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/lit/ - Literature

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18703752 No.18703752 [Reply] [Original]

Mom and I went to Barnes and Nobles, she bought me a journal and Mediations by Aurelius.

I saw a lot of Star Wars, lot of fantasy, lot of DND shit, lot of LEGO, toys, puzzles, board games, kids toys, Harry Potter, newest sjw fiction, newest sjw nonfic, and lot of pozzed stuff. The people were dressed kind of like bugmen neckbeards

>> No.18703757


>> No.18703758

Congratulations, you, too, are now an introverted elitist, without actually being a member of an elite. Welcome to the club.

>> No.18703760

oh fuck i zoned out
forgot to ask
when was the last time /lit/ went there and what did they get and what did they see and what was it like

>> No.18703762

I love B&N because they always have a starbucks. it's a great date spot or a place to kill 40 minutes waiting for an appointment. you just sipp and walk around reading snippets and laughing at how shitty contemporary is. i leave the shittiest books on the floor hoping some fat fuck will step on them and ruin the spine.

>> No.18703766

the cultural e/lit/e

ones of us! one of us! one of us!

>> No.18703772

The B&N near me moved to a new smaller location and they now have an three shelves dedicated just to Harry Potter, a shelf dedicated to urban fiction, and the "classics" shelf is really only half a shelf since they space the books like they are in a museum with the cover facing forward. The fiction section is half the size of the science fiction section, a quarter the size of mystery section, and god knows how much smaller the romance section.

>> No.18703781

During Covid I noticed they rearranged my location and reduced the size of the fiction and classics section relative to others as well. However, the philosophy and religion sections have grown in recent years, and the history section has stayed strong, so it balances out in my view.

>> No.18703788

>go to barnes and noble
>buy poetry book
>read poetry book at starbucks
>wait for girls to come up to me
>get their numbers and fuck them over the weekend
>block their number on sunday night
>rinse and repeat

the /lit/ way

>> No.18703797

You forgot to put the 'dream' part.

>> No.18703798

I went to B&N for language stuff and yeah their selection is trash. Luckily there's a used bookstore near me that has pretty cool stuff.

>> No.18703799

Just casually browsing the fiction section it's such a random grab bag of titles. I'm not sure what metrics they are using to determine what to put there or not.

How big is the poetry section in your B&N? Mine was just a shelf and nearly half a row was the inauguration speech "book". I flipped through that thing and it's hilarious how they spaced it just to get it to be an actual book. Each stanza is a page.

>> No.18703806

>How big is the poetry section in your B&N?

Not big at all. B&N is honestly the worst place to shop for books. I bought the complete collections of Emily Dickinson and W. B. Yeats last time I went but you can buy these at literally any book store. Their philosophy section is an even bigger joke. Pretty much the entire store is dedicated to magazines, fiction books, journals, and board games.

>> No.18703807

Did she buy you your chicken tendies too? lmao

>> No.18703814

i went there a week ago and bought the Essential Schopenhauer. i rode my bike because the battery in my car is dead. its been sitting in the parking lot for months. it was raining a little. the store was bright and felt like a public library. i sat in the starbucks and read the intro while a soft bodied self-proclaimed kendo master in his late 50's told his placid wife self-assured falsities about nutrition and polotics. i think he was intimidated by my aura. a malnourished twig of an unhoused woman limped laps around the cafe and was coming uncomfortably close to my small table. i was on edge because i thought she was going to ask me for money but it turned out she was only talking to herself. the homely lady at the register didnt acknowledge my taste in philosophy and it stopped raining by the time i left.

>> No.18703879

no but we got ice cream afterwards. i got a concrete :)

>> No.18703892
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I only go to BN for Criterion.

>> No.18703902

Just know that if B&N ever goes under they would probably take a bunch of publishers who rely on them buying books to fill shelves with them. Not sure if that's good or not.

>> No.18703905

There was nobody there but me, my sister and a couple weird early-highschool-aged kids who spent their time there on the floor reading manga.

