african woman, or killing a politician... I dunno, experience something extreme, philosophy might not work for you if you are action-based person. You experience reality by sentience - sensual experience is the core of human existence. If you lack real life experience you cannot truly understand what the words you are reading actually mean.

If we actually are made in the image of God like the bible says, you have the power to find it out, whateer the means.

>> No.18723672

>you can still be certain of your own existence
Can I? If we're talking religions, buddhists make a pretty convincing case for the opposite
I tend to believe I exist though so yeah
>seafoam which will return to water, then become seafoam one day again
But this is very vague and doesn't inform me too much. Why does this process happen, for what purpose? Am I nothing than a bubble on the foam? Why, why did this happen, why did everything happen as it did? When I start thinking about the specific nature of my own existence I feel like I'm going schizo, is this shit really completely nonsensical, is there no reason for things to exist in the way they do?
These questions aren't really aimed at you I'm just stating how uncertain this all seems to me
>you live again, in the exact same manner with no difference or divergence
Isn't this pointless? Don't you find it depressing? (I know Nietzsche's answer to this, but how could anyone seriously hear about eternal recurrence and rejoice?)
>which are you taking inspiration from
None in particular since I don't know who to believe, I find myself falling for the fear tactics of all the religions (if you don't do X you'll reincarnate, or you'll go to hell, or you won't be saved etc), all of them have good arguments so I have no idea. In terms of metaphysics I like panpsychism but that's about it
>you are action-based
the opposite, action does not come naturally. Real world experience allows me to get out of my head but it doesn't give me answers, it just distracts me for a while

>> No.18723674

TLDR: Get out of your own head, stop reading philosophy and do some real work.

>> No.18723682

This is just a distraction

>> No.18723693
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Philosophy is a distraction because your are afraid to act in a real world.

>> No.18723695

I don't feel targeted by this so no

>> No.18723697

>weren't most of the ones leading the charge of the enlightenment considered barbarians by Rome
and what do you think the Romans would think of said "barbarians" were they to see how these Englishmen, Frenchmen and Germans fared and developed in comparison to Italians and Greeks if we consider them to be the descendants of the Romans? I do value Greeks and Italians (especially as of recently), but whether by geography or luck, these western European nations have contributed significantly more within the past millennium or so than the Greeks and Italians
paper tiger, in 5 years the Chinese will start eating their elderly
>reason you have the more "advanced" civilization is because you have no boundaries to your cult of progress which will eventually lead to your death and the destruction of the environment.
it is a good question as to whether some science ought to be pursued when taking into account the ethics or implications of the discovery, but you're only deluding yourself if you think the arabs were capable of the same feats as the Europeans in these regards but merely didn't pursue them because of ethical concerns
>Tell me about the industrial or scientific achievements of people in the balkan or central european countries like slovakia, aren't these people westerners too?
Tesla for one
but on that note you seem to attribute a position to me that no matter what other circumstance, a white country will always be prosperous, whatever the advancements and achievements of balkans or less significant european nations like Poland or Hungary, they will naturally be outshined by more industrialized, more populated, and more geographically fortunate nations, which, still are populated by peoples of a similar race and culture

>> No.18723704

Please tell me this is bait and you arent seriously using that image.
So tell me, what do gym rats do in the real world?

>> No.18723724

>Isn't this pointless? Don't you find it depressing? (I know Nietzsche's answer to this, but how could anyone seriously hear about eternal recurrence and rejoice?)
personally I see it as a sort of immortality, the eternal recurrence makes me not fear death, but fear being lacking in life
>These questions aren't really aimed at you I'm just stating how uncertain this all seems to me
suppose you knew with absolute certainty that there is a God, would you feel despair because your inquiries about every single aspect of his nature go unanswered? a truly just God wouldn't punish you for failing the expanded Pascal's wager or for being raised in the wrong culture, these visions are purely dogmatic and for societal cohesion purposes
>I find myself falling for the fear tactics of all the religions
sorry to say that is purely on you
>>you are action-based
don't think that's a response to me, might be someone else ITT

