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File: 310 KB, 1600x961, C3E80581-6A8D-4A41-8AA8-D64B9B921094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18692887 No.18692887 [Reply] [Original]

When are you going to be a man of action, anon?

>> No.18692890

Stoicism literally addresses this, stop discussing what a good man is and just be one.

>> No.18692949
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Never, a lifetime of conditioning and damage cannot be undone by oneself and there is no external support of the kind required. If anything it is the opposite, the world at large are engaged in a quasi-conspiratorial sense to the contrary effect, of quashing agency and sterilizing men. I am doomed and there's more dignity in accepting that fact.

>> No.18693005
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Why so defeatist anon? I’ve had an unfortunate past but I still believe in some sort of change in the future. Society at large is on a decline, but that does not necessarily interfere with your day to day life. It’s pretty out of your control, so just focus on what you can change and change it.

>> No.18693007
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No. It's over. It's too late.

>> No.18693011

These are the words of a young man. You will learn.

>> No.18693034

>reading anything by a woman
Big yikes.

>> No.18693065

Woman admits she is filtered by philosophy therefore it must be worthless

>> No.18693069

I feel personally attacked

>> No.18693076

that’s not what she’s saying, she’s saying that young men with overpowering mothers turn to mainly focus on abstract concepts because they’re not in touch with their earthly masculinity.

>> No.18693080

>which they think mother does not understand
Yo this bitch be copin

>> No.18693083

That's literally me.
>t.mommy's boy who likes philosophy

>> No.18693096


>> No.18693108

Yes, the person who asserts: "such people have no genuine questions" is not projecting in the slightest. What she is saying is worthless because it is reductive to an absurd degree. The only worthwhile conclusion is the mirror of her own thought process.

>> No.18693125

>Continental "philosophy".

>> No.18693133

I do agree it’s extremely reductive, but it’s still insightful to a certain degree. You must take the era in which this was written in into consideration. At the time, there were no video games or anime, the main source of abstract entertainment and escapism was books and philosophy. Manchildren can literally be seen all around you in our day and age, and this is exceptionally true when you look at all the miserable young men who had a single mother (an overpowering maternal figure).

>> No.18693138

This. I lived in denial all my life but it was over before it began. C'est la vie. Not even ugly btw.

>> No.18693144

I can believe that about the sterile analytic philosophers, which it sounds like she's describing.

>> No.18693148

>ugh, these nerds make my pussy dry up. Stop reading mammas boy, be a manly man

>> No.18693152

Why fight a war you can't win? I remember when I was 7 years old my father talking about me having a psychological complex in front of me and the rest of the family and blamed my mother for encouraging it.

>> No.18693156
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>> No.18693174

what’s the basedjack supposed to be?

I actually agree with this. I don’t think she’s talking about philosophers and philosophy as a whole, but rather she talks about pseudointellectuals and analytical philosophy that has absolutely no usage whatsoever.

>> No.18693179


The Demiurge.

>> No.18693186

this lol

>> No.18693191

That's terrible, I'm sorry. We are the nightingale in the claws of the hawk.

>> No.18693192

Yeah, but once they realize this they escape into worlds like the weight room, which is really more of the same, possibly worse in some regards.

>> No.18693269

how is lifting weights, which lowers risk of diabetes, releases endorphins, makes you feel better about yourself, sculpts your body, helps you gain more confidence, possibly worse than larping as an intellectual on internet forums?

>> No.18693291

Well I hope not, I already had my fair share of pessimism

>> No.18693305

>makes you feel better about yourself
So its cope?

>> No.18693312

It's cope or rope, bro

>> No.18693344

you really hate yourself so much that you think improving your life is a "cope"?

>> No.18693348

I won't
Too hard

>> No.18693372

In the same manner that’s described in the OP, obviously.

>> No.18693378

There a million and one ways to “improve your life” other than weight training and let’s be clear that “improve your life” is a nonsense platitude that doesn’t actually mean anything specific. There’s plenty of weight lifters who have miserable lives, plenty who have worse lives after the weight room compared to before. For some reason, weigh lifting is granted a special status in English speaking society, especially American, and for the life of me I can’t understand what good reason there is for it.

