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File: 281 KB, 1831x1592, 1627108134608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18711045 No.18711045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books with loser protagonists?

>> No.18711059

Crime and Punishment
Metamorphosis (or whatever Die Verwandlung is called in English)
Die Leiden des jungen Werther

>> No.18711065

Was Raskolnikov really a loser? He was handsome, intelligent and had friends. He seemed more troubled than anything.

>> No.18711076

just imagine him irl.
>some guy spoke about a just murder, maybe I should just whack a woman to gain absolutely nothing
>lives in the smallest imaginable room
>is unable to act unsuspiciously
>gets easily fucked with by interrogation techniques

>> No.18711090

Except for the first part, that sounds normal.

>> No.18711098

Yes. He is handsome, intelligent, and has friends, and is a complete and utter loser. How? He ignores all his good qualities and murders an old woman to steal her money. The landlady's maid was right to laugh when Raskolnikov said he didn't do nothing all day, because he "thinks". Loser.

>> No.18711103

one cannot be handsome and be a loser. that's not how it works sweetie

>> No.18711112

nah, that's not true

>> No.18711119

Handsome guys will never be called loser. At worst they'll get "unusual" or "troubled" but never loser, unless they're absolute degenerates and even then they're given concessions, especially by women. If you're average or ugly, people practically go looking for reasons to call you a loser.

>> No.18711127

cope harder

>> No.18711135

im handsome and a loser. loser status is dictated by mentality not by appearance.

>> No.18711143

bro the guy walks around the streets of st petersburg muttering to himself. he wears clothing that is ragged and soiled. he sleeps on a worn couch beneath a jacket in a tiny apartment he pays no rent for. his family think he's studying; his books have a thick layer of dust on them. he lays on his bed all day staring at the wall or at the back of his couch. he can barely mutter a word of thanks to razumikhin, who goes out of his way to buy him new clothes. raskolnikov is rude, sullen, and arrogant. he walks around believing he's napoleon. he's a murderer, which is no better than street scum.

>> No.18711149

>he wears clothing that is ragged and soiled. he sleeps on a worn couch beneath a jacket in a tiny apartment he pays no rent for. his family think he's studying; his books have a thick layer of dust on them.
>is rude, sullen, and arrogant
wow he's literally me!

>> No.18711159

yea, a loser

>> No.18711167

This pic is hylic cope.

>> No.18711170

nah you're hylic cope

>> No.18711172

Nigga it's not the interrogation techniques that get to him. The opportunity for him to walk away scot free is very clearly given to him at the end, its his own internal monologue that he refuses to accept for most of the book to uphold his own nihilism that makes him turn himself in.

>> No.18711179

have sex nigguh

>> No.18711187
File: 302 KB, 1831x1592, 1627122353008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im actually fine. Happy person and optomistic about life. Always was more of a loner and sex drive was never super high. Not really obsessed with sex. If it comes it comes

>> No.18711191

>tfw I check 7 boxes and am still admired by everyone

>> No.18711198

>akshually I'm not a neet incel freak but enlighted hermit monk
Lift, shower, fuck

>> No.18711217

he didn’t had any friends, he was an outcast university dropout living on a dirty couch in a tiny room spending his days and nights walking around the city talking to himself
Complete loser and the 19th century OG Doomer

>> No.18711224

I have
>Lift, shower
I do
Not anymore, I don't like sex
Cope harder, hylic

Pics like that are meant to demoralize you and turn you into a good goy hedonist. I hope you don't fall for it

>> No.18711231

What kind of person would spend their time figuring out how to divide the world into "winners" and "losers" so they can include themselves in the former or latter category? Are you people still in high school?

>> No.18711234
File: 539 KB, 1639x1323, 1565142311806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like sex

>> No.18711236

Notice how all the checkboxes in the pic are about being a good goy slave
>not interested in casual sex? loser
>not interested in wagecucking? loser
>cars are useful, yes
>don't fit in? loser
>your sole interests shouldn't be consuming media, that part is true
>don't fit in? loser
>good goy listen to (((psychiatrists)))
>this one is true you shouldn't jack off
>don't fit in? loser
It is a demoralization effort. Now watch the glowies and golems seethe at my post
Cope hylic

>> No.18711250

Being a "winner" in this clown society is the sign of a very ill mind

>> No.18711251

It's an american thing

>> No.18711265

that image is just weird and cringe, why the fuck is it so aggressive lmao.