>> No.18703910


>> No.18703963

Bezos would rather the whole publishing industry burn then force authors to self publish through Amazon.

>> No.18703988

if the publishers aren't publishing me then what do I care? they can all burn in hell. that's what they get for peddling wokeshit.

if they published shit people want to read, more people would read. say what you will about game of thrones but every normalfag had it in their hands even if it was trash. people do want to read books, but they won't read brown wammenz whining in 320 pages.

>> No.18704005

these gave me anxiety

>> No.18704093


>> No.18704112

Same here, m8. Just got Crash in their sale this month. But you should know that Criterion doesn’t hold a monopoly on good movies and many great films are not published by them. If I saw someone like you, who only had criterion, I would literally beat their ass for the pseud faggot they are.

>> No.18704128

>Sitting in the parking lot for months
You need an anon to come over with jumper cables?

>> No.18704193

Criterion’s are worth displaying. It’s nice to look at and no one is going to have the perfect collection who who cares. There’s a point when a fear of being a pseud is more pseud itself and I’m afraid you have slipped into that behavior.

>> No.18704198


>> No.18704199

I don't know, I'm not a huge movie fan, but I definitely like Bergman. Watched Wild Strawberries 6 times or more.

>> No.18704228

I went there about a year and a half ago and picked up a copy of Saga of the Volsungs and The Urantia Book. It was about what you described, but not as much kid/bugman stuff. Did have displays full of the feminist/ wypipo bad flavor of the week emergency fire starters front and center though just in case it ends up being a bad winter and the power goes out.

>> No.18704232

My B&N has the anime section packed, while everywhere else is empty save for the starbucks

>> No.18704256
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It's darkly funny to me that anime and manga have basically wiped out the entire American cultural industry. All these modern movies, all these modern television shows, all these modern books, all these modern comics and cartoons, all of them disemboweled by big-titted girls with rainbow hair colors.

>> No.18704304

Your mom sounds based

>> No.18704561

If he tells me where the parking lot is I'll be there if it's in Socal

>> No.18704567

Last time I went B&N I was reading deapool comics and some girl asked for my number, that was back in like 2016. I don't know why I haven't been there recently since I have such fond memories of it.

>> No.18704583

Thanks for the kek and based

>> No.18704781

>I saw a lot of Star Wars, lot of fantasy, lot of DND shit, lot of LEGO, toys, puzzles, board games, kids toys, Harry Potter, newest sjw fiction, newest sjw nonfic, and lot of pozzed stuff. The people were dressed kind of like bugmen neckbeards
you bought this:
>Mediations by Aurelius.
you are worse

>> No.18705013

This guy knows.
Avenger films aren’t criterion.

>> No.18705766

oh :c

>> No.18705836

i went into waterstones yesterday, climbed five flights of stairs heading straight for the philosophy section, got there, then stood for ten minutes in front of the AC unit blowing cold air out, then left without purchasing a single thing

>> No.18705867

I went to pick up Joshua Wong's new book because I wanted to support him, but while I was there I realized I could just donate $10 to his legal defense fund, pirate the book, and spend the savings on a gay drink at Starbucks so that's what I did.

>> No.18705896

Went there a month ago and got Heir to the Empire.

>> No.18706004
File: 227 KB, 1224x1632, rsz_20210723_092939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went there yesterday, I got a copy of In the Heat of the Night on bluray and volume 2 of Boys Run The Riot

>> No.18706018

alphabetize your shit mate

>> No.18706034

>Be me
>Go to Delft
>See big bookstore called Paagman
>Walk inside
>See shelfs upon shelfs of book
>Go to the classics section
>Its literally one shelf
>Poetry are all the shelfs below it
>See the collected works of Marsman
>Scan it, its 40 euro's
>I think i'll just spend a dollar or three on a second hand edition.

>> No.18706075

You have your mommy buy shit for you like a little kid? Are you 12?

