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/lit/ - Literature

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18669098 No.18669098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hiro approved meta thread. One meta thread is allowed per board.
What is the final solution to the CumGenius problem?

>> No.18669107
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>> No.18669116

I have seen this guy on this board for years and have never read a single one of his posts. They're always written in all caps and my mind automatically just filters past his post when I see it because it never looks worth reading. Butterfly is much more subversive, she always posts tasteful jezebels and write like a normal human being so I always read her posts and she always says something infuriatingly stupid.

>> No.18669126

A tripfag is the least of problems on this board
How about jannies doing their job and removing threads that have nothing at all to do with literature? At present that is 95% of the catalog

>> No.18669128

butterfly is an attentionwhore. i like laura way better, at least hes funny

>> No.18669160

Laura? Not familiar with him

>> No.18669172

he'll come around eventually dont worry

>> No.18669228

>They're always written in all caps and my mind automatically just filters past his post
same but with all tripfags and people who post anime pictures

>> No.18669253


>> No.18669354
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i love laura she writes good books

>> No.18669366

it's OK to have philosophy as long as there's an actually janny who kills all the stupid spam. There are way more bait threads and gossip threads an twitter screencaps than philosophy and religion threads.

>> No.18669389

Someday I hope we're able to kill CvmGenivs and remember him as nothing more than a bad dream

>> No.18669396
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Imagine not being able to read philosophy
Fucking retard

>> No.18669405

They already have one, /his/ is humanities, if anybody actually cared anymore
Just ban polspam and move all philosophy and religion to his, as intended
Nothing against philosophy, but it doesn't belong on /lit/

>> No.18669489

>Butterfly is much more subversive, she always posts tasteful jezebels and write like a normal human being so I always read her posts and she always says something infuriatingly stupid
That is why I like butterfly, I read a well written but low key retarded post, wonder who could be this daft and yet so eloquent, look up and see the little butterfly. Always gets me.

>> No.18669512

No it's frustrating because you try to talk to her and explain to her why she's wrong and she just keeps doubling down and doubling down until you finally catch her up doing something so stupid even she can't pretend it's not and then she just leaves.

>> No.18669516

kill all tripfags

>> No.18669528

He is called Kevin Orión Muñoz, 32 years old, from Guadalajara, Mexico. 6 ft tall, weights around 60 kg. INTP. National Socialist, sometimes carries a Swastika necklace. Spends most of his time on the internet, admitting that it's the motor of his life. Was a music producer and released an album on Bandcamp back in 2014.

>> No.18669532
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> They already have one, /his/ is humanities
Yeah, and no racism outside of /b/. Get with the times gramps.

>> No.18669537

How to improve /lit/:

1) ban all tripfags
2) remove all "literature for this feel?" /v/-tier threads and ban all who post them
3) ????
4) slight profit! which goes directly into F. Gardner's bank so he can post more ads

>> No.18669539

what for?

>> No.18669566
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>Just ban polspam
Stopped reading right their.
If you can't handle that shit, get off of 4chan.
Because guess what faggot, this isn't your little hugbox.

>> No.18669590

>ban everyone I disagree with waaaaahhhh

Kill yourself, you weak fucking faggot. Unironically. Go back to r*ddit.

>> No.18669591

we should report him for pedophilia til he gets banned

>> No.18669600
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>and when some other poster brings up politics
except it's always the /pol/faggots who bring up politics, just take a look at the state of /tv/ or even current threads on /lit/
no one here is offended by your politics you dumb nigger, I just want to talk about music/books/movies/anime without having every thread derailed into a "sjws this holocaust that" shitshow

>> No.18669607

why does /a/ get all the good moderation where they ban all frog posters and offtopic threads on site but /lit/ gets shafted

>> No.18669611

I hate these sniveling faggot armchair jannies and their crusade against the only actually good posting that happens on /lit/. Who wants to talk about books but not ideas? Fuck you nerds, if you step on a nail, you wear shoes

>> No.18669618

these are the seething shitwits you share a board with

>> No.18669625

it's funny when these dumb frustrated early twenties retards act like they have opinions worth noting in a public space especially when those opinions would disrupt the flow of discourse within that space... hitler did nothing wrong, wait why are you banning me, i demand free speech!

>> No.18669628

because people on /a/ actually care about their board culture, try posting a wojak, twitter screencap or some bait political thread in there and see how anons respond, almost everyone there actually reports you and tells you to go kill yourself instead of engaging with you like retards.
/lit/ simply no longer has any posters that are interested in literature, everyone was chased off by election tourists and their off-topic spam years ago.

>> No.18669632

Yeah that's why we're having a thread about what to do with them. Ban all trips would help.

>> No.18669634
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Then ignore them you oversensitive queer.
Don't just ban shit because you don't like it. If you want that go to Reddit then and quit wasting our time

>> No.18669635

nobody wants to talk about ideas on /lit/ they just want to use it as their personal blog to whine about how they have no gf

>> No.18669642

>after making a couple of posts adding nothing to the discussion
is this faggot serious? why exactly should anyone engage with politics in a non-related board, of course you'll get told to fuck off to /pol/ for shitting up the board

>> No.18669647
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>> No.18669650

I prefer the /a/ approach >>18669628

>> No.18669651

Honestly 99% of polspam is someone making a shit quality thread with a twitter screencap by some feminist saying stupid shit and going "opinions? :^)" or some quote with a soijak. It's not a /pol/ user "giving his two cents" which personally I have no issue with even when it's a post like (((( MUH JOOS DID IT ))))
However I'm also not sure if this shit is false-flagging. You cannot know who's making these threads so frequently and to be fair I don't even care if it's a Reddit raid or /pol/ or some other shit. Low quality thread spam should be dealt with. It's 4chan so it's OK to talk shit and say nigger and everything else, but having every single fucking thread derailed by insistent shitposters, and several bait threads with no relationship to the subject of the board popping up like mushrooms has killed this website for everyone but spammers. Literally all that prevents me from leaving is that I hate custom pronouns and having to treat trannies as if they were healthy.

