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18685963 No.18685963 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope when books don't fill the void anymore?

>> No.18685975

Drinking still works for but, god knows for how long

>> No.18685976
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>normalfags realize this as adults

>> No.18685987

No it does not.
Writing, living, and other things help. Drinking will corrode your cerebellum.

>> No.18685990

Kek, no wonder normalfags spend their days partying, doing drugs, drinking alcohol, chasing one-night stands, etc.

>> No.18685993

Normalfags only think this during specific circumstances, like when their internet is out for the night. The next day they go back to living their normal lives.

>> No.18686000
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>I have no degree
>I have no job
>I can't drive

>the government gives me free money
>the sun is out
>i'm going to the park to read lit (purely for pleasure)

>> No.18686005

you pass butter

>> No.18686017

notice how he does not say
>got the wife and kids

>> No.18686022

You're prolapsed man. You can fit two books up there easily.

>> No.18686027

I don't understand. You've been doing the same thing all your life, why is it a problem now?82g2k

>> No.18686028

They're in the oven.

>> No.18686038


>> No.18686040

You fill it with a buttplug

>> No.18686068

>i did everything my teachers told me to do and took the most boring unimaginative route in life why i am so unfulfilled? :(
wagies are pathetic

>> No.18686071

What's an imaginative route in life? Being an English teacher in Japan?

>> No.18686076

I don't know anon, use your imagination

>> No.18686082

based loser. i'm the same

>> No.18686085

learn to drive. driving is fun. and you can drive to really cool places to read books.

>> No.18686101

>Being an English teacher in Japan
Wagie hell. You get paid the bare minimum, you have to work big hours, you have to take your work home, you supply all your own teaching instruments etc.
I guess it could be a good way to scope out students as potential pushers for your dark net purchased entheogens.

>> No.18686104
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Rising to power, conquering my enemies, destroying their legacy, hearing the wails of their women and children, and then taking them as my concubines

>> No.18686119

I was just being sarcastic when I said that. It's something that normies find imaginative to do though, at least until they have to do it

>> No.18686126

I'm planning to move to Japan after covid and camp out in the mountains growing weed and selling it in bulk to bosozoku gang members.

>> No.18686129

You take your enemies as your concubines, but only want to hear the wails of their women and children? Are you familiar with the defence of Ram Ranch's showers?

>> No.18686158

Cleaning toilets in Japan. Unironically making the same or more than an english """teacher""".

>> No.18686168

Have sex

>> No.18686176

Imagine giving up on your dreams. I'm stacking hard this bear run and retiring before 30.

>> No.18686182


>> No.18686202

hear their wails THEN take them as concubines

>> No.18686211

where do you live

>> No.18686212

You never said you wanted your enemies to wail, now you do. Who exactly are you forcing into concubinage? Are you making concubines of children? YOU SICK FUCK. Gay war is serious adults only business.

>> No.18686243

It depends on where he lives, in most places in Europe you can get around without a car, and still go to cool places, in US not so much. He said he gets money from the gov. I doubt he wants to pay for a car, maintenance, insurance, registration.

>> No.18686974

I like going outside and looking at trees and the birds and squirrels.

>> No.18686976

Become the void.

>> No.18686985
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I'm getting a degree but only for my parents. I have no intention on busting my ass to work a job I don't like, I'm going to work to make just enough to live off of and enjoy a simple life of reading and shitposting (and maybe some writing). The earth is burning up and I'll never get to retire or own a house anyways, so I'm going to enjoy life the best I can before it's all over

>> No.18687005

I don't because of the mosquitoes.

>> No.18687019

It stopped working for me around 31, about a year after withdrawals started. Was driving to see a mate one day when withdrawals kicked in, full body shakes and was absolutely convinced I was going to seize so drove with just my pinky toe on the accelerator, reasoning that if my limbs extended at least the accelerator wouldn't be jammed down. Bought a six pack and skulled the lot next to a bottle shop. Next stop was ER to get valium, then a 10 dose of valium from the GP to get through the first 4 days.

Personally, I blame Nietzsche.

