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/lit/ - Literature

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1866578 No.1866578 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, help me out -
First off, I'm an Ausfag, but I am becoming more and more interested in American Politics and politics in general. Things like left-libertarianism or Communism or politics in general I don't really know much about, but want to learn more about.
And I figure the best way to learn would be with literature!

Now with added Tl;Dr - I'm a dunce when it comes to social and political movements and opinions, what are some good books to start with?

>> No.1866598

start with the harlem renaissance
read some Langston Hughes and learn about the NAACP.

Black Panther Party and their approach on achieving equal rights is interesting as well.

>> No.1866604

Communism was a pretty big thing in Australia too, you know

>> No.1866611

did they form worker unions and a socialist party? I'm curious to know how communism panned out in other white-christian countries.

>> No.1866613



>> No.1866614

AFAIK, they did form unions and there was a considerable amount of scaremongering going on (just like in the US), at some point Australia *might* have seen a minor uprising but the leader was too drunk. [citation needed]

>> No.1866628

hah! Reminds me of the Russian president back then. He's nothing like Putin.


>> No.1866641

Watch lots of Noam Chomsky videos on Youtube. You'll be an expert on world politics after the third video (and I'm only being slightly sarcastic).

>> No.1866656

Herbert Marcuse and the Situationists.
That's all you need too start with politics.

>> No.1866657

*to start

>> No.1866659


Britfag here, OP >>1866641 is good advice if you want to start out learning about the US left imho. Chomsky is prolific and has been around a long time so you can get a long look at post WW2 US politics from him.

chomsky.info is a good.

Counterpunch.org is the big US leftist online magazine afaik, its pretty good too with a huge variety of people writing for it.

Howard Zinn is another name that pops up a lot, he wrote A Peoples History of the US which is rather good although other than that I know little about him.

Lastly Alex Cockburn. His lectures are great - he is a very interesting speaker, his Beating the Devil: The Incendiary Rantings of Alex Cockburn, was excellent and had me hooked all the way through.
He is however not leftist but a paleoconservative (something I had to look up when I saw it) but his views are non-mainstream enough to warrant attention if learning about the spectrum of US political thought outside the mainstream.

Note. People form the US can probably give you better info than I can but what I give might be a good start at least...I hope.

>> No.1866675

Communism isn't the Chinese or Soviet system just so you know. Read Marx or Engels if you want to know what communism is about.

>> No.1866679
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Thank you so much, I will look at everything you posted and check out those people in detail. Thank you, again.

Thank all of you as well.

> picture

>> No.1867530
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Australia is single-handedly screwing up the world with its right wing politics. Go back to censoring movies and banning video games. I prefer the whole country left out of modern culture ... what was I saying, as, yes, take a university course like everyone else. trust me, your professor will be begging to teach you, unlike every liberal-conservative teacher with nothing to say