>> No.18723741

>I see it as a sort of immortality
But it's a limited one since you'll always be doing the same thing.
>a truly just God wouldn't punish you
Christians would say our concepts of justice don't apply to him, or would have various other arguments to justify how not believing in Jesus would still condemn you even if you're good
Dharmic religions wouldn't care and would just go "sorry bro you're not enlightened so that's one more round in samsara for you", etc.
>that is purely on you
How do I avoid it though? I'm susceptible to this shit and I don't want to be

>> No.18723795

>But it's a limited one since you'll always be doing the same thing.
we are not gods quite simply
>Christians would say our concepts of justice don't apply to him
and you shouldn't let their sensibilities frighten you that way
>Dharmic religions wouldn't care and would just go "sorry bro you're not enlightened so that's one more round in samsara for you", etc.
if in other facets of life you do conform to your dharma, then eventually when you've come to embody it in many aspects baring enlightenment, you'll come to venture towards that as well
>How do I avoid it though? I'm susceptible to this shit and I don't want to be
I don't believe in the reddit drivel of "religion was just made to control people dude", but it is foolish to think that there haven't been intentional dogmatic elements introduced solely for purposes like societal cohesion or to increase one's own status or position in a religion or any such matter, Jesus merely described Hell as a place of the gnashing of teeth, your conception of it coming from Dante or Greek myth meanwhile

>> No.18723820

>we are not gods
Sure but it'd be nice for the endless cycle to not be completely identical every time. Not that I'd notice, I guess
>you shouldn't let their sensibilities frighten you that way
I guess. Deep down I don't believe in any of them but there's the "what if" impression in the back of my mind that makes me frantically keep looking. I tell myself "it sounds like bullshit, but what if they're right and I'm actually missing out by rejecting them?"
>intentional dogmatic elements introduced solely for purposes like societal cohesion
For sure. But a lot of these elements were already present in the bible or hard to explain from the get go.
>Jesus merely described Hell as a place of the gnashing of teeth
Jesus also described the lake of fire though

>> No.18723823

Yet you indulge in philosophical fantasies instead of acting in a real world.
It was used and example for quasi intellectuals with neurotic philosophical obsessions who are afraid of real world.
>what do gym rats do in the real world?
they have sex

>> No.18723825

Again as I said I don't feel targeted by this, you can say I'm coping all you want but I turned to philosophy because the world didn't interest me, not because I was afraid of it. So what you're saying has no meaning for me

>> No.18723832

Id say that the 'neurotics' arent afraid of the world, they are willing to dive into every part of it through philosophy. Whereas the gym rats hide away from the world in their mcglobogyms, like literal rats avoiding a storm by retreating to the sewer.

>> No.18723833

Tell me, does sex not interest you? Or money?

>> No.18723835

I've had sex and it's nothing special
I don't care about money, I have enough of it to live a decent life and I was never into luxury

>> No.18723838

Thats GigaCOPE. Philosophy has little use in todays society. You are better off reading psychology.

>> No.18723839

>Jesus also described the lake of fire though
to me recollection the lake of fire is for unrepentant sinners (even in the face of the second coming, of those who will always be spiteful and never forgiving), and describes it as a final cessation of consciousness after the second coming
so if you were an unrepentant murderer you probably would be sent to hell, suffer for some hundred years, but then experience an ultimate and total cession of consciousness along with Satan
>For sure. But a lot of these elements were already present in the bible or hard to explain from the get go.
OT or NT?
>Sure but it'd be nice for the endless cycle to not be completely identical every time. Not that I'd notice, I guess
if you are bored or dissatisfied with your life, it's not because it's another iteration of it, it's because you yourself are bored and dissatisfied with your present life choices, I do not discount free will in this

>> No.18723844

So you are not willing to build a relationship with a woman? If you don't mind, what about other areas of your social life, i assume you are quite introverted?

>> No.18723848

Yeah I suppose. A lot of christians might disagree with your interpretation but that would be the fear dogma and nothing more I guess
>OT or NT?
Well both, they're not really separate. Jesus fulfills the law of the OT anyway
>I do not discount free will in this
It's not that I'm bored or dissatisfied with my life, but with this state of existence in general. I yearn for something more

>> No.18723849

Lmao look at this bugman.

Only nigga coping is you because you are too dumb to read a book and think about it lmfao.

