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/lit/ - Literature

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18685469 No.18685469 [Reply] [Original]

Why has this country of nearly 20 million people produced no literary works of note?

>> No.18685495
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According to this chart, they have Eminescu

>> No.18685500

WOW this chart is problematic.

>> No.18685503

cartarescu is pretty big nowadays

>> No.18685517

Why would the africans of europe produce anything of worth? Theyre most notable addition to humankind is gypsy trash.

>> No.18685531

This is either hard bait or youre a fucking idiot anon

>> No.18685562

I see you spotted the Shota

>> No.18685615

What about Cioran, Eliade and Codreanu ?

>> No.18685782

Calinescu's hilarious.

>> No.18685787


>> No.18685807

Czechoslovakia didn't exist until the legion stole all the Russians' trains. That was about six years before Kafka died in what is still Austria.

>> No.18685865

only good one

>> No.18685917
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>> No.18686194

>Croatia's greatest writer was a Latin

>> No.18686249

t. mutt

>> No.18686259

All three were fascists.

>> No.18686274

None of them were fascists although Codreanu could be said to be fascist-adjacent.

>> No.18686284

Cioran and Eliade were members of the Iron Guard.

>> No.18686289


>> No.18686303

Google it

I assumed you chose Codreanu because you think he was based. Of the three he is by far the brainlet.

>> No.18686320

>Google it
Don't need to because I know you're wrong. Neither were members of the "Iron Guard" (you probably mean the Legionnaires which was the actual party, not the Iron Guard which was the paramilitary organisation, but the 2 were not members of either.)
>Of the three he is by far the brainlet.
So? The quality of a piece of literature is not proportional to the author's intelligence.

>> No.18686334

It's on Wikipedia faggot. I don't know if they were card carrying but both supported the iron guard. They were fascists.

Knock-off mein Kampf is not literature. Codreanu doesn't even come close to the depth of cioran and Eliade.

>> No.18686341

So they weren't members. The rest of your "argument" is dumb.

>> No.18686346

I consider them members. Intellectuals that support a movement are a part of it. Cioran even said something to the effect that he was caught in the wave of conviction, aka he participated.

>> No.18686357

Where are the women???????

>> No.18686365

That you don't understand the difference between being a member and not being a member doesn't mean there isn't a difference. It only means you have a superficial understanding of the world. But I don't care about how you interpret the world, I just let you know you were wrong to claim they were members so you don't deceive people with a more sophisticated understanding of the world.

>> No.18686368
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YOU try writing great literature with vampires constantly attacking your village

>> No.18686373

Ask yourself who are the great women writers, and then you'll know.

>> No.18686380

Yeah ok fag. What's the difference then?

>> No.18686385
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Poets: Eminescu (reminds me of Goethe and Pushkin),
Bacovia (reminds me of Poe),
N.Stanescu (reminds me of the homeless drunk outside of my house),
Labiş (reminds me of Bambi's mom)

Novelists: Sadoveanu (reminds me of Stalin if he read Hegel's works on philosophy),
V. Alecsandri & Russo (reminds of Homer-wanna-be's),
M.Preda (reminds me of Nabokov), I.L.Caragiale (reminds me of Alan Moore, without drugs),
Rebreanu (reminds me of being bored),
Cartarescu (reminds me of Gillez Deleuze if he cut his nails idk),
Eliade (reminds me of HEliade)
Ionesco (reminds of the fact that any foreigner can be as pretensious as the French)

Philosophers: Cioran (reminds me of Nietzscheans who wanted to return to Schope, but had such a great social life, that they decided that tiramisu and coffee is OG suffering)
Blaga (Heidegger who had chemo and actually read Hegel)

>> No.18686388

>He eventually enrolled in the Totul pentru Țară ("Everything for the Fatherland" Party), the political expression of the Iron Guard,[3][55] and contributed to its 1937 electoral campaign in Prahova County—as indicated by his inclusion on a list of party members with county-level responsibilities (published in Buna Vestire).
Eliade, literal card carrying member of the iron guard, suck my dick retard.

>> No.18686403

>of note

>> No.18686419

>Cioran openly praised Hitler and Lenin and compared the leader of the fanatical Romanian Iron Guard to Jesus himself

>> No.18686428
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This. The book doubles down as a decent explanation as to why they produced so little: 4/5ths of their educated people were Jews who sought to promote their own over natives.

