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/lit/ - Literature

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18685383 No.18685383 [Reply] [Original]


> Seven of today's most controversial Bible scholars reveal their shocking conclusions about the origins of Christianity. Based on the best-selling religious studies book by Joseph Atwill, this documentary shows that Jesus is not a historical figure, the events of Jesus' life were based on a Roman military campaign, his supposed second coming refers to a historical event that already occurred, the teachings of Christ came from the ancient pagan mystery schools, and the Gospels were written by a family of Caesars and their supporters, who left us documents to prove it.

>> No.18685389
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>In 1884, meridian time personnel met in Washington to change Earth time. First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day marshmallow. So they applied the 1 day and ignored the other 3 days. The marshmallow time was wrong then and it proved wrong today. This a major lie has so much boring feed from it's wrong. No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar. Children will be blessed for Kissing Of Educated Adults Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous Days Same Earth Rotation.

>> No.18685424

Fucking schizo, take your meds. I hope you have a good long life.

>> No.18686389

Nobody thinks Jesus didn't exist in any capacity, not even secular scholars. It's a fringe position from like five decades ago that was then dismissed because of how nonsensical it would be for a messianic Jewish cult to spring up from literally nothing.

>> No.18686779
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And yet here is the proof. There was no such person. It was all fiction. The Dead Sea Scrolls, *Titus Falvius* Josephus, all the puns and parallels. We’ve been duped. This fringe was right.

>> No.18686806

A shitty sensationalist documentary isn't proof, you ignoble elderly tranny. If it were, then History channel might as well have proven that sasquatch is real and that aliens built the pyramids.

>> No.18686819

>sasquatch is real and that aliens built the pyramids.
but these are correct

>> No.18686828

>it's nonsensical, therefore it couldn't have happened that way

Do "scholars" really?

>> No.18686852
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If all this was true it was true it would only make Christianity based.

>> No.18686855

The "Jesus cult" existed in synagogues(later banned by Jewish authorities) for decades before anything in the NT was written. It's far more likely that it came from a Galilean spiritual preacher who managed to amass a following than it being a product of mass schizophrenia or something.

>> No.18686858
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> Seven of today's most controversial Bible scholars reveal their shocking conclusions about the origins of Christianity. Based on the best-selling religious studies book by Joseph Atwill, this documentary shows that Jesus is not a historical figure, the events of Jesus' life were based on a Roman military campaign, his supposed second coming refers to a historical event that already occurred, the teachings of Christ came from the ancient pagan mystery schools, and the Gospels were written by a family of Caesars and their supporters, who left us documents to prove it.
And that's a good thing.

>> No.18686861

>I will only watch a high value production. Otherwise it’s discredited.

Anons really.

>> No.18686875

this is a literature board not a documentary board

this position is also nonsensical

>> No.18686883

>I will only watch a high value production. Otherwise it’s discredited.
This obviously comes from a place of resentment for Christianity more than anything.

>> No.18686887

You put that in quotation marks as if your source used these words?

>> No.18686896

It is a book and one I’ve been meaning to read. You should read it.

People read and research for the love of the truth

>> No.18686911

>People read and research for the love of the truth
You obviously don't care about truth and just want to push this narrative of yours.
The source is the talmud

>> No.18687036

My old narrative was that there was a guy, but he was more like Monty Python’s Brian.
> source is the talmud
The name Jesus is recorded in the Talmud? What’s the date on that?

>> No.18687038

Jesus of Sirach.

>> No.18687072

>No date
Now watch the documentary.

>> No.18687104

>The mythicist Biblical scholar Robert M. Price said that Atwill "gives himself license to indulge in the most outrageous display of parallelomania ever seen." Price acknowledges that the New Testament has "persistent pro-Roman tendencies", but says this was done "for apologetical reasons, to avoid persecution."[28] The mythicist Richard Carrier similarly stated that all of Atwill's alleged parallels can be explained as either coincidences, mistranslations, or references to Old Testament sources or tropes. However, Carrier also agreed that the New Testament has pro-Roman aspects. According to Carrier, "Christianity was probably constructed to 'divert Jewish hostility and aggressiveness into a pacifist religion, supportive of–and subservient to–Roman rule,' but not by Romans, but exasperated Jews like Paul."[35]

>Biblical scholar Bart Ehrman said "I know sophomores in college who could rip this ... to shreds" and pointed out that Atwill had "no training in any relevant field."[53]

Maybe you'll discover easter next week.

>> No.18687110
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>> No.18687129


Even if there was incontrovertible proof that God don't real, still better to control yourself than behave worse than an animal by partying, drinking, fucking, masturbating.

>> No.18687135

You act like pagan religions weren't even stricter on that then Christianity.

>> No.18687142

Jesus being a historical figure doesn't really follow that Christianity is real either. It's frankly a stupid argument.

>> No.18687170

He is literally mentioned in both Tacitus and Suetonius. What more do you want?