>> No.18723858

I am extremely introverted and on the spectrum. I enjoy occasionally hanging out with my family but 95% of the time I prefer a solitary life. And yes I would generally be unwilling to build a relationship considering my lack of interest in what it can provide and the involvement required to make one work

>> No.18723862

>It's not that I'm bored or dissatisfied with my life, but with this state of existence in general. I yearn for something more
these two grievances are only seemingly different, they are the same

>> No.18723871

How do I integrate this fact?

>> No.18723884

middle-way, not between self-mortification and self-indulgence, but monasticism/ spiritual realization and material concerns and issues

>> No.18723893

That's understandable and explains your interest in solitary engagement with philosopy. However i believe that people often get stuck in their head, and interacting with other like-minded individuals could help them see the full picture.

>> No.18723913

You are the only COPINGFAG here, since you need books to tell you how to live your life.
ancient niggas living rent-free in your head LMAO

>> No.18723925

I have been trying to cut down on useless things and live a simpler life, so I will keep pursuing this
>interacting with other like-minded individuals
I don't know anyone interested in these subjects outside of this website.

>> No.18723949

Bitch what makes you think people cant read and keep in body in shape? I exert myself more physically at work in a single week than you probably do in an entire year in the gym.
Are you that fucking low iq that its one or the other? Do you have to consciously move one foot in front of the next when you walk?

>> No.18724022

>You are better off reading psychology.
It's full of superstitious (Jungian) and pseudointellectual (Freudian) bullshit. Nietzsche, a philosopher, is ironically a way better psychologist than 99% of psychologists.

>> No.18724023

What a projection. I never even mentioned gym, let alone 'keeping body in shape", where did you dig this shit from? I am criticizing quasi intellectual philosophers who need books since their heads are too dumb to do the thinking, nigga.
>blue collar worker

>> No.18724038
File: 74 KB, 511x423, neetch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neetche was a good philosopher but a sad incel IRL. Like i said, philosophy is interesting but not applicable in reality. Psychology however which has helped many people to realise their true potential.

>> No.18724060

Stop using this word. It's meaningless, as it can be applied to almost anyone (especially prior to the latter half of the 20th century), and in relation to Nietzsche, his personal life did not have any discernibly detrimental effect on his writings.

The majority of psychology is schizophrenic gibberish that will run you around in circles because the field is dominated by nihilistic eggheads who make it a priority to combat mental illness rather than empower the patient to overcome it on their own (which is the only real cure). Read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for an apt example of what I'm talking about. Nietzsche has his priorities straight on this, which is why he's the better psychologist than practically anyone in the field.

>> No.18724068

>Psychology however which has helped many people to realise their true potential
Mentally ill people being given to okay to mutilate themselves is not realizing their true potential.

>> No.18724238


I think its from the same book

>> No.18724736

i wrote the first one you quoted and all the information was from Revolt against the modern world

>> No.18725047
File: 2.78 MB, 1600x2733, Kars conversion---.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You might try a book called Spiritual Journeys (Robert Baram, ed.). It's currently out of print, but here is a link to reasonably priced used copies:

Do not neglect to pray, anon, for it's all a matter of grace.

Ask God to enlighten your mind, and *keep* asking. Cf: "Knock and it shall be opened unto you." Mt. 7:7. Note that the verb tense of "knock" is the present imperative; it could be fairly translated as *Keep knocking*.

So keep knocking. And here are a few other good books:
- Sheldon Vanauken, A Severe Mercy

- C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

- Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain

Pic related: An interesting conversion story.

>> No.18725071

I discussed christianity with another anon ITT and what he said was pretty sound

>> No.18725095


>> No.18725217

It's obvious you know nothing about Jung. Keep coping though.

>> No.18725368

>muh archetypes
This spawned a shit ton of literature that amounted to nothing, you know.

>> No.18725556

COPE. He wrote much more. Are you >>18724060 fag?

>> No.18725766

The second post is from the Sufi of Rome.

>> No.18725802

>He wrote much more
What little value there is, it's crushed underneath a mountain of unscientific hogwash. And yes, that's my post.

