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18697729 No.18697729 [Reply] [Original]

What about this book makes chuds so scared?

>> No.18697757

What is it about this book that makes them shiver in fear?

>> No.18697759

it just isn't very good is it

>> No.18697785

What an shitty thread. I'm sure it will sink to the bottom of the catalog with few replies or the based janny will delete it again. /lit/ isn't stupid enough to fall for such low quality bait.

>> No.18697809 [DELETED] 

Well it worked for the last one didn't it? It's currently sitting at 240 replies. Regardless, read white fragility

>> No.18697819
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>> No.18697823

Isn’t the answer supposed to be in the book?

>> No.18697829

Sorry, I'm not white. I'm half french, and as everyone knows meds aren't white and according to the one drop rule that makes me basically a nigger. Now give reparations, whitey.

>> No.18697832

reported for low quality
you will never have a high iq jamal

>> No.18697851

Well actually it is:
"In June 2020, during the George Floyd protests, it reached no. 1 on the New York Times list." If it wasn't good, then it wouldn't be selling #1

>> No.18697860

When chuds have nothing to say in response so they have to make up memes like this and the deboonker

>> No.18697870

It is but I want them to come to terms with it, they need to understand why it makes them so scared and confront it. At the very least they could get the book off of libgen, and even if they dont agree with everything in it, they could try to read it. The eq of this board would go up to dramatically

>> No.18697871

Dunno, I'm somewhat a chud, and honestly, I can't help it but not give a fuck about it.

>> No.18697874

The French aren't med. And meds are white as well. Either way you are 100% white, and I can tell that you are a low IQ racist, which is why you feel the need to use racial slurs

>> No.18697880

Your insecurity is showing

>> No.18697882
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I see now.

>> No.18697883

chud here. idk i just don't want to read it

>> No.18697888

The neurotic and racist ideas of the author are projected upon an entire race of people. Once you notice that it is hard to take anything in it seriously.

>> No.18697898

That's probably an example of something called white defensiveness, read through the wikipedia article for it here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_defensiveness

>> No.18697904
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Damn, is this true bros?

>> No.18697905

You clearly didn't even read it. The purpose of the books is to point out the latent behaviours in white people that cause us to act in such a way that benefits us because of our internalized white privilege. It then shows us what we can do to be better allies, even if we can never truly understand

>> No.18697910

>You clearly didn't even read it
Where do you think you are exactly?

>> No.18697912

Oh my God saved. That illustrates my point entirely. I mean just look at it. If you need any other proof of modern day white supremacy, then its right here. I'll be reposting that in every thread. If I could upvote you I would, thank you so much kind stranger

>> No.18697913

It's a book by a white woman about racism. In it, she conflates people's hatred of workplace disciplinary action (disguised as diversity training) with some inherent resistance to social change. Her prescriptions are that white people need to be more aware of their race, and that race is a problem that will never go away. All of this is inherently objectionable, and will do nothing to solve the problems of race in America.

>> No.18697917

As a non-white person, I am sort of bemused at how whites are so masochistic. Still, it feels good. I won't deny that seeing projections of America and European nations becoming nonwhite majority countries makes me feel warm inside. I imagine it is the same way an Ottoman soldier must have felt upon entering the Hagia Sophia when Constantinople fell. We might have suffered under the European, White boot in these past centuries, but now? We won. The West is ours now.

>> No.18697921

I mean, I don't care, anon. People were shilling that book some time ago. I have better reads. And if anything, I'm definitely more scared of Wuthering Heights and Temple of the Golden Pavilion. I can probably read that book in an afternoon or something, but I would rather read something that is relevant to me (I'm Brazilian), than a book about all the weird shit in the US.

>> No.18697925

Listen buddy I prefer using the 18th century version of white in which anyone who isn't anglo saxon is literally a fucking nigger. That makes me a nigger. I see no reason to prefer your definition to mine.

>> No.18697926

why should I as a white man give a fuck about niggers being "oppressed"?

>> No.18697930

>be me, average SEA autist
>find book titled "Why are Asians racist?" written by some american white dude
>proceed not to read it
>"Your insecurity is showing"

sometimes i think that the guys who post this are just /pol/ goons who intentionally post stupid shit like this so it can attract more /pol/lacks and trash it up like the other boards

>> No.18697939

Who or what are "chuds"?

>> No.18697941

>In it, she conflates people's hatred of workplace disciplinary action (disguised as diversity training) with some inherent resistance to social change.

