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/lit/ - Literature

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18714798 No.18714798 [Reply] [Original]

Stack thread

>> No.18714820
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i feel funny

>> No.18714826

what is the valley of assassins, sounds cool

>> No.18714830

You're going to need that firearm after you've read that tripe.

>> No.18714836

think youre too cool for jung huh?

>> No.18714865
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Partway through most of these. I've been bad about reading consistently lately, but I'm getting back into it.

>> No.18714879

don't bother, you have no potential

>> No.18714882

The adventures of freya stark an explorer in luristan. Amazing experience so far her style makes you feel like your sitting with her on the carpets of the many groups she interacts with. You'll encounter alot of different groups with vying interests while learning some the history of the region.

>> No.18714885
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I've been reading our favorite author's The Pale King for the last few days and I really like it. Should finish it tomorrow (God willing) and start Jacques the Fatalist. I ordered 2666 and will be reading that after Jacques. Then Bernanos' Diary of a Country Priest. I've also been reading Jung's The Red Book at night, and making my way through Meditations on the Tarot. I also go through some verses of the Bible once in a while (KJV 1611 He), as well as singing some of Blake's poems (Such, such are the joys!)

>> No.18714893

Damn bro you sound super cool. Post your stack, since you got filtered by mine.

>> No.18714900

>all translations
dude, if you love germans so much just learn germans

>> No.18714901
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I'm only reading the top two currently. I want to read the rest.

>> No.18714906

ich am faggot

>> No.18714913

Then German is the perfect language for you, anon!

>> No.18714914

aussir cunt

>> No.18714919


>> No.18714935
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>> No.18714939


>> No.18714963
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Got these ones recently
>Paper-dumplings - Studies on the Translation of Greek and Latin classics
>The Classics in Hungarian
These are actually really fucking good. I read the essays concerning Homer (there was one in each volume, the first one dealing with the period from the middle ages until the 19th century and then the other one had an essay on the 20th century. Both by the same author, but for some reason they're completely separate with no indication that the other exists. These two would actually make quite a good little book on the topic if they were published together in a stand-alone volume. I've been looking for this kind of information for a while but I'm satisfied now. There's also a few more essays I'm interested in reading, but I got them mainly because of the essays on Hungarian Homer translations.)
>Dual Aspects - Translation-theory writings from Saint Jerome to the 20th century
It's a volume from the same series. I found it on a university reading list for a class and immediately knew that I struck gold with this thing. Seems like a very good starting point and I'm going to start reading it tomorrow.
>Sándor Márai - The Confessions of a Burgher
I want to read more Márai. That's it.
>An anthology of futurist writings
Just to fix up my knowledge on futurism a bit. I read the Futurist manifesto like a year ago and I found it exciting, so I'm trying to get a bit more acquainted with the movement.

I'm coming across so many exciting works, it's great, but it's also saddening, because it feels like I'm kinda descending into consumerism in a sense, even if these aren't necessarily mainstream books.

Cool guns.
I've found Watamote to be weird, but more on the enjoyable side. Nice meme.

>> No.18714990

Bro are you me?
I just picked up that jung book yesterday!

>> No.18715005
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>> No.18715017
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oh hi

>> No.18715019

>David McCullough


>> No.18715028

that one was actually a gift from my grandmother, believe it or not

>> No.18715036


>this many biographies


>> No.18715041

I am a biochem major, this is just for fun

>> No.18715044

Nah he's gonna make it. Reading histories and biographies will forever be more beneficial than reading philosophy.
>Source: my ass pfffffrt

>> No.18715058

>hard sciences major


>> No.18715074

Also for the person who wanted my thoughts on the Louis XIV bio, don't get it. The vast majority of the book is about his mistresses and court intrigue. He mentions how the Dauphin was mindbroken like 50 or so times and how his granddaughter-in-law was a hot slut every time she comes up, but never anything pertaining to his wars. The only foreign relations he covers in depth is his grandson Charles V and the war of the spanish succession. The only good part of the book is the direct quotes from him and a few advisors. I would again recommend that you get a different one.

>> No.18715116

How's the Chernow?

>> No.18715135

I haven't read it yet. I am currently reading Armed Struggle: The History of the IRA, then I am going to read the Spanish Civil War, then I will go back to Washington hopefully as the last book before college. The other half of the stack will probably have to wait for winter, except small ones like Mithridates VI. I also just ordered one on the creation of Israel.

