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18671760 No.18671760 [Reply] [Original]

>when a talking vagina likes harry potter

>> No.18671770

>when the penis with a mouth likes one piece

>> No.18671817

>talking vagina
You know, I'm just as critical of female judgement and character, but this is just taking it too far.

>> No.18671889

I hope she reads this, bro.

>> No.18671921
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>cute new female coworker
>anon, you like to read? I love books!
>my favorite is harry potter, im currently writing a novel thats harry potter meets greys anatomy
>28 years old
There's nothing to even say to women like this except, "Oh, cool."

>> No.18671925 [DELETED] 

Bobby, I am very disappointed in you. I'm banning you from the internet for 2 weeks. That is no way to talk to others. You should be very ashamed of yourself, young man. Have you got no respect for your mother young man? I raised you from a little baby, and now you sit posting this sort of harmful vitriol directed at strangers on the internet. I raised you better than this. I'm very disappointed in you. You had better apologize to that kind man to whom you so maliciously replied. You're a very bad boy, Bobby.
Your concerned Mother.

>> No.18671927

It might unironically be good, anon. I've read a cross over of inuyasha and seinfeld, that shit was fucking hilarious.

>> No.18671947

It's bad. She let me read a page she was working on during work. It's not just bad, because 'bad' is fine for a new writer. But she's not even trying to be good. It's like an ongoing fanfic blog. She barely edits, and it's just a long-winded gossip train of people being cute with each other. It's like the Final Fantasy fanfic I wrote when I was 13. This woman is 28 with a Master's degree. She's writing it for her own shallow amusement. Which is fine, but it's hard to grasp that some people can write with no sense of challenge whatsoever.

>> No.18671949

>Liking Harry Potter

Cringe. My mom bought me the first book when it first came out and I fucking hated it. Dropped after the third chapter.

I don't why you normie fucks love this garbage.

>> No.18671952

whoops, this is a reply to

>> No.18671963

Yeah but is she hot?

>> No.18671983

She's fucking hot. Latina. Striking features, fat ass, fat thighs, but no gut. Good sense of style, too, and she's always giggling which is cute. I make fun of her literary ambitions as a lark, but she's actually really cool and smart.

>> No.18672047

That seems ok, anon. I schizo ramble about people/things around me. And it is not like I'm even trying either, it is mostly a way to unwind a bit.

>> No.18672060
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>> No.18672283

OP here
i have a master's in a female dominated field and yes, women with master's are (big surprise) still real fucking dumb while lacking in any and all self-awareness

>> No.18672345

>i have a master's in a female dominated field
Psych? We're all psych degrees, too.
Well, even the smart women I work with are very anti-intellectual. For example, they're "open-minded" till it comes to any criticism of their field whatsoever. Ironically enough, psychology is the one thing we don't discuss at work, because the women are incapable of any critical conversation. Psychology for them is mostly rote diagnostics, and they're basically perfectly fine being lackeys and mouthpieces of the institutional psychiatry.

>> No.18672748
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To be fair I'm writing a graphic novel that is Hellboy meets Don Quijote with a side of Onions basedmilk:

Act I:
Gigachad Hellboy is given the Willy Wonka ticket to Earth from Hell and sets out to conquer the world while Beta MC is to busy not trying to get fired from the lowest rungs in the democracy of literal hell as a butcher boy who used to be the top haunter in the Middle Ages Black Plague. An old soul yearning for legacy, he wants to beat this young chap who is turning eyes in Hell and granted the most ambitious takeover for demon kind. Problem is there is no hierarchy in hell. But there is on Earth. Hell turns flip upside down into an Empire as Earth turns into Idiocracy conquered by dinosaur flying vampires where every human is his own antihero but all are under a sovereign demon. Hell turns into a respect check of alpha males flexing on betas and the lowest one of all now that Earth is conquered, Beta MC intends on conquering GigaChad Demon antagonist.
Act II: Gigachad Demon Lad doesn't have MC on the radar but is dealing with several insurgents and constant civil war everywhere making mankind's enslavement not fun and not profitable. Beta MC tricks everyone and becomes king of worst shitty Earth but now everyone is so bummed out and demoralized no one's had sex in 50 years. Women feminize the world under Beta MC's reign. Action is stunted and only by bringing out the worst in people is anything done in cannibalistic fraud.
Act III: the generation born in the gutter poverty distractions has no language. No canon. No time spent on anything but putting out fires. Their development is stunted. Primitive people in the ruins in shock, they start to bury the last trace of the old and mighty civilization that crumbled under vampire mutiny. Beta MC is nowhere to be found in the throne but he was never killed in the greatest demon bloodbath of all time. He is simply sweeping up the ashes of his statue whistling by as new Hellenistic temples are built over the Tartarus grave of his prideful foes. The worst demon of all is the most pernicious and cute, he who insidiously tempted all insecurities: the Beta.

Basically this is supposed to be a satire on bad news and mankind's inability to act when needed according to foresight and the urge to shoot the messenger being a joke parable. "don't shoot the messenger" at the messenger's funeral every time.
The story's nowhere near being fleshed out to show how erudite I am or will be by the time it becomes identifiable for now it's just a template I'd like to collect thoughts on or inspire with.

>> No.18672795

lost me in the first word

>> No.18672825

My loftiest imagination to pen even in commercialized creativity is just as shitty as Harry Potter if not worse because I'm overwriting because I'm pretentious and I enjoy being that way. Better to be entertain a few peers for sure than to slog a hard script that has virtually no chance of market success.

>> No.18672838

I don't believe you. Write for yourself, not for the market.