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File: 194 KB, 1200x1200, bikecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18668286 No.18668286 [Reply] [Original]

Is bikecuck an example of profound world renunciation according to Schopenhauer?

>> No.18668425

The average Stoic-cuck

>> No.18668560

had a teacher who claimed he wouldn't be angry if his car got stolen
because someone needed it more or whatever
truly a cuck position to take.
but it's easy to say it I doubt he'd feel that way if it really happened

>> No.18668632

Everyone's a liberal until they get mugged

>> No.18668649

Cringe. Too cringe this time.

>> No.18668663

I kinda get that with food or something essential. But not a car.

>> No.18668673
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>but it's easy to say it I doubt he'd feel that way if it really happened

>> No.18668680

Bikecuck is a good example of why utlitarian ethics are stupid

>> No.18668704

Imagine only being able to relate to the world by thinking of it as a video game.

>> No.18668710
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I think the better way to approach your bike being stolen is
>Wow my bike was stolen, I'm mad
>Can I do anything about it?
>Yes: do that
>No: don't do anything and get over it
>Prep so next time it doesn't get stolen
>Bonus Points: make conclusions about a race based on the area the bike was stolen

Why would anyone ever act differently? I seriously fail to see the logic in bikecuck, you are just lying to yourself.

>> No.18669884
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1040, Taxi-Driver-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.
Only non-cuck way to react to someone stealing your bike desu.

>> No.18669907

bike cuck is just a retard, the nigger who stole the bike doesn't gain any happiness from stealing the bike, he'll have forgotten about it after he got his 50 bucks from selling it to another nigger for a bag of weed

>> No.18669955

Presumably, BikeCuck bought the bike, so it was at least that valuable to him. But BikeThief did not buy the bike. It is quite likely also that BikeCuck spent more hours working to be able to afford the bike than BikeThief spent stealing the bike. Moreover, the very system of labor and commerce in which BikeCuck participates relies fundamentally on both the maintaimenance of Law and Order and on the protection of a man's right to the fruit of his Labor; BikeThief does not participate in this system. Almost certainly, BikeCuck experiences a far greater loss than BikeThief gains.

>> No.18669960

He'll get unimaginable pleasure from sparking up a bowl of smack and passing out on his piss stained couch. More pleasure than bike cuck could possibly imagine

>> No.18670006

No, it's utilitarianism, which is philosophy for cucks.

>> No.18670074

It would be unimaginable pleasure if the nigger gets so high that he pees his pants and doesn't care.

>> No.18670138


The stoic view isn't that the thief is happier than you, in fact the thief has paid in terms of his virtue to gain something of relatively little worth. He has paid the higher price while you have preserved your virtue if you react in the proper way. Additionally, you should be aware of the nature of the objects that you own, a bike is something that is liable to be stolen, if you acknowledge this you shouldn't be upset at it being stolen.

See Epictetus, Disources, 1.18.15
>Something similar happened to me also the other day. I keep an iron lamp by the side of my household gods, and, on hearing a noise at the window, I ran down. I found that the lamp had been stolen. I reflected that the man who stole it was moved by no unreasonable motive. What then? To-morrow, I say, you will find one of earthenware. Indeed, a man loses only that which he already has. "I have lost my cloak." Yes, for you had a cloak. "I have a pain in my head." You don't have a pain in your horns, do you? Why, then, are you indignant? For our losses and our pains have to do only with the things which we possess.

>> No.18670175

Schopenhauer basically said the literal opposite of the bikecuck comic, read this quote:

“It would be better if there were nothing. Since there is more pain than pleasure on earth, every satisfaction is only transitory, creating new desires and new distresses, and the agony of the devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer”

It basically means that our wants are so ephemeral and our nature so cruel, that we are ready to inflict great pain on others to fulfill those desires that in the end still leave us empty.

>> No.18670303
File: 94 KB, 1024x800, negro-invention-bike-lock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18671531

heh, yea i stole your bike and sold it for meth. i sure was happy for all of a day and then forgot about it completely. glad youre happy that i sold your bike to get high and now you have to walk.

>> No.18671573

Yeah, someone needed the car to go commit a murder or robbery.
Do those people honestly believe their car got stolen because the thief had to rush to hospital to see his dying mother or something?

>> No.18671638

Meth is a true good. It is it’s own reward. How many teeth do you have?

>> No.18671904

Based Epictetus poster.

>> No.18672653

>No: don't do anything and get over it
this is the stage the comic is that
he's quite literally just coping, getting over it

>> No.18672702

i always think of that random civilian scene in the sopranos where the guy gets carjacked with his whole family and yells FUCKING NIGGERS, WHO ELSE? Literally would be any liberal yuppie after getting their Nissan jacked, but they'd never admit it

>> No.18672826

>believing in property

>> No.18672867

Commienigger fuck off

>> No.18672870
File: 233 KB, 412x606, Screen Shot 2021-07-17 at 11.26.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schopenhauer would be appalled at how little this person knows about math

>> No.18672938
File: 63 KB, 490x490, ghostcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for an /x/ thread where OP said a ghost was fucking his girlfriend

>> No.18673095

On the contrary, OP, the bikecuck is among the most ensnared by the Will-to-Life. If he were to accept the bike's loss as an insignificant setback in a damnable world of illusions, then he would be renouncing it. Instead, he celebrates that the species has profited from his loss. He gratefully and consciously accepts his role as a disposable organ of the Will-to-Life. He lives to serve.

>> No.18673113
File: 118 KB, 800x450, Punching_Pepe_Banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than you soon!

>> No.18673117

This is your brain on ut*litarianism

>> No.18673126

>people mad that he isn't mad
Who is the loser here?

>> No.18673189

you're mad that people are mad that he isn't mad
>inb4 not mad
then your post has no meaning

>> No.18673308

Deontology gang

>> No.18673321

Yeah but what /pol/tards fail to realize about that scene is that it immediately cuts to Tony, showing that it was his operation and that it was ultimately him robbing the family

>> No.18673364

has anyone made a rule 63, gang rape version of it yet?

>> No.18673664

>Our losses and pains have to do only with the things which we posses
Getting dangerously close to Buddhism there pal