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18701433 No.18701433 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled can we agree on whether this bestseller is just another poorly researched and shoddy attempt to create or contribute to a boogeyman, whether for money or for political expediency, or a serious work that identifies and diagnoses serious ills in contemporary public thought and behavior? Will /lit/ be able to discuss a book for once?

Excerpts in thread.

>> No.18701477
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Levin's failure to recognize the similar corrosive influence of capitalism on traditions and customs betrays that this might eventually amount to ideological dogma, and it is one of the more regrettable consequences of the course of history that Marxism has been so thoroughly drained of meaning and reanimated into a boogeyman amalgam monster in the eyes of the contemporary American working class.

>> No.18701478

Mark Levin lmao. You have to imagine it's an audiobook with Master Shake doing the narration.


>> No.18701547

>people wanted to read a mark levin book
Trying to imagine a mind this sick and I can't.

>> No.18701562

Damn not even a commie but murrican flag sickle is kinda aesthetic.

Anyway who is this retard?

>> No.18701580

>Mark Reed Levin, one of three boys, was born in Philadelphia to a Jewish family
I knew it instinctively; I check wikipedia out of pure convention at this point....

>> No.18701584

I mean levin kinda gives it away

>> No.18702053

Levin is nothing compared to the intellectual juggernaut that is Dave Rubin (pbuh).

Some guy who has a show on Fox News. He's actually one of the better ones, but it's not like the bar for corporate media """"journalists"""" and """talk show hosts"""" is that high. It's just the typical mass-produced political garbage that famous people use to supplement their income. I've never read that trash, and I've never met someone who reads that trash either. No idea how it makes money. I wouldn't be surprised if it was libraries or some institution mass-purchasing them to pump up the sales.

Levin is a common Jewish name. It's odd that someone who's early life-pilled wouldn't know this.

>> No.18702080

Why are american leftists so obsessed with the dab on foxtards spectacle?

>> No.18702554

Marx (pbuh) is irrefutable. Reading the Austrians and Hoppe does not contradict him but adds to him.

>> No.18702561

Yes conservative media is filled with grifters but Neo-Marxism is actually a growing problem and no amount of gaslighting can change that

>> No.18703794


>> No.18704122
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Neo-Marxism is a good thing. With it we can finally make bourgeois degeneracy like abortion and homosexuality illegal again. Gulags would also be a good way to give all the people with useless college degrees work experience. And I'm certain some wealth redistribution, or maybe another 'Doctor's Plot', would solve the early life problem for good. All hail comrade Stalin!

>> No.18704430

It's not even actual Marxism. Old school socialists and Leninists would prefer the Nick Fuentes types over the modern left. It really cannot be overstated that there is no class-basis to the modern left.

>> No.18704468
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>Old school socialists and Leninists would prefer the Nick Fuentes types over the modern left.
