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/lit/ - Literature

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18682928 No.18682928[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't care what /lit/ says, dark academia is /comfy/ as fuck and I want a qt dark academia gf

>> No.18682936
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>Is the modern renaissance in your path

>> No.18682954
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Yikes sweaty, let's unpack this...

>> No.18683039

What is it with this brown broads going absolutely insane with White-envy?

>> No.18683069

>criticized for whiteness
WTF I LOVE dark academia now!

>> No.18683081

Most grils into this are lesbians, anon

>> No.18683085
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>> No.18683088

you fell for some tumblr type shit, retards

>> No.18683106

Alright can I get a QRD on what this meme is? I thought it was just some pretentious aesthetic that Waldun was pushing.

>> No.18683116

If you've seen the movie Dead Poets Society it's basically that.

>> No.18683121

imagine how privilaged you have to be to carry on about "yts" dressing a certain way etc.
same shit as poltards crying about negros all the time for stupid reasons.

>> No.18683130

It’s prep without the loud madras jackets or the bright polo shirts or shaggy dog sweaters

>> No.18683169

That's pretty much it although I blame the Harry potter movies and their great production
At the end of the day these young girls looking for an aesthetic to latch onto is not all that different from the lack of meaning and belonging we all experience to some extent now that the cultural revolution of post-war west deprived us all of any attachment to our history and culture
Think of dead post society. It is easy go rebel against tradition when you are surrounded by it like the beat generation, but when everything around you is a dull, plain, functional, ugly modernist hellhole you become apathetic and ataraxic and you start looking for something that gives you an idea of where you come from and where you're going

>> No.18683365
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it's called a trend
trends have existed for thousands of years
just because you don't like a trend, doesn't mean others can't
trends let people express themselves in various ways, and the things they like happen to match up. if they're doing it to just fit in or seem cool and not have any intetest in those topics or anything or even the aesthetic then yes i agree it's stupid for them to participate.
also i genuinely don't understand the hate for harry potter, the first one was nice, but i also don't understand the obsession for it. it's decent and if people want to like it let them. in my opinion it's nothing special, i enjoyed the first one as a young kid
dark academia is kinda cozy imo, and offers a visually historic and rural look that we rarely see now adays. it's a very nice change of pace. i am not a big fan of a lot of modern design personally, so i enjoy

>> No.18683419

You dumb nigger, DA fashion has existed since the first British schoolboy wore that white shirt, dark blazer jacket, and dark shorts/pants/trousers combo, plus a sweater or sweater vest on some occasions

>> No.18683427

So how is it any different from millennials dressing like harry potter fags for the first time around then?

>> No.18683435

HAHAHAHA clownworld strikes again

>> No.18683461

What is a "dark academia gf"?
If you were to dress her in a sundress, would she still be a "dark academia gf"? How about if you dress her in jeans?

>> No.18683467

Women ruin everything

>> No.18683477

only sane person in this thread

>> No.18683484

Dressing up as Harry Potter is just cosplay. DA (I am guessing) is more of a lifestyle. You're pretending to be a student at Cambridge and studying the Greeks and Latin and shiiiet and you're just looking the part.

It's like saying that ballet dancers are only wearing tutus and leotards and twirling around because it's a meme. They actually need all that stuff for their profession or hobby

>> No.18683493

didn't know this was a subculture, googled it and found out its associated with gothic architecture, kind of cool, I've always loved the gothic architecture of Catholic Churches

>> No.18683495

>the culture of dark academia
It's people taking pictures of libraries for instagram. That's what it is.
Permanent onlineness will absolutely fucking destroy your mind.

>> No.18683590

What the fuck is this supposed to be? Looking like someone who reads books or is a writer?

>> No.18684816

wtf is dark academia

>> No.18684854

typewriters, and shit. Basically a way for boomers to get rid of their stuff and push it to zoomers and score some coin.

>> No.18685143
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fashion peaked in the baroque era

>> No.18685168


>> No.18685211
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tfw no dark academia gf to impregnate to make twitter niggers seethe

>> No.18685265

The English entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to colonize everyone else, and nobody was going to colonize them. At Mysore, Bengal, Amritsar, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.

Non-Anglo Whites are fine by me, only the Anglos owe us a great debt.

