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File: 483 KB, 1254x2494, 1617422274288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18675309 No.18675309 [Reply] [Original]

>Bro just become morbidly obese so you can defeat the system (symbolically of course! xD) by returning its gifts back to it. I call it "symbolic exchange", very genius, eh, monsieur?
This is the most retarded idea I have ever come across in """"philosophy"""". What the fuck is this? Honestly?

>> No.18675323


>> No.18675326

wtf does he really say that?

>> No.18675617
File: 204 KB, 1080x865, Screenshot_20210718-111512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find anything in Symbolic Exchange and Death but I did find this in Fatal Strategies

>> No.18675620
File: 302 KB, 1080x1240, Screenshot_20210718-111523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needless to say you didn't quite grasp what he was getting at

>> No.18675643

In a sense we could say that the system cannot suffer a ‘real’ death in any case, not only because it is not a discrete, finite organism but because, in Baudrillard’s terminology, it is already dead, it has no genuine life or vitality and is kept alive only be its life support systems of simulation. The vampiric nature of capitalism was, of course, already a prominent feature of the Marxist critique (Marx Capital Vol. 1). For Baudrillard, the capitalist system does not only draw the life-blood of its exploited workers, it condemns its citizen-consumers to a life-less survival, a living-on in a state of humiliation and dependence, a ‘life’ that is shaped by the system, a life that is made to seem a gift of the system. Though suicide is expressly forbidden by both religious and secular law, that is the system exerts ownership over our death as well as our life, the point of biological termination does represent the absolute limit of the system’s control. Given these conditions the only fundamental strategy of defiance, for Baudrillard, is to reverse this humiliation, to refuse the ‘gifts’ and imprecations, to reverse this derisory life through a symbolic death hurled back at the system. This may takethe form of the reversal of the poisonous gifts of consumer goods and information through a greater counter-gift of “hyper-conformity”: the absorbing of anything and everything the system gives while refusing the proper use of these ‘gifts’. One example given by Baudrillard is obesity, the indiscriminate absorption of food to a degree that becomes a social problem; this involves a (literally) internal revolt against the cult of physical fitness and the body beautiful, a rejection of the injunction to compulsory sexuality and sexual enjoyment (Baudrillard 1990b: 27-34).

>> No.18675655

>obesity, the indiscriminate absorption of food to a degree that becomes a social problem; this involves a (literally) internal revolt against the cult of physical fitness and the body beautiful, a rejection of the injunction to compulsory sexuality and sexual enjoyment
okay well you left out the part that they were rebelling against looking good and getting laid

>> No.18675797

This is hysterical. Baudrillard was a masterful troll. This entire passage is a dig against American culture. Monstrous pontentiality with no release.

>> No.18675853
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holy fuck

>> No.18675887


>> No.18675934

I think fat girls are sexy. At least the ones with good faces.

>> No.18676782

Holy shit, God bless Baudrillard

>> No.18678125


>> No.18678166

this is nonsensical drivel, absolutely meaningless garbage

>> No.18678179

cope amerifat

>> No.18678198

>he doesn't know

>> No.18678209

fetal and obese hands typed this post

>> No.18678221
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midwit, midwit, nananana booboo~

>> No.18678379

Don't get me wrong, I think fats should be put in work camps or exterminated, but this is ridiculous

>> No.18678399

If this thread gets to 50 replies I'll write some disturbing short fiction about a fat dude.

>> No.18678401

you didn't laugh? this is hilarious

>> No.18678493

imagine being this IQ, I couldn't

>> No.18678546

Baudrillard has insulted amerifats in the most profound way possible: they don't even understand it translated into their own language

>> No.18678550

now THIS is shizo posting

>> No.18678591


>> No.18678659


>> No.18679239

can you title it "Rebel"? can we make this a meme?

>> No.18679976

The french should never have been allowed anywhere near philosophy.

>> No.18679989

>placental obesity
And here I thought Baudrillard wasn’t one of the pseuds

>> No.18680005

They are just stupid.

>> No.18680010

This is literally a bunch of nonsense.