Jews raped Romania.

>> No.18686429

What is the Moby Dick of Romania?

>> No.18686449

That's just revisionism created to attack Eliade when he was in the US. There is no evidence that he participated in the electoral campaign or that he was ever a candidate for that party.

>> No.18686465
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>> No.18686473

Fucking cancel culture, amirite?
It's not like he was friends with Evola and Guenon right? He was a fascist, it's fine. Should've went back to Romania though. Ceausescu employed a lot of people from the Iron Guard and gave them a shitton of power.

>> No.18686493

I don't care about Eliade, I think he was a crypto-fascist who spent his entire life pretending in order to be accepted by Western intellectuals. I also don't care about Cioran, but he wasn't a fascist: he was just and edgy depressed nihilist who thought fascism was cool in his 20s. The only one worth anything is Codreanu who had a beautiful soul and fought for his noble principles his entire life.

>> No.18686518

Then you can say that no one is a fascist. What does it take to be a fascist? You believe in the principles, you espouse the principles, you're out there working to enact the principles... is that not enough? They were fascists, and you can see how they split up exactly like the alt-right split up: Codreanu was martyred, Eliade went full ancient aryan gnosticism, Codreanu went full demiurge, and Tutea, who we haven't talked about yet, went full Christian. It's also funny how Ceausescu employed the Iron Guard and then enacted all of its principles. I remember watching interviews about how legionnaires were still extremely powerful after communists took power, and how they were running the "gulags". 20th century Romania really is a microcosm in which you can analyze the entire course of modern human thought.

>> No.18686538

Yugoslav ty pizda

>> No.18686557

I didn't say Eliade wasn't a fascist. Cioran was as fascist as Yeats was: young men supporting a cool movement when they were young despite never really understanding it. I don't know much about Romanian history, but I doubt you're correct about the Legionnaires being in charge (well from what I know after Codreanu was assassinated the Legion was compromised anyway.) I'm pretty sure Romania had a long lasting anti communist movement and there were a lot of fascists arrested. The ones in power were Jews and Russians just like everywhere in Eastern Europe in the 50s. If you watched mainstream interviews then you watched propaganda.

>> No.18686571

Why no Dosto? :( He always loses to Tolstoy in these stupid lists

>> No.18686591

Cioran was a full-on fascist, and remained a fascist while playing the optics game. All of his work is filled with esoteric references that you find in gnostic literature, which is the way that most fascists go after fascism.

The jews were in power in Romania for a very short period of time. I think it was just 5 years, before Gheorghiu-Dej' faction came to power and purged all of them. And the interview I watched wasn't mainstream. It was a guy who was in medical school. He was a christian conservative, and there were legionnaires in the university. He talked shit to one of them, and the legionnaire told him that he was going to ruin his life. Two weeks later he was picked up and spent five years in the gulag.

It's well known that Ceausescu recruited the Iron Guard, and as far as I know, there was no strong anti-communist movement after they came to power. Tutea, former Iron Guard, Christian philosopher, was picked up and he kept talking shit about the regime so they locked him up for 15 years I think, but then they let him out and he was still talking shit. By the end of his life he was supporting liberalism.

If you look at the policies that were enacted under Ceausescu, from ultra-nationalism, to the proto-dacic/roman heritage of romania being taught in schools, policies of demographic warfare in the western parts of the country and parts that had heavy hungarian populations, the initiatives to increase the population (birth control and abortion were illegal), and basically the expulsion of the jews (Ceausescu sold jews to Isreal), you can see the legacy of the Iron Guard. These people were fucking wolves, they didn't play around, and they made themselves useful to the regime.

>> No.18686625

Wikipedia lists a few resistance movements:
>The Romanian resistance was one of the longest lasting armed movements in the former Eastern Bloc.

About Ceausescu's regime, he came to power in the mid 60s. By then, any dangerous fascist from the Legion was probably long dead or sterilised. The main legacy of the Iron Guard is Codreanu and his writings. It's a failed movement and whatever happened after Codreanu's death is only nominally connected to his movement. If you judge the Legion by whatever remnants you were presented by those still alive during Ceausescu's time then you're missing the point. The Legion had a cult of death: they were long dead/martyred by then.