>> No.18693397

I blame Charles Atlas

>> No.18693426


Truly cringe take

>> No.18693445

nerd mental gymnastics. just bench faggot

>> No.18693446


You stand by this until your bones start hurting during old age because they weren't conditioned enough from lifting weights.

>> No.18693457

I do not have any energy for action. Im not a protagonist but an extra who gets killed in the first seconds in the battle.

>> No.18693459

How old are you?

>> No.18693474
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>men suck
>but it is all women's fault

>> No.18693477

based. >>18693378 is peak mental gymnastics. Go lift bro

>> No.18693478

Psychoanalysis is so cringy.

>> No.18693479

Trying to estimate how much slack you have, how long you can flounder and fail until you give up too? I'm 30.

>> No.18693538
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>There a million and one ways to “improve your life” other than weight training
And none of them can truly replace weight training. I forgive your ignorance on the matter as you clearly haven't enjoyed the benefits of getting /fit/. Lifting weights is a purely masculine endeavour, more so than any other form of exercise. There is a visceral feeling of dominating your environment whilst utilising the tools bestowed by thousands of years of hunting and fighting when you lift weight. I still vividly remember the first time I ever did a pull up, and the indescribable feeling of being able to manipulate my body weight through space.

Yes there is an obnoxious cult surrounding the hobby, but that should not put you off using your body to its full potential. You are literally allowing yourself to waste away if you don't at least do some form of regular exercise.

>> No.18693555

Yes, it’s women’s (specifically your mother’s fault). Are you going to let them stop you though? Are you going to fall victim for your own misfortune like a dog, or are you going to rise above it?

>> No.18693581

based mishima poster.
>let’s be clear that “improve your life” is a nonsense platitude that doesn’t actually mean anything specific. There’s plenty of weight lifters who have miserable lives, plenty who have worse lives after the weight room compared to before.

Weight lifting isn’t meant to solve every problem that exists in your life, but it’s a good start. Once you get into the ritualistic habit of weight lifting, you’ll have the self-discipline to target other areas of your life.

>> No.18693589

I don't really need to lift to commit sudoku

>> No.18693640
File: 156 KB, 1024x864, above .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of defeatist losers in this thread trying to drag us all down. Just accept that you are doomed to keep daydreaming alone on your couch forever! Try to improve your life? Cope! Chad never had to self-improve. He just decided to play a sport because he thought it would be fun. Everything just fell into place. Still never had a gf at your age? Start studying the dark arts now so you can put them to use once you turn 30. Wait. You are still under 30, aren't you, anon?

Civilization is in decline, nobody's parents could properly prepare them for the information age, everybody wants to die, and many of us have already wasted many years of our lives away doing nothing. That doesn't mean we have to just lay down and rot though. Why not at least try? If you try to fix yourself, there's at least a CHANCE that you will make it. If you accept your fate of posting frogs and fantasizing forever, that becomes your fate. There's no chance of winning if you don't try. If you guys want to be losers for the rest of your lives, go ahead and do that. Those of us who want to actually live and go after the things we want will go our way. It's never too late to do or learn something. I wish I had started laerning how to play an instrument and speak a second language a decade ago but I'm doing it now. I am never going to get those countless hours back that I spent scrolling though the internet or daydreaming about how things could be. That sucks but you have to accept those days are gone and move forward. Do what you can with the time you still have. Work out, learn skills, live a healthy life, go out and meet people. None of us will ever truly be normal but that doesn't mean we can't get better. Years of lovelessness and isolation are something you will always carry with you. But you can overcome that. You can get better. Deny it if you want, call it a cope. Whatever. I would prefer to not be a loser anymore. Maybe I will fail but I have to try.

>> No.18693653

You're young you dumb faggot.

>> No.18693677
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based anon

>> No.18693688

this is unfathomably based. The simple best post in the thread.

>> No.18693724

Just try, I bet you'll have.a better life with trying than with not.

>> No.18693739

Always the mother's fault. Blame the fucking mother.

>> No.18693766

I want to write the sequel about girl-childs who are too busy escaping into unattractive stuff like working or reading to get back at their absentee father, when they should be self-actualizing as women by cooking me dinner and giving me a blowjob.
I'll call it Puella Outta Ueranus.