>> No.18680012
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dude he is just an epic prankster bro, philosophers are like 4chan posters literary me

>> No.18680358
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Why yes, I do like... rebellious women

>> No.18680369

t. weighs 200 kilograms

>> No.18680402

Shart and seethe all you like, Disneylander

>> No.18680412

> Europeans will say this is good because it mentions Americans disparaging
Sad really

>> No.18681041

t. pregnant with his own body

>> No.18681068
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> counter-gift of “hyper-conformity”: the absorbing of anything and everything the system gives while refusing the proper use of these ‘gifts’.

>> No.18681085
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Now show them what he says about the paraplegic. I fucking love this guy

>> No.18681105


Absolutely Gnostic.

>> No.18681111

>to reverse this humiliation, to refuse the ‘gifts’ and imprecations, to reverse this derisory life through a symbolic death hurled back at the system.
but this is no longer the case the "cult of physical fitness and the body beautiful" it seems is more and more rejected by the system.
also this can apply to a certain towel sewing forum:
>absorbing anything and everything the system gives while refusing the proper use of these ‘gifts’.

>> No.18681116


Found a buttpirated pdf. It ain't gonna read itself: https://archive.org/details/fatalstrategies0000baud

>> No.18681143

>haha le epic philosopher using complex words to say “Americans fat and freedumb” so based XD
zoomers get impressed by any post on here with >100 words

>> No.18681149

is it in Fatal Strategies?

>> No.18681205

literally the only reply that hints at a genuine understanding of Baudrillard

>> No.18681208

but it's not what he is saying dummy the fats are an example for larger issues such as the 'symbolic death' they represent

>> No.18681232

A good litmus test for judging literature is to see how well it'd translate to other languages. You'll find that non-pseud authors generally make lavish use of similes and metaphors, to make their prose more illustrious and easier to understand instead of shitting it up with posh vocabulary.

>> No.18681253

iirc Baudrillard was brought up in some potato-eating peasant family and based his whole thought on playing with words

>> No.18681255
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rebel women soft, man hard that's just basic architecture

>> No.18681322
File: 19 KB, 344x345, d178c0312d98680137df59e2cf76e66d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant find it on the interwebs gib soc

>> No.18681325


Oh shit, it's a limited thingy. Can someone post a damn pdf already?

>> No.18681363


Never mind, here: https://libgen.is/search.php?req=baudrillard+fatal+strategies&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def

>> No.18681400

I hate fat people and I hate americans. But this is just the typical continental "philosophy" drivel that doesn't really say anything.
He's essentially trying to make some sort of connection between obese people, cities, and big data systems, in the sense that they are all self-expanding. But this connection is tepid and superficial, and it doesn't really mean anything. The 3 things aren't caused by the same secret "logic" Baudrillard thinks he's discovered. Again, it's all just drivel.

>> No.18681414

Reads like a /lit/ shitpost lmfao

>> No.18681416
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Straight from the Gospel of Philip.

>> No.18681424

I see so he’s using lardos as a metaphor for the post-modern condition

>> No.18681429
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50+ replies, bro. Write that fat fiction pls.

>> No.18681432

>Again, it's all just drivel.
And you're just pregnant with the Sears-Roebuck catalogue.

>> No.18681440


>> No.18681451

Most retarded thing I’ve ever read. Doubt this faggot could even define “the system” outside of delusional anthropomorphic projections: the system wants this or that ...control, expansion, etc. blah blah blah.

>> No.18681453

truly a philosopher is just a failed poet

>> No.18681457

>Sears-Roebuck catalogue.
I don't even know what that is but alright.

>> No.18681477

America's former mail-order behemoth, was contemporary to Baudrillard and the sources he was using like Vance Packard. You used to be able to order a house from Sears as if it were a model kit, except it was literally the materials needed to build the real thing.

>> No.18681513

He thinks they are though. The "obeseifying" and self-destruction of systems is a result of reversibility to Baudrillard. Reversibility is a "rule of the game", aka Baudrillard is a gnostic.