>> No.18711273

wtf this is literally me except im chinese so atleast i won one lottery i guess hahaha

>> No.18711277

loser detected

>> No.18711279

>no job and no desire to work
Working is for losers, and it should be clear as day. If it was worth doing, they wouldn't have to bribe you to do it. Work is the institutionalized equivalent of getting the loser kid to eat a nasty ass dung beetle for a dollar. Even """meaningful""" jobs are chock-full of incredibly loser-like activities, such as writing emails, speaking on the phone and participating in meetings.

The only way to win with work is to do it so well that you'll never have to work again. I sold my crypto portfolio a week or so before the peak earlier this year, and if I live frugally, I will never have to work again.

That was the point all along - I worked for financial independence and attained it, because working is for the most abject losers there are. Imagine having one shot at consciousness, being granted this unspeakably beautiful gift, and using it to work making dollars for your boss. How unutterably cucked, unbelievable.

>> No.18711284
File: 377 KB, 1185x828, 1601464848040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wagies are pathetic

>> No.18711292

bro im only checking the car box, did you make the chart? why the fuck would anyone choose that edgy font lol

>> No.18711315

These are normal, average-looking people.

>> No.18711322

You think itll ever get to 60k+ ever again?

>> No.18711330

Yes. It went back past 1k, it went back past 20k, will go back past 60k.

>> No.18711342

Average looking males may as well be insects in the age of casual hook-ups.

And it's not just appearance either, these "men" are socially repulsive - boring and zero flirting skill.

Most of them will reproduce probably, but only after they're in their mid-thirties and work their way to financial security, which they can provide.

>> No.18711343

Because despite ticking all the boxes, the creator of the image feels unhappy and attempts to vent his negative feelings out at those he deems as "inferior." It is resentment directed downwards instead of upwards on the totem-pole.

>> No.18711355


>> No.18711356

>And it's not just appearance either, these "men" are socially repulsive - boring and zero flirting skill.
What are you talking about? Do you spend your entire day on Instagram and Netflix? You sound completely inhuman, like something out of a caricature or a television show.

>> No.18711357

2 of the ones you mentioned defeat the purpose of manipulating someone into becoming a hedonist "domesticated" goy
what's your point? paranoic shizo

>> No.18711368

Struck a nerve, huh?

>> No.18711373

No. You just happen to sound like someone whose only connection with reality is through his phone screen.

>> No.18711374

yeah yeah very nice the discussion faggots but what about some books with loser protagonists like OP asked?

>> No.18711377

This is just a way to kill time until the jannies delete this thread.

>> No.18711378

Houellebecq novels

>> No.18711380

lmfao go outside bro. majority of men with wives and girl friends, old and young, are average looking boring people

>> No.18711383

Quite the opposite, I'm sharing the perspective of young western women based on extensive socialization with them. This wouldn't surprise you if you had any real life experience with dating.

>> No.18711386


Fuck tragedies, or comedies for that matter :3

>> No.18711390


>> No.18711397

this, jesus christ. i wonder where these people live or if they are in fact complete hermit tier shut ins. go to the local mall and there's plenty of average looking guys with pleasant enough looking gfs. what too much internet does to a mf

>> No.18711398

Sorry but that's not what I'm seeing at all. Old yes, for obvious reasons, but plain looking boring men under 30 were essentially removed from the sex market - unless they're rich.

>> No.18711408
File: 259 KB, 960x739, 1626226963440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone convince me that extroverts aren't actually literally everything that's wrong with the world right now? Introbros just want to be left alone, but for some reason extroverts – no matter how smart or otherwise thoughtful – seem to be consumed with the idea that if you don't enjoy the gay little world of social networking they've set up, you're a "loser." At this point, I'm convinced that if we just culled half the extroverts on the planet without any consideration for accomplishment, personality, or success within the self-referential structures they've created, we'd solve most of our species' problems overnight. Some people get caught up in ideology, religion, ethnicity or politics, but I've come to the conclusion that the real beneficiaries of this system are really just extroverts. Forget the Jews, forget the false left/right dichotomy. It's extroverts who are the problem. Extroversion is the primary driver of everything wrong with the world and we should cull them mercilessly.