>> No.18693783
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>> No.18693869
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It doesn't matter what you believe, what you proselytize, if you do so well or poorly, even if you can convince yourself. Experience isn't the best teacher, it is the only teacher. And life experience always teaches the same lesson, and my warning here while futile will be redeemed with absolute certainty. Yeah, in time, you will follow me.

This is just the crazed hope that lives within all young men who live in 'tension' who conceive of the world as malleable because they must, because this delusion itself is a fundamental part of the trick played on us. You may say these things, but you would still look at a 30 year old cashier or student with both contempt and ridicule, which would swell all the more in the years required for our hypothetical sad soul to advance their position in any way. 30 isn't dead, but it's too late for life as humans used to, and as the fortunate now, experience it. The fact of the matter is you now say and do just as I once did, our roles are in fact the same I'm simply further into the story.

You will all see. You might not remember me or what I've said, but neither will forget you.

>> No.18693886

There comes a point where a man doesn't want a better life. It would simply be another humiliation atop the pyre. A point where you stop praying for redemption and your only hope or interest lies at the end.

You will know it.

>> No.18693891
File: 963 KB, 1056x649, meanwhile, in reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are a lot of defeatist losers in this thread trying to drag us all down. Just accept that you are doomed to keep daydreaming alone on your couch forever! Try to improve your life? Cope! Chad never had to self-improve. He just decided to play a sport because he thought it would be fun. Everything just fell into place. Still never had a gf at your age? Start studying the dark arts now so you can put them to use once you turn 30. Wait. You are still under 30, aren't you, anon?

>> No.18693899

At least you write well and have a sort of style

>> No.18693912

have sex

>> No.18693914

There are happy people out there. If there are happy people out there, why can't one of us become happy too? The point is not to be happy as a 30 year old cashier or student. The point is to avoid (or stop) being a 30 year old cashier or student. People can improve their lives in a number of ways. We aren't doomed.

If you feel that way, why don't you kill yourself? I'm not encouraging you to. I'm just asking why you go on living with no hope for a better life.

>> No.18693916

>but you would still look at a 30 year old cashier or student with both contempt and ridicule
most people don't give a shit about them and want to be served. you are overthinking this

>> No.18693918

>shitty motivational speech is plagiarized off some r9k pasta and samefagged to appear otherwise

>> No.18693924

because he's a crab trying to keep everyone else in the bucket with him. he doesn't want to die but he doesn't want to lift a finger to improve his situation either

>> No.18693930

>you are overthinking this
Isn't that the point of the thread

>> No.18693966

It wasn't plagiarized. I was directly referencing it because I see that posted all the time to make anons feel hopeless. Yes, many of us here missed out on a lot and that's painful to think about but that doesn't mean we have to accept that this is just how it is. Trying to improve your situation is a whole lot less pathetic than believing your misfortune is inescapable and wasting away for the rest of your life. What do you people gain from discouraging others?

I'm not sure what you mean by the samefag part. The only other thing I've said in this thread is >>18693914.

>> No.18694005

Unironically, Kill yourselves. Please livestream it for future gore threads, etc. Bonus points for creativity.

>> No.18694089

its a reference, retard
lurk more

>> No.18694097

damn I just remembered that anon who livestreamed his suicide on r9k a couple of years ago, shot himself with a shotgun and a couple of mins later his mom came home. Heartbreaking shit. Anons, don’t kill yourself. Life does and will get better

>> No.18694142

stop giving women this powaer over you.

>> No.18695051

I don't want them to kill themselves. I want them to get better or at least not promote their negative mentality.

>> No.18695135

she spittin fax tho im finna rape some btiches instead of readin like a pussy

>> No.18695814


>> No.18695875

based rapist. Extra points if you give them a STI

>> No.18695917

There's no action to take. There's no shame in accepting the fact that one person isn't going to overcome the entire planet, the entire shithole planet we have to live on. If there actually were a path to take that would accomplish anything meaningful, I would already have gone down that path. But it doesn't exist. Telling me to become a man of action is like telling a serf to just man up and get a palace like his overlord has. It's not only stupid, but anyone who buys into the deranged notion that anything can be achieved under the current conditions has delusions of grandeur.