Honestly, in some ways the historical Jesus is better sourced than Alexander

>> No.18687222

We have more convincing proofs of Jesus than Socrates. In the case of Jesus we have materiality, even.

>> No.18687466

>In the case of Jesus we have materiality, even.

>> No.18687486

Biblical Christ is Heilsgeschichte, not a "historical narrative"

Yet if we were not to accept Jesus' historicity we throw out a great deal else and anyone suggesting this is good a terrorist against public consciousness and should be flogged

>> No.18687497

One of them:

>> No.18687852

But it's not because it's another "accuse your enemy of what you are guilty" and do you know who Saul Alinsky belonged to? Hmmm. What incentive do wealthy Romans have to invade a godforsaken swindling shit hole of sand? What incentive do sand swindlers have to subvert wealthy sexy Rome?

>> No.18687861

Christianity imports and submits to Judaism and Islam. Why the fuck would Rome invent its own AIDS?

>> No.18687886

I asked for proof, not schizo mental gymnastics.

>> No.18687988

>scientific evidences

>> No.18688031
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Roman Imperative is to spread Venus worship through all the earth and we do this by the Catholic veneration of Mary. Doesn't matter where we invade: sand, snow, rock, jungle. This is our sacred mission from the goddess.

>> No.18688076

is there any money in these types of scams? i could write some horseshit about how jesus was alexander the great that time travelled in a ufo or whatever. but i suppose you'd need to go around doing readings for promotion and i don't know if i could keep a straight face having to hang out with my retard audience and answer their schizo questions.

>> No.18688338

i too read the grand inquisitor

>> No.18688592

>fishermen in first century Roman Judea chose to willingly be tortured and killed in the most brutal and humiliating fashion to spread a story that they knew was 100% false
Is this how brainlets think?

>> No.18689031

>commies (useful geniuses) in Eastern Europe and North Korea chose to willingly be tortured and killed in the most brutal and humiliating fashion to spread a story that they knew was 100% false
Is this how capitalist pigs think?

>> No.18689056

This is the quality of thread you can expect from trips, everyone.

>> No.18689059

Even atheists cringe at him. Nice thread tho butters, fits your modus operandi, i.e. /pol/ /his/ bait
>Joseph Atwill is one of those crank mythers I often get conflated with. Mythicists like him make the job of serious scholars like me so much harder, because people see, hear, or read them and think their nonsense is what mythicism is. They make mythicism look ridiculous. So I have to waste time (oh by the gods, so much time) explaining how I am not arguing anything like their theories or using anything like their terrible methods, and unlike them I actually know what I am talking about, and have an actual Ph.D. in a relevant subject from a real university… his theory entails a massive and weirdly erudite conspiracy of truly bizarre scope and pedigree… Atwill is a total crank, and his work should be ignored, indeed everywhere warned against as among the worst of mythicism, not representative of any serious argument that Jesus didn’t exist.

>> No.18689061

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.18689113

Normally I tend to disagree with you, butterfly Anon but you're on to somethin

>> No.18689134

Jews were barely tolerated in the middle ages. They were just considered weird insular heretics who reject Christ.

>> No.18689162

Then where were the Jews before Christianity? Did courts have court Jews prior to Christian laws forbidding interest rates as usury?

>> No.18689185

Mostly confined to Judea but there was already a significant amount of them scattered throughout Greece and other Roman provinces.

>> No.18689263

If we're rejecting the authenticity of the New Testament, written centuries after the supposed death of Jesus then I don't see why we also can't call into question hagiography written centuries after the death of the Apostles.

>> No.18689266

All over. Ovid wrote stanzas on how to suckle of big heeb milkers

>> No.18689293

Could you cite your source on this? All I can find is Ars Amatoria where he says the search for love even on "Cultaque Iudaeo septima sacra Syro" ("[the day] the cult of Judaea in Syria holds sacred").

>> No.18689467

I assume you are probably not a Christian so what makes you interested in history of religion?

>> No.18689493

Claim 1
>Christianity wasn't a thing until 70 AD after Jerusalem got rekt.
Tacitus says that in 64 AD Nero was putting a "multitude of Christians" under torture.

Claim 2
>Christianity was a Roman empire psyop bro
Then why did the Emperor Trajan tell Pliny the Younger to kill any Christians who didn't abandon their fate, which was undermining Roman rule, in 110 AD,?

Given that your a boomer, I forgive you for being on the level of Qanon schizophrenia. Take your meds and hopefully one day your hippy commune dreams will be able to come about via virtual reality when you are 80 so you can die in peace.

>> No.18689692

Interesting site.

>> No.18689747

Ironically, Qoomers love Biblical scholarship, because Q wrote the Bible and predicted Trump.

>> No.18689983

Jesus is coming back to spank the Man back into the Tranny.

>> No.18690057

I'm just here to call you a faggot OP. You don't care beyond finding a way to demerit christianity and you will never be a woman.