>> No.18715143

What's wrong with properly researched biographies?

>> No.18715146

There's nothing wrong with biographies, but they shouldn't make up most of or all your reading.

>> No.18715150
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Here is what I have read of my stack so far, excluding the 4 mentioned in my last post.
What has become clear is that the author of the bio is less intelligent than the subject, so if the subject has letters of their own, those should be read instead. The best parts of most of these are the direct quotes.

>> No.18715156

Also I just realized that I have only American bios left to read, I guess my country isn't that interesting to me since I picked around them

>> No.18715160


>> No.18715161

Truman was a moron otherwise I agree.

>> No.18715165

Truman was one of our last good Presidents, actually.

>> No.18715177

How old are you?

>> No.18715182 [DELETED] 


>> No.18715185 [DELETED] 

What edition of Thus Spoke Zarathustra is that?

>> No.18715188


>> No.18715211

fuck off

>> No.18715235


>> No.18715237
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im a still new to reading philosophy but I have been enjoying this introduction to Kant, the mindsight book is helpful too.

>> No.18715252

start with the greeks

>> No.18715276 [DELETED] 

Start with Plato and the Stoics

>> No.18715297

i will after this Kant Introduction it's pretty small, He is fascinating so far! Or at least this author's interpretation of his works. I've been reading pretty much straight fiction for the past couple years so I need to read more non-fiction. Also I need recommendations for Poetry I'm still new to that as well.

>> No.18715299
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Anyone else?

Got a shabby mass market copy of Arrowsmith for $0.50. Found a VG h/c of Complete Poems and Plays of TS Eliot for a dime a couple weeks ago. They're hit and miss as expected

>> No.18715316

that complete poems and plays of T.S Eliot sounds like a steal, send that my way when you're done I love the lost generation.

>> No.18715321

>recommendations for Poetry
the iliad

>> No.18715329
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>> No.18715375

its translated by walter kaufmann

>> No.18715390

followed ofc by Odyssey, Works and Days, Theogony, then change it up with, iunno, some plays or something, possibly Aeschylus and/or Sophocles, right?

>> No.18715399

>Helter Skelter
Read Chaos.

>> No.18715445

I admit I'm unfamiliar with Eliot's work, though this will offer a very thorough introduction, no doubt

>> No.18715447

hell yeah dude

>> No.18715582 [DELETED] 

I'm interested in book itself; what edition is it? I know its penguin classics, but it doesn't look like any of the editions I've seen before.

>> No.18715588


>> No.18715618

Cultured /k/ommandos are cool. At least they're not retarded fudds who don't understand the political landscape of this century

>> No.18715634

>Cultured /k/ommandos are cool

>> No.18715656

Fucking based

>> No.18715660

stfu brainwashed state slave.

>> No.18715684

Please, do go on.

>> No.18715911

Bottom is kinda cringe but otherwise looks good.

>> No.18715915

Watamote got shit after she got a harem
is what every Redditor says in response to this. She developed in the 2nd year before the haremshit and after she was a total autist but gotta appeal to the coomers who will pay money I guess.

>> No.18715941
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I feel pushed to commit random acts of terrorism with motives and targets incomprehensible to myself.

>> No.18716019
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>> No.18716045
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The Lighting and the Sun abridged..

>> No.18716110

Why only female authors? Deliberate?

>> No.18716160
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>Stack thread

>> No.18716177

Red Scare listener?

>> No.18716248
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Got the bottom two when I visited Sidney, BC a few days ago, the rest are my normal stack.

>> No.18716293

Not abridged

>> No.18716322
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I've been reading through this stack for about the last month. Just finished reading Lolita yesterday, and now I'm moving on to the top 4.

>> No.18716396
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Should I have bought this many books at the same time? No, probably not but I'm only 5-10 books away from getting everything I really want.

Currently going back and forth with my Hart Crane and T.S. Eliot Collections, after I get through 30-50 pages of Crane's opaque prose I'm getting through my first reading of the bible.