>> No.18681544

imagine thinking thinking you can make some sort of a connection between caves, prisoners, and the structure of reality lol Plato is just postmodern nonsense drivel pseudobabble

>> No.18681586

It’s gibberish retard. Europeans and Latins are pathetic to be honest, but Europeans especially. They’re so desperate to seethe at and own the Americans that they’re totally confirmation not only inhabiting their shadow just so they can toss rocks at the shadow caster, but the complete total wreckage of their museum hall of a culture, philosophy, standards, and logic itself just for the petty own. It is literal gobbledygook bullshit and to elevate it is beyond retarded. It is pathetic.

>> No.18681589

this is why I need "explainer books for 125IQ braincels"

>> No.18681597


>> No.18681598

this isn't even hard to read why are you all coping so hard? could it really be possible there are this many fat Americans on lit?

>> No.18681615

I heard Kant talks about God in relation to shepards ummm doesn't he know they don't stem from the same logic? Kant is just postmodern schizo babble nonsense

>> No.18681622

>being this much of a retard
and it's only fucking monday, lads. buckle up, this will be retard week. ss this.

>> No.18681640

Do you know Einstein talks about TRAINS in relation to space-time? That's post modern schizo babble, totally superficial, trains and space-time aren't even caused by the same logic.

>> No.18681647

Not getting metaphor is a sure sign. Maybe I should take the week off as well.

>> No.18681654

>Maybe I should take the week off as well.
Probably for the best of everyone.

>> No.18681662
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>> No.18681675

Just found out Leibniz compared consciousness to a windmill, wtf? That's a totally superficial connection. Doesn't he know they aren't created by the same logic? Just another postmodern philosopher shouting nonsense schizobabble drivel nobody can understand

>> No.18681696

>The "obeseifying" and self-destruction of systems is a result of reversibility to Baudrillard. Reversibility is a "rule of the game".
And what arguments does he actually provide for this?

>imagine thinking thinking you can make some sort of a connection between caves, prisoners, and the structure of reality
The allegory of the cave isn't an argument for the Forms though, it's just a poetical illustration.

>> No.18681712

I get that you're upset he called out Americans for being mpreg fetishists but the proof is in the pudding.

>> No.18681730
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>> No.18681739

>The allegory of the cave isn't an argument for the Forms though
except he literally calls the sun outside the cave the form of the good which illuminates all other forms, nice try bozo. he's a postmodern drivel spewer. No American could understand him

>> No.18681742

I prefer Norman in The Broom of the System.

>> No.18681758

>No American could understand him
Of course not, they are obese R E B E L S.

>> No.18681770
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>> No.18681817
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>> No.18681819

Saint JayBaudz, patron of shitposters, pray for us.

>> No.18682003
File: 369 KB, 578x1159, FATAL CUNTING STRATEGIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You omitted the exquisite finale.

>> No.18682035
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>when the body loses its rule

>> No.18682050
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AND the victory lap.

>> No.18682064

google post-structuralism you illiterate

>> No.18682080
File: 389 KB, 609x1191, FATAL STRATEGIES IN MY ANUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18682127

I know what it is. Doesn't make these ramblings anymore comprehensible.

>> No.18682134

The fact that you think the issue here is whether it’s “hard to read” really just illustrated how right I am.

>> No.18682140

what is it about psueds where they think words like "babble", "nonsense", "drivel", "ramblings" ect. mean something? saying something is a ramble isn't an argument. You aren't demonstrating anything about the content of the work you are literally coping

>> No.18682146


>> No.18682158

it is an easy way for them to dismiss arguments complex enough that they can't be stated in simple language. it's why analytic philosophy is so full of midwits

>> No.18682178

I read first thing when I wake up, last thing when I go to bed, and I carry a book with me everywhere so I read when I’m waiting, in the bathroom, have any downtime. That’s a minimum of 2-3 chapters per day automatically.

>> No.18682180
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>americans are so fat they can't use a mirror

>> No.18682190

was baudrillard the most based post-modernist philosopher? seems like the one with more solid reasoning (well, maybe deleuze pre-guatarri as well)

>> No.18682196

Definitions from Oxford Languages
"don't talk such drivel!"

