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18699195 No.18699195 [Reply] [Original]

What about this book makes troons so scared?

>> No.18699206
File: 110 KB, 750x728, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is unironically the only good book about the jewish question. But troons think that you shouldn't even be allowed to ask the question 9n the first place since they all hate freedom of speech since it allows people to make fun of weirdo freaks like trannies.

>> No.18699211

The fact that it's right.

>> No.18699230
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Say faggots nigger.

I tried to read it, can't stand most of the boomerisms.

Pic related is the only competent book i've ever read about Jews written by a non-Jew.

>> No.18699264

Btw this post isn't going to get anywhere, it's not going to be nearly as popular as my version calling out chuds

>> No.18699278

It will, but the reason yours is so "popular" is because there was a discord tranny raid

>> No.18699336

faggots nigger
>I tried to read it, can't stand most of the boomerisms.
You mean you were filtered?

>> No.18699353

>What about this book makes troons so scared?
Troons actually get threatened by feminist canon books that can be interpreted as emphasized on the biological aspects of being born a biological woman. Hence the amount of revisionism from tranny "feminists."

>> No.18699363

meant emphasizing
The greatest example of which is The Second Sex since it is pretty obvious that Beauvoir didn't even think about the doctrine of trannism back when she wrote her book.

>> No.18699374

Trannyism is predicted ENTIRELY upon the (perceived) very real and static nature of the Self. The entire claim of "woman born in a man's body" predicates the idea that "womanhood" is actually about some internal Self that is womanly, as opposed to the body, or mannerism, or something like that. It's an inherently dualistic notion, with zero fluidity. It's even in the very language used: they aren't becoming a woman (implying that this is a process, which starts at not being a woman and ends with being a woman), they are transitioning (implying a continuum between states).

>> No.18699388

Pretty much, yeah.
You don't need to read the feminist canon, but it still helps if they want to pull a trick on you by them hiding behind grandma's skirt of "trannism is feminism."

>> No.18699473

Based digits

>> No.18699498

Someone tl;dr the book without jumping into "reeee eliminate jews" seething that everyone has already seen on this website thousands of times and then maybe people will talk about this book seriously

>> No.18699523

The book isn't "reeee eliminate jews" seething at all
It's about how because of their history of persecution and not having their own country for so long, jews have developed a survival mechanism whereby they promote diversity for others while holding on to (until very recently) their own culture/ethnicity among themselves. They thrive in multicultural and multi-ethnic societies because then they don't stick out.
So the book looks at the political and academic developments of the previous century and how several jewish people were very influential and did just that. It's basicallty a collection of quotes by influential jewish persons on how jews should stick together and promote division among other peoples.

>> No.18699529

>tl;dr the book without jumping into "reeee eliminate jews" seething

>> No.18699558

I think this needs some addendum. There is an issue with self-referential experience, i.e. how they would even "know" what this "womanly" state of experience is if their body is its opposite -- I presume the "womanhood" is inherent to the woman's body, and "manhood" inherent to the man's body.

The point of "transitioning" vs. 'becoming" is a good one. I think there is, of course, the issue of how they think materials (clothing, make-up, etc.) have properties of "womanhood" within them.

Are they spiritual? Are they materialists? They live in a state of flux, is all I know.

>> No.18699644

Becoming a woman would open up for the possibility of becoming something else. In truth, someone who viewed their sexuality as fluid would be constantly in flux, like a /d/eviant who decides to fap to a different weird fetish every day, never settling, never ossifying. Trannies, again, have a very clear, static idea of what they want to be, and seek to be it and STAY as it. It's the entire reason they're so horrified of Blumpf and taking their hormones away: the possibility of backsliding back to being a man. If this was a fluid thing, then they'd be okay with being a man again, or some weird freak, because that's just how things are (they were going to be different anyhow!).