Not sure if that collection has it but try to read Schopenhauer's thesis(Fourfold root). I don't read much philosophy but it was written very well and is essential a rundown of his philosophical foundation(basically Kant) and mentions lots about his world view. In the introduction to WaWaR he constantly reminds the reader to read his thesis as he is only building upon it in that book
broke my next reading this but I fairly enjoy history and have hopes of getting into Roman History or something of the likes that will interest me, do you have any recommendations?
How easy is getting into Dick? Only read necromancer and enjoyed it a fair bit but was confused in some parts. I have a copy of Androids Dream of Sleep
Never knew Hundred Years was that thick. Is the Hitler book good?

>> No.18716447

I haven't read the Hitler book yet - I think I'll read it after 100 years. I'll make a post about it after I'm finished with it though

>> No.18716570
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Currently learning as much as I can in terms of leadership & management. Any book recommendations in this area.

Also I'm enjoying the philosophies of pre-Socratic thinkers

>> No.18716575
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Just picture The Dice Man next to these, I read it on my phone

>> No.18716593
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This is what I plan to finish before 2022.

>> No.18717199

Nothing but tombs. Based

>> No.18717244

Midwit survey of the Trivium. Pass.
Collective unconscious woo and consoomer-grade Nietzsche + Schopie. Pass.
Hitchens. Midwit atheist. Pass.
Christcuck bullshit. Pass.
Infantile LARP gunz & anime. Pass.
Retard ESL. Pass.
Fixated on other people's lives. Pass.
Stormfaggotry Might is Right. Pass.
More living vicariously through others. Pass.
Brainlet lit. Pass.
RAW acid-head garbage that isn't even funny. Pass.
Larpagan stormfaggotry. Pass.
Lo/lit/a incel stack. Pass.
IKEA-coffee-table book steals. Pass.
Random shit from a yard sale. Pass.
IQlet fixation on average racial IQs. Pass.

>> No.18717266

I enjoyed that presocratics book a lot too but from what I've heard its not too indepth so you should definitely check out other presocratic collections/individual volumes. They are geniunely comfy to read about and yet are still somewhat complex. That book is for people looking to get a quick overview before hopping into Plato which by all means you can do but I really enjoy Parmenides and Heraclitus in full.

>> No.18717353

How do you stack your books and how do you take care of them properly while cleaning them?

>> No.18717368

Post stack

>> No.18717391

I read newspapers, nerd.

>> No.18717412

>Reading the news
You’re mentally ill.

>> No.18717413

Living vicariously through others eh

>> No.18717561

Don't be salty and vindictive just because I gave your pseud stacks a pass.

>> No.18717658

Dude I’m not the one thinking he’s superior because of reading the fucking papers.

>> No.18717670

Which pseud stack was yours, btw? I'll try to find something nice to say about it if it makes you feel better.

>> No.18717693

Post papers

>> No.18717733

I don’t need the compliment of a brainlet who follows the news

>> No.18717842

Just dip in. Lots of high-IQ treats for when you're ready to operate at my level.
It sounds as if you do need some healing compliments, mate.

>> No.18717907

Post your stack anon. You want to play this game? Why flee like a scoundrel when its your turn at bat?

>> No.18717930

>Just dip in. Lots of high-IQ treats for when you're ready to operate at my level
Retard comes to a literature forum yet reads nothing more than the news. Pass.

>> No.18717933

Hey! I'm that anon who asked you about the Louis XIV biography. Have you finished it? I didn't see your review of it.

>> No.18717951

Not that guy, but see this
>Also for the person who wanted my thoughts on the Louis XIV bio, don't get it. The vast majority of the book is about his mistresses and court intrigue. He mentions how the Dauphin was mindbroken like 50 or so times and how his granddaughter-in-law was a hot slut every time she comes up, but never anything pertaining to his wars. The only foreign relations he covers in depth is his grandson Charles V and the war of the spanish succession. The only good part of the book is the direct quotes from him and a few advisors. I would again recommend that you get a different one.

>> No.18717968

Still salty and vindictive, eh?

>> No.18717994

Regarding the thread, I'm reading The concept of the political, Carl Schmitt and History of China, Stephen G Haw.
Thank you, I'll have to search for another edition.
And thank you too, I didn't see it.

>> No.18718024
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No uni now so I can finally peacefully read some more scientific books

>> No.18718069

That edition of Imperium looks great

>> No.18718092

I don't buy books, I pirate them, and even less physical books

>> No.18718103

what in the based

>> No.18718140

Do you know or read french or only english?