Would you also like to look up the teen “irony” or the phrase “pot calling the kettle black”?

Summarize the argument in whatever language you’d like.

>> No.18682201
File: 289 KB, 562x961, FATAL MOUTH FUCKING STRATEGIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Correctly identifying prescriptive individualism as tyrannical.

>> No.18682204

Why aren't you rebelposting, bros? Let's rebelpost

>> No.18682213


Note that he almost spells out that that onto or by which you are called to "self-actualize" is THE CROSS.

>> No.18682217


>> No.18682223

>And what arguments does he actually provide for this?
None. It's the basic contradiction in his system. Why can't I just say Baudrillard has been tricked by the evil demon he posits in thinking reversibility exists? His philosophy is garbage.

>> No.18682250

no one can be this fucking retarded you are larping

>> No.18682257

>Why can't I just say Baudrillard has been tricked by the evil demon he posits in thinking reversibility exists?
this is your brain on American lipids

>> No.18682275
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The only demon you've been tricked by are Devil Dogs

>> No.18682339

Why do fatties turn me on so much? Especially those that have this mentality, because deep down they know that they are wrong and hate themselves as much as any fat slob does. It's so fun to slowly torture them psychologically, pretend that you are on their side at first until they fully trust you, then slowly reveal that you think less of them because of their body until their buried down anxiety comes out and completely destroys their self esteem. Chads of /lit/ I really recommend you to go with a fat girl/boy at least once, they are so easy to break.

>> No.18682340


Reply, bitches.

>> No.18682394
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>they are so easy to break

>> No.18682429
File: 336 KB, 594x1065, FATAL STRATEGIES IN MY RECTUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exchange is impossible!

>> No.18682440

>Here in modern America we do things a liiiittle bit different. We love breaking some rebels!

>> No.18682462

rent free

>> No.18682498

its just ego stroking, i fucking hate that stuff. its just a thing where writers get full of themselves and start using loose symbolism to impose false depth to there works. then other writers dont want to look stupid so they do it too. honestly ideas like this are very harmful to stupid people, they'll believe it.

>> No.18682560

Because it is actual nonsense. Define "the system" what is it? If you can't explain it, then just admit that it's word diarrhea.
Anyone can write this bullshit that sounds profound but has no real content:
>the maturbator evinces an excess of subjectivity, an excess which necessarily blisters over into the rapture of a destruction. In actuality the maturbator demonstrates the incoherence of the system which categorizes via the semblances which determine it. But it is in the act of jizzing that there is re-claimed the possibility of an act which defies the hyper-categorization of signs; an act which ends in a chaos, an overload revealing the mimicry of inflation of the signifier, the repetition of signs with no other object. Here there is the false pretense of a unseen escape, of a destruction that reaches its culmination upon the eruption of cum from my dick. The entropic necessity of jizzing rejects the monopoly of violence implicit to the system, however yet in the destructive wake re-establishes the limits which had previously contained it.

Etc. etc.

>> No.18682577

Baudry's text make sense. Yours doesn't. That's the difference.

>> No.18682593

Baudrillard is a Kantian with Nietzschean tendencies. He plays with structures and representations because he knows they aren’t inherent to whatever is out of our senses.

>> No.18682707

the fact you think he is just using random words already confirms to me you are too low IQ to understand this stuff. it must be pretty sad. not only to be unable to understand the content but to be so insecure about your failings as to accuse it of being meaningless. turns out plenty of scholars can understand and draw value from this work, even anons itt are getting a kick out of it. now, what is more likely, all these people are lying to you, or you got filtered? think about it.

>> No.18682717
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>> No.18682747
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You almost had something there. I think if you read the material more carefully and cover less of your screen with your American frankfurter fingers you could really nail the mimesis and give the non-WALL-E-fied denizens of /lit/ a sensible chuckle. Consider how the erection from manual autoeroticism actually reproduces the pornographic circuit, not just in its expenditure but complete sterilization of sexuality. The moneyshot did not take place.