>> No.18699667


"Woman born in a man's body" is an inherently theological statement. It supposes
>the existence of an ontologically real static Self
>the existence of a mechanism to put Selfs in bodies
>this mechanism somehow differentiates between male and female bodies and male and female Selfs
>this mechanism sometimes puts Selfs in the "wrong" bodies (either by design or error)

>> No.18699779

>how they would even "know" what this "womanly" state of experience is if their body is its opposite
They simply don't. That's why they are women caricatures and act overly feminine to the extent of resembling bimbos. If they don't, they shall never be perceived as women due their male body.

>> No.18700273

They want to achieve a transitioning period starting form a internal sense, by using materialists means.

>> No.18700282

God I love religious autism.

>> No.18700405

>post /pol/s favorite anti-Jew book
>talk about trannies instead
Damn, this place really is obsessed with trannies

>> No.18700734

The Jews are a group of people that pursue their own interests while many of them actively work to persuade other groups of pursuing their own. That's all it is.

>> No.18700861

It's just shocking to the goys when they find out not everyone shares the same interest they do and that shock can sometimes develop into antisemitism.

>> No.18701125
File: 312 KB, 1920x2149, transActivist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're an interesting topic.
So, I've somewhat formalised your arguments; tell me what you think and/or improvements.

Transgenderism is predicted *entirely* upon the perceived, "very real" and static nature of the Self. The entire claim of "woman born in a man's body" predicates the idea that "womanhood" is actually about some internal Self that is womanly, as opposed to the body and its biology; "Woman born in a man's body" is an inherently theological statement. It supposes: the existence of an ontologically real static Self; the existence of a mechanism to put Selfs in bodies; this mechanism somehow differentiates between male and female bodies and male and female Selfs; this mechanism sometimes puts Selfs in the "wrong" bodies (either by design or error).
Moreover, it's a dualistic notion, with zero fluidity. It's even in the very language used: they aren't "becoming a woman" (implying that this is a process, which starts at not being a woman and ends with being a woman), they are "transitioning" (implying a continuum between states).
There are, of course, two issues (hitherto): how do they think materials (clothing, make-up, etc.), have properties of "womanhood" within them? Are they spiritual? Are they material? Both, simply put. They want to achieve a transitioning period starting form an internal sense, by using materialists means.
The second issue is regarding self-referential experience; i.e. how they would even "know" what this "womanly" state of experience is, if their body is its opposite? I presume the "womanhood" is inherent to the woman's body, and "manhood" inherent to the man's body.

>> No.18701143

that picture is an edit, right?

>> No.18701152

Why are you guys so attracted to mentally ill men that only exist in the Internet?
Seriously, ignore the troons.
You guys are legitimately disturbed by them.

Also, OP is a fag for starting this pathetic bait thread.

>> No.18701254

>Why are you guys so attracted to mentally ill men that only exist in the Internet?
we're not
>Seriously, ignore the troons.
Speaking for myself, I do. We're just talking about the topic.

>> No.18701361

I mean they control the media (film, publishing, music, news etc) so the notion that we're all the same and all strive towards the same goals is propagated by them.

>> No.18702459
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In day-to-day poltics, the rise of trannies is based in the neoliberal ideological imperative of profit over all else. The fact is, if you have a larger market share, more people are going to buy your product. If your business supports specific groups, then those groups will most likely support your business. Within a capitalist framework, the easiest political position for a business to support is one of identity politics. To discriminate between peoples and cut ties to those possible customers isn't advantageous to the bottom line, but support for identity politics also doesn't fundamentally change the economic system in any sort of class warfare, in fact, it divides these groups even more than before so that the poors can't do anything about it. The poors are more obsessed with the propagandized inner reflection of who they are within this hellscape then they are when it comes to legitimate grievances against the government and these corporations. Sow discord amongst the people, yet profit off them. Hell, tranny culture is profitable in and of itself. Of course the corporations are going to be in support of it. News and media outlets are going to cover it because it pretends to be empowering and riles up the people that hate trannies, and yet it continues to perpetuate the messages of neoliberal ideology without affecting the inherent economic structure. It's been the same way with gay marriage. With interracial couples. And basically everything after the civil rights movement.