>> No.18695958

>what is curiosity

>> No.18695972

Rape is bad and you should not do it.

>> No.18695979
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Your FBI agent approves this messages

>> No.18695999

>there are people who actually read stoics when they can just watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0

>> No.18696081

unironically pretty much the same thing

>> No.18696091

These posts and others like them itt are correct. Anons will learn this halfway through their twenties.
Still lift, still read, get a gf, whatever, but if you think you can do much more than that then you've got another thing coming.

>> No.18696094
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>When are you going to be a man of action, anon?
When I can read 500 pages in a day like Stalin. Once I have done so, I will try my best to kill billions of people and sear my name into humanity's collective buttocks and people will never think a thought without my name in their heads ever again.

>> No.18696101

being weak is bad. carry around a gun if you dont wanna be raped by me, bitch ass nigga

>> No.18696145

von Franz is fucking based. "Puer Aeternus" is a revelation if you had/have an overbearing mother.

>> No.18696211
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>tfw recently 26

>> No.18696252

behind the curve but who cares, you should still try anon

>> No.18696262

does she say how I can fix my shit? How to overcome this? If yes then I’m definitely buying it

>> No.18696286

try what? every time i go out do you know what i see? i see couples, i see couples with children, and i see single mothers. the meme is real, i'm going to end up a step dad or get murdered by some crazy chick. i can't even get a greeting from the women at work, they just turn their heads whenever i walk past them down the hall

>> No.18696497

Not exactly, since its pure analysis. But it helps you clarify yourself and notice what parts of you are possessed/coping/reacting to the mother itch.

OPs pic sums up a great part of the book.
>in short, you're not an intellectual, you're a stunted daydreamer

Often the puer acknowledges his subjugation to his mother, and prides himself on other things (creativity, intellect), NOT realizing this these traits are actually derivative of the emasculation received from the mother.

It just equips you with some good language, and a good pair of eyes to spot your own bullshit. Then you can try and steer yourself to somewhere more independent.

>> No.18696554

Anyone wanna hear an anecdote about how I revolted against my mother, scared her, and how now she leaves me alone?

>> No.18696598

Give me a few months to work out.

>> No.18696672


>> No.18696692

You have at least 40 more years of live in you

>> No.18696726

jung was right about everything

>> No.18696843

I got away from my mother, and lived independently for six years. Our tense relationship slowly mellowed out. After my lease expired on my last place, I decided to save money by moving back to my old neighborhood, with my uncle. I hadn't really kept up with my mother, and she started prying back into my life. One day she "stopped by" when my gf was there, and it turns out she was sideways talking shit about me (her own son) to my gf. This infuriated me so much, that my mother might be trying to sabotage our relationship, but I didn't really do anything about it. I got paranoid.

She called me "selfish" over text one day for not wanting to help her run errands "since you're in the neighborhood." When I came home I found she had borrowed some tools (my uncle let her in). When I told her to bring them back, she called me selfish again. "You can wait." I realized, ohhh shit, she's re-playing this weird abusive shit like in the old days.

I think basically because I couldn't let my gf think I was a pushover, I was proactive and stood my ground. When she brought back my tools (at her leisure), I just grabbed the toolbox and closed the door on her. She asked to come in, but I said, no, I need to take a nap. Believe me, my heart was pounding because I had never talked to her like that. I never negotiated from any point of confidence.

Like two days later I came home and she was in our house. The tension was palpable. She was serving herself shit out of our fridge, and I asked her if she was waiting for my uncle. "No, I don't need an excuse to come visit you, you know." Her tone of voice just shot me straight back to being a bullied kid under her thumb. I was still scared to make eye contact, but I said, "Come on, let's go. I need to take a nap." She tried the usual volleys of get-arounds like, "And?" et cet.

She then shot up and started accusing me of "acting crazy" and "being selfish", and "not appreciating everything she does." I told her she's not going to yell at me in my own house. Of course: "This isn't your house." Next, kind of weird, but I threatened to call the cops. I said she's trespassing and harassing me. She said I was crazy, blah blah blah, and I "have problems." Mind you, we had barely started talking again after years and years. She stormed out.