>> No.18686686

>About Ceausescu's regime, he came to power in the mid 60s.
He was Gheorghiu-Dej' righthand man who took over the government with the explicit purpose of ridding it of jews and russians.

I've never heard of these resistance movements, not in school, not on TV, not from people that lived through that period, and not in the books that I've read. They were probably very small. There was instability though in post-war Romania, and part of that instability was from the foreign people in the government, and probably the pervasive anti-Christian sentiment. Both these policies were reversed.

>It's a failed movement and whatever happened after Codreanu's death is only nominally connected to his movement.
Yeah, they probably weren't followers of Codreanu's belief system, but they were fascists nonetheless. Codreanu wasn't the only fascist in the world. It's not like communists (and capitalists) didn't employ fascists wherever they could. You had Nazi German generals that were captured by the USSR and put in charge of the military in Eastern Germany, and the Nazi head of foreign intelligence running the Western German intelligence apparatus up until the 60s. Also, if you look at the Iron Guard, they actually suppressed the Legionnaires, so it's was a very mixed movement filled with all kinds of people. The way I see it, the Iron Guard was the shrewd, machiavellian organization of the two, while the Legionnaire's were the idealists that got the ball rolling.

>> No.18686716

You don't know about Ogoranu? I haven't read much about communist Romania but they even made a film about this guy (the film was heavily attacked by Jews).

The Iron Guard/ Legionnaires was not a mixed movement while Codreanu was alive. He had absolute power over the movement and it was explicitly organised such that everyone in the organisation had to execute the orders. I don't particularly care about the movement after Codreanu's death: the whole thing was obviously incredibly idealistic and had no chance to succeed in real life. I think Codreanu was inspiring in his sincerity and dedication, but I would never join him because it's fundamentally insane and fanatic. It's just a nice episode of human nature showing its nobility and naivety. It's more art than politics. That's why I like Codreanu more than the other 2 when it comes to literary legacy.

>> No.18686752

>It's just a nice episode of human nature showing its nobility and naivety. It's more art than politics. That's why I like Codreanu more than the other 2 when it comes to literary legacy.
That's fair. I can see that. It's all the same with these fascists, everywhere the same pattern. Back then and now. Idealists shocked by a decadent society who just sperg out and eventually burn themselves out. Afterwards, some of them go the optics route, others go the Christian route, but the few of them who were just in it for the carnage carry on and take mankind to the moon.

>> No.18686759

>He was reportedly spared execution at the direct intervention of U.S. President Richard Nixon.[3][6] Released, he was employed as a worker, then as a technician at a collective state farm in Miercurea Sibiului.[3]
Come on. They probably told the guy that they're friends with the fascists now, and he can relax.

>> No.18686793

Comunists killed all the intelectuals.

>> No.18686836

Same with communists. Extremists who live in an idealistic world that can never exist. It's been the same since the French Revolution: instead of rational and patient development, we have massive sperg outs that make no rational sense. But who am I to know better than nature? Perhaps this is the hyperbolic time chamber that accelerates progress by creating chaos and opportunities. I just try to get by and enjoy the show.

>> No.18686872

That's true for most communists, just like it's true for most fascists, but if you read Mao, you will see a more, not just rational, but empathetic person. Which is funny considering the 60 gorrilion (I haven't got to that part in his writings yet), but apparently that famine was caused by the fact that he exported food to buy nukes from the USSR. Fascists are almost uniquely idealists and mysticists, while communists are atheists and materialists. Communists combine their mysticism with materialism in the form of Hegelian dialectic, and even the leadership like Mao, have theories on it, such as how the negation of negation works in a dialectic. When combined with their cosmic atheism, you get some really interesting psychological profiles and worldviews.

>> No.18687018

Evola and Guenon weren't fascists either retard, Guenon hated any form of politics and Evola wrote books and pamphlets attacking the fascist party, refused to become a member, and later successfully defended himself in court against accusations of being active in fascists groups. You are a midwit and need to go back to redddit.

>> No.18687031

Thanks for the rec, I'll give Mao a shot at least for curiosity.

>> No.18687041

>later successfully defended himself in court against accusations of being active in fascists groups.
By saying that he's a super fascist, nigger.