>> No.18685282
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>> No.18685291


People used to dress like this not long ago?

>> No.18685292

>Heart of Academics

>> No.18685296

KEK they did. The fucking state of social media.

>> No.18685556
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I like the general aesthetic of it, and Appreciate it as a celebration of higher European culture, and to an extent i naturally drifted towards the aesthetic to decorate my private space and make it comfy, but people doing shit like this >>18682936 on social media just makes it cringe and spoils it and turns it into some "hipster numale posing in front of his record player" tier "lifestyle" for social media

>> No.18685564
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They don't stand a chance against the bulletproof hairstyle.

>> No.18685732

would someone explain what dark academia is to me?
pretty please?

>> No.18685742




>> No.18685745
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>calle out for not challenging the status quo
But if it's white culture and encourages reading/dressing respectably it's extremely against the status quo?

>> No.18685748

so it's not like book genre or something?

>> No.18685751

As post-modernism is to modernism, so is Dark Academia to Cottage Core.
The latest development in aesthete tech.

>> No.18685757

so it's a fashion aesthetic thing, I thought it was a weird sub genre

>> No.18685817

Well they do tend to read a bunch of classics (Latin and Greek). The hardcore ones actually do know Latin and Greek but most are just posers and buy the books as decoration. Some middling ones read em in translation.

They also like Gothic romance and horror like Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. Frankenstein and Dorian Gray.

Also campus novels are popular. Particularly with a gay subtext.
The Secret History is pretty much dark academia personified.
Also Brideshead Revisited and Maurice

And of course Harry Potter

>> No.18685827
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The question is - do you dress the part?

>> No.18685841

>The hardcore ones actually do know Latin and Greek
I think this arises out of fantasy much like >>18683419
>DA fashion has existed since the first British schoolboy wore that white shirt, dark blazer jacket, and dark shorts/pants/trousers combo
Which isn't a British schoolboy thing (especially not at schools that teach Latin and Greek) but is a thing that gets billed as British schoolboy in movies. It's like if you watch a movie made by an American in the 70s portraying Asia- it's probably wrong about Asia but right about what Americans think about Asia during the time period.
There's a long history of that (the famous tale about Yale pouring acid on the tower to make it look as old as an oxbridge one, and most Ivies in the US choosing architecture which was out of fashion by centuries in England)
Thinking about it, a better example than any of the above is the way Japanese/Chinese tourist parks portray Europe.

>> No.18685857

post tits or gtfo

>> No.18685884

>Dark Academia
Ahhhhhhh this makes so much sense now

>> No.18685891

what does female dark academia look like

>> No.18685892

Same thing with skirts.

>> No.18685895

but that's just how british girls dress in winter

>> No.18685898

>never seen a club queue in Britain in winter
This is an over 18s website.

>> No.18685900

What the fuck is this DA shit and why has it stole my entire style, interests and music taste? Idiots making me look like a trendchaser ffs

>> No.18685903

I don't know
the only time I visited britain a girl got murdered right outside where I was staying and I got a police visit during midnight

>> No.18685905

>tfw the hipster finds out their look has become mainstream

>> No.18685906

Because you're old enough to have stolen your style from Dead Poets' Society and Clueless the first time they were a meme.

>> No.18685910

She was probably wearing more wintergreen than clothes.

>> No.18685912

I'm afraid the joke is lost to me

>> No.18685918
File: 46 KB, 938x680, B5C2D21C-A2B5-4B00-A162-34C13D5C9DF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you use the “I don’t know” defense?

>> No.18685919

I don't know
did I?

>> No.18685923

It's just posers being posers. I remember when Thrasher and Supreme became big a few years ago and you had posers from around the globe posting their mint condition skateboards with their fresh out of the box Janoskis. Faggots couldnt even ollie off a curb.

t. sk8erboi

>> No.18685931

It's common in Britain for women to use wintergreen or mentholatum creams to keep their skin warm while wearing skimpy club outfits in a British winter.

>> No.18686044

>DARK Academia

>> No.18686306

>so what is dark academia about?
>nothing in concrete
>~ a e s t h e t i c s~

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.18686393

Hmmm seems pretty suspicious

>> No.18686402

that's just a normal reading room and library ? I don't have a clue what you're talking about with your 'dark academia' .. I always sit in a room like that to read.