This is correct, these trainings have been studied and shown to be effective to reduce inequality in the workplace, so being against them is inherently racist.

>Her prescriptions are that white people need to be more aware of their race,


>And that race is a problem that will never go away.

Wrong, quote where she says that.

>All of this is inherently objectionable, and will do nothing to solve the problems of race in America.

Wrong again, if we acknowledge our privilege, as holding nearly all institutional power, then we can begin to make amends and strive towards equality

>> No.18697946
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>> No.18697950

>Still, it feels good. I won't deny that seeing projections of America and European nations becoming nonwhite majority countries makes me feel warm inside... We won. The West is ours now.

Chuds eternally btfo'd forever. That is dangerously based

>> No.18697953

No, it is blog-tier anecdotes from a woman projecting her own racist insecurities on everyone around her. Aside from the blog-tier anecdotes, the rest of the book is a clumsy framework to organize the aforementioned anecdotes into a cohesive work.

Obviously this fails. It is not even something to get mad about, slop designed for the masses to nod along to is nothing new or interesting. If you want to venerate it the more power to you.

For anyone who actually is interested in a quality book that far more effectively and honestly tackles racial issues I would recommend "Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life".

This is far more intellectually engaging and worth your time than a proto-HR manual for mouthbreathers.

>> No.18697957

/leftypol/'s equivalent to the Jews.

>> No.18697962

i always thought it was from some sort of bastardization of the word Chad. C.H.U.Ds sound based as hell though, i too wanna be a mindless mutant cannibal

>> No.18697965

Thought it was people with mental illness and violent tendencies.

>> No.18697973

I cant even begin to describe how based this is. Im white but I couldn't agree more. I cant wait till they get here and start crying about this post.

>> No.18697978

>make up memes
How old are you?

>> No.18697983

Are jews white?

>> No.18697984

Well we can agree to disagree. There's a reason why one of these books is critically acclaimed and one isn't

>> No.18697990

Of course. But they are white people who don't benefit from white privilege. Or at least they do, but its outweighed by the vast prejudice of anti-Semitism

>> No.18697997

>reviews = value

i see where the problem is

>> No.18697998

Lol do you think Islam is your ally, comrade?

>> No.18697999

if they don't benefit from white privilege why do they make up such a large percentage of america's wealthy elite?

>> No.18698004

See jews would disagree because judaism is both an ethnicity and a religion

>> No.18698006

It is against white Christian supremacy

>> No.18698008

Quantity is not indicative of quality.

The authors of my recommendation are celebrated academics, respected by intelligent and thoughtful people.

Your author is just another grifter, another pig at the trough who accepts hundreds of thousands of dollars from corporations to regurgitate her slop in training sessions hated by everyone who is forced to attend.

You cannot even compare the two works. It is insulting.



>> No.18698011

The amont of people actually buying into this shit is pretty scary yes.

>> No.18698013

Because they work much harder, and have better culture, then your average European whites. That's not privilege, in the case of Jewish over representation, that's meritocracy doing its job.

>> No.18698027

so when whites outperform niggers in every area, it's because of oppression (and not because niggers are subhuman) but when jews outperform whites, it's because of their own merit? you can't have it both ways retard

>> No.18698028

this really is good bait

>> No.18698036

I don't think you know many muslims anon. Most of them would choose cooperating with christians over accepting modern gender ideology stuff. Gays and rooftops innit

>> No.18698037

It's scary how many people disagree with this. But dont worry, the Overton window will continue to shift to the left, so even if you dont now, eventually your idealogy will

>> No.18698043

Jews have one of the best cultures on the planet, a culture which is based on two things:
>Extreme in-group preference
That's all you need to succeed as a ethno-religious group. It's not rocket science.

>> No.18698045

They also have whole diseases that are pretty much unique to them. Ashkenazi jews have like a 40x higher likelihood of developing schizophrenia

>> No.18698047

That's exactly what I'm saying cry about it. Ask any scholar and they would agree with me. The generally accepted scientific consensus, is that white people are overrepresented because of their white privilege. Their are tons of studies on this. The entire sociology field is for this. Despite there being 1000's of studies on white privilege, there are no studies that show any sort of "Jewish privilege". That's the problem, if you actually read the studies you would know. The science backs me up on this issue

>> No.18698049

Well, you do pay for "extreme in-group preference" in one way or another. Still, I think it is pretty obvious that mindset is invaluable, and if it means you become schizophrenic, is that really too high a price to pay?

