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/lit/ - Literature

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18666540 No.18666540 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter and thought it was great and surprisingly brutal. What did you think about it? Was Biff Brannon a pedo?

>> No.18666575

I was going to make a thread for this tomorrow, nice timing. I realized the other night that Springer is just the 1940s version of 4chan.

I do not think Brannon is a pedo, just confused by the desire to become a parent so late in life and after his wife died. The desire to have children is new for him and unexpected, he is unsure what this desire actually is and is at times worried himself as to what it is. But he does consider adopting children. The only certain emotions we get from him for Mick are more paternal than sexual, the others are confused.

I still have another 100 pages to go so don't ruin it for me. Should finish it this weekend.

>> No.18666595

she looks cute, is the book melancholic and mellow? Is it about loss?

>> No.18666599
File: 41 KB, 700x360, og-carson-mccullers-3704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, yes, and yes.

>> No.18666606

Careful with this thread. A lot of stuff happens in the last 100 pages and I don't want any of it to be Spoiled for anyone

>> No.18666619

>judges writers by looks
people like you need to die

>> No.18666632

Just use your spoilers if need be, as you should anyways.

He did not really do that, just made an observation and asked a couple questions.

>> No.18666633

I just said she looks cute, calm down

>> No.18666641

fuck you

you too

>> No.18666656 [DELETED] 

I bet they wouldn't buy you're book

>> No.18666660

its ok, just lose some weight

>> No.18666666 [DELETED] 


>> No.18666672

you son of a bitch >>18666667

>> No.18666684


>> No.18666685

>was 23 when the book was published
How's your writing career going?

>> No.18666712

How many other Chads in this thread think Mick is the best character?

>> No.18666744

Mick is pretty great but she is kind of a bitch.

Bubber and Baby was my favorite part so far, amazing writing, almost like it drops into slow motion once you realize what is going to happen. Kind of hated Mick for what she did to Bubber after it, adding insult to injury.

>> No.18666765

I think I just relate to her because of her love of classical music and her attempts of capture it. The makeshift violin she tried to build made me really like her

>> No.18666795

Yeah, that was great, she has a lot of great parts and is probably the best example in literature I have come across of that age where the dreams and possibilities of youth start to crumble and focus with maturity, those great loses and gains which happen at that time in life. All the early parts with her embody that so well, I almost cried from the nostalgia a few times.

Overall I probably relate most to Singer, I had a time in my life where I was so much like him, I lost most everything and had no one but many relied on me, I was escaping my problems through the more simple problems of others.

>> No.18666927

It was fine. Not the sort of thing I find worth remembering much about evidently. I remembering it being touching. Literature for women I think. A fine way to sink some time, largely empty sentimentalism, like most literature from the last 120 years.

>> No.18667153


>> No.18667194

>t. dead inside

>> No.18667198
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>It was fine. Not the sort of thing I find worth remembering much about evidently. I remembering it being touching. Literature for women I think. A fine way to sink some time, largely empty sentimentalism, like most literature from the last 120 years.

>> No.18668008
File: 18 KB, 340x186, 340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18668017

Oh shiiiieeeett

>> No.18668045
File: 514 KB, 739x1001, Waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A great book OP! Try some of her short stories like Ballad of a Sad Cafe.


>> No.18668054

What the hell bros...

>> No.18668090

Thanks for the rec, I'll get to it soon

>> No.18668297

>mot still stealing /lit/'s gets after his/her is kill
Couldn't really expect anything else from that faggot

>> No.18668327


>> No.18668420

Ffs mods removed my sextuplets

>> No.18668740

Mods are fags, but there's always warosu.

>> No.18669937

Weird that 4chan seems to enjoy a book that heavily touts communist ideology

>> No.18669948

So you have not read it.

>> No.18670011

It was written by a woman so this flaw was expected and it doesn't bring the book down.

>> No.18670088

And it is wrong. If anything the book advocates for a light socialism within capitalism. The main voice of such ideas in the book is ultimately a capitalist despite what he says, he outright states that his biggest dream for black people is that they be able to contribute to society through consuming instead of just serving. Even then, ideology is shown as something which isolates people from what is important because they can not see past it.

>> No.18670151

Carson McCullers is so beautiful in a different and melancholy kind of way. Her face just stands out

>> No.18670243

The meds.

>> No.18670631

Epic rebutle

>> No.18670660

"the main voice"
Uh, did you read the book? There is no one main voice

>> No.18670835

How is copeland the main voice of that stuff in the book? Blout is and he's CLEARLY, EXPLICITLY a communist. Copeland was more concerned with black people being treated like human beings.
>outright states that his biggest dream for black people is that they be able to contribute to society through consuming instead of just serving.
What a weird way of characterising his position. All he was saying is he wants the black community to not be treated as second class citizens and to have the same opportunities as white people. He wants them to not be hamstrung and kept as servants but instead be normal people with enough money to get by. Pretty fitting that his name is Copeland and he's the character you've used to cope with

>> No.18670842

I elaborated more fully to the non-shit post which followed.

A text out of context is a pretext.
>the main voice of such ideas

>> No.18670875

We only get vague allusions to Blout's ideas for much of the book, Copelands are throughout. Also, that was explicitly Copeland's way of characterizing his own view, his words. Also, you ignored my point and played pedant.

>> No.18670917

>Also, you ignored my point and played pedant.
>We only get vague allusions to Blout's ideas for much of the book,
Retard he has a bunch of scenes where he is spelling out his ideologly either to Singer, some random person on the street, or to himself
>Copelands are throughout
Yeah and copelands thoughts throughout are about how much he hates white people and how he wished black people would be better educated of their condition

>> No.18671185

You explained things which have nothing to do with the point, which is pedentry. LOOK HOW SMART I AM!
>Retard he has a bunch of scenes where he is spelling out his ideologly
For the first 200 odd pages it just gives vague allusions to who and what he has read. We know he is of the left but we do not know where on the left he is for most of the book.
> about how much he hates white people
Ahhh, you are a moron. Copeland idealizes the white people, essentially wants black people to be like them, and sees black people themselves as the biggest impediment to that goal. For him equality is to essentially be white and he would give up everything that makes him black, including his family, for that goal. This is why his message falls on deaf ears and his children have little interest in knowing him, all he really says is "be more white."

>> No.18671304

>Copeland idealizes the white people, essentially wants black people to be like them,
Thanks for letting me know you haven't read the book. Best of luck surviving in the world with a sub 60 iq

>> No.18671384

Great argument. Everything he reads and preaches is the culture of whites, he can only see his own culture from the context of white culture so he can not relate to them or convey his message to them in an effective fashion. His relationship with his children is the perfect example, he never took the time to get to know them and understand them, just preached to them. In fact he does not understand anyone, just ideas, this is part of why he fails to communicate with Blout.

>> No.18671409

>coping this hard with the fact that a book you liked extolls an ideology you don't to the point where you have read a completely different novel to the one written.

>> No.18671687

Ahh, I am pretty much communist. You still fail to make any arguments or points.

>> No.18671740

Are women who write southern gothic the only acceptable female authors?

>> No.18671749

Nah. Any female author you like is acceptable.