>> No.18711410


You're being pessimistic.

Life is good

>> No.18711414

you are delusional

>> No.18711420

>plain looking boring men under 30 were essentially removed from the sex market
no, the majority are plain looking average men. I'm not completely "bluepilled", my brother is male model tier and have seen how girls treat him all my life. But the idea that the majority are in this tier is hilarious. You have deep insecurities leading to confirmation bias. I'm a 5'10" 5-7/10(depending on the day i guess) arab male and I have had multiple decent looking gfs and hookups with cute girls. My interests are: reading, writing, and playing soccer. I'm not interesting.
Whats the difference between me and the others? I actually ask out or show interest in girls

>> No.18711424

grow up

>> No.18711426

You live in a bubble.

>> No.18711430

>removed from the sex market
Why the fuck would you want to even participate in the sex market? Do you actively enjoy the soul crushing dehumanization of transactional sex? Are you just bitter it doesn't work for you? The dynamic in and of itself is fucking reprehensible, and it's crazy to me that the people primarily disadvantaged by it would magically be okay with the whole thing if only it just worked for them. Have some more respect for yourself.

>> No.18711431

*not ticking

>> No.18711434

Great posts.

>> No.18711436

>incel telling others they live in a bubble

>> No.18711441

The guy who made the pic obviously wasn't being honest with himself. It's clear he's projecting a lot and deep down he doesn't want to be a golem slave.

>> No.18711447

I'm in a multiple-year LTR which is about to turn into a marriage. You live in a bubble.

>> No.18711448

Sure you are buddy

>> No.18711449

I think you have got your schizophrenia to a whole new league here lad

>> No.18711467

>Life is good
For you.

>> No.18711482

Cope, your demoralization tactics don't work on me.

>> No.18711487

I'm going to bet money that the guy who actually spent time making that chart is engaging in some serious psychological projection.

>> No.18711491

no shit

>> No.18711501

It's probably just malice, honestly. There exist actual psychopaths out there who genuinely get off on the idea that they're harming vulnerable people. The way that image so specifically targets young men who are down on their luck implies a decently deep analytical understanding of what's going to hurt them the most. For a psychopath, something like this, where there's no possible retribution, must be a delicious little exercise in causing psychological pain for the joy of it.

>> No.18711510

Incels are hateful low empathy people

>> No.18711514

Gospel of Luke.

>> No.18711522

of course they don't :)

>> No.18711523



>> No.18711530

Now I feel good about myself for checking all but two of the boxes in this pic and it not having any emotional effect on me at all. Psychopaths can get fucked

>> No.18711548

not really
the amount of cope ITT already pays off
I don't care about you and your resilience at all

>> No.18711553
File: 617 KB, 3196x4020, 1596282217091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the same. I don't think the people making these pictures are psychopaths, just sad projecting fucks who want to inflict their misery on others to keep them down and out like themselves, but maybe I'm being naive.

>> No.18711559


>> No.18711562
File: 339 KB, 768x472, 1596736792196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the OG

>> No.18711567

you just know that there are probably hundreds of guys who roped after reading this shit. the internet was a terrible mistake

>> No.18711572

saving this as a model for future pics. thanks

>> No.18711576

Well the psychopaths and incels/losers have something in common tho, they both like pain. Don't be mistaken anon, every single loser likes being one because their misery is comfortable.

>> No.18711579
File: 218 KB, 762x1200, 9jO83AXug6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns himself invisible for kicks - doesn't realise that now has to go around naked and only eat when no one is looking. Goes mad from all the inconviniences and plans to bring about "the age of terror", having his first accomplice rat him out immediately. Goes out of his way for a petty revenge and dies from the hands of the angry mob, crying for mercy.

>> No.18711584

>every single loser likes being one because their misery is comfortable.
If that's how you justify yourself winning the genetic lottery, then sure.

>> No.18711586

you're probably too stupid to come up with a picture like that. sorry bro

>> No.18711587

>No my diary desu yet

My diary desu

>> No.18711592

You're not a renegade for being dysfunctional.