>> No.18702492
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Because Tranny culture benefits world power in several ways and I believe it has been co-opted by state and superstate (ie intelligence community, media propaganda outlets, world finance, banking) interests within the last couple of decades as a result. There is no doubt that transgender and lgbt culture have been steadily becoming more prevalent and visible since the early 2000s and to a lesser degree since the 1970s and 80s, punctuated by the outstanding publicity of certain people, groups, gatherings, etc. It is well known that western countries (white ethnic cultures and subdivisions, esp. USA and UK) have been typically homophobic and have had punitive laws regarding homosexual, transexual, or otherwise sociosexual roles nonconformity. Laws have required that the punishment for certain deviant sexual behaviors be castration or even death. This is consistent with historical practices of castration for specifically male sex criminals (or slave classes) in society. In the 20th century a common method of castration was compulsory self-medication with synthetic estrogens which rendered the recipient infertile (see Alan Turing for a famous example.)

The sudden blossoming of trans and LGBT culture into the mainstream first played conspicuous to me when I noticed its heavy entanglement with medications which ultimately accomplish the same end, only voluntarily. Due to extensive marketing, media sympathy, demographic targeting, and especially pornography (not to mention the natural relative negative pressure exerted by involuntary outgroups, think of the magnetism of our culture, subculture, 'cult' groups, etc) sex-gender-identity nonconformity has become a cultural virtue. It has become most tempting to abandon difficult and unpopular masculinity in favor of victimized and sympathized femininity (ie feminine privilege). I suppose to a lesser extent demographically speaking, it is appealing to trade alienated femininity for motivated and accepting masculine brotherhood.

>> No.18702516

It connects the dots of clown world

>> No.18702525

Best tl;dr possible

>> No.18702526

That book was the missing piece to the puzzle for me. I think everyone should read it at least once.

>> No.18702533

I have been trying to articulate this and you did a great job at it.
It really is a spiritual belief that people try to impose onto external reality. Because of this it is philosophically incoherent

>> No.18702588 [DELETED] 

Why would Paul be dreaming of that nigger girl? The whole movie looks pozzed.

>> No.18703624
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I'm gay, I think the idea of a woman with a penis is very hot but like lets say you gave your girl friend an injection and shes all like oh no wtf and starts crying then you start fucking her in the butt and jerking her new dick off and she loves it and cums then secretly hates herself afterwards because she misses her vagina then after a while she gets addicted to her new penis and doesnt care anymore.

I think the idea of giving men boobs is sick because none of them really pass at all. They have male skeletons and facial features no matter how early you start you can tell they are men larping as women.

I genuinely want to corrupt a woman with like genetic engineering and show her what its like to be gay but still keep her outward female appearance.

I think vaginas are gross and I like the female form for the most part. I think the ideal is to seduce women with the idea that they are broken creatures and that while they are physically pretty their greatest flaw is their sexual organ is inferior because all you can do with it involves being fucked while men can fuck or be fucked its a more completeness of being.

I mean imagine being a woman then suddenly growing a penis and it over time subtly changes your psychology while retaining the female beauty and maybe you start fucking your friends.

The best passable trannies in our world are just boys with boobs. I mean that in the sense is you look hard enough the passable tranny is just a man with very boyish features, long hair and makeup. You remove those things it becomes jarring as no matter how cute they are its clearly a man. Even the most masculine of women are still obviously women while the cutest/femmy of men still track on your radar as men or their is an uncanny feel to them.

To me tranny porn is a sub-genre of gay porn or like extreme sissy porn that i watch because their is a distinct lack of cute gay men with long hair in porn.

>> No.18703642
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>the only good book
You dont read much

International Jew - Henry Ford
Jewish Supremacism - Dr David Duke
The Secret Powers Behind Revolution - Le Pontis
Trail Of The Serpent - Miss Stoddard
Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler

Just for a start

>> No.18703668
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>> No.18703726

Guaranteed you've never read those books.

>> No.18704860


>> No.18706231

Where is this from?

>> No.18707512
File: 697 KB, 824x1795, Alexandria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cover to cover but I have read them. I read three of them all the way through and most of the others

trail of the serpent