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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 270x360, PromoHP7_Harry_Potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18712943 No.18712943 [Reply] [Original]

Like real trash.

>> No.18712947

I am fond of it, it was a good part of my childhood

>> No.18712956

It's gotten me laid so many times though, bitches love to talk about it

>> No.18713098


God that's pathetic. Do something respectable like threatening to kill yourself or pua.

>> No.18713105

literally who?

>> No.18713158

Memes aside, it's a pretty good young adult series and a gateway to the rest of literature. Maybe it will make a comeback here after sufficient tranny seething at Rowling.

>> No.18713356
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>I am fond of it, it was a good part of my childhood
I did read it and dropped it at book 3.

Literally every book is this
1) Harry learns pointless bullshit in magic school that he hates.
2) This pointless bullshit is almost never relevant to the story
3) Harry needs to face some threat
4) Harry faints and someone or something else saves the day.

Here is some advice make the school shit relevant in the end not literally pointless shit that makes no sense whatsoever (a good magic system is hard to make however and the author is a hack).

Make Harry not be board out of his mind learning this shit, who in their right mind wants to read about kid being board with learning magic ? It like takes away all the fun in magic.

>> No.18713366
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>Memes aside, it's a pretty good young adult series and a gateway to the rest of literature.
Animorphs are better.

>> No.18713715

>this pic got censored
This world is fucking fucked m8

>> No.18713883

>I know, let's put every student who has even the slightest potential to be evil in the dark and dingy dungeon house where all their upper classmen are bitter blood purists with snake cultist parents, also since the rest of the school pretty much despises them they will have literally no one else to interact with but these snake cultists in training, we could easily just sort them into any other house so their chances of turning into bad guys significantly dropped thanks to positive role models and interactions with every other student but I really feel shoving them into the designated evil house is the best idea.
>What the fuck! Why does every Slytherin come out evil?
What the fuck is the point of Slytherin? Does the Wizarding World just NEED bad guys so it doesn't get bored so it just lets this dark wizard factory keep going unhindered?

>> No.18713886
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They are children's books, anon.

>> No.18713903
File: 283 KB, 1600x534, LOTR Narnia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an excuse.

>> No.18713905

>Here is some advice make the school shit relevant in the end not literally pointless shit that makes no sense whatsoever
But it is relevant. Often you will get things in later books. The books are interlinked and thoroughly thought through. I had the best aha moments reading HP as a kid.

>> No.18713909
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underrated post, massive kek

>> No.18713914

but read by adults, not an excuse

>> No.18713946


Actually, it is an excuse. Childrens/YA lit can be absolute dog shit but still have utility in teaching/entertaining and encouraging young people to read. Expecting books designed to get modern 10 year olds interested in books to also meet your approval you when you are 40 is /lit/ level brain worms.

>> No.18713954

yes, this is for brain worms, midwits and teenagers

>> No.18714025

Exactly there are better children books who are not total trash that can be summed up in
90% of the book literally irrelevant bullshit that contradicts itself that is pushed into
>wizards and magic is so quirky XD XD
the MC is board of it all and all of it serves no purpose whatsoever.

10% Some action.

HP is real trash.

>> No.18714032

>But it is relevant. Often you will get things in later books. The books are interlinked and thoroughly thought through.
Name any examples.
I wait.

>> No.18714043

>to get modern 10 year olds interested in books
See Animorphs your argument is invalid.

The reason HP is popular is because the MSM told parents
>It will get your kids reading books
>HP is super popular.

It was literally shilled so hard like nothing in the world.

>> No.18714143

The author doesn't understand that if you shout a spell, you are, like, asking some entity for help. Which makes magic a normative phenomenon, i.e. a moral question, i.e. proper conduct of behavior (where True Objective Morality need not be YOUR morality). Meaning, Voldemort did nothing wrong.

>> No.18714253


>> No.18714272

this thread was made by a troon LMAO.

>> No.18714314

>I know, let's put some kids in rundown ghettos where all their older peers are crack dealers in gangs with felonious gang leaders, also since the rest of society harbors racist ideas against them and actively discriminates against them, they will have literally no one else to interact with but these crack dealers in training, we could easily just provide a social safety net so their chances of turning into criminals significantly dropped thanks to positive role models and interactions with every other kid, and a robust jobs program, but I really feel shoving them into delapidated is the best idea.
>What the fuck! Why does every black kid become a criminal?

>> No.18714340
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>no one has posted the copypasta yet

You're slipping, /lit/.

>> No.18714410

I've never seen a series take magic and make it so boring.

>> No.18714440
File: 534 KB, 1609x2651, the life ruiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REALLY not an excuse.

>> No.18714516


>> No.18714530
File: 384 KB, 1750x2500, E7FD7B12-B92D-46E6-A4FC-31AFF3901810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18714552

>children book bad
take your pills, american

>> No.18714593

>all their upper classmen are bitter blood purists
And? Imagine how wizard pure-blood society works. You are essentially an aristocracy.
Considering that being a wizard, one is practically self-sufficient (cast Confundus on a muggle, and acquire food; teleport; hide in a pocket dimension under Fidelius; etc.), lots of what is happening in that society (bureaucracies, ministry, shops, etc.) are either a result of the author being dumb as fuck, or it hints (for suspension of disbelief's sake) that all this shit was fairly recent development.
Given that the aristocracy implies being educated persons who do not work (contemptible) and have lots of free time, they probably spend it on contemplation about virtue. And this implies proper conduct of behavior being a huge thing. Or in other words: essentially, honor (unlike liberal dignity, that belongs to every "individual", honor presupposes INequality - one can lose it, therefore some people do not have it).