>> No.18696845


Next time she showed up, a week later. I got up and said, "Nope. Leave. We're not doing this." She sort of postured, clearly having come here to slake her conflict with me. I paced over to her, and grabbed her by the arm to turn her out, and she screamed. I just held tight, and threw her out the door. She pounded on the door. "Give me my purse!" I gave her the purse, held back my voice and said, "Stay the fuck away from me. Stay out of my life."

I expected to catch major shit from my uncle, but nothing ever happened. She always held this shame over me that if I were to ever lash back, the family would disown me. But nothing happened, and for WEEKS my mother went out around playing depressed, acting like my "outburst" was just another example of how everyone hates her. The next few times I saw her she just sort of moped around. I was sort of amazed. I expected a war, but then I saw how small she really was. I think I truly scared her. It's been three years, and she hasn't bothered me again.

My father did end up texting me about the incident, saying I should never treat my mother like that. But I ignored the text, and me and my father never mentioned it again. In fact, the next time I saw my father, he casually mentioned how important it was for him to stop her from controlling him.

And that's all I have to say about that.

>> No.18696923
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>I threatened to call the cops. I said she's trespassing and harassing me.
well at least you took matters into your own hands at the end but jesus dude

>> No.18696954

>in court
>wearing a graphic tee
Trailer trash

>> No.18696955

That is what most of us want. When most anons describe what "making it" is, it's getting married and having children. There are some who don't have any interest in that of course but most of the time, that's what people are talking about. They want a gf.

>> No.18696967


>> No.18696969

What? Why isn't it just attempted murder? Is this a thing?

>> No.18696975

I saw nothing wrong with his post.

>> No.18696979

Is 23 still considered super late to have never kissed a girl? It seems like a lot of young men are khv these days. Maybe my perspective is just skewed by the internet.

>> No.18696982

Weight lifting is fine, but it's kind of overrated. Also being able to lift a lot of weight doesn't mean you'll know how to fight. Which is a more important skill.

>> No.18696995

>Act like a robot
Fuck that. If a family member dies, I'm gonna mourn that shit. I know they're going to die, but that doesn't mean I should just shrug my shoulders.

>> No.18697058

Good points. Weight lifting is still the standard recommendation for the stereotypical 4channer who hasn't played a sport since 5th grade soccer because

(1) It's easy and cheap to learn and get into. Just watch some youtube form videos, read Starting Strength or something similar, get a membership at your local $15 24 hour place, and start lifting.

(2) It provides a solid base for a lot of other things you might want to do physically. If you want to learn to fight, you'll be a lot more effective in your pursuit once you've put in a few months lifting and gotten familiar with how your body works, especially if you're a complete neophyte to athletics.

>> No.18697075

The average age of first kiss in America is 14.5. For loss of virginity, I think it's 17.4. I don't think they study handholding, which is a bummer but understandable. As dumb as it sounds to most people, I care about my first hand held romanticly. I'm 24 so now that I've gone so long without it, it's special to me.

>> No.18697133


>> No.18697138

sounds exactly like an NPC

>> No.18697157

Marie was a schizoposter at best anon, although I do think there are passages in that book that do a wonderful job of describing and outlining the Puer Aeternus personality. If you ever actually read that book you'll find countless times where she just doesn't have an answer to someone's question and rather than admit that fact gracefully she just freewheels an answer out of her jung-infused imagination.

>> No.18697228

Some redditors mentioned that her solution of getting out is to force yourself to commit, even if you absolutely hate the work. Is it true? Isn't this effectively saying 'get raped until you start enjoying it'? What does /lit/ think of it?

>> No.18697363

Then thats a pretty low bar. Judging fron how people are talking you would figure it was something more ambitious.

>> No.18697366

I wish there was an image board exactly like the one we reside in, but where mentioning or posting anything related to women is not allowed.

>> No.18697376

Many people here are in their mid 20s, late 20s, and even 30s and still khv. For them, the love quest is a Herculean task. What's more ambitious than getting a gf from the perspective of a 25 year old who has never been kissed?

>> No.18697419

>the solution to accomplishing something is hard work
no shit retard. what do you think the "hard" part in hard work is? you look back in history and pick any man who accomplished great things in his life and think about the hardships he had to go through day-to-day in order to accomplish those things. we look at the lives of great generals, inventors, businessmen, and academics through the eyes of the spectacle but their lives were undoubtedly filled with boring and mundane things that they forced themselves to do because it was necessary.

