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/lit/ - Literature

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18673495 No.18673495 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't had these in a while, post face and what you're currently reading
> wind-up bird chronicle - murakami

>> No.18673497
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>> No.18673499
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>> No.18673590

based and bowden-pilled
I was going to start this one, funny enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTZiLCJDhlU

>> No.18673614
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The Darkness That Comes Before

>> No.18673652

Bowden's Ghost really likes Bruckner.

The Hopkins speech is a good introduction to Bowden's belief in radicalism, but I think Punch and Judy is the best introduction to his core ideas and is also one of his most entertaining. The following is an excerpt from it:


>> No.18673676
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the sea the sea - Iris Murdoch

>> No.18673695 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18673722
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>> No.18673724
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>> No.18673751
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>> No.18673764
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Capitalist Realism

>> No.18673767

why you doing this, OP
that dude owe you money or something?

>> No.18673801
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>> No.18673813
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>> No.18673831

Yeah the cunt owes me 16 bucks

>> No.18673971

Forgot to say, I'm reading De Sade.

>> No.18674022
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Hey guys, Pepe here. Yes I do browse this board. AMA.

>> No.18674037

how low are your test levels?

>> No.18674043

Ew a nasty frog someone get the broom.

>> No.18674072
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Fuck you, I have frog features but my constitution is fully anthropoid, as you will find out if you come at me with a broom

>> No.18674087
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is /lit based? tell me pepe

>> No.18674207
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>> No.18674217

Forgot to mention the book, currently reading Lolita

>> No.18674235

Weird how easy it is to spot the AI generated faces, despite them looking real on one level.

>> No.18674241
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I'm reading the Selected Writings of Thomas Carlyle

>> No.18674256

I will finish what you started, Tsar

>> No.18674279
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> storm of steel and 12 rules

>> No.18674292

Really enjoyed that book.
Charles is the ultimate unreliable narrator.

>> No.18674318
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The Bible

>> No.18674322
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revolt against the modern world and bronze age mindset

>> No.18674330

Post accfag.

>> No.18674338

He looks too based to read that drivel

>> No.18674344
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>> No.18674542

Why would my cousin be browsing /lit/?