>> No.18718202

i went on vacation this past week and these are the books i read:

ubik, phillip k dick
machines in the head, anna kavan
winterlong, elizabeth hand
snow crash, neal stephenson
akira, katsuhiro otoma (comic book)

i only read flying/at the airport, and in the pool/at the beach, but i go through all of them except snow crash, i still have to finish that one

>> No.18718240

Yeah they published these kind of books with amazing covers and always add some extra things. This version has a great foreword by Kerry Bolton who also wrote yockeys biography and a review in the end from Evola. They don't publish anymore unfortunately so it took me a long time of searching to get this at a reasonable price

>> No.18718327


>Hitchens. Midwit atheist. Pass.

This isn't even one of his books on religion, and I'm not even an atheist. Retard.

>> No.18718334


>He thinks that newspapers are literature


>> No.18718349

Yeah I have Serrano's Golden Thread and Stoddard's Revolt Against Civilization by them, the quality is excellent. Shame they're no longer around.

>> No.18718504

>Stripboek Zonder

>> No.18718624
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These arrived this week

>> No.18718696

What the heck is Hermetisicm

>> No.18718806
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>> No.18718824

The teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, a wise old pagan prophet

>> No.18718863

>Making Yugoslavs
>The Victorian Economy
I don't know why you pseuds read these fucking random, zero-utility books like some jeans-up-to-his-nipples sperg reading numbers on trains. Pass.
Ah yes, academic tarot writing, continuing the hallowed tradition of boring windbags like Waite and Crowley. Pass.

>> No.18718872

Finally some good fucking literature (except the IQlet book at the bottom). Accept.

>> No.18718940

Nobody cares papertard. Go read CNN articles.

>> No.18718963

Recognize the symptoms:

>> No.18719076

reading the ligotti and teddy books right now, i'm honestly a bit disappointed in the ligotti one. its good at making you feel depressed but is philosophically on soft ground.

>> No.18719208
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His name is Trismegistos
Fucking anglos, stopping fucking up names. Why you're doing this?!

Ah and btw, it's called Aristoteles and not Aristotle. And Platon and not Plato. I fucking hate you burgers.

>> No.18719433

Ever heard of Latinization

>> No.18719455


>> No.18719586

>I don't know why you pseuds read these fucking random, zero-utility books
Because some people actually have interests and thoughts.
I read making Yugoslavs because I knew nothing about that area and always had an interest in how pan-nationalism works
And I just like the victorian area and have been in a period where I try to understand the economy more.
acting like the only things useful and worth reading are philosophy and some great literature is more pseud than anything.
Not being able to gain anything from these kinds of books just means you are retarded

>> No.18719649

It doesn't make it better that you named that shitty practice

>> No.18720098

I'm portuguese, read in English alot and I can manage with french (although not perfectly like in English)

>> No.18720116

Sure, but it's not just English

>> No.18720146


>> No.18720385

ok midwit

>> No.18721384

weak hand

>> No.18722862 [DELETED] 


>> No.18722882

>>Helter Skelter
>Read Chaos.
I second this. Read Chaos.

>> No.18723028

you won't read these
lol teenage Chomskyite
read Bronte, bin the rest
Beasts, Men and Gods is a fun read
not lit
read Dosty, bin the rest
meme crap
not lit
read Shakespeare and Augustine, bin the rest
read Virgil and Milton, bin the rest
read Rabelais
bin Hume, Bell Curve is a waste of time, the rest are fine to great
read Conrad, bin the rest
meme crap

>> No.18723104
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>> No.18723178

Nobody cares retard.

Fuck off.

>> No.18723183

Blah, blah, blah.
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you've even read them, quite frankly. I know that a lot of you pseuds on this board try to carve out your own niche with random-looking books that other posters are unlikely to have read. What makes random-looking books such a potent tool in the pseud's kit is the implication that he's read the standard-fare books and is now positioning himself as a more ''''''''''nuanced'''''''''', more '''''''''''erudite'''''''' connoisseur of literary tastes.

>> No.18723403

QRD on "catatan" and "Madilog"?

>> No.18723420

i unironically didn't know whether yotsuba was supposed to be a boy or girl the first couple of pages into the manga due to her speaking like a boy and behaving like a retard.

