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File: 25 KB, 220x339, 220px-Pnin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18693184 No.18693184 [Reply] [Original]

he's literally me.

>> No.18693299

He's a nice man

>> No.18693360

and yet he is one of the few nabokov characters to achieve his freedom from his creator and live on doing what he loves

>> No.18693368

> is one of the few nabokov characters to achieve his freedom from his creator and live on doing what he loves

>> No.18693383

litteraly what happens

>> No.18693415 [SPOILER] 
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Nabokov himself said this was kind of an ambiguity and that he didn't like to think whether or not he went on living a fulfilling life even if I'd like to believe so, the way his life goes might contradict that. In any way, it could be said that, as a premunition, Nabokov—purposely, maybe?—Introduced a character that seemed to resemble Timofey in the later parts of Lolita if this is true, then it can be safely assumed that he found a place as an staff member somewhere else an continued to do what he loved

>> No.18693428

Did anyone else notice his cameo in Pale Fire?

>> No.18693455

bu he definitely shows up in >>18693428 and pale fire's themes make me think its appropriate that he lives on happily.

>> No.18693462

also that pic lol

>> No.18693493 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 720x411, 1626879662144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, this in conjunct with the Lolita possible cameo might indicate so. Sometimes I think I'm a Humbert, but in reality I'm just a Pnin ):

>> No.18693523

but pnin both faired better and is more likeable anon. i always think of it as a kinbote-humbert-pnin spectrum

>> No.18693547

It has been a while since I read Lolita, who is the character they resembles Pnin?

>> No.18693566

I haven't read Pnin but I'm assuming he's reffering to the professor Humbert plays chess with in the second half of the book when Humbert and Lolita settle in a house

>> No.18693585

can't be, unless Pnin really let go. he has to be talking about the one when he's looking for dolores and sees the bald man at some university. Haven't read the book in like 4 years but vaguely remmeber that.

>> No.18693638

>he's literally me.
very pninian of you, anon.

>> No.18694263

i had a reversal of the situation of that one anon who pronounced pseud as "p-seud" with the p in class where i was doing a presentation on nabokov and i pronounced it "nin" without the p but thankfully no one corrected me

>> No.18694560
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>> No.18694570

its gay how literally every single nabby book is the same meme concept repeated in a different guise, if you understand one of his novels you understand them all

>> No.18694612

Based on the cover and your description of the book I gather the character is just Apollon from NFTU.

>> No.18694615 [SPOILER] 
File: 503 KB, 600x677, 1626892894403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you understand
But anon, there's nothing to understand to begin with. To conjure a "meaning" or "lesson" from Nabby is the same as getting a meaning from a Zdzislaw Beksinski painting. And if anything would be blasphemy towards the author. He was the biggest troll and filter for both pseuds and normies, simply because his works impose complexity in the basis of absolute redundancy with the goal of effervescing emotions

>> No.18694627


>> No.18694692

this is not entirely true, you thinking that nabby is completely amoral means you got filtered too, the ultimate lesson in all of nabbys fiction is that trying to elevate fiction into the realm of truth is the ultimate sin

>> No.18694694

how are they all the same? the characters are all different, and their relationship with nab is different. that makes the stories different, which is the real point. its a wierd thing to reduce wildly different books to. plus knowing this isnt "understanding" them at all.

>> No.18694704

filtered by self psuedery. "the ultimate lesson" shows how little you understand any work at all

>> No.18694730

Nah, its literally the ultimate message of most if not all of Nabokov's novels, in Lolita nabby disintegrates his own fiction to punish hh for being a solipsistic pedo faggot, the last part of ada does the same, the pseud is you here nabby is not an amoral aesthete in any way