>> No.18687040

Have you tried making friends and finding a gf

>> No.18687046

>God help me
>Not realizing God is the one who's responsible
Lmao stupid wagie.

>> No.18687048

sounds suspiciously close to normalfaggotry to me

>> No.18687058

You either die an edgelord...

>> No.18687066

I wish I had a job. My country won't give anyone money, so I'm kinda fucked

>> No.18687148

normie's first moment of introspection

>> No.18687154

Even creative venues can only make money in their most vile, commodified form. The only good activity is growing your own food.

>> No.18687156

Where is the root of the void?

>> No.18687164
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I just want to go back to this

>> No.18687186
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True Chad is not motivated by revenge, and always causes the least amount of suffering necessary. He is merciful and just, thus bettering unjust men, and turning enemies into companions.

>> No.18687200
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>tfw fell for the degree meme and consequently forced to work as a debt-slave for 10+ years
Don't fall for the college meme, bros...

>> No.18687254

This. Kinda like a gay harem anime, but with best bros.

>> No.18687329
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Find books that do + see what you can change about your life and what you can't. And I mean what you REALLY CAN change, not "in theory what you could change but you're too afraid/lazy/weak to do so". Sell all your possessions. Move to another country. Move to the woods. Radically change your life. You CAN do it, you're just too pathetic. You have a few decades left. Clock is ticking.

>> No.18687335


>> No.18687344

We got the sneed

>> No.18687357
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Yes but in Vietnam. You'll work ~30 hours per week at piss-easy job, make ~$35,000 per year (which makes you easily top 20% there), and drown in pussy all with little to no effort. It's definitely an imaginative life. If it's this or soul-grinding wagiedom in Burgerland or INGLAN or wherever the fuck, what's keeping you at home? What is the point of slaving away in a country (sinking ship) that actively hates you? May as well enjoy a bit of life while you can.

>> No.18687369

this was based, but the whole thing got fucked from april onward. I wish I had gone last year

>> No.18687370


>> No.18687407

These people never go camping or spend long periods of time in the wild.

This is the simple key everyone completely overlooks

>> No.18687410

When I told my brother that my plan is to an hero he said this. While this solves the money problem it would make everything worse. I don't want to fuck let alone marry Asian women and I don't like Asian culture. East Europe is already too expensive to turn a bunch of savings into something you can rely on for a decent amount of time and it's advanced enough I'd just get the worse of both worlds. I just don't want to end up wageslaving every day. It's all I want in order not to kill myself.

>> No.18687431

check'd & based

>> No.18687464

you live

>> No.18687581

does that picture have anything to do with the book Le Morte d'Arthur?

>> No.18687654

If you move along the railroads society has paved out for you, you get what it wants, not what you want. Those pathways of education and careerism do not exist for your benefit but for the system that built them. They are designed to hone you into a cog in the machine.

>> No.18687668

>Those pathways of education and careerism do not exist for your benefit but for the system that built them
The problem is that there are no feasible alternatives left if you're not from a family of high social status.

>> No.18687686

It's completely pointless to mourn what you never had and cannot have. You're not going to have a nice little house with a nice little wife and a bunch of nice little kids in a nice little town free from the rot. It's not going to happen. This isn't your fault, but there's nothing you can do about it. Bearing this in mind, what are you going to do? Are you going to squander your ONE life moping? I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't kill myself either. There are good things yet in this world. You've got to free yourself from mourning the unlived life. Maybe you shouldn't move to Asia and be an ESL loser. Maybe you should. It's not for me to say. There ARE things to live for. There ARE things you can do to improve your life.

>> No.18687690

post life faggot

>> No.18687698

Just follow Sylvia Plath's example.

>> No.18687728

>How much tiresome heaviness, lameness, humidity, dressing-gown stupor—how much beer there is in the German intellect! How can it possibly be that young men who devote their existence to the most spiritual goals don’t feel in themselves the first instinct of spirituality, the spirit’s instinct of self-preservation—and drink beer? . . . The alcoholism of scholarly youths may not call their scholarliness into question—one can even be a great scholar without any spirit—but it’s still a problem in every other respect.—Is there anywhere you wouldn’t find the gentle degeneration that beer brings about in the spirit? I once put my finger on such a degeneration, in a case that has almost become famous—the degeneration of our foremost German free spirit, the clever David Strauss, into the author of a beerhall gospel and “new faith” . . . It wasn’t for nothing that he’d made his vow to the “lovely brunette” in verses—fidelity till death . . .

should have listened to him

>> No.18687772

Plus, with a car, you can go anywhere you want.