>> No.18698050

pick one

>> No.18698051

I repeat, despite there being 1000's of studies that prove white privelege, there is not a single study that proves Jewish privilege, because it doesn't exist

>> No.18698058

You don't know any actual schizophrenics, do you? Let me tell you: not fun at all
My great-grandpa shot my grandmother's brother and their mother with a shotgun when she was like 12 on a whim

>> No.18698059

Every single anti semite is a chud, without a doubt. If you are anti-semetic, then you need to go back to /pol/ and leave this board forever. Nobody wants you here, and it shuts it up for everyone else

>> No.18698062

Has it ever been attempted to study it? Like are there studies going
>we tried to find out if jewish privilege exists and the evidence clearly says no

>> No.18698066

And not just that, there are many cross discipline studies. That's all you can do, deny the science at this point. It shows that there IS white privilege, while at the same time it diesnt do the same for Jewish privilege. So you have to plug your ears about it. Your people are slowly dying out and there's nothing you can do to stop it. And eventually they will die out. Your culture your history your art your ideals your values will all be lost to the pages of time :)

>> No.18698074

They're your people too, aren't they?

>> No.18698077

Acknowledging the accomplishments and power of the Jews is not anti-Semitic. From my perspective, the Jews are a people to imitate and learn from, they are an inspiration. Have you read much of Jewish history? It's epic, in the way they went from raiders and nomads to kings. And then they lost it all, but then they became powerful in the West, winning control of that civilization. Now who can stand against them? They have a nuclear-backed homeland, a superpower at their beck and call, they are the mortal gods of this world. I have no hatred of the Jews; I want to be like them.

>> No.18698081

A Polygenic Score for Higher Educational Attainment is Associated with Larger Brains

>Brain size has a correlation coefficient of .3
>Brain size differs by race and sex

>> No.18698086

Underrated. Made me chuckle.

My guess is people aren't "scared" by it, they just see the title and fail to see that it's the book equivalent of click-bait. I think white people need to talk about racism, we need to accept that we are racist, and then we need to accept that racism isn't really that bad if it benefits us so well. Why 'fix' something if by 'fixing' it we will disadvantage ourselves?

>> No.18698089

Hurr durr society makes all wipepo racist and they can never understand black pepo problems any attempt to explain things to black pepo is systemic racism, you just wouldn't get it cos you ain't suffered enuff

>> No.18698094

You are so small and so wrong.
Stay weak, lefty>>>/pol/ faggot

>> No.18698105
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>> No.18698115

This book is based because it red pills normies on how acknowledging that you're racist is being self-aware and claiming to not racist is delusional. Racism is literally a sign of intelligence and if you're not racist you're basically stupid.

>> No.18698117
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>> No.18698123

Could it be the fact that even the title of the book is racism against white people? I mean, publish a book, or even try to publish a book with the same or similar title replacing "white" with "black" and you will be executed. The title also lumps all white people together, which is also a form of racism. The book itself, from what I have read about it, also ACCUSES white people of being racists just because they are white and part of society that was partly built on exploiting other than white people and still has structures oppressing those people, even if the white individuals living today had nothing to do with how their society was originally built up and an average white person can not do much to change its structures. It also presents a LIE, that all white people who claim that they are not racists are racists just because of that, which is actually hate speech, to label someone as a racist for absolutely no reason: If an average white person says that they are not racist, based on how they behave in their daily life, and fail to see that in someone's opinion they are racists because they live in a society that was partly built on exploiting other than white people and still has structures to oppress those people, that does not make them racists. Being a racist requires that you have an INTENTION to oppress or discriminate someone on the basis of their ethnic group. You can not be racist just for living in a society you were born into.

Also, if you accuse someone of being racist just because they have a certain color of the skin and because they live in a society they were born into, do not expect them to be able to talk about their racism, as there is nothing really to talk about. After all, it is not racism to have a certain color of the skin or be born into a certain society. If you call white people racists just because of that, you might as well accuse all men of having been born men and of having to use female bodies to reproduce, to incubate their seed.

I believe that structural racism against other than white people in white society exists, but you can not fight against it by being racist yourself, labelling all white people racists just because they are white and live in society they were born into, and by presenting a criminal lie that they are racists if they say that they are not.

Might have read this thing but do not feel like it as it makes me feel I am being a target of racism and hate speech.

You can say what you like, won't bother to check. Obviously, there will be some nasty lies and pointless remarks presented to debunk what I just wrote, as so many people today are immoral pieces of shit who are perfectly ready to harm innocent people with lies to get what they want, and then tell more harmful lies to silence those people if they point out the initial lies.