>> No.18697451

A woman who read too much Jung (and hasn't read anything other than Jung) without actually understanding Jung.

>sacrifices his phallus
I lmao'd.

>> No.18697464

And what is the result of this masculine molding of the clay that is too difficult for the philosopher?
What higher purpose can be achieved through 'earthly masculinity'? Nothing. One submits to animal instinct and sacrifices what makes them human, out of fear of the unknown.

Fuck I hate women.

>> No.18697467


>> No.18697706

>If you feel that way, why don't you kill yourself?
It’s just glownigger psyops.

>> No.18697718

That would be an interesting strategy on the part of the FBI. Instead of trying to entrap people who are likely interested in radical politics, especially nationalism, just get them to kill themselves.

>> No.18698023

Damn, this sounds like my relationship with my mom. Props to you anon. I know it must’ve been tough but it’s probably for the best. Good job man

>> No.18698461

based whitepill

>> No.18698470

Literally have this as my main bookmark ever since it was first uploaded and I've had no issues with discipline or motivation since

>> No.18698493

All a man can do in his natural imperfection is hope that his way is a functional one. Even if the wheels are cracked, the doors are falling off the hinges, and the engine barely starts; as long as it moves a little, is it not good enough?

>> No.18698521

Easy to dismiss it as some psychological phenomenon. Everyone except those at the very top and criminals have to turn to their minds. Either that, or you make plans and enact those plans to make it to the top or conduct successful crimes.

>> No.18698544

Thats not what stoicism is about.

>> No.18698585
File: 45 KB, 325x325, viper dethroning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it glowniggers or just typical r9kuckold whining?

>> No.18698640

Dude, i don't know if it's the same way in all latin america, but in Mexico, that stupid fucking term has become the norm. Every single case of a woman being murdered is treated as gender motivated, no questions asked. Femicide is the official designation now. Fuck this gay earth,

>> No.18698703
File: 380 KB, 1508x1399, 1623157015030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a point there that a man can lose his connection to his physical masculinity through intellectualism. Education that does not hold any connection to the real life or one's craft/skill should be approached with caution. But first I think the explanation of a young man fleeing into the "realm of books" because his mother can't follow is just wrong. Wouldnt he be able to escape from an overbearing mother the same way through physical exercise/combat/adventure? I think the explanation for childish/feminine men is the lack of fathers as male rolemodels. This not always the case if there are other role models (siblings/friend groups).

>> No.18698747

There just comes a point after enough failure when you simply give up.

>> No.18698804

True, only delusional people keep trying without any success.

>> No.18699168
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As long as you care about what pop psychologists think you should live like, yes it is

>> No.18700106


>> No.18700773

were we too hard on him?

>> No.18700900
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You can't make me act.

>> No.18700934

I was jailed for leading 300 people into my governor’s home with a fuckload of guns and ammo.

When you have no fear of consequence, all is attainable

>> No.18701793

Can you really make it if you're behind the curve or its all cope?

>> No.18702512
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I’ve been trying anon, but all to no avail

>It's never too late to do or learn something.
I’ve been working on a skill for 7 years. At least 3-6 hours every day. No matter how much time and effort I put into it, it feels pointless. Sometimes I enjoy doing it, but if I quit it really wouldn’t make a difference

>Work out
I do that anyway. It makes me feel better physically but that’s about it

>live a healthy life
I cook my own food and am relatively healthy

>go out and meet people
For some years I was a shut-in. Eventually got the nerve to go out, met some people, gained some friends. I have derived absolutely nothing from this. I hang out with them sometimes, other times I stay in my room for days, or even weeks. It’s all the same to me. They’re normies who think ‘dude weed’ is the end-all-be-all of life, so conversation is usually quite dull. There’s a girl who I wanted to date, but after getting to know her I changed my mind. We all go out as a group and I meet new people. You meet more interesting characters on this Bulgarian swan breeding forum

WHAT DO I DO NOW? What else am I supposed to try? As far as I’m concerned this is a *societal* problem. You can lift all the weights you want, at the end of the day the world around you is still rotten. I’m glad that you’ve found some peace in this hellscape but nothing has worked for me

>> No.18702837

Join the french foreign legion.