>> No.18682956
File: 6 KB, 224x224, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding Baudrillard's Gnosticism and his unimpeachably correct argument that Marxism and Capitalism are two sides of the same coin:

I maintain that both Marxism and Capitalism are nothing but Catholicism: it is not the Ontology of the Material, of plurality, that informs the Epistemology of Dispensation, it is the Epistemology of Dispensation that informs the Ontology of the Material. Without plurality there is no exchange, without exchange there is neither Marxism nor Capitalism, they are both animated by the fact that exchange, per the plurality of Materialism, is purportedly sanctioned by God himself, per the Catholic idea of Dispensation.

>Renounce all unknowing, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the servitors of Yaldabaōth and the fire-seas.

>> No.18683055

This is some impressive samefagging.

>> No.18683242
File: 46 KB, 369x461, 1616046165925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a minute, I've got shit to do. I'll definitely get it done, though, before midnight tonight.

>> No.18683288

Based. I'm glad you're keeping your word.

>> No.18683309

Was Baudrillard a proto-/pol/tard bros?

>> No.18683339

no, you're just a fat retard

>> No.18683342


Got to page 125 today, finishing it tomorrow. Really good stuff.

>> No.18683531


>> No.18684114


>> No.18684209

keep it alive for obesefictionfag

>> No.18684242

How about this fat people are retarded high time preference people with 0 self control and they are an aesthetic nightmare on the eyes. There I btfo'd fat people in a way that didn't need to be so autistic.

>> No.18684474
File: 110 KB, 834x556, 0b8f4e51b1aca0dcf6ea02825c7310e34432de252b83a651798c2d9161425386_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As promised:


>> No.18684528

top kek. well done.

>> No.18684538

Mason the R E B E L

>> No.18684607

kek ty for delivery

>> No.18685167
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Jean of Arc, the Guillotine, and Baudillard's Bantz are the only thing I could present as evidence to why the French shouldn't be annihilated.
I'm going to ruin it, but the joke is that fat people are such pigs they've decided to not only consume space, but human dignity, among other things. There, you get the fucking point now

>> No.18685176

Why do you think annihilation is something that can be decided upon by ones favor?

>> No.18685209

If I, myself, were given the decision and mandate by some celestial power on which three or four nations to preserve and have the rest wiped off the face of the planet under threat that if I didn't all would be destroyed, I would have to have a metric on what's worth keeping and what's worth letting go now wouldn't I?
I meant it more as a joke than anything. As a burger I have to rib on Europe somehow, you know?

>> No.18685231

Sure, but is favor the optimal catalyst for deciding judgement? I'd lean towards Justice.

>> No.18685258

I never said France was worth sparing, only that those three things are in it's favor. Quality and things like that can function in the deciding of judgement, but of course it is not the optimal standard.
I am aware that I am a mere mortal, even moreso autistic, man, and as such my ability to judge is flawed, my perspective limited. Only, say, God or to a lesser degree something with celestial perspective can judge perfectly, we as men are only given to a fragment of such a thing.
Sometimes a judgement is cut and dry. Do not rape, do not murder, do not steal, these are simple rules of which every man by every faith can abide by. But the way in which people twist cause, effect, and personal culpability by proximity makes it harder to discern, and thus given to degrees of subjectivity.
I am curious, though, by what measure of justice you consider the catalyst for judgement.

>> No.18685262

What is justice if not the favor of the gods?

>> No.18685268

>do not murder
Hmm. In my faith, Hatred is murder in the heart and is judged the same.
I believe in perfect justice, God given justice.

>> No.18685274

I just couldn't waste a good opportunity to quote Boondock Saints, and the case of something like self defense, or in defense of another, isn't murder so much as a justified killing under the laws of men.
I agree, however, that God is the source of all things good, perfected justice included.

>> No.18685290

I need to pick up a copy of this book. This is actually a novel take on the obesity issue I haven't come across before. Pretty interesting. I own America and Simulacra and liked those too.

>> No.18686293


Here: >>18681363

>> No.18687062


NONE of you queers have ANYTHING to say?