>> No.18698134
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you're baiting

>> No.18698140 [DELETED] 

Bahahaha the chuds kneel to the Jewish, as it should be. They link a study, implying that Jewish people have much higher then average IQ. Cry chud

>> No.18698147

t. unironic race realist

>> No.18698154

>the anti-black "progressive" runs away at his discovery

>> No.18698164

>in connection with
Now let’s see how many cops killed someone that year. Oh, wait. No mugshots of that.
Well, let’s see these peoples class status. Pretty sure they’re all in unnecessarily impoverished regions.

>> No.18698169

That was a chud self btfo, am I not allowed to agree with his logic that he finally submits to the Jews? No there are no intellectual differences between the races. But if there was such a thing as a better race, then it would ironically be the Jewish people. This is something that /pol/ can never cope with.

>> No.18698173

Because the metric that they use to prove superiority is IQ and success in society, and in those specifics metrics, the Jewish people far outdo them

>> No.18698175

european here. i think, we just don't want to import your shitty american race discourses any longer that don't apply to any country outside of the united states. the european left is finally realizing more and more that identity politics are just retarded and is focusing on class again because all the workers started to vote for right-wing parties

>> No.18698176

>this study you linked proves that jews are superior to whites
>somehow saying that doesn't make me racist against non-whites because uhhhhh /pol/
take your medication please

>> No.18698181

>t. Retard who cant read

>> No.18698184

Cope. Give it 5 years and identity politics will dominate your left wing as it does ours.

>> No.18698185

t. self-proclaimed anti-racist who realized he let his mask slip and deleted his post in a hurry

>> No.18698195

>That was a chud self btfo
If you are talking about me (>>18698077), you have the wrong impression. I do not consider myself to be an anti-Semite or a "chud" (if anything my politics are neoliberal), and in fact I admire the Jews for all they have accomplished in their many millennia of existence.

>> No.18698197

Don't bother bringing nuance into this. Anti-black folks don't care about the actual truth

>> No.18698206

no, it has dominated everything for 5-10 years or so but there have been more and more signs that the peak has been reached and that the left wing parties are coming to their senses again. one of the most prominent faces of left wing politics in germany for example, sahra wagenknecht, has just released a bestselling book about how identity politics are destroying the sense of community and how left-wing parties have forgotten the working class in their pursuit of identity politics

>> No.18698221

Why would I want to be an ally?

>> No.18698225

Nonsense. Just look at all the European soccer teams kneeling for George Floyd a few weeks ago. American leftist discourse is about race and gender, and European leftists import their ideas directly from the US.

Look a the moral panic in the UK over people being racist to soccer players. Soccer players facing abuse from fans is a longstanding English tradition. But now that race is involved, it has turned into a huge political issue on the European left. Once again, because the modern Euro left is just a pale imitation of the American left, and the American left is just a corporate-run psyop. Europeans are getting a second-hand version of the same psyop.

>> No.18698226

So we can unite in the emancipation of the working class

>> No.18698230

And then I guess the question for you is, what political part isn't a corporate psyop?

>> No.18698237


>> No.18698242

White people are scared to admit that they have LONG benefited and still to this day benifit from institutions that systematically check any advance made by the BIPOC community and that until these institutions and indeed their very own identities are challenged injustice will continue to exist. Read On Having Whiteness by Donald Moss.
>The genocide of Indigenous people in the Americas by whites
>Jim Crow
>The Holocaust
>The War on Drugs
>The Police
>Muslim ban
>The criminalization of the free movement of people (ESPECIALLY BROWN PEOPLE).
>The Insurrection at the Capitol
We have yet to implement even basic policies like reparations for black people which forward thinking nations like Germany and even the U.K. have been considering, meanwhile the U.S. is dragging it's feet with critical race theory WE ARE LAGGING BEHIND.
Just look at how white folk cope
>"Diversity Hire"
>I'm not racist
>I'm colorblind.
>Yeah but surely unhoused and low-income white people don't benefit from their white privileged!
>Reverse Racism
>All Lives Matter
The start of this decade, the death of George Floyd, the BLM movement, everything that has gone down on social media like Twitter and TikTok, should serve as a warning that this generation will not stand by any longer. 2021 is just the start.

>> No.18698243

>So we can unite in the emancipation of the working class
That isn't your stated goal though. You just completely redefined the subject of the thread.