>> No.18702858

I would think a real man would never let a women tell them what to think.

Toxic times when men listen to women about how to be men.

>> No.18702862

Yes, you wont gain back the lost years and it might take a while but you can. go to a boxing gym, start saving and investing (not shitcoins or pump and dump schemes, actually learn about investing), try to find places where people with similar interests to yours gather, work more, free lance while also doing your main job or try creating a side hustle, go to clubs or bars, you only need to be average looking and by sticking to working out for a few months and having a good diet (no see oils or processed foods) you will be ahead of the curve

>> No.18702885

There's nothing quite like a person trying to drag you into an old headspace when you've decided to move forward. Good on you dude.

>> No.18703838

do you like giuli

>> No.18703864

What skill have you been working on? I'm sorry that things have been so hard. Also, how are you able to stay in your room for weeks? Do you work from home or are you a neet? I wish I had some advice to give you but I don't know what to say if you've tried everything and still haven't gotten there. Hang in there, anon.

>> No.18703901

So what's the alternative for that specific situation? Beating up your mother?

>> No.18703951

Intellectual rebellion vs physical rebellion.
Good point anon.

>> No.18703961

Yes. The gym rat gets muscles to prevent his mother from scratching his arm.

>> No.18703968
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Even the most high-caliber man cannot survive being raised by a single mother without being broken.

>> No.18704050

Well said anon
Amor Fati

>> No.18704120

I'm coming to terms with this now at 26. I actually was a 'high value man' when I was a young boy but that got beat out of me. The sadists in the school system, single mother who couldn't really do it all by herself, never being in the right place in the right time and making the wrong friends ultimately wiped me out. And that's before having to survive as an adult in a totally hostile world, especially when you have no status. You can't defend yourself without it and you can't get it without already having it.
All in all, everybody's pretty fucked nowadays.

>> No.18704280

>you wont gain back the lost years
Honestly that might be the biggest problem area for me. I pity myself for wasting all those years just neeting at parents place and now that im almost 30 i just have no hope of ever reaching others.

>> No.18704458
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I compose neo-classical music, and manage to stay a NEET from 2017 crypto gains

Anyway, I'm really not sure how to proceed. I've always thought that if I married it would change things but I'm starting to have doubts. Everything looks like a cope at this point. I've also attempted to change myself from the inside, I've read the Stoics, the Daoists, etc, but what's always stuck with me is Ecclesiastes. I honestly hope I'm wrong but I have a suspicion that I'm simply seeing reality for what it is, and everyone else is deluding themselves by setting up goals that only obfuscate the utter meaningless of life. As Auden said

>Faces along the bar
>Cling to their average day:
>The lights must never go out,
>The music must always play,
>All the conventions conspire
>To make this fort assume
>The furniture of home;
>Lest we should see where we are,
>Lost in a haunted wood,
>Children afraid of the night
>Who have never been happy or good.

>> No.18704759

Not him but thats the most daunting and difficult part without the prospect of suicide.

>> No.18704959
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I have this same relationship with my abusive insane dad but I live in a house he paid for and I've developed a health problem making it extremely difficult to make enough money to get away from him

Every day I despise my own existence. I'm ashamed of myself and I don't know what to do. I'm trying to learn skills to work a tech job from home so I can get away... I'd do anything to be able to do what you did to your mother

>> No.18704963

In the same position anon, also a classical composer.

There's truly nothing fucking out there. All i can figure is dedicating yourself to the arts and enjoying nature if you can.

>> No.18705618

> for the life of me I can’t understand what good reason there is for it.
Thats because you are a low T midwid soiboi. Go lift and you will see.

>> No.18705632

>most people suggest lifting as a solution
manchild solution

>> No.18705804
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>sacrifices his phallus
unironically true. My mother bought me underwear a few sizes smaller. It inhibits penis growth and overheats testicles. Good thing i havent become a femboy.