>> No.18687205

>is there good sex somewhere
of course not or I'd be missing out

>> No.18687794


Resuming now. Prepare for MORE excerpts.

>> No.18687837
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Conceding that free will as forcefully bolted onto free action is an abomination and Dialectically turning to Protestant predestination for a modicum of dignity, as I myself have recently said.

>> No.18687863
File: 278 KB, 585x888, HAVE SOME MORE FATAL STRATEGIES BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As keen as a Spartan hound.

>> No.18688433
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Note the distinction between Gnosticism and Buddhism, both Mahayana and Theravada, even the former's derision of the Subject is enunciated, not to mention perfumed, in a way simply inconceivable from the latter's vulgarity.

>> No.18688491
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>how many layers of christology are you on?

>> No.18688549
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>> No.18688582
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>> No.18688706
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>> No.18688791
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>> No.18689828
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this is the funniest thing i have ever read

>> No.18690680


>> No.18690738


Re-re-re-re-conquering France was a mistake

>> No.18691594

Here's a better explanation: >>18691553

>> No.18691739

Nono, he might be on to something. Deep down in the well insulated intestines of their consciousness the American people realize their direction is wrong. That the malignant grow is unsustainable and yet, what birthed human raised and thouroughly domesticated into adult infancy would actively rebel? No one, this is an unconscious revolution!

>> No.18692102

This has a tone somewhere between Swift and Rabelais, and makes me think he missed his mode, if not his calling. Spectacular.

>> No.18693516

>'The paralytic in his wheelchair embodies the virtual reality of movement'

That is from Fragments. There are others but can't recall where

>> No.18693631

So seduction is another word for anti-production? Seduce where? Who is doing the seduction? What is the end-game of seduction? I feel he flipped the idea of power/desire as a unilateral subterranean force and replaced it with this idea of seduction which is a play of appearances or closures/disclosures.

>> No.18693661

Uhh Ameribros? How will we ever recover?

>> No.18693684

it's literally over for muricans

>> No.18693696

this is brilliant

>> No.18693702

Don't know about you but whenever I get btfo I get two whoppers with cheese, a large onion rings, and a king sized fountain soda.

>> No.18693941
File: 571 KB, 1491x1491, this man IS kant 4 - Copy - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finishing it today. Enjoy this Baudrillardean theory of school shootings in the meantime:

An anticonspiracy: the foreboding of the Columbine shooting most likely pertained to a prank or a theatrical event planned by the students, also, by 2012, school shooting drills were commonplace. Preemptive medical examinations are probably the "cause" of many illnesses: benign congenital defects that turn malignant once probed, minor afflictions that would quickly remit were it not for treatment, afflictions projected from the doctor's mind, etc. Perhaps school shootings are akin to such intrusions, of the seemingly sterile event into the seemingly healthy body, simply put, when armed men enter a school under the pretense of a drill something truly bad happens akin to a benign congenital defect turning malignant upon probing, or vice-versa, the genuinely healthy body readily throwing itself into the potentiality for affliction might itself constitute an affliction, immediately somatized in a bodily affliction.

>> No.18694389

Where are my R E B E L S?

>> No.18694543
File: 21 KB, 600x315, ac9d787e7302659eebd98c0b3a9c575c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.18695796


I have to say, it starts going off the rails somewhere in The Object and Its Destiny, devolves into inane, not to mention motivated, "analysis" about..."an arbitrary Ontology that is no longer being observed and that's bad because it being arbitrary is good and like we should totally like "become like the object" because...uhh I just remembered that I'm French". The first half of the book, from which I posted all the excerpts above is totally alien to the second. Sad.

>> No.18695835


>> No.18695847
File: 392 KB, 3107x1083, 1614778957401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Ate diets
'Ate exercise
'Ate the simulacrumbs
Simple as

>> No.18696725
File: 101 KB, 494x505, 1590434152907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18697066
File: 8 KB, 205x246, 54654464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw rebel
it's over

>> No.18697198

Stop samefagging and bumping your gay thread