>> No.18698245

>The eq of this board would go up to dramatically
Shut the fuck up with your eq shit

>> No.18698246


>> No.18698254

People who say black instead of person of color.

>> No.18698256

Super based

Well I mean that's just one reason. But really, wouldn't it be good if we all got along? Yes, I believe that if we fix our racial problems then we can continue as a united people to fix our economic problems. So long as white people have institutional power and privilege there will never be real change. I'm not a communist, but yes I'm just offering socialist economic reforms as an incentive to get him on board with fighting for racial equality

>> No.18698258

>The Holocaust
You do know that not only Jews were out in camps, right?

>> No.18698263

How can one man speak so much truth

>> No.18698266
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>So long as white people have institutional power and privilege

'Whites' as a group in the US don't have that stuff. Their life expectancy is literally dropping. Their numbers are diminishing in raw terms, not just percentage terms. They literally get discriminated against in hiring and university admissions specifically on the basis of their race. It's not really my fight as a 'Latinx,' but the way that American whites allow themselves to be blood-libeled by their own leaders in their own homeland is kind of disturbing. It doesn't seem healthy, at a macrosocial level.

>> No.18698268

>98 posts, 31 posters
This isn't bait, it's chum.

>> No.18698276

what about chuds makes you feel the need to keep making these threads?

>> No.18698278 [DELETED] 

Well regardless I'm so tired that I'm just typing whatever the fuck, I did actually forget what I made this specific thread about, and now I'm just half asleep too tired to argue, even with image board retards online. I'm putting my phone away for the night. But dont worry, I'll continue making these threads, except I'm probably not going to put the effort into responding. So essentially a 1 post thread. I'll check on this tomorrow

>> No.18698281

These threads attract /pol/ crossboarders like flies to shit. /pol/acks are incapable of not taking the bait

>> No.18698288

This is what pops up when you Google the title
>Referring to the defensive moves that white people make when challenged racially, white fragility is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and by behaviors including argumentation and silence
Argymentation? So whites cannot argue for or against? They should just accept? You Americans are fucked

>> No.18698289

Why should you care for them at all? They deserve it, I'm happy to see this happen

>> No.18698291

There's a certain group of people who got so utterly btfo by 2015-era /pol/ that they never recovered and now treat the entire site as a battleground for their personal vendettas.
Posting stuff like this here is like therapy sessions for them.

>> No.18698296

ah i see, thanks.

>> No.18698297

Because, as places like South Africa demonstrate, not all groups are equally capable of maintaining functional first-world societies. That's why.

>> No.18698298

> So whites cannot argue for or against They should just accept?

Essentially, yes

>> No.18698301

>racial unity
>fix our economic problems
See >>18698289

>> No.18698307

Nigga didnt even crack the book and got this mad lmao

>> No.18698309

trying too hard

>> No.18698310

>the turks as the oppressed
Nice revisionism there. It was the ottoman turks that invaded europe and anatolia, thus that suffering under the european boot is some bs you need to comfort yourself with since you can’t take the truth: the ottomans were the greatest oppressors between the 1300s and 1800s.

>> No.18698319


>> No.18698354

Well yeah, it is white people fault, so I dont mind if they are knocked down a few pegs that brings us closer to equality

>> No.18698357

He cant take the truth that the Turks were the greatest Chad's?

>> No.18698359

Racial animus isn't a path to racial unity. You're own rhetoric is self-defeating.

>> No.18698363

If white people didn't exist there would be world peace. Honestly it doesn't even matter what you think. Just give it a few hundred years, and the problem will fix itself

>> No.18698390
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awful thread. kys, mentally ill freaks
>we need to admit our white privilege
>join me, goyim

>> No.18698433

Imagine being ashamed of your race because your ancestors were more successful than the rest lol

>> No.18698459

I mean the book is kinda bad so...

>> No.18698462

So which is it, oppressors are bad or oppressors are good? Or is it oppressors are bad when i’m being oppressed, but they’re good when i am the oppressor?

>> No.18698515

>if you're of a certain class you can't be held accountable for mass murder
that's wrong

>> No.18698527
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>> No.18698802

>believes in the media
Kys, see >>18698134

>> No.18698806


>> No.18698809

it took me a while to realize this but after moving to another country I finally did
I didn't hate girls I met because they were women, I hate them because they were fucking americans

>> No.18698830

Understanding the true scale of your problems is always the first step.