>> No.18687779

>You're not going to have a nice little house with a nice little wife and a bunch of nice little kids in a nice little town free from the rot.
I actually just wanted to paint and live alone.

>> No.18688071

not japan

try khyber pakhtunwa tribal areas of pakistan. its a warrior/honor culture, actually something different from the west.. and you can buy ak47's for $70 in the market

>> No.18688089
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>what are you going to do? Are you going to squander your ONE life moping?


>> No.18688100

I try to read a lot, mostly history. My entire life is dedicated to regime change. I'm nearing 30. Hitler said 30 was the best time to start doing something with your life, I think this is one of the few things he got right. I spend a lot of time reading about great men. I realize that there is never a good time to conquer anything, but that you should try. America is falling to pieces, I think this is going to be a good time for men of action to carve their own space out. I envision a wartorn America with many guys from here ruling as Philosopher King's, etc. Maybe we will trade with one another, I don't know.

>> No.18688133

>The problem is that there are no feasible alternatives left if you're not from a family of high social status.
That has always been the problem.

>> No.18688160

don't you have something called 'community college' there in the US? it's free, right? then why not attend it, instead of becoming a debt slave? i'm european and I don't really get how your system works.

>> No.18688174

Maybe so but you were still allowed agency within your sphere in the past.

>> No.18688175

You really think you're going to become a warlord/enlightened philosopher king someday don't you anon.

>> No.18688178


>> No.18688201

Probably not but it sounds like something more fulfilling to die trying then this boring game

>> No.18688212

Same, I'm currently pursuing a law degree for the parents' sake but will probably go for a BA in philosophy afterwards. Luckily I live in based Poland and the philosophy departments here are not yet entirely rotten.

>> No.18688227

>be me
>on dreaderous career path in journalism
>insufferable work environment, people etc.
>fuck it
>took truck license
>got a shit job at first
>then landed a export job
>drive all over Germany, Italy and Austria back to Scandinavia
>no home, just live in the truck and with mom when I need it
>always on the road
>making fat stacks with no expenses
>extremely comfy cabin where I basically live
>have a tent and outdoor gear when I get some time off in a foreign place
>read and run when I dont drive
>no naggin wife
>just endless miles of concrete

Im happy bros, a true schizo dream

>> No.18688232

rave drugs

>> No.18688242

dude don't you have to drive like 16 hours a day I fucking hate cars

>> No.18688266

I love driving
No, its illegal to drive for more than 9 hours straight, by then you are lawfully mandated to take an 11 hour rest period

>> No.18688295

I know it sounds naïve but has any of you ever thought about working on the sea? I find myself fantasizing about becoming a sailor more and more often. It's a tough job, I know; and you don't get to see so many places as literature may lead you to believe. But there's just something very soothing about the concept, as if it were the only non-lethal way to withdraw from this world.

>> No.18688312

>its illegal
lol I forgot I live in my country

>> No.18688320
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It's most important you should be
In entertaining company,
And see the common folk at play;
For this lot, every day's a holiday.
They're pretty witless, but they have their fun;
They drink a lot, and like small cats they run
In circles chasing their own tails - and then
Next day they have a hangover again.
As long as their credit with the landlord's good,
They're quite a happy little brotherhood.

>> No.18688427

>be me
>chronic health problems force me to abandon my scholarships and medical school
>find literature
>work odd jobs on the side for drinking money and date money
>start getting my poetry published; decide to take a run at becoming a full-time writer
>parents incredibly disappointed
>be constantly impoverished but happy
>keep several casual girlfriends at once who accept I'm chasing a dream
>thinking of buying a dump of a trailer once I get too old to live at home
>no longer hounded by existential malaise

Lads, I'm not saying I have it all figured out. Not even close. But love, creative passion, and freedom are what I've found to be the pre-requisites for what we might call happiness.