>> No.18711594

they were retarded if they did it over this pic so nothing of value was lost

>> No.18711595

just wait

>> No.18711599

See >>18711482. Keep going as much as you like, I am immune to this stuff.

>> No.18711600
File: 87 KB, 750x742, 1618810511886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18711607

you WILL have a job
you WILL have a car
you WILL be studying something
you WILL have friends
you WILL watch netflix
you WILL have sex
you WILL shower
you WILL brush your teeth
you WILL wipe your ass

>> No.18711615

>you WILL wipe your ass
that's to much to ask. I'm definitely not going to put anything inside my ass.

>> No.18711618

Most people are simply average-looking anon, you have to literally be hideous to not find a partner.

>> No.18711647

I'm not trying to demoralise you, I'm trying to inform you. People aren't asking you to wear deodorant and shave your neck because you're a unique shining star that they want to stamp down into conformity, it's because you're gross.

Being likable is rewarding, but not effortless. Saying you're just too much of an individual to change your underwear doesn't make you look independent and aloof, it reeks of sour grapes.

>> No.18711649
File: 17 KB, 773x607, 1613090896496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychopaths? You mean wagies who cant cope? You'd have to have underlying pathologies to spend life servicing Schlomo Goldstein's dick for jew scheckels in order to afford a sense of "normalcy" (whatever the fuck that means).

>> No.18711661

This post reeks of projection because my hygiene is perfect. People also generally tend to like me, but I go out of my way to avoid socializing because I do not enjoy it (to which you will respond something along the lines of "sour grapes" or "you're lying"). I don't feel targeted by anything you say. You sound insecure on the other hand.

>> No.18711687

no no he has a point
I really like being a bum

>> No.18711697

nigga he literally snitched on himself a lil bit while being interrogated, the interrogator already knew.

>> No.18711703

notes from underground.

>> No.18711708
File: 39 KB, 649x489, 1626585460009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finally had sex and it was disappointing

>> No.18711720

how is the feeling of having your dick inside a pussy anon?

>> No.18711731

It's awkward and unsatisfying the first few times, similary how workouts suck when you start exercising. Your dick needs to get stronger, your moves more refined. Be sure that the girl you were with enjoyed it even less than you did though lol.

>> No.18711740

Not him but
>the first few times
I can't imagine it ever feeling better, it felt as numb and shitty as trying to jack off with my non-dominant hand. On a pleasure scale from 1 to 10 I'm not exaggerating if I say the few times I had sex were all at zero, I'd rather have been doing anything else at the time.
It depressed me for a while because I felt fucked up but now I feel good because I hardly desire sex anymore, jack off way less, don't watch porn anymore etc so there's an upside to having a broken dick I suppose

>> No.18711747

dont use condoms then

>> No.18711751

You probably didn't like the girls. Sex is enjoyable on another level when it's with someone you share an emotional connection with.

>> No.18711760

>Stop calling people who can't function in really basic ways losers
>But they are losers, here's why
Man I don't fucking care about you, stop obsessing over yourself. Have your preferences, I don't give a shit, but stop pretending getting fired from McDonald's and just giving up is bucking the system. Let me guess, you also make a billion dollars a year and you're just sticking up for neets on philosophical grounds too?

>> No.18711761

Not gonna bareback a girl
That's way too much effort just for an orgasm though. Also normalfags who do hookups seem to enjoy them, which I don't understand

>> No.18711762

>I can't imagine it ever feeling better
It definitely gets better as your skill improves, but it depends on the partner as well. People don't like to talk about it but vaginas differ just as much as dicks do, queefy loose roastbeefs are objectively worse than your own hand. Not to mention that some girls (often the attractive ones) don't bother doing anything in bed, they're already making you a favor just being there with you haha.

>> No.18711767

Ouch, looks like I struck a nerve. So, what are you insecure about?

>> No.18711776

You're trying too hard to look aloof right now and it shows, Mr perfect hygiene.