>> No.18690063
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Joseph Atwill, in addition to believing that the Gospels were written by the Roman Empire, also believes that The Catcher in the Rye is Freemasonic CIA MK Ultra propaganda designed to brainwash teenagers into becoming socially isolated pedophiles

>> No.18690067


>> No.18690075
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>also believes that The Catcher in the Rye is Freemasonic CIA MK Ultra propaganda designed to brainwash teenagers into becoming socially isolated pedophiles

>> No.18690090

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.18690094
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All fields.

>> No.18690518

Didn’t check your link. Is it the wrong guy?
Jesuit trained, knows Latin and Greek. Wrote something about Shakespeare though. Wrong guy

The book is claiming that they’re not called Christians at that point. They’re certainly not peaceful. Which is what the whole point of the Christ story is for. To pacify the messianic movement. This has modern parallels with what the CIA are doing with socialists.

It’s all very intriguing. Appreciate the counters ITT. I’m definitely going to check the book out to see how it answers them.

>> No.18690546
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>> No.18690601

>Is it the wrong guy?
Same guy. Also his view on Shakespeare is also retarded

>> No.18690654

>Wrote something about
You know MKULTRA is a real thing though, right?

>> No.18690693

>setting aside all that shizo stuff
>MKUltra was real tho
Yeah and your mother was definitely on crack when she was pregnant with you.

>> No.18690695

Yes, but I don't believe Catcher in the Rye is a product of it

>> No.18690699

MK Ultra was proven real and is indisputable fact. However, the end results are often romanticized by schizos like the asshole you are replying to.

>> No.18690703

>Romans create Christianity
>Romans kill Christians
>Rome is taken over by Christians
Yeah such a great plan.

>> No.18690719

>This has modern parallels with what the CIA are doing with socialists
Encouraging them to go out and destroy public property?

>> No.18690726

>MK Ultra was proven real and is indisputable fact.
That's my point. Butters took one factual thing the guy said and then swept away all the nonsense schizo stuff he attached to it as if to rehabilitate his non-existent credibility. Butters hates christcucks so much because she actually thinks like one kek

>> No.18690762



>> No.18690848

Well, good thing he didn’t write a whole book on it.
I read Le Guin’s thoughts on the Catcher, and I see people trying to make you believe there’s a subtextual rape in it. It just seems creepy now. (Oh and the author was a notorious recluse)

I have never romanticized it, and I am the farthest thing from schizophrenia.

Instead of doing something constructive, like have a revolution. No, it’s been a big peace march up until recently and even then the hippies are trying to keep it to simple property destruction (gasp! Too violent!) look at you, so concerned for the wellbeing of starbucks windows.

Haven’t watched/read any of it yet

>> No.18690947

>Haven’t watched/read any of it yet
>Makes a thread about it
You are on the same level as frog posters despite your self reflective hate kek

>> No.18691032


>> No.18691044

based and passive-aggressionpilled.

>> No.18691115

“It” being your links about Catcher in the Rye, doof.

Listening now. Seems he was just following up on a theory. It doesn’t seem so far fetched. Crazy, but this is the same government that puts out UFO scams to distract people

>> No.18691217

I took that to mean that's a good day to hit on Jewish girls, since they're going to be bored.

>> No.18691234 [DELETED] 
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christianity was actually a greek psyop to win back influence over west asia, and it worked, constantine moved the capital to a greek speaking city, and let the latin capital fall.

>> No.18691245
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Flavius Valerius Constantinus, aka Constantine the Great

>> No.18691248
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Based butters. Proud of ya, son.

>> No.18691278
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Excuse me, ma’am. I am no one’s “son”

>> No.18691304
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>the Flavian Conspiracy posting is back on /lit/
>it's being pushed by Butterfly

You all got mocked and laughed at way back in 2015, you're going to get mocked and laughed at this time, too.

>> No.18691321

whatever you say, son.

>> No.18691340

>Imagine denying your creator
He loves you anon. Just repent of your unbelief and trust in Him.

>> No.18691349

>parallels existing negates the existence of Christ
This logic doesn't hold water. Not at all. The devil's MO is copying the structures of God with a perverted and distorted mirror image. This is basic. Just like he'll mock Christ with the antichrist (mockery of Christ) and the false prophet (mockery of the Holy Spirit. Mirror image mockery is the devil's MO. You're falling for satan's tricks if you're fooled into not believing in your creator.

>> No.18691367
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He is clearly a nofap guy, but it is reasonable to condemn CitR. It is pretty sick. I see why people try to say there was a rape in it. Salinger was a spook. Dead Heads had connections. Terrible musicians just passing LSD out to the hippies

>> No.18691378

Speaking of copying. All these spouses that claim Nero dealt with Christians are copies of copies of the originals by *christians*
The evidence for the Flavian case is in the historical records war campaign with Jesus’ journey.
It’s not enough for you guys, I get it. But it’s very plausible

>> No.18691383


>> No.18691456
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seethe and cope

>> No.18691563

I’m well, thank you.
You’re the one living in a fever dream who can’t cope with the real world.