>> No.18698843

Sociology is a meme cry about it and then dilate some more

>> No.18698959

How did ritenhouse get tangled up in this

>> No.18698970

i hate americans so fucking much

>> No.18699092


>> No.18699133

This thread is filled with CIA agents pushing their next psyop on us, isn’t it?

>> No.18699139

This. So much THIS

>> No.18699149

Upvote! Bump!

>> No.18699178
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POV: you looking at the world

>> No.18699180

Mostly just a leftypol/discord tranny raid, it's obviously organised. Plus some retards that fell for it and butterfag.

>> No.18699242

>People who decide which TV shows we see
>People who decide which books we read

>not deciding that for yourself
Peak brainlet

>> No.18699467

Chud archetype btfo'd by FBI crime statistics.

>> No.18699477
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>> No.18699483
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Only ~5% of African slaves went to what is now the United States.

>> No.18699489
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>> No.18699493
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>> No.18699496

Will race politics ever go the way of the dodo?

>> No.18699508

No one is scared of such a kafkatrap.

Ironically, "chuds" and the chud-obsessed are on the same plane of attributing inherent racial spirits that are beyond verification. New age spiritual racialism.


>> No.18699509

after we nuke US

>> No.18699515

>these trainings have been studied and shown to be effective to reduce inequality in the workplace

yeah...I'll need a source for that one bud. I've sat through so many of those mandated training sessions and I can confidently say they are merely lip service and come across as such. It would be interesting if there was some objective way of showing that they have an effect (without any confounding variables, of course). You so confidently claim there are "studies", so please share one.

>> No.18699691

I'm not sure if this post or the replies are ironic or if this board got flooded with twitter shitlibs

>> No.18699695

There's been a discord tranny / leftypol raid

>> No.18699699

Isn't it weird that all this talk about white supremacy and systematic racism has skyrocketed while the first black president was in power? You'd expect that would fix all the race relations in America but instead it made them worse
What's funny is that all this "anti racism" is just making people more racist

>> No.18699708

>muh white males hold all the power
The classic apex fallacy

>> No.18699715

They forget that if this line of thought is accepted, it's actually jews and not whites that hold this power, but that doesn't fit the narrative

>> No.18699716

>George Bush
>Dick Cheney
>Barack Obama
>Hilary Clinton
Henry Kissinger
>Bill Gates
On and on I could go with the mass murderer list of the upper classes. Far higher numbers of dead of course. All unnecessary

>> No.18699728
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Proof modern left is nothing but useful idiots

>> No.18699783

This will likely change dramatically as boomers keep dying. Thing is because there are more brown people in seats of power wont make this country not a shithole

>> No.18699854
File: 85 KB, 648x1000, ChudApproved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading good books on the topic instead of some charlatan grifter's cash grab OP.

>> No.18700236

Certainly the most meritful post in this thread. I’m so sick of watching all these dogmatists chase their own tails. Polarized ideology has been full of mistakes.

>> No.18700388

It's garbage.
t. anti-racist

>> No.18700398

It's called tokenism

>> No.18700461

Take note, the same people who will call you naive for saying having a black president really meant something would be the same people who called you naive for suggesting america could elect a black president in the first place, before obama was on the ticket.

Progressives are allergic to recognizing progress because most of them rely on a state of moral panic to enforce their ideas.

This is why the US is in the midst of moral panic about racism at the least racist point in America's, and most of the world's, history.

>> No.18700485

Agents like to come by and shame people away from Zero books. What’s the take away from this one?

>> No.18700489
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>What's funny is that all this "anti racism" is just making people more racist

>> No.18700522

control for jews

>> No.18700586

oh my god, a country where the majority of its citizens were white for decades and only relatively recently faced a large demographic change has a lot of white people in its top positions that take years of experience to earn?? this makes no sense.
wait, then this means...japan has japanese supremacists! and india, INDIAN SUPREMACISTS. german supremacists, taiwan supremacists, mexican supremacist, brazilian supremacists, the list goes on. this is much more serious than we've thought.

>> No.18700652

It's a subroutine that ideologues run that serves the same function as "internalized oppression." You get to frame the debate in terms of the failure of your opponent via defining the emotional bedrock of their beliefs for them (in terms of weakness no less). Instead of having to think hard in regard to criticism, it can be outrightly dismissed--a white person disagrees with me because POC are taking their privilege (a black person doesn't agree with me because they've internalized their oppression). The worldview itself will never be directly challenged that way.