>> No.18726601

is this a based Evola path?
>Army infantryman for 2 years
>Get initiated into Tibetan Buddhism over 3 years
>Rejoin the army as a Green Beret for 6 years
>Get initiated into Freemasonry/Christianity
>Become a Merc and carve out my own kingdom

>> No.18726638


>> No.18726652

I will take time to respond to your prejudiced gibberish.

Neetche was in fact an incel, he proposed to women and none accepted him, apparently he was too obnoxious and his mustache was scary. Later on, when friendships fell apart due to incompatible philosophical views, he mentioned that loneliness was bothering him. He was cronically ill, syphillils-ridden overthinker who went mad in his 40s.
>empower the patient to overcome it on their own (which is the only real cure)
This is exactly what Jung taught, overcoming neurosis as a part of self-growth.
>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Made up story, a critique of post ww2 mental health facilities. Modern psychiatric institutions are nowhere near as bad.

Also psychiatry != psychology.

>> No.18726656

I have thought about the freemasonic question
but i'm american, therefore it's valid
plus, Guenon and Breivik say it's /trad/

>> No.18726668

You asked if it would be something Evola would have condoned, but he despised Freemasonry. The answer should be obvious.

>> No.18726677

yeah that's true he hated it
I will reevaluate freemasonry in the future

>> No.18726724

Can any Swedeanon translate this?

>> No.18726785

It's satanic, nigga. They literally worship lucifer.

>> No.18726804

>I will take time to respond to your prejudiced gibberish.
>Neetche was in fact an incel,
You wasted your time for nothing. I'm not reading more of this retardation.

>> No.18726829

its still a valid tradition
I would only do the first 3 degrees

>> No.18726870

based af

>> No.18726872

Based, this has been my take on the divinity of Christ for some time as well

>> No.18727296
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>> No.18727303

We already had this discussion, the islamic golden age was valid.

>> No.18727351

Jung is a psychoanalyst not a psychologist! And I thought you were talking about the entire field of psychology not just one dead person.
What an absolute retard you are.

>> No.18727569

Always reminds me of Spengler's counter to this view:

>ut in the North the great Saxon, Franconian and
Hohenstaufen emperors appear on the very threshold of the Culture, surrounded
by giant-men like Henry the Lion and Gregory VII. Then come the men of the
Renaissance, of the struggle of the two Roses, of the Huguenot Wars, the
Spanish Conquistadores, the Prussian electors and kings, Napoleon, Bismarck,
Rhodes. What other Culture has exhibited the like of these? Where in all
Hellenic history is so powerful a scene as that of II76 - the Battle of Legnano
as foreground, the suddenly-disclosed strife of the great Hohenstaufen and the
great Welf as background? The heroes of the Great Migrations, the Spanish
chivalry, Prussian discipline, Napoleonic energy - how much of the Classical is there in these men and things? And where, on the heights of Faustian
morale, from the Crusades to the World War, do we find anything of the
.. slave-morale," the meek resignation, the deaconess's Caritas?l Only in pious
and honoured words, nowhere else. The type of the very priesthood is
Faustian; think of those magnificent bishops of the old German empire who
on horseback led their flocks into the wild battle,2 or those Popes who could
force submission on a Henry IV and a Frederick II, of the Teutonic Knights
in the Ostmark, of Luther's challenge in which the old Northern heathendom
rose up against old Roman, of the great Cardinals (Richelieu, Mazarin,
Fleury) who shaped France. That is Faustian morale, and one must be blind
indeed if one does not see it efficient in the whole field of West-European
history. G28RV

>> No.18727642

who's responsible for the best in us?
who's responsible for the worst in us?

>> No.18727649


Honestly, who gives a fuck about history? Not as a subject of study, but why the fuck would you endow history with esoteric, mystical or God forbid even religious significance. Even the Orthodox do this, which is totally crazy to me.

You are born in an age, whatever it may happen to be, with a bunch of people, whomever they may happen to be, and with a bunch of things going on, whatever they may happen to be. The ongoing relations of those things are totally irrelevant to your salvation in Christ Jesus. The idea of the eternally decaying world, the slow slide towards Antichrist, or whatever equivalent is posited by Evie and Spengie has never really made sense to me. The principles of salvation laid down by Christ are unchanging from age to age. Wringing our hands about circumstances is useless.