>> No.18686412

I have no idea what either of those are

>> No.18686439

I wish every person on Twitter died, choking on their own internal organs. Please Santa

>> No.18686470

Major 90s movies which set fashion trends for the west.

>> No.18686578

nigga I just dress like my dad and grandpa do (both university professors)

>> No.18686590

Did your parents meet in the 90s?

>> No.18686739

its funny how permanent onlineness effects people differently, being permanently on twitter or tumblr when it was still big will convince you everything is srs bsns and being permanently here will convince you nothing is srs bsns

>> No.18686742

What is bsns?

>> No.18686751

business, theres an old meme "the internet is srs bsns" that I think becomes more relevant with each passing year

>> No.18686754

I thoughts it was bzns

>> No.18686758

either or I think is fine

>> No.18686929

It's autumnal prep - so tweeds, cords, heavier or textures wools, and brownish colors. I've been dressing that way in the cooler months for nearly 2 decades now just because it is comfy (though I am generally in linens, lighter worsted wools, and cottons in the summer), and look on the newis meme designation of this as 'dark academia's as somewhat troubling and discouraging.

>> No.18687629

Can someone explain "dark academia"? what the fuck does it actually mean? I read that it's a "social media aesthetic" what the fuck does it even mean? This shit makes me angry

>> No.18687761

hmm let's see, an aesthetic based on
>reverence for Classical studies and the Western canon
>studying in places which don't allow fighting, loud phone conversations, or rap music blaring from Android speakers
>appreciation of beauty
>libraries (not pronounced "lie-berries")
hmmm, I wonder why it's white

>> No.18687768

Why are all the racists saying remove wypipo not banned from Twitter? Does Twitter not know that being racist to whites is racism?

>> No.18687783

i doubt a single one of these people
know a thing about writing or greek/gothic history. its just gay

>> No.18688155

this is so fucking gay

>> No.18688260

Hot, didn't know this was a thing
I thought they'd just drink

>> No.18688360

don't these same people get upset when whites "appropriate" brown, asian, or black culture/subcultures? What exactly do they want me to wear

>> No.18688380

They very explicitly want you dead.

>> No.18688419
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>> No.18688527

>What exactly do they want me to wear
Why care

>> No.18688553

I don't think the non-retard ones are complaining about whites using this or those clothes. It is more like with discriminating (as in going out of your way to tell them that it is fucking ugly or whatever) people (the whoever who came up with that shit) when they are using those and then proceed to say that some white person looks beautiful in said clothes or whatever. Basically a way to call up people on racism, if you are not retarded.

>> No.18688676

The aesthetic is cool but the people who claim to be dark academic are seriously fucking retards.

>> No.18688909

it's zoomers pretending to be characters from the secret history or something. idk

>> No.18688936

based and redpilled.

>> No.18688941

Want to dress like this, but I live in a warm state. What do I do.

>> No.18688946

Don't dress like this or move somewhere colder

>> No.18689160
File: 80 KB, 674x1280, tumblr_8d6df9ae88318125c0e89cafb5303b4a_1d1699ee_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not difficult to understand as an aesthetic

>> No.18689178

everyone I know who cares about this trend seems much too focused on the dark and not enough on the academia

>> No.18689193

lmao I fucking hate this planet so much if only I could borrow God's powers for a sec I'd flood the shit out of it so fucking hard

>> No.18689196

bitches should be reading Plato.

>> No.18689299

What is this /fa/ shit doing on my /lit/?
Plus, they're basically just dressing like WWII civilians.

>> No.18689314

All these tumblr/tiktok aesthetics are just coded ways to say "white people stuff" without being socially alienated.

>> No.18689316

yeah back then it was just called clothing, esp for poor people. If you watch any opera, the choir of peasants will all wear variations on those clothes

>> No.18689330

Those are some beautiful sweaters.

>> No.18689427

Don't get mad, it's just teenagers being teenagers. It's just now instead of being a goth kid or whatever, they engage with aesthetics to a limited degree that doesn't have to subsume identity. It is embarrassing for people in their 20s to LARP like this, but maybe it'll trick them into reading a book.