>> No.18723435

I'm still haven't reading any of them but I can give you a quick run down of the book
Madilog or Materialism, Dialectics, and Logicis a book create by one of Indonesia revolution war. In the book he say that Indonesia need to leave the "Logical Mistik" (mystical logic) and need to learn of philosophy and science. Where Madilog--mostly following the materialistic-dialectical concept of Fredrich Engels--is completely free from Marxism-Leninism books which demand absolute obedience to the Communist Party.
>Catatan Seorang Demonstran
Catatan Seorang Demonstran is a collective of diary and a writing in newspaper one of young indonesia activists, soe hok gie

>> No.18723443
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These could kill me.

>> No.18723538

Uh, interesting. Are they in German or Indonesian?

>> No.18723566


>> No.18723666
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I'm more disappointed with Ted. In poetic irony he's hampered by not having a computer and knowing his way around the internet. He excuses himself being limited to a prison library and trying to make surface level arguments on purpose, but it really is too surface level. Anyone interested in reading his books has already come to the same conclusions and has the same questions.
The meat worth writing about is what the fuck we're going to do about it. And there, Ted confesses he's old and afraid he'll die soon so he'll have to publish a bunch of notes and letter excerpts instead of a finished product.

It seems like a common theme in deep ecology. Everyone's too scared about the conclusions so they pussyfoot around giving affirmative answers.

>> No.18723677

Is indonesian some kind of mutt language? Why can I understand half the words?

>> No.18723725

yeah, it's a mix of Dutch, Portuguese, Arabic ,Malay, Javanese, and some of Indonesia local language

>> No.18723854

There was an Anon that had a huge stack of books on the verge of failing on top of his Bed.

>> No.18723939

Anyone of you guys read László Krasznahorkai? I would like to read a Hungarian author for once but don't know where to start. Also I read that his newer works are very different to his early works, so I guess I should start with his old stuff?

>> No.18724092

That's because it's quite impossible, and everyone is well aware of that fact.

Anyone who really thinks technology can be stopped is as delusional as someone who thinks religion shall make a comeback, or that a single political state can persist forever. All things change. Technology is the manifestation of that change.

The only actual 'solution' to the technology question is apathy and acceptance. Enjoy the ride; it's one way.

>> No.18724245
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religion is making a comeback. The necessary traits for a religious sect are; a belief system, a moral social encirclement, and a practice of those beliefs. All of which can be seen in the face of those that believe at face value, and i know it may seem contrary, of what "Science Says."
As for the single political state, that is precisely what globalism seeks which is what we are tended towards.
Technology or technicism is a manifestation of calculable determinism towards progression, although itself isn't necessarily deterministic. In other words, it doesn't go this or that way, but its motor capabilities do not halt-Can not halt.

>> No.18724246
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>> No.18724435

Szia Hungary Anon, maybe you can help me with my question >>18723939
Didn't want to create a own thread for that

>> No.18724440

>bin Hume, Bell Curve is a waste of time, the rest are fine to great
I've heard that about the Bell Curve, but I found that signed copy going for the price of the regular hardback on Amazon, so I figured I would pick it up. I got the Hume book for like a dollar. What's your issue with him?

>> No.18724448

>bell curve is a waste of time

>> No.18724465

I would literally take a mallet to your skull irl, not because you piss me off but because the gene pool doesn't deserve to be tainted with the faggot swill you call your genetics.

>> No.18724497

I don't think you'd be giving him this much flak if he wasn't flying right over the target.

>> No.18724514

>zero-utility books
We need to classify this as a new mutation of bugman never yet seen before

>> No.18724720

'Religion' is making a 'comeback'. Religion has been dead to the word writ-large since the Pope ceased to have any genuine commanding influence on Europe. What we have now are various garbs, worn and discarded at will, so as to spice up one's life.

The ability for globalisation TO create and, to an extent, maintain, a single homogeneous polity is a showcase of the strength which those forces yield—through and enabled by technology; it's another reason for fear, not hope.

Technology progresses to a logical endpoint, characterised by the rules governing the universe—whatever they may be. This force governs and places demands on humans as equally as the technology those humans produce.