And this is also my second answer to OPs question. Christ's divinity must be downplayed or denied by Evola because despite the historical component, Christianity is a fundamentally anti-historical and to an extent anti-social faith. No fate is expected for the world besides oblivion. Christ could come at any time. Philosophies that make a fetish out of particular historical periods or modes of social organization will be forever BTFO but the supra-historical nature of Christian faith, its universal applicability, and the fact that it explicitly defines BOTH the individual life and the social life as key components of the faith. Private prayer and the communal Liturgy, Baptism, Chrismation, and the Holy Eucharist, Confession and Marriage: these all underline the definite synthetic union between individual, private life and public, communal life that are necessary to our mental and spiritual health.

These obsessions with historical periods and geographical/ethnic/racial civilizations are so counter-productive and pointless. All of these things are utter vanity, and the chasing after wind, as Solomon said. Embrace what is Eternal, reject what is temporal.

God bless and protect you no matter what.

>> No.18727914

>Orthodoxy has proven to be the only actual living initiation,
In the west perhaps, but not in the east

>> No.18727994

>Infinite eternal cycles" falls apart when you use the smallest amount of logic to think about it - if an infinite amount of days have passed to reach today, then it would take an infinite amount of days to reach today, meaning that today would never happen.
This is al-Ghazali’s argument, it’s not a Christian argument in origin. It fails as an argument against the cycles of the Vedas however because in their model there are no independent cycles of time which have to function according to their own mechanistic logic, but rather what we perceive as these cycles are just the manifested effect of the power of God who remains outside time. As the source of time and the source of us having the conception of time in our intellect, the way that God sustains time while remaining transcendent to time, space etc cannot be grasped in temporal terms. And this appearance of time and cycles isn’t eternal, it’s only indefinite, of undetermined extension; because God alone in this view is eternal and the perception of time, multiplicity, cycles etc is ended at liberation and reabsorption into God and hence as perceptions cannot be eternal. The past in this system is not a real infinite past with infinite events but is just part of the indeterminate and temporary display cast by the power of the Eternal.

>> No.18728021

>wrong because wrong
I see your debate skills are derivative of the "whiny impotent twitterfag" variety.

>> No.18728081

this is such a cope; there’s no indication or even an implicit shred of evidence invested in the fact that my existence will suddenly rematerialize itself along with my consciousness after the arbitrary amount of time needed for thermodynamic processes to shuffle the exact reconfiguration of my molecular makeup back into the state I’m in right now passes. It’s not like my consciousness is just a snapshot of a vibration in some ‘sea-of-consciousness’ out there, and that the vibration sub-instantly disappears the infinitesimal fraction of a nanosecond after it manifests itself, and that it will keep popping in and out of existence for all time as entropy loops back onto itself due to the sheer boredom of an ∞+1 space-time continuum for it to fuck around with

>> No.18729110

Any religion that assumes history to be a linear progression is not anti-historical and Christianity bases itself on historical claims (Jesus' life) without which it becomes meaningless
Compare with sramanic religions which are inherently anti-historical because they do not believe in the linearity of time

>> No.18729193

Why do you secular atheists always pull your "BUT OTHER RELIGION EQUIVALENT" nonsense, then cry when you promptly get btfo?

>> No.18729200

Not an atheist, keep strawmanning, and also seethe harder christer

>> No.18729345

>The Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European women lusting after the African male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.

>> No.18729614

Christ was genuinely the avatar of Yahweh but he was only an irrelevant regional god and Thor would murder him in five minutes flat.

>> No.18729646

>Islamic Golden Age?
apostates and dhimmis working for emirs and caliphs temporarily rich off plunder from their conquests

>> No.18729827

Keep coping then, incel.

>> No.18729835

>downplay the Divinity of Christ
oy vey cool with the anti-semitism anon

>> No.18729883


>> No.18729886

I mean history didn't play out like that.

>> No.18729891

OP gets btfo in that thread though

>> No.18729908

Yahweh seems quite powerful. Miracles and so on that happen in his name are pretty impressive. That said the pajeets do the same thing and in the end Yahweh just strikes me as a superior being but not quite a creator God.

>> No.18729986 [DELETED] 

The thread isn't about OP <<though>>

>> No.18729990

The thread isn't about OP >>though<<