>> No.18689441

no it's far far worse, it's completely hollow outside of aesthetics and there's a whole layer on insufferable posturing and insincere post-modernism on top that makes me fucking vomit

>> No.18689492

god white people look so much better in this than fucking joggers and apparel

>> No.18689517

The people in that pic would look good in almost anything.

>> No.18689518

Nothing wrong with wanting black people to dress in dark academia, better than being thugs.

>> No.18689523

Teenagers posture, it's what they do. They test things out and try to find little bits to form their identity around. I remember reading the Divine Comedy to impress my English teacher. Eventually though, the larping doesn't sustain interest and you might just fall in love with things of substance. I think it's forgivable in teens and maybe very young adults, but yes people pushing 30 peddling this shit on social media is indicative of a hollow shell of a person with no integrity. Not to say older people can't like cozy sweaters and old libraries too, but not in order to try and impress people.

>> No.18689538
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KEK wtf, they look horrible with those clothes, anon. What are you talking about? And they are fucking movie actors. Looks way better with shit like this.

>> No.18689542

that's a pajamas anon

>> No.18689548

Yes, exactly, that is how ridiculous that shit actually is. Deliberately looking like some fucking 80s academic. Just fucking KEK

>> No.18689550

>I remember reading the Divine Comedy to impress my English teacher.
This is the difference, you'd actually read the thing to posture.

>> No.18689561

no class mate, can tell youre a yank.

>> No.18689581

I bet The Secret History has tricked at least a few people into reading Plotinus.

>> No.18689593

I doubt the instagram clowns read anything

>> No.18689615

I live in hope that maybe 0.00001% of them might end up falling in love with literature like I did.

>> No.18689688

I can't imagine anyone wearing this stuff once the temperature gets over 70 degrees Fahrenheit

>> No.18689695


>> No.18689725
File: 114 KB, 760x752, 1625700936449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I'm due to start a PhD at Cambridge this autumn. How do I pretend to fit in with all the upper class people there? Are there really secret societies which can help me after leaving?

I don't want to make a fool of myself ;_;

>> No.18689739

That's a silly way to waste all that hope, anon

>> No.18689740

> PhD
Your classmates will most likely be 80% international students, half of them Chinese

>> No.18689749

Always has been. Notice Asians fit the aesthetic, too. You can pinpoint exactly who is bothered by asking if their race has a smell.

>> No.18689753


> A happy yellow stack to bring joy to your feed this Monday! I'm slowly collecting more yellow books, but there really aren't many in this color and it's tragic. I need more sunshine on my shelves!

>> No.18689759

I pray for a meteor every day

>> No.18689761

Why those people don't make DIY book jackets with whatever color?

>> No.18689763

I'm not going to have classmates - I'm more worried about not looking a dick to people in my college or my political persuasion

Should I just "bee myself"?

>> No.18689769

no questions just consume product

>> No.18689776

Imagine a dark academia family, standing in the yard of their dark academy, calling home their dark academia dog so the dark academia children stop worrying so much. Do it OP.

>> No.18689780

Hmm maybe it's better to cultivate the mysterious, stoic, and silent demeanor. Women get wet by that and it reduces the chance that you'll drop your spaghetti in front of all the faculty and staff

>> No.18689786

Jesus, just fucking shoot me, please. I don't even mind if it is in the face.

>> No.18689799

it doesn't go above 70 for more than 2 weeks a year in england

>> No.18689804

yeah probably a good idea, thanks

I might start smoking too

>> No.18689807

lol youre funny

>> No.18689814

you have no taste

>> No.18689831

I'm a terribly pragmatic person, honestly. You could definitely change my mind, but be reasonable.

>> No.18689838

That's crazy. It's 90+ degrees in Arizona for 340 days of the year. No one cosplays dark academia here unless you run from your car to an air conditioned building

>> No.18689841

fashion says a lot about who you are, maybe you are a pragmatic man, but are you also a gentleman, do you respect yourself a lot? that's why men wear suits, they take themselves seriously and want to display this in exterior. so my fashion advice would be to peak a style that matches your persona.

