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File: 24 KB, 400x400, Sup+funnyjunkcom+fit+_89bf0e3daed588532de43e64459d333d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18683[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Manlets are subhuman and will never raise offspring. Women are biologically hardwired to look for tall men and discard short men in order to spread good genes. Manlets eternally BTFO

>> No.18699
File: 216 KB, 915x678, QA5NF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18722
File: 72 KB, 1000x484, eloonjäämispakkaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18727

who else is 6'2"

>> No.18776

That's a lie because most guys are manlets

>> No.18796

how can I rise above my peers while still being half their length?

>> No.18801
File: 80 KB, 634x867, article-2625870-1DC39A4700000578-191_634x867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol manlet nobody takes you seriously kys

>> No.18815
File: 121 KB, 634x882, IMG_0124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you call my girl, punk?

>> No.18824
File: 86 KB, 773x591, 1485013578098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'3''
>tfw overweight virgin
>tfw no girls want to have sex with me

why oh why couldn't I have been born a manlet?

>> No.18829

>he has an easy time reading footers

>> No.18852

Not how these threads work. You must ask
>When will they learn

>> No.18869

You got the gist of it, but your shitpost-fu is still weak

>> No.18895

Who else is 9'7"?

>> No.18933

Stop doing this insecurity fueled threads.

>> No.18971
File: 490 KB, 449x401, under 6 foot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19024

7'8" is the current manlet cutoff

>> No.19821
File: 142 KB, 719x729, WP_20151216_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad man

>> No.20762

>consider suicide
I already did and tried, kys.

>> No.20938

Most males over 6 feet in my area are usually lanky awkward virgins or have pectum excavatum or whatever it is where you could eat a bowl of cereal out of their chest
fucking gross

>> No.21004

Is it women who keep making these threads?

>> No.21026

No, just insecure manlets

>> No.21052

Now this is a thread I can get behind.

>> No.21065
File: 26 KB, 720x552, 1487200872162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'8 and still had more sex with more women than the majority of people on this board

Being tall doesn't negate being ugly or socially awkward. I may be out of a certain market but at least I'm not out of the entire economy like some of you.

>> No.21108

Reminder that manlet meme is part of jewish conspiracy to make white males give up dating and masturbate to cartoons or go gay instead, in order to exterminate the white race

Carry the manlet feels, go out there and get /fit/ and /lit/, if you get rejected get back up and keep going

>> No.21397
File: 33 KB, 527x612, 1why+to+be+awake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'7 here and I'm dying on the inside

>> No.21456

>ripped af
>make 40k a year
>drive a new car

>still a 30yo virgin


>> No.21482

>below average face
And still just earning a shitload of money offers me the best life possible with tons of women all over my tiny dick.

>> No.21489
File: 2 KB, 125x92, 1491071098448s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the original

>> No.21525

Tfw 21 year old making 55k starting

>> No.21572

5'5 here do any people here actually mope around because of their height or this just a meme?

>> No.21606

Unlikely but its how women feel - in fact even stronger, they truly HATE short guys, not just discriminate against, but have really strong hate for them. I'm a gay guy and the way my girlfriends talk about short guys is really shocking.

>> No.21608

Sounds like someone has been cucked by a manlet.

>If you haven't yet, you will be.

>> No.21611

>Reminder that manlet meme is part of jewish conspiracy to make white males give up dating and masturbate to cartoons or go gay instead, in order to exterminate the white race
Makes sense desu

>> No.21614

I feel legit sadness about my heigh famalama

>> No.21672

What do you mean 'just a meme'? A meme is true. Women think this way about short guys. Sure if youre super high status you can get laid but who wants that? People want to be loved for who they are not have their entire physical person be a turn off but hey, well you have money heres a BJ. Thats depressing AF

>> No.21723

If you are a depressed fuck you will take any flaw you have and put it on a pedestal for your misery.

Height like skin color is just something you have or not so it's particularly easy for the other miserable people on here to flock over. If you're mentally touchable by internet comments it's time to consider suicide since this describes a true human failure.

>> No.21743

being under 6ft is a death sentence

>> No.21789

>posting a thumbnail

>> No.21802



a-am I okay?!

>> No.21824

I know plenty of shorter men live happily married family lives
This anon is right
>I'm a gay guy
Nice recruiting tactic pole smoker

>> No.21846

There is so much trash out there that achieved nothing. It's so fucking easy as fuck to gain someone who truly loves you just by status alone. You can literally be someone's bright shining star in their life since you're the only dependable person they will ever meet.

Don't lie to yourself. If it was just physical attraction your love is shallow to begin with and will be shit tier in higher age.

>> No.21886
File: 6 KB, 134x186, 1481004005621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'4'' but content

>> No.22045

This except I don't like my face which sucks because I can't change it

>> No.22820

Seriously? Yes, you're absolutely ok. Is this bait? Have manlet threads seriously gotten so bad that they're now making people over 6 feet feel insecure?

>> No.22887

is that supposed to mean small nose? aren't small noses more attractive?

>> No.22889

I am 6'2 and I'm starting to feel like a manlet. All the god damn giants in my area. I'm starting to have sympathy for my actual manlet peers.

>> No.22992

A small nose is great for your front face looks but bad for your side face aesthetics.

>> No.23088


>1 girl slept with me ever after 24 years


>chad fagt


>2 kids

>1 kids

Grandpa #1

>2 Kids

Grandpa #2
>4 kids

really makes u thinkin

>> No.23119

are you the youngest brother?

>> No.23213

Probably cause you make 40k at age 30. How does that even happen unless you're in some shithole part of the world.

>> No.23269

the average salary in uk is £26,500

>> No.23304

Only if you're a brainlet and don't have an advanced degree.

>> No.24118

nah 26k is good for the UK unless youre a trader or soemthing...theres only few jobs like that between 65million ppl

>> No.24392
File: 71 KB, 751x640, 1487014332008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 5'10 swede

>> No.24500

It's manlet sized.

>> No.25833

You're taller than every Asian on the planet.

>> No.25856

>every single manlet meme is about me

>> No.25971

I do. But that's because everyone else in my family is 6'4.

>> No.26125

that doesn't help a scandinavian like me does it?

>> No.26216
File: 20 KB, 500x669, hotnerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do / buy if you had £30000 right now and wanted to use it to make your social life awesome?

>> No.26281

If women don't want manlet genes then how come manlets still exist? Checkmate atheists.

>> No.26674

>when the 6'2'' manlet king makes mem


>> No.26740

You can tell he's the one that lifts, too

>> No.26754

Lucky guy. He'll be swimming in delicious giant Negress titties for days.

>> No.26918

>tfw basically asexual but hot as hell
>tfw I intentionally make myself look ugly to feel comfortable
I'd say it's nice to know that I could get pussy if I wanted it, but I have a prostitute fetish anyway so it really doesn't matter.

>> No.26957

>why couldn't I have been born a manlet so I'd look even fatter and more unattractive?