>> No.18705843

>tfw raised by a low-IQ single mother and a normie NPC roastie older sister
>tfw they both took out their problems on me for over a decade knowing I wouldn't hit them
>tfw about to reach 30, virgin, never had a girlfriend, reacted to any previous attempts by a female to get to know me by being avoidant or outright hostile
>currently earning minimum wage after resigning from a well-paying job because a colleague sperged out on me and I never learned to stick up for myself

I still hope to make it in some sense, but fucking hell it's going to be hard at this point.

>> No.18705912

Realising the problem is the first step. Get to work.

>> No.18706539

That's pretty cool, anon. Composing music is cool. Do you ever release or perform it?

>> No.18706549

Imagine being a male who is afraid of one's mother...

Anyway, motherliness is becoming of philosophy; phallic implosion pertains to sophistry/intellectualism; evidently, this individual ignored what being a philosopher, and/or an optimal person, consists in, having conflated it with the above.

>> No.18706583

what is it about

>> No.18706584

being gay and retarded. read nietzsche instead.

>> No.18706618

>woman tries to sound smart and philosophical
>men...penis...grow up incel...mommy issues...

>> No.18706630
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im not mentally fucked up but this is my life 100% i can't move out though. you fucking die inside man you really burn it's unbelievable. i need to be washed clean of pastel coloured garbage and trivial discussions about food and nonsense. washed clean with blood

i'll get even somehow, i really will, if it has to be at the last moment losing an arm and a leg i don't care, i won't go to hell for living like a 15 year old forever

>> No.18706642

She sounds like a female stand-up comedian when you put it like that.

>> No.18706697

all you soft niggas need to do martial arts. You all need to dip your toes in physical real world violence, all other non violent confrontations/situations will seem like childs play

>> No.18706719
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>martial arts.
>physical real world violence

>> No.18706729

you have no clue homo

>> No.18706810

>What should you do in order to become the kind of person an intellectual is? What kind of life permits doing what intellectuals do? How can you begin to have such a life? This is what you ask, and these are good, if grandiose, questions.

>They’re also countercultural questions, at least in America. Here we tend toward contempt for intellectuals, when we think about them at all; our heroes are those who act rather than think, and especially those who find, or at least try for, wealth and fame. Most American parents would welcome their child’s declaration of an intellectual vocation with dismay at the penury, obscurity, and unhappiness likely to follow from heeding that call. And they’re unlikely to be wrong about the penury and the obscurity.

Read the rest here if you'd like

>> No.18707056
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>Just play de instrument and speak second language when the brainchipped soldiers storm you, bro

>> No.18707530

you mean like boxing sparring or what?

>> No.18707589

Wow this pissed some people off — you remind me of my best friend though, I hope you succeed like he seems to be doing

>> No.18707597

>dojo sparring is 'physical real world violence'

>> No.18707632

>WHAT DO I DO NOW? What else am I supposed to try? As far as I’m concerned this is a *societal* problem. You can lift all the weights you want, at the end of the day the world around you is still rotten. I’m glad that you’ve found some peace in this hellscape but nothing has worked for me
It is one. Do you have life ambitions? My opinion is if you can't find peace then start struggling if only to prove those normies wrong. Believe it or not but you already sound above average, if you care about power this would probably be the point I recommend using your now built up foundational skills to network with influential people in preparation for the upcoming collapse/shift of power to china — but what do *you* want anon? For example if you just want to be comfy then forget most of what I just said and focus on how you will protect your autonomy (which will still require networking unfortunately).

>> No.18707645

Frankly, any experience with Violence is better than none for westerners.

>> No.18707695

I see some of you pasty motherfuckers think that getting into a ring isn't real world violence and i have to ask why is that? Have you concluded by some arbitrary measure that violence is only fighting with a sword or something? Have you every been in a ring with a guy that genuinely wants to hurt you? Do you think the semi-"controlled" environment makes it less violent or what? Have you ever been punched in the nose full force with a glove that better protects your opponents hand much more than it does your face? Or do you think that catching a couple of punches in a street "fight" is somehow more dangerous that getting in a confined space with a skilled fighter?
Im genuinely curious why do you believe martial arts aren't real world physical violence

>> No.18707981
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>nooo!!! you must FIX YOURSELF because other people fucked you up!1!!
Fuck that, i've taken the NEETpill and now my devouring mother will have to live with what she created.