>> No.18689847

>*pulls out his dark academia gun*

>> No.18689848

Yeah, if it's a viable aesthetic in the US at all, it's in the northeast, ideally within your WASPy universities

>> No.18689855
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Some say a comet will fall from the sky
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves
Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits
And some say the end is near
Some say we'll see Armageddon soon
I certainly hope we will
I sure could use a vacation from this
Stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit

>> No.18689863

Yes, that is where it comes in, I respect myself, but why should I give a damn about other people? It is not like I'm in need of them. I would definitely heed your advice if I were, but that isn't the case.

When I'm serious about something, I usually go for whatever gets it done. I'm no fashionist, I do wear nice clothes and suits and whatever, but I don't do it for no reason at all.

>> No.18689866

>fashion says a lot about who you are
in the past maybe, now it's lliteral cosplay, nothing reflects reality in this stupid fake world, those buttoned up intellectual girls with thick framed glasses have never read a book and thet're literal hookers.

>> No.18689872

>I might start smoking too
In order of darkacademia-lvl
Rolled cigarettes
Regular cigarettes

>> No.18689935

you wouldn't want to see a buddhist monk wearing adidas joggers would you? at least it gives a semblance of vibe when you wear 'thick framed glasses' as an academic, i know there are tons of posers though.

>> No.18689960

I was at the dark academy the other day and I saw this guy, at the bookstore, while I was browsing. He was drinking some coffee in a coffee cup, then he went and just poured fucking cream in it. The guy must have been new, I thought.

>> No.18689963

Do you have a light?

>> No.18689982

Don't play games, anon. If you want dark, that you'll get, that and nothing else. I'm a graduate of dark academia, if you hadn't noticed. Now begone.

>> No.18689986

No, needs more fucking Knat. Take that enlightenment. MORE LIGHTS!

>> No.18689995

>starts charging philosophy power

>> No.18689999

IMPOSSIBLE! In darkness it began and that's how it shall end! The fire extinguishes!

>> No.18690017

i didn't know niggers like anime

>> No.18690025

Boku No Dark Academia

>> No.18690034
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My power level is increasing. Categorical Imperative made to common sense and people are lending me their power.

>> No.18690054

I'll lend you my energy Dark Academia Goku!

>> No.18690130


>> No.18690150

being vs becoming
trying to become something you're not is silly, a real bohemian intellectual that you envision wouldn't even think about pretending to be it, for they would be it.

>> No.18690170

yeah but it's if women did Dead Poets Society, and as happened in the movie, two women ruined it, and in the current situation, it's entirely women and metrosexuals, thus making it beyond ruined, since it wasn't workable from the start
>ywn follow Robin Williams as a poet
why live

>> No.18690233

A power lent is no longer, it is spent, anon. People have done away with you with a simple ruse. Your level is light, it's actually ash. It's getting dark a lot.

>> No.18690347

So fucking faggy

>> No.18690501

Palecore superiority coming through. I'm a white clothing supremacist. No darkies in my presence.

>> No.18690604

No, this is not my final form! Out with dark academia hegelian obscurantism! Face Neo-Kantianism!

>> No.18690669

wtf I love Dark Academia now

>> No.18690704

No. Never, in my entire 30 something years of life, have i ever witnessed anyone dressed like this.

>> No.18690710

It’s a dude
Though he’s some fashion guy or something for the guardian so you know
Probably slobs nob

>> No.18690715

Yes, I finished watching the video right after posting and it is not like that. People are just wearing dresses and calling it cottagecore.

>> No.18690861

Part of me wants to rape him

>> No.18691417
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More like DORK Acadaemia

>> No.18691480

What's so difficult to understand about it? It's the same university/academic aesthetic that's existed for ages, repackaged for the young internet crowd with a label

>> No.18691488


>> No.18691516
File: 308 KB, 1400x1733, 81IRNWckFgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an especially tard take given Dark Academia is the same distanced-admiration for midcentury new england aesthetics that independently made Japanese Ivy League Fashion and eventually became American Traditional

It's looks cool and feels serious but expressive, and nonwhite fashion focused people cyclically crib it for that reason

>> No.18691537

>Nothing wrong with wanting black people to dress in dark academia
They shouldn't be dressing in European garb. They should be dressing in African garb,
in Africa.

>> No.18691911
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I hate Anglos so much it's unreal.