Basically, it reaffirms the ideologue's first principles while defining the other in such a way that you don't have to accept their criticism. Also, ideology has preloaded concepts that are weaponized--they're embedded in the terminology and such serves to emotively dissuade would-be critics while encouraging adherents. It's a lot like the idea of "projecting" but instead of taking the direct route from unconscious insecurity to unorganized ramblings that confuse the other for the self--it has a veneer of conscious affirmation in thought.

Mental gymnastics shortcut.

>> No.18700660

Show tits or GTFO.

>> No.18700878
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this book strikes me as a grift first and foremost. What good do I get out of reading a repackaged marxism with race instead of class as the dividing factor? With whiteness as original sin? On top of me not being marxist, it seems to preach the direct opposite of my entire "lived experience"(fucking hate that term given its abuse, but I can't think of any better to use)

this book was mandated reading back in between school years a good while back(sometime between 2001-2005). All I can remember, besides it being awful sociological drivel, was how much me and my friends at the time ripped on it for being pandering garbage. I feel like diangelo and her peers are basically just pushing the same shit from this book, but with an endgame of getting rich off a grift and the attention MSM is giving it-the old adage of "no such thing as bad publicity" is common with these people, as it spreads their shit work, gets them noticed, and has people who will read it to "own the chuds"-not to mention how it's getting integrated into school curriculums even stronger these days

>> No.18700891
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>> No.18700945

They are integrating it into the school curriculum? That's fantastic to know, at least somebody knows what they are doing. Hopefully with CRT and the passage of time, other school boards and districts will follow suit.

>> No.18700968

Turn off OANN and touch some grass, conservachuds.

>> No.18700975

why are people posting in this thread? It's obvious bait. sage.

>> No.18701074

It will when we've created equality for all, sweetie

>> No.18701096

So never?

>> No.18701101

>bunkertranny lets slip that he realizes niggers are subhuman

>> No.18701108

Never + fuck Yankees.
Also :
- This thread is bait ‘n’ trash.
- OP is a cocksucker.
- Sneed & SAGE.

>> No.18701147
File: 103 KB, 519x618, whitefragility2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When DiAngelo isn't abstracting racism away from the real and measurable, wherein her convicted belief in the pervasive and totalitarian nature of unobservable racism becomes at least as conspiratorial as the average 4chan anon (hence the inevitable recitation of Lee Atwater's interview on the Southern Strategy in White Fragility), her intentions as faith-blinded zealot rather than genuine social critic are most obvious; Robin DiAngelo is at her best when she makes lists.

DiAngelo's esoteric and circuitous conception of white fragility is simply not grounded in reality. This is most evident when she feels compelled at points in the book to simplify what she has been spending pages and pages mystifying. The result is typically mistakable for parody. Because her argument cannot stand alone she sweeps up any and all opposition as an aside.

See pic related, page 59 in the 2018 Beacon Press printing.
>Whites enact racism... in many ways:
>Attributing inequality between whites and people of color to causes other than racism
This reduces to what for DiAngelo must be a truism: material inequality between whites and people of color constitutes a sufficient condition for the existence of racism. This must be true for DiAngelo. It must be noted that DiAngelo's racism is the "power plus prejudice" definition (what I will now call "white racism," as the functional consequence of this definition is that only whites are capable of being racist), and elsewhere she dismisses the notion that nonwhites are capable of being racist. On the face this is absurd: what white racism is evinced by the higher incomes of Asians and Indians compared to whites? It is also racist in much the same way that DiAngelo argues throughout the book that virtually all discussion of race by whites is racist: ironically DiAngelo instantly attributed her friend Joan's fear of leaving the house to being in a black neighborhood. Implicit is the assumption and acknowledgement that black neighborhoods are dangerous.

Any non-flagellation, including (and especially) any real, critical discussion by whites in discussion of race is for DiAngelo defensiveness and evidence of white fragility. Clearly within her framework there is no argument against her framework (that isn't white fragility), but the necessary bullet to bite to accept her framework is clearly ridiculous.

It's worth reading her book. It's short.

>> No.18701287

Her general argument is MLK "judge people by their character not race" is far better for understanding world and helping combat racism than the racial thinking of "anti-racists" like OP's pic. She correctly points out that racists and "anti-racists" agree in how they view the world racially.

>> No.18701635

that excerpt reads like a person well divorced and insulated from the reality of being around poor black neighborhoods

I'd love to see her move into such a neighborhood with no gun and this white savior/minority fetishizing mindset, it would be days before crackheads clear out anythng not bolted down

>> No.18701642

Nah, I hate people in general.