>> No.18711782

The projection is insane. Why are you being so defensive? Why would I lie about taking showers? lmao

>> No.18711785

>Not gonna bareback a girl
enjoy not feeling anything then. that's the only enjoyable part of sex, feeling the warm wet pussy juice on the dick

>> No.18711786

>loser loser loser winner winner loser winner loser incel neet loser incel winner winner loser incel money money loser winner incel loser
You are literally this pic >>18711284

>> No.18711791

Pussy juice felt kinda gross
I don't know man, I find naked male bodies disgusting and female bodies attractive in theory but it's like my dick is a fag

>> No.18711792

This, I can't imagine why would any man bother with condom sex, it's far worse than jacking off. Probably being desperate for the ego boost of slaying pussy I guess, because physically it's completely unsatisfying.

>> No.18711805

>You're being defensive
yeah okay lmao

>> No.18711807

>still sperging out
Deep breaths, then tell me what's bothering you.

>> No.18711813
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1624417563909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit I am a loser but tick none of these boxes.
Or...dare I dream...this PNG is correct and I'm not a loser?

>> No.18711814

Not anon, but this sounds like a desperate cope lol.

>> No.18711816

I mean, yeah. Nobody forces anyone not to talk to girls. Why do you act as if it's impossible to choose not to have female contact? It's one of the easiest choices to make for a man, just make the choice and it'll happen on its own, literally no effort required.
I ghosted all the people I knew since high school and have had no social contact since, I can bear it because I'm probably some kind of autist or schizo but it's a choice, I was never forced to do it.

>> No.18711827

Only one I tick is the car box and Im a huge fucking loser

>> No.18711830

Being a loser is a mindset, don't describe yourself as a loser anon

>> No.18711837
File: 1.12 MB, 1458x813, v6vscdbtrex51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's schizoid personality disorder, very common among guys who end up on 4chan.

>> No.18711840

>That's way too much effort just for an orgasm though. Also normalfags who do hookups seem to enjoy them, which I don't understand
No one who does not really enjoy the hookups will admit it to you unless they are very genuine. Find a girlfriend or a wife and you will probably enjoy it more.

>> No.18711847

I'm pretty sure they were going to remove that one from the DSM-V because it applies so easily to so many people. But yes I relate to everything there except the asexuality since I have a libido. I honestly do not feel like it'd a burden or causes suffering though, I wouldn't want to be any other way.

>> No.18711856

my diary in the most unironic way possible, im a complete loser and I've given up

>> No.18711869


Yes, the purpose of Society is to cause suffering to those it "excludes", as in malignantly includes.

>> No.18711888
File: 16 KB, 480x480, 1622464992321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, brother. Observing the normoid ratrace for used up pussy and slightly better paid wageslaving position gives me precisely 0 incentive to take part.

>> No.18711903

I only fail the friend one.
Does my wife count as a friend I hang out with?

>> No.18711921

No. But it's for the best, your wife would probably fuck those friends if you had any.

>> No.18711942

My biography would be a cornerstone of the canon.

>> No.18711980
File: 36 KB, 601x508, 1589115893383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choosing to not pursue women to keep them from disturbing your lifestyle and not being able to pursue women out of social ineptitude are two very different things. My problem is that most people do the latter while pretending they're doing the former because it at least has a small amount of dignity retained in it.

Like 3/4 of the 4chan userbase is schizoidal, I know you don't need to talk to women or keep a large base of friends to feel okay. That said, good women and good friends are tremendously important to good mental health schizoid or not, and being willing to just say fuck it and shrug off even the chance for getting any is a sign of immaturity. Defending one's immature choices as if you're just too enlightened to have human needs, be they social or otherwise, as I said before, reeks of sour grapes.

This is a picture of you.

>> No.18711989

start working on it, then

>> No.18711994

>good women

>> No.18711998

Fuck man, reading that pic was though. Not so long ago I'd have checked 9/9 easily, gladly I made it out.