>> No.18688435


>> No.18688447
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>> No.18688470

Run for office. Seriously

>> No.18688967
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>enjoy my job
>get there early and go to the gym
>have plenty of time at work that I'm caught up and can freely write
>go out to lunch with coworkers, talk pleasantly
>go home early enough in the day that I can cook myself a nice dinner
>still got time to go to a little coffee shop near me and read until they close
>go home to my comfy apartment and go to bed
I've been a wagie for about four months now and I am still enjoying myself pretty thoroughly. My only complaint is that the location I had to move to for work is a very lame suburb, but when my lease runs out next year I'm going to move to a nearby city instead and in three years they're sending me somewhere better than either place anyway.

>> No.18689049

Poetry, when that does not work you will have to shift to music.

>> No.18689053

>I shouldn't aspire to great things because of global warming
How common is this belief and where does it come from?

>> No.18689066
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Honestly now that we're this deep into the hole, fuck it. You might as well conquer your enemies and destroy their legacy by pumping the men and boys with estrogen/whatever else you need for chemical castration, raising the boys as "failed men" meant to be taken as concubines that are brainwashed into sexual service along with the women.

>> No.18689076

That's not true. Peasants had no hope of something better. You had all kinds of caste systems. At least today there is nothing but a kind of social inertia binding you to your lot. If fortune struck and you found a better way to make money, nobody is going to forcibly keep you in your office job like an indentured servant. There is more liberty today even if the same class stratifications still run deep.

>> No.18689081

That was an idea but I'm too old to enroll in my country.

>> No.18689091

>If fortune struck and you found a better way to make money,
ah yes the lottery ticket out of the sky scenario, this gives me hope

>> No.18689105

Sounds more romantic than what probably is, I think it would be more fitting for me to work from the shore, only loooking at the sea.

>> No.18689170

It's called meritocracy, if you and everyone in your family for generations have been poor and uneducated, then you probably come from a family of lazy retards

>> No.18689223

You have not done and will not do any of this

>> No.18689235

>It's called meritocracy
lmao in 2021

>> No.18689286
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>too autistic to have a normal life
>not autistic enough for NEETbux
>family wouldn't support me

>> No.18689294

I don't know what degree you took but these days all entry level white collar jobs require a bachelor's and/or commensurate experience. I'd rather work at a desk than in the sun, and rather work than collect neetbux and live a life of total austerity. I lived out of a 200 sq ft closet one year, I'd rather kill myself than go back to those slums.

>> No.18689406
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>got the degree
and paid off the debt
>got the job
and the second "job" that I absolutely love and live for, I still get paid for it too
>got the car
fuck cars, I have a bike, a working pair of legs, and a bus pass
>I go to work everyday and do the same thing over and over
thats how most jobs usually are pal, just some adult shit you have to deal with. if you really hate the day to day that much, put some time and effort into seeing what you are capable of swapping to, plenty of content out there on how to get a new job in nearly every industry with the minimal qualifications
>is this all it is, is this all i am living for
you forge your own path through this life, accept the chaos, but dont let it control you. there is no right answer, wade through the storm creating your own future with nothing but the righteousness of your own spirit
>and i have to put on a smile and act happy
I highly suggest everyone take a look at all the "shoulds" and "have tos" in their life. consider who told you them, and why they might have told you them. reject all "shoulds" and "have tos" that don't fit your path

All in all, this guy assumes purpose will fall in his lap by doing what he is told by others who have no more knowledge then he does, the blind leading the blind, expecting great things. Step out, realize the madness of existence, and move forward at your own pace to your own drum. you will still not find purpose, but you will live your life, whatever that means to you

>> No.18689412

How does that make him a loser? He has all the free time in the world.

>> No.18689413
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Self-express on your own terms above all else!

>> No.18689417
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The irony of some poorfag nobody, probably at state college on a loan, saying and believing this

>> No.18689421

>reject all "shoulds" and "have tos" that don't fit your path
do you get a kick from LARPing or is it just trolling? there's a reason why they're "have to"s

>> No.18689455

The moment that society demanded that you acknowledge men in dresses as women, that is when I no longer have to listen to that society.