>> No.18701661
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>"Of course," she immediately added, "they also had to buy a gun, and Joan is afraid to leave the house." I immediately knew they had bought a home in a black neighborhood.
so this is the power of anti-racism...

>> No.18701689
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>> No.18701808

Chud detected, sorry sweetie, like actually, no it isnt

>> No.18701829

177 replies later

>> No.18701843


>> No.18701881

What? OP here. I made that post and I'm certainly not a chud. I mean I'm genuinely happy to see that this book is being taught to kids in school nowadays. I hope there will be more open minded schools like theirs, and my hope is that this book becomes mandatory reading across the country. I mean I just saw an article that said that the largest teacher union embraced critical race theory, so I'm happy.

>> No.18701888

I know that you are a closeted homsexual, why else do you obsess over having gay sex with black men?

>> No.18701940

As a Jewish man, I really don't see the problem here.
I'm not afraid to admit that I benefit from white privilege as a "passing" minority (e.g. unless I tell people I'm Jewish they can't tell) yet as a Jewish man I also know what it's like to be hurt by White Supremacy and I remember our history—never again.
Why shouldn't we as Jews take advantage of our unique position to challenge the hegemonic white power structure that hurts everyone (even at times, including whites)? Until white power ends there will be no justice.

>> No.18701980

Blacks are only safe when whites are disarmed, DiAngelo provides the means with which instructors can disarm students and deprogram the implicit racism of parents. It's all for the greater good.

>> No.18702256

Exactly, racist neo-Nazi chuds will see the at this

And honestly I couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.18702287

How have there been so many thoughtful and insightful posts in one thread? As soon as this thread goes to the archives I think I'm going to have to make another one right away

>> No.18702770

Yes, science!

>> No.18702876

I know right, I hope this thread and the other one on nationalism reach the bump limit. It's amazing that we have a meritocracy on this board, such that only the very best threads are bumped to the top, and given the most attention. It's called science

>> No.18702886

It's so cringe. The cover is 100% shock value and meant to provoke a reaction. Black people have an inferiority complex I think. What do you think would happen if that book came out though?

>> No.18702934

>Black Inferiority
>Why it's so hard for black people to succeed
It's got a nice ring to it desu.

>> No.18702944

anti-white detected

>> No.18702964

What more does the west have to do to prove we don't want to subjugate black people anymore? I mean thanks for all the free labor but now our institutions work for you. What more do you want? We give you free passes into top schools and jobs. Should we start sacrificing our first born sons as well? Oh yeah they all want to be trannies already. Nice. Blacks are becoming as devious as Jews, but I think they would be way more ruthless.

>> No.18703063

Pretty sure everyone except PMC liberals thinks this book is fucking retarded. Of course this group is not an insignificant population, especially online. However, it seems to make Marxists seethe more than "chuds."

>> No.18703091

this image is anti-semitic

>> No.18703094

I'm not closeted at all. I like raping men and I get away with it with black men, because they always end up liking in the end. What are you going to do about it? Call me gay? I'll dox you and get your life ruined

>> No.18703096

if you unironically believe in this, then my recommendation is to sniff cyanide

>> No.18703102


>> No.18703104

You have to make us all white just like you did to Michael Jackson

>> No.18703116

Has to be bait

>> No.18703135

this, the replies are downright scary if unironic

>> No.18703140

its written by a guinea wop greaseball

>> No.18703147

>These threads attract /pol/ crossboarders like flies to shit. /pol/acks are incapable of not taking the bait
Fuck off, most of the replies are from leftist retards unironically believing that whyte pypo kill 1 billion negros per second

>> No.18703158


>> No.18703172

I will kill every single kike and you cant stop me faggots.

>> No.18703176

>I'm not anti-white.

>> No.18703225

Why are you so angry and violent, we are just here to discuss ideas. Are you threatening physical harm? You know that's against US law right?

>> No.18703236
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>> No.18703442

Dont let this thread die just yet!

>> No.18703566

It's just this dressed up in HR language

>> No.18703695

yeah I don’t care

>> No.18703803


>> No.18703858
File: 84 KB, 720x720, 129963560_1603744859833660_6189375574166604250_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely nothing.
I tell all my friends and coworkers about it.
It's probably been the number 1 piece of literature to show just how insane and bigoted the left is when it comes to racial issues.

When average liberals tell me that the left isn't that bad, I bring up this book.

Thank you for turning millions of normies away from progressivism and marxism and towards the right.

>> No.18704775