>> No.18669675


>> No.18669683
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neck yourself

>> No.18669684

the problem is you little milksops shit your pants anytime a political idea is mentioned. by feeding the trolls you only give them more reason to keep posting.

>> No.18669708

/pol/ should ironically enough be dealt with in a fascist approach, ban every one of those faggots until the board is on topic again

>> No.18669714

if only you knew how bad things could get

>> No.18669717

/litpol/ threads are much better than /pol/ threads and worth the spam. For every five low effort threads there is one the reaches the bump limit with on topic discussion and book recommendations.

>> No.18669718

if Moot was still around he would have nuked /pol/ when the election happened

>> No.18669724

>meta thread
Please let us post about fanfiction. It being banned on the board is a silly rule in my opinion

>> No.18669727

I unironically think a little banner in the reply box saying
would help FAR more than hands-on moderation, across the whole site

>> No.18669737

That is the mistake. You do not feed the troll, you chuckle at the fact that you fell for it and move on.

>> No.18669738

no, fuck off
I'll take the /pol/tards over the fanfic crowd anytime

>> No.18669742

>he doesn't remember what happened the last time /pol/ got nuked
It's a containment board, when you get rid of it they have nowhere to post but other boards.

>> No.18669746

still not enough, /a/ is doing this right by banning everyone on sight

>> No.18669749

But I like making her look stupid and she always inevitably does. I don't think she's a troll otherwise the things she would be saying would be better thought out. She's just a dumb cunt.

>> No.18669758

This is right, I was wrong on the "across the whole site" part. The problem with /lit/ is that it's a much smaller board than /a/. High traffic boards are a completely different environment.

>> No.18669765

/a/ also probably has jannies that actually care about anime, while I highly doubt the jannies here read.

>> No.18669771

ban all twitter threads, e celeb threads, "books for this feel" threads and "how would [author] react to [new political thing]" threads. Make it so an author or book must be mentioned in the OP as well

>> No.18669779

the real uncomfortable truth is realizing that /lit/ is dead, even if it was to be cleaned over night most of the anons that contributed here left for other places after 2016, I can tell just by reading posts that their prose is now gone, very few newfags now would remember anons like Pessoafag.
/lit/ is just a shell of its former self, and would be better off completely deleted

>> No.18669782

of course this was posted on 2016

>> No.18669789

>other places

>> No.18669800

I wouldn't be posting here if I knew, I remember some anons years ago saying that r/literature was actually a good place and not as stereotypical as r/books but I'll still never set foot on reddit even if it is probably a better place to discuss fiction

>> No.18669808

I'm relatively new on /lit/ (I think since 2014 or 2015) but I feel the same about the boards I've been on for a much longer time. It just feels like everyone who made this site interesting and fun simply left over the years and moved to social media, Discord or real life or whatever.

>> No.18669813

There is a strange effect I think I've noticed here. This place is good for getting into reading, the Greeks meme and the books that we shill in general are useful to help people get into reading and develop their own taste. And it feels like once people get into reading, they spend the time that they would otherwise spend here reading. It happened to me, 90% of the time I used to spend here I now spend reading. It almost feels like people graduate from here into actually reading. I feel like its a cycle where the people who here read don't want to post here because it's shit. And it's shit because no one here reads

>> No.18669852


>> No.18669853

idk how you could you possibly interpret that as projection

>> No.18669868

>/lit/ is a purgatory
I think you may be a bit right

>> No.18669869

>women with 12 inch cocks
stopped reading, no such thing exists. this is a LARPing sjw. kys

>> No.18669878

The /pol/ leak is so big at this point though most boards are flooded with them. And of course when you tell them to fuck off they just sperg out and accuse you of being some /leftypol/ shill.

>> No.18669904

base, /pol/ reporting in.

>> No.18669927

i love our tripfags

>> No.18669953

/lit/ always sucked even when it was good, your memory just filtered out all the lame threads you scrolled by every day and only remember that one good one you posted in until the bump limit that one time in 2012.

>> No.18670007

Please make a new reddit.

>> No.18670689

Yeah and getting rid of /pol/ would just make that worse. And tbf there is a pretty big population of leftists here who are basically just the equal-opposite mirror of /pol/. There's not really anything that can be done unless the jannies start pushing a full 0-tolerance politics policy.

>> No.18671027

a 0 tolerance ban on shills would better considering banning literally all political discussion is almost impossible

>> No.18671479
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/lit/ is dead and i have killed it

>> No.18671484


>> No.18671567

jannies are fucking useless

>> No.18671650
File: 28 KB, 404x600, F6BA3B2D-095F-48FC-8523-4110879D79E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fuct ur 2ho

Image related.

>> No.18671714

Admins need to make and enforce a global anti-namefag policy. Using an identifier for a single thread for a valid reason is fine, but using the same name in multiple threads should result in a warning then temporary bans.

This isn't /v/. Most threads here are literature-related. Like 5% of the board is not literature-related or should not be allowed, namely things like bootubers. Posting booktuber-related threads should result in bans.

No, if anything, /lit/ should become Literature and Humanities and /his/ should become just /his/ - History. /lit/ is slow enough and philosophy makes up like 60% of this board.

I agree with the sentiment but take a look at actual polspam that is often posted here and should be bannable: someone posting a picture of black people and saying "why are niggers like this?" or posting women and saying "why are all women whores?"

>> No.18671730

I will always be here as long as you don’t stop believing in dreams