>> No.18724748
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I've read Lolita and I'm about to finish The Idiot. Kind of disappointed to be honest. The first part was so good.. ):

>> No.18724794

You are misinterpreting religion to suit your modalities. One cannot argue with what I have just said is anything but religion. It is faith-a belief, it is a social congruence, and it is the practice of social congruity in faith of what is to be believed. Just because it doesn't follow a doctrine of one or more practices doesn't make it not religion.
You stated that a single political state can't last forever. I then pointed out the obvious contrary to that statement in the actuality of globalism.
I'm not sure of the endpoint insofar as technology is concerned only of what concerns our species, that is specifically the replacement of what makes humanity human into a Singular being, or a hivemind without individuality aside from the technocrats, who are themselves a hivemind by maintaining the same ideology and with it, the same identity, with the exception of being at the control scheme of the direction technology treads.

>> No.18724997

Any religion that has beliefs that extend beyond the individuals own mind, by definition, has an aim beyond any kind of personal salvation. The aim of the religion then is the same as all social identities: the exertion of power. Religion, as a means to MEANINGFULLY exert power, is utterly outdated. And no, Islam, as a religion only in use in 3rd world shit-holes, is not a powerful religion. Religion, as influencing the world, is dead. Religion is influencing the world. Religion is, ergo, dead.

The most enduring type of polity yet known is Egyptian styled god-king monarchy. This was however only in existence during of time of little to no technological (or indeed any) change. This is quite different from the ability to maintain, through advanced technology, a modern society that develops and innovates as fast as ours does. The fact that modern globalism is capable of such, despite that incredible strains it is put under by progression, is staggering.

It's impossible for a higher caste to control and direct any 'singleton' that might arise. Caste systems exist under NO varying societal or technological changes; Indian culture maintained itself because the Higher caste were necessarily merely forms of the lower—the labouring, yet indispensable classes. This is different from the modern technocratic state. Technocrats need people to rule; they are themselves people. Any sufficiently advanced technology capable of doing away with the entirety of the non-elite classes is equally capable of existing without those very same elites. Any techno-caste slavery will be, if it ever exists (and I confess, I'm a doubter), shall be brief, very brief. There simply isn't enough time left to genuinely try to settle some Orwellian dystopia.

>> No.18725196
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If religious elements or that which defines religion exists within a sect, religious elements exist within that sect, but it is not to be considered a religion(?) Maybe my view is distorted from the quasi-means that have pervaded Religion, such as Propganda that have propelled religious elements to the forefront of movements for political ends.
Did you know back in 2019, Blackrock-the corporation (more like shadow bank) that owns Wallstreet was given to it the Treasury of the United States (as if it wasn't always the case)? https://archive.is/rqIop We have lived under a techno-caste slavery, albeit relatively short with respect to time, since the inceptions of central banks. Perhaps their reign will not be long-lasting and they will succumb to the potentiality of technology as suggested.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FM4Fu2ujDE for pic related source

>> No.18726154

Im planning to get a quick overview of what there is, and then follow through with thinkers that I am more interested in

>> No.18726268
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We gat postin'?

>> No.18726315

Holy based

>> No.18726346

Your parents let you play with BB guns? Nice

>> No.18726356


Recently read the time machine did it, it was pretty cool.

>> No.18726371
File: 135 KB, 1024x696, B83F97EA-2817-4B6E-B9C2-22B8EB036512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I’m currently reading

>> No.18726388

Unironically no. I didn't get my first BB gun until my uncle got me one.

Many tree rats fell by my Crosman.

>> No.18726411

Haven't read any of his major works like Sátántangó, only his travel account of China and his book "A Mountain to the North, a Lake to the South, Paths to the West, a River to the East", which I liked very much and I'd recommend. Haven't been keeping up with his stylistic changes, but I don't think there'd be anything wrong with just simply opening Sátántangó and seeing if it's up your alley or not, since it was his first novel afaik.

But personally I think he's a writer that requires a special mood and mindset to be read properly, otherwise you just get bogged down in the long sentences that probably flow worse in English because of the repetitions caused by the more isolating grammar compared to the agglutinative language it was written in originally.

TL:DR I can't really help you, try reading him yourself.

>> No.18726459

I will never get Americans. This is not to do with the guns themselves, btw.
Looks very nice anon

>> No.18726509

Thanks, I appreciate it.
I will see if it's for me.
I've never read a Hungarian author before, so I'm curious

>> No.18726555


>> No.18726689

lol, but, jokes aside, freedom doesn't, won't and cannot exist.

