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/lit/ - Literature

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18692773 No.18692773 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to go into detail about pop culture products I liked, pic related
>inb4 videogames poo poo pee pee bad

>> No.18692785

I didn't wanna hear the same "u used to read so many books, what happened?" shit all the time so out of spite I started to read even more than I ever did in my youth

>> No.18692802

this is like playing Wolfenstein and wanting to read the Main Kampf, kek

>> No.18692808

but the Main Kampf isn't canon lit

>> No.18692817

I started listening to audiobooks while I was at work and found that I really loved the stories. Since then i still listen to audiobooks, but now also read every day.

>> No.18692822

I picked up the Count of Monte Cristo in a bookstore when I was 12 because the cover looked cool. I liked it and here I am.

>> No.18692825

My parents gave me The Sea Wolf when I was a kid and I was hooked on "serious philosophical literature" ever since. Also seeing this dumb meme in 2011 made me lol

>> No.18692829
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pic related.

Also when I was 18 in a skype group some guy linked a mega upload file to 2000 classic literature kindle epubs

>> No.18692857

I was 15 and pretentious.

>> No.18692867
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>> No.18692877

to actually speak in the language of /lit/tards so as to convince them to quit this bullshit called literature,art and philosophy.

>> No.18692957

I thought there was wisdom and truth to be found. I found some, but not as much as i found by just living.

>> No.18692972

I was into horror so I read a whole bunch of Poe and Lovecraft who are still kinda close to my art. Two girls I liked gave me notes from the underground and war and peace and that's what really made me go deep into lit
Videogames are bad btw

>> No.18692975

I wanted to be the greatest American poet of all time. Now, I just want to be a servant of Christ in an upside down world.

>> No.18692986

Really awesome thread idea, OP. I'm shocked at the range of replies and honestly good / candid self-evaluations.

>> No.18692991
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>> No.18693008

There is like this book series which is originally Italian by Geronimo Stilton which is a pseudonym. It is made for children and basically all humans are mice. They remade all these books about legends and classics like the odyssey and my mom got me one about king Arthur when I was like 6 or something. After that I started reading reading some fiction books which are pretty well known here and then Around 13 I got into reading politics and some basic philosophy. Nowadays I also read a lot of books about random subjects in history I just find kind of interesting.

>> No.18693106

Based Russianlit devushke

>> No.18693124

Wasted my teenage years like any other fellow zoomer on the internet. When I was 20 the train of shame hit me mercilessly and I realized that I have not developed one bit since my teenage years. I started with Cioran and Vergilius and the more I read the dummer I felt and the shame of my plebian understanding of the world and language sunk much, much deeper. I realized that there is literally no difference between my or a 14 year old playing Minecraft or whatever. Now every time I finish a book I still feel even dummer yet but at the same time a little better about myself. I know I missed out on a lot and I'm still relatively underdeveloped and uncultured compared to my father at my age but I try to maintain a steady reading routine in the hopes that one day I will overcome this shame.

>> No.18693164
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I picked up Beckett's trilogy after listening to Berio's Sinfonia

>> No.18693172

to self medicate my catatonic thanatophobia.
it worked.

>> No.18693176
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I wanted to learn what influences people and why they act at the behest of corporations despite it being contrary to their, albeit constantly shifting, ideology. My first book was Propaganda by Jacques Ellul. I also suspect my brother's bookcase was a major influence on my desire to seek out knowledge...As childish as it might be, "what kind of books does he read?" "why does he read them?" "what is he hoping to obtain?" Meanwhile, my mother has Pulp Erotica all over the house. Thousands of books about wolf hunting sexy muscular men which most probably had a negative impact on the earnest desire to learn about literature at an early age.

>> No.18693194

I always liked books since I was a kid and I have a thirst for knowledge which only books can satisfy.

>> No.18693203
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You don't need to read any books to cure that, just read this quote by Epicurus.

>> No.18693214

It's an autistic quote that has no real meaning. Fear of death is not the fear of being dead, it is fear of no longer living.

>> No.18693222

Out of boredom. I've spent most of my time playing vidya but as I entered my 20s my attention and enjoyement of them started to flicker and dwindle, so I moved on to other things. These days what keeps me going is a combination of lit, tv (films) and fit.

>> No.18693224
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I wanted to be smart, so a friend introduced me into philosophy. Started with the Greeks.
Later, I wanted to read fiction with deep plots, so I started reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Chekhov.

>> No.18693241

You can't choose when it happens, it might be 2 minutes for now. You could chose to either
1)Worry every second of your life (which would pathological)
2)Don't worry

>> No.18693309

i read during recess at school because it was better than going to the bathroom again. i liked horror and sci fi and especially creative stuff, but the more i read the more i realized that what i really liked was good writing and that i couldnt stand anything subpar. so i stayed away from genre unless it was a classic, or something special. mostly i just stick to classics or the more experimental books, which was what made me love it in the first place. books have been around for so long that they have reached new peaks in both craftsmanship and autism

>> No.18693313

Whats the relation?

>> No.18693319

Yes, it has a meaning. When you are alive, you are not dead. When you are dead, you aren't alive thus you won't be able to realiaze that you are finally dead. In other words, the only state you will ever know is that of being alive.

>it is fear of no longer living.
You don't need to read books to cure the fear of that either. To quote Seneca:
>Would you not think him an utter fool who wept because he was not alive a thousand years ago? And is he not just as much a fool who weeps because he will not be alive a thousand years from now? It is all the same; you will not be and you were not. Neither of these periods of time belongs to you.

>> No.18693339

>pop culture products
theyre art. anything else is an insult. they might be popular or rely too heavily on tropes or have confused exacution or too many cooks behind them but all three of those are examplary in being immersive and consistently beautiful. even if they weren't, they would be bad art. calling them "pop culture products" might be accurate in the same way that calling your daughter a house guest might be accurate, but its just cold and feels wrong

>> No.18693431

Nietzsche is a fool and an unoriginal one at that. Obviously religion is the enemy of life, as life is cold and uncaring, whereas ethics is about kindness within the noosphere.

>> No.18693443

Well I was a kid and my mum would read bed side stories to me and then as I got older and learnt how to read my mum would take me to the library to borrow books and then I just kept on reading from there

>> No.18693484

Based bedtimestories-mom

>> No.18693496

Oh yeah, thats what they were called not bedside stories
Honestly ive really learnt to appreciate and love my mum, hearing roald dahl being read just before bed was so nice

>> No.18693506

I was always into itt
the scholastic book fairs really did work on me I guess
it was always just another medium for me, a different avenue of entertainment and knowledge

>> No.18693532

to fuck pseud bitches
so far, I have fucked none
maybe I should ditch philosophy, idk what I was thinking anons

>> No.18693609
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Parents read to me as a child but they couldn't read every night so I learned how to read by myself.

In school my interest in books rose when I wasn't allowed to learn italian/spanish/french but had to take classes in the native language here (I'm a 2nd gen. foreigner and they didn't think I spoke their language for some reason...). When they noticed I spoke their language they told me I could do whatever I wanted (as long as it was productive) in their class so I just read a lot of books.

After school I was a bit tired of books until I met my first gf who introduced me to Lolita, which is when I began reading more 'adult' books.

I guess I've always enjoyed the feelings and emotions certain stories and characters evoke in me in a way that any other medium rarely, if ever, does.

>> No.18693768

I read a thriller book in high school that's was way more interesting than what I was watching at the time.

>> No.18693829

I wanted to impress a girl I liked but it ended up becoming my favorite hobby