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18677203 No.18677203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What authors were known masturbators? I have read recently Nietzsche practiced it. Kleist as well, but can't confirm.

>> No.18677218


>> No.18677228
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>> No.18677265

Salvador Dali said he kept it up into his 30's in his autobiography. He's not a writer really...but he did write an autobiography.

Proust was when he was 16, and his father gave him money to see a prostitute as he thought it would obviate the necessity. Proust ended up breaking a chamber pot and having to pay for it, and was so agitated by it that he couldn't get it up, so he wrote a letter to his grandfather explaining the situation and asking for more money.

Rimbaud masturbated into a glass of milk that Ernest Cabaner was going to drink.

>> No.18677280

I've heard quite a lot about Rimbaud and every anecdote leads to the same conclusion: he was a little shit.

>> No.18677281

Was Proust's entire life just a series of spaghetti scenarios? Every story I read about him is something like this

>> No.18677285

>masturbating to mathematics
Is this what it takes to make it?

>> No.18677369

>not masturbating to pure order and beauty

>> No.18677375

>practiced it
It’s not that deep

>> No.18677387

Name an author/philosopher who didn't masturbate regularly. Hard mode: name an unmarried one who didn't masturbate regularly.

>> No.18677394

>Proust ended up breaking a chamber pot and having to pay for it
fucking kek. is there a biography of him that details all these escapades?

>> No.18677398

Fernando Pessoa. At one time he was heavily into automatic writing, in other words attempting to write while being guided by a spirit, and while doing so he wrote about how he was so pathetic for masturbating so much as though the spirit were criticising him. Not even a joke.

>> No.18677403

He probably wanted to escape the chaotic present into something orderly and vent (i bet he was a no-fapper as well, hahahahaha)

>> No.18677409


>> No.18677419


>> No.18677422

Literally all of them.

Except for maybe some of the schizo christcucks you tried to be chaste in order to get a better spot in heaven or whatever.

>> No.18677423


anon ... please, go outside

>> No.18677438

Seems plausible compared to most philosophers.

>> No.18677445

What? I really like Leopardi, but have never heard about it. Where can I get the information?

>> No.18677469
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marquis de sade obviously

>> No.18677477
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Nah, it’s just because of the movie, anon. Martone wanted to make a softly shocking opening scene where he masturbates after studying reproductive systems on a biology book. But considering he was lonely, stressed, inwardly rebellious and tendentially atheist, it’s very likely that he fapped sometimes.

>> No.18677492

?? It's a pretty common term.

>> No.18677502

Immediately after ejaculating I can't think but of geometry and mathematics and get a deadly urge to study. It actually enhances my mathematical abilities for at least a few hours. It is the only reason I ever force myself to masturbate.

>> No.18677521

Neech specifically says not masturbating is a good thing. Something about semen going into the bloodstream.

>> No.18677599

Bronze Age Pervert or someone like him might’ve said that and attributed it to Nietzsche, but that definitely does not sound like a thing Nietzsche would say. Read what he says about ascetic ideals in Zur Genealogie Der Moral. Nietzsche had carries forward the Goethean spirit which necessarily involves indulgence of the turbulence of one’s passions and desires for the sake of experience and greatness.

>> No.18677693

This is what I would say makes most sense when it comes to Nietzsche. There is a whole ecstatic frenzy, a fierce unconsciousness in masturbation that would resemble, emulate, the dionysian madness. There are satyrs following the god, after all.

>> No.18677796

There was this girl I liked, she told me that Wittgenstein jerked off in the trenches while thinking of math problems

she didn't even kiss me btw

>> No.18677856

Absolutely agreed. I think masturbation can also prevent true Dionysian experience (ie. one masturbates out of fear of participation in the orgy) but it is certainly one way of coming into contact with the body, the unconscious, and the irrational. It is no coincidence that superstitions have associated prolific masturbation with blindness (aka. prophetic darkness) and madness.

>> No.18678028

Interesting. I also, sometimes, get too "philosophical" in the middle of a wank to the point of losing my boner sometimes.

>> No.18678049

Spinoza, Borges.

>> No.18678059

Forgot Newton, Pascal.
Also, Socrates in his youth doesn't seem like the kind.

>> No.18678067

>he wrote about how he was so pathetic for masturbating so much as though the spirit were criticising him. Not even a joke.
I wanna see this, anon. Post it. What's the name?

>> No.18678090

Different poster here, but after that post I made a research and found this:
>Literary ambitions tend towards the logic of the séance and Pessoa’s ambitions found common cause, perhaps even erotic charge, in the practice of mediumship. Pessoa’s long-standing bachelorhood and, in particular, his obsession with masturbation, were often the source of spiritual attention, even ridicule. In a 1916 séance, the spirit Henri More “exhorted him to lose his virginity,” reproaching him as “a masturbator! … a self-swallower’s barren touch of time.” Later, in a moment of stoic determination, the spirit went so far as to recommend:

>You must take my wife, reborn as mistress
>She is the great masturbator, your charts
>Will flow, kindle her balsamic moon
>Here’s her horoscope—note Libra rising
>Sapient lust will empty you both into day.

>On still another occasion that year, the spirits raged at him: “You man without a man’s prick! You man with a clitoris instead of a prick,” and warned him that “he was not cut out for a monastic existence” and that “chastity would be ultimately prejudicial to his literary ambitions.” Rather than convince, the force of these spirit injunctions allowed Pessoa to see his masturbation as beneficial if not absolutely integral to his art of heteronomia. As he declared at some point, “the multiplication of the I is a frequent phenomenon in cases of masturbation.” But “how,” the spirit would ask in verse, “can an onanist engender, truly inhere the identities of all your bloodless ticking selves?”

>> No.18678134

I want to see it IN FULL, I don't know where to look for it.

>> No.18678206


>> No.18678299

100 percent James Joyce

>> No.18678315


>> No.18678338

This is a letter to his wife

“You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.”

You know he jacked off a lot to reach that fetish

>> No.18678738

>At the focus of Hawes' investigation are pictures he stumbled across in the British Library in London and the Bodleian in Oxford of the pornography to which Kafka subscribed while in his twenties. They include images of a hedgehog-style creature performing fellatio, golem-like male creatures grasping women's breasts with their claw-like hands and a picture of a baby emerging from a sliced-open leg.

>> No.18679070

Now imagine what they will do with all your data.

>> No.18679083

He literally refers to "pulling himself off" in those letters.

>My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter.

>> No.18679092

>My sweet little whorish Nora
Gotta love the guy, I admit.