>> No.18689475

Like it or not there are gifted people who accomplish things that bring more value to their name than the average working stiff.

>> No.18689477
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Live your life as an artist, you’ll be just as miserable but for different reasons. At least you can find meaning in your life

>> No.18689498
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Just find an untapped demand and meet it. Give people what they want and you will be rewarded. It's that simple. We live in a market economy.

>> No.18689511

and? die under a bridge? that's what I'll end up doing since I started "rejecting society", going against the grain at any level will instantly destroy your chances to survive, let alone gain independence.
like what? what value are you talking about? curing cancer so dumb fucks can participate to this circus for 10 more years? making new exciting discoveries to turn into disposable products? what value is there in anything we're doing today?

>> No.18689529

There are so many ways to reject society while still doing fine in life. You're just young and inexperienced.

>> No.18689626

I'm not talking about the fucking obvious retard. Its through the lense of shit like "you have to buy a new car" or "you should swap jobs every 2 years". It's about variable stuff, and advice that may not fit in our current year.

My example is the "you need a car". Do I? I live within a 5 minute bike ride of my job, access to a fairly clean and efficient bus system outside my apartment, and walking/biking distance to the grocery store and general goods store. Do I really need a car? Sure it might be helpful, but I can save myself the trouble, and money, of taking advantage of all that is near me.

>> No.18689665

This is a cucked reply. "Rejecting society" isn't about not buying a new car every few years or whatever. You have a job, you utilize public services, you are part of society.

>> No.18689672

>There are so many ways

>> No.18689673

Where in my original post did I say anything about rejecting society? That simply was not what I was talking about

>> No.18689736

>like what? what value are you talking about? curing cancer so dumb fucks can participate to this circus for 10 more years? making new exciting discoveries to turn into disposable products? what value is there in anything we're doing today? Do you want anything from society or not? You'll have to either come from the elite, which you are not, or contribute to it.

You sound like a worthless cynical bum dude. What do you aspire to? You act like you have absolutely zero options. Maybe that's true but the only reason is that you suck so bad.

>> No.18689798

Swear to god get into therapy if you wanna make money, this upcoming generation and to a degree current are really fucked up and are gonna be chaffing at the bit

>> No.18689809


pick one.

>> No.18689830

blah blah blah
I've burned through all my options and aspirations, and I beat myself up over my lack of merit for years until I finally realized that it's entirely a nonfactor. keep the bullshit to yourself

>> No.18689842

Just for one, you do not have to participate in things meant to demoralize you.

>> No.18689858

its not about being helpful, its about making their problems worse so they spend more money

>> No.18689873

Nobody cares. Grow up and get a job loser.

>> No.18689879

that's why I'm checking out soon. I hate most of this planet and the people in it.

>> No.18689884

Never claimed it did, but the sheer number of people these days expressing their need to get through their trauma could cause a buyer's market for desperate individuals

>> No.18689904

this is subjectively not true

>> No.18690029

>How common is this belief
Very much so with those who are 25 and under
>where does it come from
Passivity resulting from an information overload via the internet

>> No.18690070

His hands are so detached to his body that they are on a different level then his body and head. Perhaps he wouldn't be so depressed if he started using them more

>> No.18690261

That anon has internalized society's social shaming. There is no virtue in upholding an unvirtuous society.

>> No.18690320

I always wonder who of the commenters is European and who is American. Those experiences are so profoundly different.

>> No.18690775

poorfag cope

t. LX570

>> No.18690784

i wonder the same. the ones who are so pitiful, s o i -like and cucked are europeans i'd have to imagineD8T

>> No.18690790

Please don't. You have so much more to live for.

>> No.18690794

yes abdul you drive your fathers lexus. no one under the age of 50 actually buys them.

>> No.18690811

imagine bragging about owning a reskinned toyota. fucking retard lol

>> No.18690849

>was born ghetto-poor
>am now middle class, marrying upper middle class, all on my own merit and struggle
Feels good man.