>> No.18712007
File: 7 KB, 259x194, black swan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18712016

>My problem
Why is it your problem? And how can you be sure?
I don't feel like my mental health has deteriorated despite not having had a single friend for almost seven years, nor have I felt the incentive even once during these seven years to seriously go out of my way to meet people. As you yourself said, I concluded that the disturbance to my lifestyle would outweigh the satisfaction I'd get out of it. My question is: why should I bother if I feel no need? Moreover, why do people get so confrontational if I claim that I feel no such need? The concept of a one-size fits all model for "mental health" seems dubious.
My case might be special though because it seems that not only do I not seek out relationships, I actively destroy them to avoid having to maintain them, the only exceptions being my close family members because they're social ties that don't require upkeep, so to speak

>> No.18712110

Let me put it like this. You have a woman who lives in your house, puts her titties in your face whenever you ask, and does stuff to your penis a few times a week or so. She cooks, she cleans, she does your laundry. When you have a problem and you feel like venting to someone, she listens, and genuinely cares, and you can tell. When you want to feel valued, she's someone that values you. You get back from the gym, and there's an attractive women there to tell you your arms are looking bigger. You feel sick, and she brings you stuff you want so you don't have to get out of bed. You have some dumb, overly thought out opinions on something inconsequential but nobody to talk to about it, and she listens to you and lets you get it out and at least pretends to care. When you're in a shitty situation and you can't be in two places at once, you've got someone you know you can count on to take part of the burden.

I don't care who you are. Whatever your lifestyle may be, it can be improved dramatically by a high quality woman.

>why should I bother if I feel no need?
I think it's good that you feel no need, it stops you from getting desperate and compromising when you shouldn't. That said, all of the best things in my life were difficult things I was averse to before I got over my superficial feelings toward them and took the plunge.

>Moreover, why do people get so confrontational if I claim that I feel no such need?
In my case it's because you're missing out on something integral to the whole 'being a living thing' experience as if it's no big deal. A diabetic refuses to take their insulin because they feel no desire to get pricked by needles, and when you say "But you'll die, do you not want to be alive?" they respond "Eh, I'm dubious of that, besides I might die anyway, and I really don't like needles, why does everyone get so confrontational when I say that?" Bad analogy, but you get the point.

>> No.18712138

Your first paragraph doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. I'm not going to address the specific points autistically one by one but it's not the kind of thing I would like having in my life. I've lived with people and I've lived alone, no matter what kind of relationship I would have as an alternative, I would take living alone instead 100% of the time.
I understand the appeal for some, but it doesn't make me feel anything personally.
>all of the best things in my life were difficult things I was averse to
What, for example? I seem to have good enough intuition that when I think I won't like something, I'm right almost all the time. I can't think of exceptions from the top of my head.
>you're missing out on something integral to the whole 'being a living thing' experience
Am I? I know what sex is like, I know what friendship is like, I've known, albeit for a short time, what infatuation is like. There are plenty of good or interesting things in life that most likely I won't get to experience, such as skydiving, discovering a new land, killing a man, et cetera, but I don't see life as a checklist of things to be accomplished, but rather as a straight path that is specific to me and my own experience. Sometimes the path intersects or branches out and there are choices to be made, but it is not an accumulation of experiences, which is why I've never seen "missing out" as something particularly important or even as something that made sense.

>> No.18712139

I'm not him, but what you've been pushing for this entire time is not going to lead to that person getting a good woman. It seems to lead more often to the opposite outcome. And in any case, one does not need to be gregarious in order to meet a decent woman.

>> No.18712145

Decent post, but I don't think you have much experiece with females born after 1995 if you genuinely believe they behave like that. They'll do the sex stuff but that's all, and even then you're most likely sharing with the male friends she has on the side.

>> No.18712164
File: 550 KB, 500x775, A Grain of Wheat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugo is such a virgin

>> No.18712174
File: 20 KB, 575x342, GSS infidelity by ethnicity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18712215

Hey man, maybe you are 1/1000000000. But I know I have genuinely felt exactly what you're describing and felt 100% content in spending the rest of my life alone, minding my own business, with nobody bothering me. Then I met someone that left all of the parts I like perfectly intact while adding much more, and I think about you or anyone else massively missing out because they assume the next person will be like the last.
>What, for example?
Reading, for example. I avoided books because I was intimidated and worried about feeling stupid. I still feel stupid, but I feel much more enriched for not giving it up and am no longer intimidated by thick books with big words. I could say the same for strength training, mixed martial arts, socializing, psychonautics, philosophy, or fucking anything that isn't staying in my room playing video games. It started with "Ah fuck, I don't want to do that, fuck that" followed by "Damn I'm glad I did that shit". There's plenty of stuff that didn't work out, but there's more than enough that did.
>Am I?
Yes. This isn't adding another coin to the collection. You're a human being, with a nervous system, you can feel and experience, and that's all you can truly do before you die and it all stops. You're writing off a huge section of feelings to experience for convenience, the convenience of getting to keep experiencing the same feelings you're already comfortable in with less hassle.