Now, imagine that this population is invaded by muggleborn, i.e. by despicable retards who don't know these intricacies, cause much culture shock, and are probably the reason causing bureaucracy to grow and capitalist mentality to disintegrate customs. While "mudbloodness" isn't exactly a direct cause, there is a high correlation of having this trait with being the source of all problems.

>slightest potential to be evil
slightest potential to remain sane and not indoctrinated by neoliberalism?

>> No.18714595

After LOTR and before Harry Potter, what was lit's big thing?

>> No.18714611

Blood Meridian

>> No.18714630

No I mean massively popular. Was it Hitchhiker's Guide? Discworld?

>> No.18714704
File: 127 KB, 318x455, alanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mogs every other YA literature in the thread*

>> No.18715292

but that's a relatable part of life - going to school, being bored an unable to cope with situations when it really counts

>> No.18716140

i'm still astounded at how awful the writing quality was. it has to have the worst prose of anything i have ever read, like a sleep deprived wine-o with a brain fried from 10 hour a day office work scrawled it while half asleep. i wonder what the translators to other languages thought while parsing it. "this is what angloids read, this fucking trash?"

the bitch simply can't write. even eragon was superior in writing quality.

>> No.18716382

Unironically id love to read slytherin apologist fiction

>> No.18716394
File: 17 KB, 252x252, 1610184848493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, though, as much as we all agree Harry Potter was shit, we can't deny: it sold a fuckton. An entire generation made reading the books, and watching the movies they were based on, a defining feature of their lives. Why? If they're so shit, what drew people in anyway?

>> No.18716398

every negative post about the book is made by some troon angry at Rowling for being a gender critical radical feminist

>> No.18716956

I never read it as a kid as I was more a Chronicles of Narnia/Lord of the Rings kid. But the more I hear about it, it feels like the most creatively bankrupt shit ever. It's almost as if the author went out of her way to do the least interesting series of events she could do with the setting she created.

>> No.18717384

>Why? If they're so shit, what drew people in anyway?
Wretched self-complacency and imitation of wisdom.
The book either says nothing that defies common expectation ("eugenics bad, love good!"), or throws in some vague wacky shit that is supposed to look smart ("Hurr durr, death is another adventure, Harry!")
Also, easiness of identification of dumb reader cattle with a dumb dependent moron.

>as much as we all agree Harry Potter was shit, we can't deny: it sold a fuckton
High-brow literature is supposed to hurt and permanently scar. You won't sell it much, the cattle wouldn't appreciate such a treatment.
Commercial shit, on the contrary, is supposed to be sold well. Hence, it's literary merit is zero.

>> No.18717426
File: 650 KB, 1165x768, Procrastitara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JK Rowling was a hobo who didn't know how to write and it shows when it all reads like a first draft by somebody who didn't have any beta readers, editors, or proofreaders to help improve it.

>> No.18717542

Lack of moral ambiguity. Antagonists are bad, because they are bad, mkay?
Lack of any meaningful message. Protagonist doesn't resolve any societal problems, that spawn Death Eaters with Dark Lords. He is just a passive imbecile, whose end-goal is merely to live the rest of his life as a forgettable nobody.
Imbecilic shallow premises. The rants about the power of Love, and shit.
Lack of erudition about actual occultism. The characters behave as if magic is merely about saying gibberish words with a wand.

>> No.18717762

This. The movies are comfy and fun to watch. Why is that trash? They have their own use.

>> No.18717781

It's not trash, it's just not for Men

>> No.18717800

>it's just not for Men

>> No.18718867

>it's a pretty good young adult series
"Hobbit" is a pretty good book for young adults. Touching such themes as honor culture, tribal germanic blood feud, culture shock and capitalism (Smaug as allegory of a Bezos-type CEO who hoards shitton of wealth for the sake of just having it)

"Harry Potter" is just shit, that tries to fiddle with some conveyed message, but does it in a very crude and artless "hurr durr" manner.

>> No.18718896

Get out of your arrested development phase, manchild.

>> No.18719297

i not care

>> No.18719330

Book bullshit, I didn't like it. I can only hope better. It is for me crap shit made retarded. Bad book!

>> No.18719422

>High-brow literature is supposed to hurt and permanently scar. You won't sell it much, the cattle wouldn't appreciate such a treatment.
The Bible has sold more than any other book.

>> No.18719579

Most people don't actually read it.

>> No.18719624

Your definition of "most" must differ from "majority of the people". ("People" referring to human beings)

>> No.18719707
File: 845 KB, 1904x2100, troons threaten to rape terfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only troons can criticise my faborite buuk!

>> No.18719734

>Canaanites being wiped out by Yahweh good, Hitler bad
No, people probably either just skim the text through, or are too retarded to comprehend what is written.

>> No.18719744
File: 104 KB, 1080x1294, 1616867908046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raccoons love trash.