>> No.18687076

Do you know what he meant by that faggot? He meant he was beyond fascism, not some kind of super saiyan fascist you pea brain. I paraphrase but his take was "insofar as fascism agrees with my ideas I can be called a fascist and insofar as it doesn't I can't." Given the fact that, like I said, he wrote many books and essays attacking fascism, we can be sure he was not a fascist. Now shut up or kill yourself.

>> No.18687091

>not some kind of super saiyan fascist you pea brain.
Are you too autistic to realize that he was stylin on em?

>he wrote many books and essays attacking fascism, we can be sure he was not a fascist.
So when marxists criticize elements of marxism or other marxists, they're no longer marxists? This is a well known practice.

>> No.18687107 [DELETED] 

>produced no literary works of note
They do tho.

>> No.18687108

Are you too retarded to realize he was never a fascist for the reasons I've stated above? That he had sympathy with some fascist figures does not make him a fascist.
>So when marxists criticize elements of marxism or other marxists, they're no longer marxists? This is a well known practice.
You don't seem to understand that Evola was not a fascist but a radical traditionalist. So no, he's not a fascist.

>> No.18687113

>Although not a member of the National Fascist Party, and despite his apparent problems with the Fascist regime, Evola was one of the first people to greet Mussolini when the latter was broken out of prison by Otto Skorzeny in September, 1943.[89] Subsequently, Evola helped welcome Mussolini to Adolf Hitler's Wolf's Lair.[10] Following this, Evola involved himself in Mussolini's Italian Social Republic.[48]

>> No.18687117


>> No.18687124

>Although not a member of the National Fascist Party, and despite his apparent problems with the Fascist regime,
There you go, faggot.
As I said above:
>That he had sympathy with some fascist figures does not make him a fascist.
>Evola involved himself in Mussolini's Italian Social Republic.
Which was not a fascist state. Evola just saw Mussolini's attempt as the worst of three evils (including capitalism and communism).
Now leave, pea brain.

>> No.18687132

*least of 3 evils

>> No.18687137

>produced no literary works of note
They did and do tho.

>> No.18687140

Ah ok, I guess being close friends with Mussolini and Adolf Hitler is not enough to make you a fascist. How many /pol/acks are members of any fascist party, you dirty ape?

>> No.18687151

cartarescu, cioran, ionesco

>> No.18687152

>Ah ok, I guess being close friends with Mussolini and Adolf Hitler is not enough to make you a fascist.
Correct, the fact that he saw fascism as a less bad alternative than communism and capitalism does not make him a fascist. Good to see you finally grew a brain.
>How many /pol/acks are members of any fascist party, you dirty ape?
None obviously, and actual fascists would not accept them as such. They are larpers. And you are a retard. Now leave, pea brain.

>> No.18687163

How many actual fascists are members of a fascist political party?

>> No.18687171

There is no fascist party to be a member of, you absolute retard. There are therefore no actual fascists currently, only larpers.
Fact is Evola was not a fascist, no matter how hard you try to play word games.

>> No.18687177

By your logic, nazis were not fascists. Neither were the Legionnaires.
>no matter how hard you try to play word games.
Does it make your tiny brain hurt?

>> No.18687196

You are correct, although obviously the natsocs and the legionnaires were fascist-adjacent. Only the latter were somewhat sympathetic to Evola, the former and actual fascists wanted nothing to do with Evola.
Evola did not consider himself a fascist. Actual fascists did not consider Evola a fascist. Yet you, a fat zoomer faggot on an imageboard, think you know because you read a wiki page. You are super retarded (by which I mean beyond retarded).
So you admit to playing word games? Great, Hasbara isn't sending their best today.

>> No.18687211

Ok autismo. Are you aware that fascism is also used as a term that includes everyone who agrees on a certain set of beliefs, and there are subsets of fascism, which dispute methods and ideas among themselves? It's what a rich ideology consists of.

>> No.18687225

I am but that's irrelevant since that is precisely what Evola was on trial for and he was found not guilty. There you have your answer. Unless you think you know better than Evola himself, actual fascists including Mussolini, the SS, and the capitalist (anti-fascist) Italian court?
You are embarrassing yourself beyond belief and it's better to stop posting now.