>> No.18726763

shoot yourself in the head pls

>> No.18726798

Based Hitchens

>> No.18726925

>Anyone who really thinks technology can be stopped is as delusional
The periods of stagnation far outweigh the periods of rapid change. The last 200 years is an absurd outlier. It should tell you something life went on with no significant changes for millions and then hundreds of thousands of years. There's a good chance the people before us who had nothing but stone tools will end up having survived longer than we do with technology.
>The only actual 'solution' to the technology question is apathy and acceptance.
Apathetic surrender is clearly the solution you've chosen. Presumably in most areas of life.

>> No.18726932

How is it possible to publish this much garbage? Do the authors write for free?

>> No.18727113

Murica begs to differ. Its existence proves it. We have the most freedom in the world. FREEEDOM HELL YEAH BROTHERS.

>> No.18727122

>read Conrad
Already finished it
Quite thrash.

>> No.18727518
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ironic or not, owning a gadsden flag is pure cringe

>> No.18727591

Have you read Beasts Men and Gods? I was going to buy it

>> No.18727614

Well ironic or not, saying and the word cringe is pretty cringe.

>> No.18727619

and using*

>> No.18727666

no (you)

>> No.18727675

If all world governments or social structures collapsed tomorrow, we would still be slaves to our instincts and assumptions. None are free.

>> No.18727688
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Mix of poplit and regular stuff

>> No.18728539
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>> No.18728741

>Robert Service isn't /lit/
Sorry fren but I must respectfully and yet strongly disagree.

>> No.18728746

Cool slime bro.

>> No.18728752
File: 883 KB, 2477x1394, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this stack about a week ago. Mouchette was about 20 bucks but everything else was 50 cents to two dollars.

>> No.18728806

Where can you buy books that cheap?

>> No.18728847
File: 64 KB, 519x640, 213743262_342838530797816_2377269751604948781_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

garage sales, second hand stores community book sales git good

>> No.18728869

thanks anon

>> No.18728934

What edition of Dante is that?

>> No.18729548

Thanks lol.

>> No.18729926
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Heritage Press 1944 edition. There are a few on abebooks for ~$15. I’m not lucky enough to find my interests for 0.50¢ at a yardsale

>> No.18729975

Dangerously based

>> No.18730517
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today is my birthday :)

>> No.18730536


>> No.18730707


>> No.18730783
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This isn't really my intended stack but I guess it is since it is a stack. I just read from one of these intermittently when I don't have a book that I'm reading cover-to-cover.

>> No.18731829
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>> No.18732378

B-based anon?

>> No.18732399


>> No.18732453
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I think you meant chads. Tanks anon. Anyway what is your favorite books by Savitri Devi? And I know she is greatest woman to ever live.

>> No.18732475

You not MURICAN anon. We free like the biggest freedomer ever here. HELL YEAH BROTHERS

>> No.18732588

I'm reading:
Critique of Pure Reason
Ages of American Capitalism
Bakemonogatari vol 2

>> No.18732626

what do you mean? i assume you haven't read any compton-burnett if you are using the word correctly desu
if this means "happy birthday dude" or something similar, thanks!
if not i'm curious what it does mean

>> No.18732828

I enjoy her memoirs about her time in occupied Germany. I'm glad C-C is restarting the Devi archive project.

>> No.18732990

uh oh u just used it bro!!!!!!!!!! cr- NOT BASED!!

>> No.18733010
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happy birthday fren :)

>> No.18733148

>lol teenage Chomskyite
>not a single Chomsky book in the stack


>> No.18733700
File: 393 KB, 2449x1632, SAM_5591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff i bought this month.

>> No.18733977

>Natural magick
What caught your attention on that book?

>> No.18734703

>Looks very nice anon
They’re all great so far, and thank you

>> No.18734725

This was the best thing to come out of your post.

>> No.18735842

Holy Based and breadpilled

>> No.18736492

I kneel

>> No.18736600

Different anon here. You should just read the 2 enquiries instead. Hume pretty much disowned the treatise.

>> No.18737016

Only because no one cared about it; if they'd fellated him in the papers over it he would never have written anything else.

>> No.18737030

I've thought about learning it. Is it worth it?

>> No.18738402

>Sabbatai Zevi
What's kind of book is he? He was quite the character