>one does not need to be gregarious in order to meet a decent woman.

My female was born in 1990, so maybe fair enough.

>> No.18712225

>3/4 are just "you dont have sex lol"
Epic normalfag loser bingo there

>> No.18712235

Van Gogh: The Life, if it were re-written well, with a greater sensitivity to his subjectivity would be quintessential losercore lit. Unfortunately, this hasn't been done yet.

>> No.18712247

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.18712269

Tell that to people in oncology ward

>> No.18712282

like krispy kreme donuts

>> No.18712283

He should have fucked his friend Rasumikhine. A proper dicking would have put Raskolnikov back on line

>> No.18712284

I doubt it's that low. I know at least one other person who's the same as me. Went farther than me, he actually had a good gf and broke up because he didn't want to have to deal with the constraints inherent to relationships anymore.
Were you really content if bringing another person into your life felt like an addition? What do you make of the diminution of freedom, the energy you have to put into to make the relationship worth it to the other person, the various other material and mental constraints?
>strength training, mixed martial arts, socializing, psychonautics, philosophy
Okay, I get the idea, can't relate though. I've always known what I wanted to do and every time I've forced myself to do something and did it anyway because I was told I'd feel glad afterwards, I didn't feel glad at all, but rather felt like I was right all along and had wasted my time.
>This isn't adding another coin to the collection
I don't understand how it isn't. There are several things a lot of people like saying are fundamental to the experience of life, like moving out and having your own place, or finding hobbies you enjoy and that give you a sense of accomplishment. I've done both of those things, but only because I felt the need to do them, not because I felt like I had to due to my capacity for feeling and experience. What makes something integral to the living experience, as opposed to peripheral?
>it all stops
I don't believe that, which might be part of the reason why I don't feel obligated to maximize the breadth of my experiences while I'm alive. I let the path I decided on take me where it should.

>> No.18712292

If they took a shower and stopped feeling sorry for themselves maybe they wouldn't be such sad pieces of shit hmm? Ever thought about that, cancercel?

>> No.18712387

I don't know. I have been following BTC's behind the scenes for 4 years and it's not pretty. If you want to learn more just check out Cas Piancey. He has been investigating Tether which is suspicious of manipulating the price. It's the not the only reason why the price went up though but definitely the main reason.
With that said, if it goes above 60 again it will probably be in 3-7 years.

>> No.18712463

Werther wasn't a loser, there were plenty of characters in the story he got along well with and many of the people from his village stormed to his house while he was dying.

>> No.18712600

>What do you make of the diminution of freedom, the energy you have to put into to make the relationship worth it to the other person, the various other material and mental constraints?
I just waited until I found a woman that didn't limit my freedom, need an excessive amount of energy, and didn't materially or mentally constrain me. They exist.
>I didn't feel glad at all
Yeah there's plenty of those too. I fucking hate rock climbing. But there's a difference between forcing yourself to do something because someone else told you how you'd feel and forcing yourself to do something because you know that if it works out it would be a genuinely positive addition to your life. You have to make the choice because you believe in the choice.
>What makes something integral to the living experience, as opposed to peripheral?
You're an awareness using a nervous system to interact with the material world. That's what remains when everything that can be stripped away without destroying the system is. The awareness's concept of a 'fast car' could be destroyed, but the system is still exhilarated by the sensation of speed. Similarly, the awareness could have a concept of companionship it finds thoroughly unappealing, the system finds value in it nonetheless. That's what I call integral, the valuable essence of something that remains stimulating when everything else is stripped away. Letting your system fail to experience what it's capable of is to let your awareness's conduit to reality atrophy pointlessly. What is there to an awareness with nothing to be aware of?
>I let the path I decided on take me where it should.
Passivity is cowardly.

>> No.18712661

This image is edited. It previously had said
>Clinical Features of Barnum Syndrome