>> No.18687235

>Following this, Evola involved himself in Mussolini's Italian Social Republic.
>The Italian Social Republic was the second and last incarnation of the Italian Fascist state and was led by Duce Benito Mussolini and his reformed anti-monarchist Republican Fascist Party.
Again, I have literally proven that he was a card carrying fascist. I don't know why you're talking like we're on Fox News trying to save Evola's optics.

>> No.18687256

>Evola did not consider himself a fascist, was not a member of the fascist party, wrote books attacking fascism, was found not guilty of being active in fascist activities
>Mussolini did not consider Evola a fascist
>No other fascists considered Evola a fascists
>The SS did not consider Evola a fascists
>The post-war Italian court, tasked with finding and incarcerating fascists, did not consider Evola a fascist
Yet you, a fat zoomer faggot who reads (pozzed) wiki pages, do. Congratulations, you are, again, beyond retarded.
>I have literally proven that he was a card carrying fascist
No, you have not. Even in the Salo Republic Evola was not a card carrying member. Explicitly not, he refused it. As I said, that he considered this last vestige a better alternative than either capitalism or communism does not make him a fascist.
The fact that I prefer and support christians over atheists does not make me a christian, you absolute retard.
Stop embarrasing yourself by quoting pozzed wikipedia pages, just shut up.

>> No.18687262
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>Evola's most significant post-war political texts are Orientamenti and Men Among the Ruins
>Orientamenti was a text against "national fascism"—instead, it advocated for a European Community modeled on the principles of the Waffen-SS
"I'm totally not a fascist guys, wink wink."

>> No.18687267

>all the retards complaining about fascism
Nigger, shut the fuck up. If you're not in anyway familiar with the socio-political situation in 19th and early 20th century Romania you have no right to speak on the world views of Romanians and their political parties and ideology who, in actuality went beyond "fascism":

>> No.18687269

Correct, he was totally not a fascist. Stop winking at me, faggot. I don't swing your way.

>> No.18687300
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>> No.18687322

And this proves what? That you're beyond retarded? I was already aware, thanks.

>> No.18687348
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>> No.18687383

>If you look at the policies that were enacted under Ceausescu
I thought most of his nationalistic policies came from his state visits to China and DPRK and wanting to form his own version of juche? Unfortunately for him Romanians weren't quite the hive of bugmen that asians are.

>> No.18687403


>> No.18687412

Not all. He implemented radical birth boosting policies before that.
>In 1966, in an attempt to boost the country's population, Ceaușescu made abortion illegal and introduced Decree 770 in order to reverse the Romanian population's low birth and fertility rates. Mothers of at least five children were entitled to receive significant benefits, while mothers of at least ten children were declared "heroine mothers" by the Romanian state.

>The government targeted rising divorce rates, and made divorce more difficult—it was decreed that marriages could only be dissolved in exceptional cases.

>Measures to encourage reproduction included financial motivations for families who bore children, guaranteed maternity leave, and childcare support for mothers who returned to work, work protection for women, and extensive access to medical control in all stages of pregnancy, as well as after it. Medical control was seen as one of the most productive effects of the law, since all women who became pregnant were under the care of a qualified medical practitioner, even in rural areas. In some cases, if a woman was unable to visit a medical office, a doctor would visit her home.

>> No.18687435
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Why has this thread devolved so quickly into lefty-pol spergs ranting about who was and wasn't a EVILFASCISTNAZI?
At ease the autism, please.

>> No.18687437

This was what caused all the derelict orphanages with feral children after 1989, no? And gypsies stealing children, cutting off their hand or leg then using them to beg for money?

>> No.18687456

All policies have downsides. Which do you prefer: traditional marriages, big families and sexual morality with unwanted kids being dropped off in orphanages, or free sex, birth control, fewer children in the custody of the state, but low birth rates and immigration to make up for it?

>> No.18687469

Wouldn't that make Tesla an austrian as well?

>> No.18687504
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Yes hello.

>> No.18687510

He got an American citizenship IIRC. Until that point he was ethnically Serbian and an Austrian subject.

>> No.18687555

The best writers on the XXth century were all fascists too.

>> No.18687653

>traditional marriages, big families and sexual morality
lmao you have to be mentally retarded or neck deep in delusions to think any legislation can even create this

>> No.18687674

Why are all Black Sea countries backwards irredeemable shitholes?

>> No.18687689

>Black Sea
It's in the name