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18672869 No.18672869 [Reply] [Original]

I've been picking up old books to hear it straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak, rather than some watered down retelling or reference when I finally got my hands on a copy of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and it hit me how similar it is to this place. You have mild-mannered people who want a taste of excitement, so they come here and it is exhilarating. So many things to see and talk about and you can be as callous as you want to be. Here, everyone's a Mr. Hyde. And when you leave the site, you go back to being the good doctor. But you have a deep nagging of wanting to escape the suffocation of society and let your vices loose again.
Some are pretty good about taking their medicine to reintegrate into society, but others let the callous thoughts flow into the real world. And rather than let the world see the ugly, callous side of them, they close themselves off, trying desperately to take enough blue pills to come back, but the demands on dosage and purity continuously grow until no amount can save you. And what was once a temperate person in search for some pizzazz, a cretin, foul in mind, has come to inhabit the space.

>> No.18672896 [DELETED] 

watching livestreams of three months of leftist riots last summer was way worse for my attitude than years on here. this site is bad tho.

>> No.18673434

>And when you leave the site, you go back to being the good doctor.
Not really I'm full of despair and bitterness IRL too and everyone hates that I'm so blackpilled all the time. I haven't seen anyone outside of family in years.

>> No.18673473
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after five years or less in here, you won't be able to tell your personality apart from this hivemind. you will look at ancient posts from 2016 or 2006, wondering if it was you who wrote it or read it. there'll be no more hide and seek, no more Hyde and Jeek, just a million pictures in a scattered mirror.

>> No.18673491

Not really my posts are still very distinct, though I probably owe it to psychosis.

>> No.18673492

You have to be retarded to become the npc most people are on this site
People on here are the lowest of the food chain
Both in terms of societal demand and intellect, as they are naive enough to think they are "based" for being on a contranian website.
Their mouths stay sealed outside of their flickering computer screens and their hearts unexplored, as they remain the soulless arrogant bugmen they are. The roaches of society. Now go young anons have your based poggers blackpilled trip and reppy with wojacks to own me
Throw niggger in there too just to make it more 4channle

>> No.18673509

What struck me about the original story is that them being the same person is the central twist and is meant to be shocking. It's interesting how this aspect has been totally lost in the pop culture understanding of it because obviously everyone knows already.

>> No.18673514

I write whatever I want to. The people who can only communicate in memes are wuite sad

>> No.18673520


We've all been there.

>> No.18673526

Well said you fucking tranny. Go back to Discord.

>> No.18673535

unpredictable and original reply
fucking reeking npc's
you will get stomped by me irl and no one would notice your heartbeat went off

>> No.18673538

I've been visiting 4chan over 10 years, don't act like you are some wise old veteren. Everyone uses websites differently.

>> No.18673545

>You Are Here Forever
Fuck you dad I'm gonna kill myself.

>> No.18673587


>> No.18673598
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i really, really like this image

>> No.18673604


>> No.18673674
File: 136 KB, 363x296, 1591835831863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... hang in there

>> No.18673711
File: 306 KB, 800x450, 1624757951434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people never leave, shouldn't this place grow forever?

>> No.18673719

They leave when they die

>> No.18673741

one can only hope