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/lit/ - Literature

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18688186 No.18688186 [Reply] [Original]

Colombiaboo here, today (07-20) is the national day of Colombia.
I'd like to know more about its history so please share the best books about it.
also feel free to post kino books from Colombia.
no narcos shit

my recs for you guys are:
- Escolios by Gomez Davila (witty aphorisms)
- La Voragine by José Eustasio Rivera
- Memoria de mis putas tristes by GGM (for all my coomers out there)

>> No.18688424
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A very summarized history of the country can be found in Colombia una nacion a pesar de si misma by David Bushnell

Check these too.
Historia Económica de Colombia by Jose Antonio Campos
El Poder Politico en Colombia by Fernando Guillén Martínez
La Dominación Española by Jorge Orlando Melo
El Café En Colombia 1850-1970: Una historia económica by Marco Palacios
You can download the last two on https://babel.banrepcultural.org

>> No.18688431

monitoring this bread, amingos

>> No.18688479

Based thread Colombiaboo-anon. I ought to read some Colombian literature.

>> No.18688571

María de Jorge Isaacs

>> No.18688641
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If you want a nice breed of Colombian philosophy you could look at 'Grupo de Bogotá' (if you want decolonial phil, and for recent developments on it you could look at figures like Santiago Castro-Gómez) or you could look at Danilo Cruz Velez and his amazing book on the relation of Husserl and Heidegger 'Filosofia Sin Supuestos. De Husserl a Heidegger'. If you'd like a small english introduction to contemporary philosophy in Colombia you could also look at this https://core.ac.uk/reader/270148470

>> No.18688769

Mario Mendoza - Satana

>> No.18689488





All countries are not equal. You do not deserve a national day. There are literally hundreds of countries and only a few are deserving of any commemoration and recognition for their historical days. Columbia and the whole of south America is irrelevant. A series of skirmishes and random events manifested in your existence. There is no mandate from God, nothing. You don't get to put the horse behind the carriage and pretend you're suddenly the USA or Germany or France or Russia because you got a day on a piece of paper.

>> No.18689539

Ok boomer
Grandes Conflictos Sociales y Económicos de Nuestra Historia by Indalecio Levano Aguirre. It's kino and very comfy to read

>> No.18689547


>> No.18689551
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colombians care about Colombia as any other person (with the exception of a few) cares about their country.
Stop being a dumb faggot, you make those 'worthy; countries look bad

>> No.18689557
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Also i'll share this pic from Nevado del Tolima i took last week near summit.

>> No.18689566

Any reccomemdations for someone who is almost fluent but not quite there?

>> No.18689567
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>> No.18689574

Has Colombiabro read Piedad Bonett? What do you think? Also does anyone have any recs for contemporary Colombian lit? I only know about modern Mexican and Argentinian literature.

>> No.18689582

>Has Colombiabro
Has any*

>> No.18689908
File: 2.18 MB, 2448x3264, some dam on santander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my diary desu

>> No.18689939

>and pretend you're suddenly the USA or Germany or France or Russia
>and pretend you're suddenly the USA
>the USA
Subhuman detected.

>> No.18690169

Fallacious argument
>everyone other person cares about arbitrary dates and made up stuff in all the other shitholes so we care tooo

>> No.18690186

What the fuck are you talking about?
the point in >>18689551 is that the people in Colombia care about Colombia, nothing more, you dumb faggot.

>> No.18691512

Well, I can recommend you:
German Castro Caycedo, he was an excellent chronicler (Perdido en el Amazonas and La Bruja are good books from him).
Jorge Isaacs (Maria).
Eduardo Caballero Calderón (Siervo sin Tierra).
Also you can read Jorge Eliécer Gaitan's if you want https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/0f4e64c7-d3ec-4ed4-a62a-85f109f7f27a/downloads/1bqnpkauc_912378.pdf

>> No.18691520

Jorge Eliécer Gaitan's thesis

>> No.18691545

One Hundred Years of Solitude is probably the best known book by a Columbian and about Columbia/Latin America

>> No.18692022

Mario Mendoza is hot garbage, but you can say that or his fans (a.k.a. the dudes from school that are now at the uni but manatin the same reading comprehensio as in seventh grade) lose their shit.

>> No.18692026


>> No.18692218

>Colombia care about Colombia, nothing more, you dumb faggot.
Wow follow the lemmings celebrating a dumb made up nonsense. Read the chain of comments that lead up to this and you are in denial and rage over your nonsense.

>> No.18692237

Love in the Time of Cholera is great as well.

>> No.18692529

'Cool wine aunt' tier, literally.

>> No.18692837

This was written by an american.

>> No.18693023

thank you!
discuss books or GTFO
I'm not Colombian, I just like their music and people seems super easy going
I've read it in Spanish, it was ok but I was a bit disappointed, the fact that a lot of characters have the same names really turned me off

>> No.18693211

Good thread. Bump;

kys ape

>> No.18693831

Bump for more colombian philosophy

>> No.18694462

The works of Fernando González, by some considered an existentialist philosopher, by others a mystic, are available (in Spanish) in otraparte.org/fernando-gonzalez/obra/ediciones/
I'd recommend "Viaje a Pie", "El Remordimiento" and "El Padre Elías"

>> No.18694479

>There is no mandate from God
The USA is the devil's work. Founded by freemasons (satan's slaves).

>> No.18694485


>> No.18694781

You do know Columbia and Colombia are different things, right?

>> No.18694865

Killing Pablo

>> No.18694866

José Eugenio Díaz Castro - Manuela
Héctor Abad Faciolince - El olvido que seremos
Andrés Caicedo - ¡Que viva la música!
Rafael Pombo (all his stories and poems)

Colombia has good writers, but they are easy to forget and put aside.

I recommend you to read costumbrist and romanticism novels.

>> No.18694913 [DELETED] 

José Eugenio Díaz Castro - Manuela
Héctor Abad Faciolince - El olvido que seremos
Andrés Caicedo - ¡Que viva la música!
Rafael Pombo (all his stories and poems)

Colombia has good writers, but they are easy to forget and put aside.

I recommend you to read costumbrist and romanticism novels.