>> No.18694918

Just want to thank these fine gentlemen for observing spoiler etiquette

>> No.18694927

what I mean is that the ultimate-ultimate message in nabbys books is that fiction is not reality and should never be considered as such, it is a game or a troll or whatever you said, but that doesn't mean that his books are completely amoral. If we take both Lolita and Ada it is about characters who try to elevate their personal fiction into the realm of truth, the fairytale incest bullshit in Ada and H.Hs solipsistic autism is ruthlessly disintegrated by nabby in a way that shows you that in the end the book you read is just a fun literary puzzle, while also punishing the characters inside the novel for trying to elevate fiction into reality, if you disregard this major aspect of nabbys work you got filtered too, the lesson ultimately is that it's all fun and games as you said, but at the same time nabby is disgusted by people who try to use fiction for their own ends and who try to pass fiction off as 'reality', and he also punishes his characters for doing it relentlessly, his work is not amoral at all.

>> No.18694953
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>what I mean is that the ultimate-ultimate message in nabbys books
>its literally the ultimate message
> to punish hh
kek filtered hard.

>> No.18694965 [SPOILER] 
File: 184 KB, 855x481, 1626896444882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, fren

>> No.18694967

Lmao I wrote my thesis on Nabby nibba, just reread Lolita considering what I posted and you'll get it, stop being this much of a pseud

>> No.18694982

No, no, hear him out. I think >>18694927 is right, even if he types like a faggot. He's basically agreeing with my claims in a deeper sense. I do understand what >>18694953 means, and agree with him at some level too. But trying to prove either right or wrong would prove more philosophical than empirical. And purely etymologically speaking, all Nabby wanted was to filter fags and play with the emotions of those unfiltered.

>> No.18695033
File: 6 KB, 250x206, 1556330601453s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, when you put it like that I guess you're right. I just hate pseud fags. But you're just too nice and agreeable anon, I think I can accept that my point can somehow merge with that of the nabby thesis fag.

>> No.18695047
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>> No.18695057 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 680x554, 1626897258432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18695153

>Lmao I wrote my thesis on Nabby nibba
thats a bad lens to view any art from, which your forced conclusion of an ultimate ultimate "message" shows. its a soulless academic act reducing a whole book to a statement that youre imposing on it (reducing if youre >>18694570, if not its less bad i guess since the interplay of reality and fiction IS a part of all of his work ive read, but your thesis from that is still forced and ungrounded, let alone almost evil if youre insisting on calling that an "ultimate ultimate moral message")

>> No.18695253
File: 31 KB, 600x584, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18695566

But Pnin did nothing wrong ;( why does he punish him? And how is Humbert killing Quilty supposed to fit into this? I think he just punishes his characters for the readers (his own) sake and sometimes he feels mercy and lets them go, and sometimes they take revenge on him for imprisoning them. And sometimes they sudoku

>> No.18695688

>thats a bad lens to view any art from, which your forced conclusion of an ultimate ultimate "message" shows. its
its not forced in any sense anon, read nabbys own interviews and letters written around the time of Lolita, it's spelled out clearly. And it is anything but evil, in fact it elevates nabby from being an empty literary craftsman into something much more, I'm not imposing my own will onto his work like a faggot lit student, it literally is the message which he repeatedly spells out clearly outside his novels

>> No.18696901

Bump. Will have it finished tomorrow keep the thread alive

>> No.18697064

>keep the thread alive
>the message which he repeatedly spells
I disagree, there's many things he said to "calm the press" since he wasn't the outgoing "don't care 'bout other's opinions" kinda guy, irl just shy butterfly man with a genius mind, if anything it doesn't elevate him, your claims but bring him down closer to humanity, is was sort of redundant to him in the sense you're trying to pursue.

>> No.18697154 [DELETED] 

>go to annual ex-pat party
>yuck it up in your native language with other intellectuals
>get hammered into spiritual malaise by reminder of long Holocausted young love

At-at least he still has squirrels.

>> No.18697164

>go to annual ex-pat party
>yuck it up in your native language with other intellectuals
>get hammered into spiritual malaise by reminder of long Holocausted young love

At-at least he still has squirrels[spoilers].