>> No.18706086

> a comic and a dvd
/lit/ - Literature

>> No.18706101

post sister

>> No.18706105

>ps4 games on the console
Anon, that shit sounds like a jet engine already, pls do th eneedful and get a second shelf unit to make the space seem more full and spread out your stuff.

>> No.18706183

bluray, not a dvd. And comics are literature

>> No.18706192

I went there a few months ago. I saw lots of manga, stephen king, self help books, and basic bitch neolib politics books. I didnt go into the game section.

>> No.18706217

3 Weeks ago went to a qbd and everyone that went in was either
>40 year old dude looking at Australian military history
>20 something dyed hair maybe gay person of ambiguous gender.

>> No.18706282

I forgot to mention what it was like. It was pretty crowded. There were a lot of people in the manga section, but I saw people all over the store. There was another dude looking at Criterions. Pretty wide age range, families, teens, adults, olds.

>> No.18706378

thanks anons, I called an uber yesterday and jumped my car with his and then went and got a new battery.

>> No.18706923

Only the shitty older models sound like a jet engine. The one with real buttons is so quiet I never notice it's on.

>> No.18707212

i'm 21

>> No.18707235
File: 5 KB, 250x174, 1593942241444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i vomit, is it really the dream of every american male?

>> No.18707425

I bought a tiny New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs in the ESV translation. I would've preferred KJV, but the ESV is cheaper for a decent binding and is good enough.
That said, I rarely buy books, and even more rarely actually go to bookstores; the majority of my books are digital and pirated.

>> No.18707545

Dutch bookstores suck

t. fellow dutch fag

>> No.18707553
File: 499 KB, 1125x2436, View recent photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make your own culture bro

>> No.18707558

You know this is 100% bullshit because the women at the starbuckses would talk and you'd be labeled a predator in short order. (in 2021)

>> No.18707663
File: 1.66 MB, 3000x2049, More-Grumpy-Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then I wake up and realize this was all a dream
>post it to /lit/

>> No.18708594

damn... books for this feel?

>> No.18708619

I went to one a few months ago just to use the bathroom and didn't browse or buy anything. I did the same at a different B&N a month or so before that. A couple months ago I tried to use the bathroom at a third B&N I'd been to before but it was closed. At this point, B&N to me is basically just a decent and regularly open public bathroom surrounded by Funko pops.

>> No.18709587
File: 365 KB, 1025x1366, IMG_20210723_222811-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drove past a B&N today after having seen this thread and went in because of it. I never buy new books, never. But because of this thread I went in and bought pic related.

>> No.18709635
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>> No.18709716

this fokin book, i tell ya.

>> No.18709725

Catcher in the rye

>> No.18710088
File: 8 KB, 153x206, 218255134_4201672293259568_4617916282699112075_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some history books to take to work with me

>> No.18710162

>he doesn't order them by spine number

>> No.18710211

Was pretty nice. The proto sjw books were all in the center of the store, and there was not that much of it. All the walls were actual books. The math and science section was nearly half of one wall, with another wall having different types of history.
same store. the math section was off to the side in a standing shelf, on two rows at the bottom. The "history" shelf was a single shelf between self help and autobiographies.

I really feel sorry for zoomers

>> No.18710585
File: 15 KB, 261x380, NHeaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes stop going to chain stores loser

>> No.18710708

Can confirm

.t another aquafresh

>> No.18712412

True, The only book I was ever really happy with finding was a story of the Anti-Christ by some russian named solovyov. But even then the cashier literally had to ask me if I actually found that shit in their store. Besides that they only have the most basics bookks there are

>> No.18712459

>that's what they get for peddling wokeshit.
You have it backwards, woke is an act of desperation. If you work in a big corporation it’s usually despair or bad PR that leads to going woke. Publishers were going under so they become politically virtuous, the most marketable kind. The kinds of people that run these companies would sell black people’s skin as suits if it was more profitable— they didn’t actually “go woke”

>> No.18713294
File: 7 KB, 236x245, 1D88889D-7EAE-49B1-B4A8-747157EAA673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this.

>> No.18713943

Nobody is forcing you to buy it