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18694880 No.18694880 [Reply] [Original]

What is Good without Evil? What is Light without Darkness? Nothing! What do we do with this information you ask? I haven't the slightest clue. Maybe an enlightened anon could take over?

>> No.18694921
File: 52 KB, 503x700, Carl Jung laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enlightened or schizophrenic, what's the difference? Jung has an answer to your questions.

>> No.18694932

>I need blue to know red

>> No.18694939

Do you know hunger without fullness?

>> No.18694948

We have a war every 10 years to remind people how good they had it in peace times

>> No.18694954

The west hasn't had a proper war in like 70 years

>> No.18694955

I see what you're doing there, and I'm not falling for it. Good and Evil are diverse, uncreated principles, they aren't the two ends of the single spectrum

>> No.18694963

What is the third leg to the good and evil dichotomy then? Surely neutrality lies in between

>> No.18694977

Nothing, in Zoroastrianism it's just a void. Again, you keep trying to use a third term to clamp Good and Evil into an identity that won't hold

>> No.18694985

>Maybe an enlightened anon could take over?
start with the greeks

>> No.18694988

Sounds like moral relativism. Are you saying good and evil don't actually exist?

>> No.18694992
File: 36 KB, 480x480, reinhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iranian dualism

>> No.18695004

>it's just a void
Explain what that means then. Also doesn't zoroastrianism literally have a Good God and an Evil God?

>but it's not dualism!
Are you a bit retarded?

>> No.18695039

You asked what the third leg is, ie what mediates between Good and Evil. Nothing mediates between Good and Evil, they're uncreated principles.

>> No.18695045

Are there other such principles of the same category?

>> No.18695052

I didn't mean that we literally have a war every 10 years in our world.
I meant we use the information in the OP by implementing >>18694948

>> No.18695063

Something maybe, but a very slight something

>> No.18695067


>> No.18695070

>What do we do with this information
Maximize oscillation

>> No.18695982

All of this “what is light without dark” ect, just comes across as pseudo-intellectualism

>> No.18695994


>> No.18696019

It's more like you need what is not red to know red, and you need red to know what is not red.

>> No.18696206

>blue is the opposite of red

>> No.18696688

If good and evil are diverse then that implies that each good has a better good
>saving a human life is more good than picking up trash
That sounds like a spectrum to me just not on a line.
So then how could humans recognize actions as either without one another? Then actions would be meaningless and invite stagnation

>> No.18696795

See: distinction between diversity and difference. Good and Evil are diversely, not differentially, grounded.

Goodness is Right Mind, tranquil consciousness, and that's all it ever will be.

>> No.18696819

light reveals
night conceals
good without
evil doubt
existence presents
absence resents
one flaunts
zero wants

There is no dark.
There is only light and its absence.

>> No.18696952

Because he needs to feel important and smart without putting in any effort.

>> No.18696957

True evil is just as unwavering and confident as true good. The difference is intent and outcome

>> No.18696960

light is to darkness what blue is to orange
not red

>> No.18696962

>Korean War
>not proper
>Vietnam War
>not proper
Anon go conscribe yourself

>> No.18696964

Depends on the color scheme you use

>> No.18696970

Those were 50 and almost 70 years ago respectively. And regardless, it wasn't a cataclysmic continent-engulfing event

>> No.18697033

Darkness is just the absence of light, you retard.

>> No.18697355

Light is just the absence of darkness, you retard

>> No.18697391

Don't think about good and evil, it's pointless. There's a reason why we still have issues with morality after Eve ate of the fruit of knowledge . Don't strive to lead a life of goodness but a life in balance.

>> No.18697550

>it wasn't a cataclysmic continent-engulfing event
No war except for the two world wars has been that.

>> No.18697562

Nonsense. The napoleonic wars, the wars of spanish and austrian succession, the 30 years war, even the Crimean war to an extent.

>> No.18697731

i don't think you know the meaning of cataclysmic

>> No.18697742

Alright not the crimean war and not the wars of succession (even though they played major roles in shaping the european power balance) but the 30 years war and the napoleonic wars were absolutely cataclysmic

>> No.18698033

Im sure there is more to it but from a surface level it comes across as shallow.