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/lit/ - Literature

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18664975 No.18664975 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the current most relevant work to Western Civilization? If so, why isn't it shilled everywhere? Is it not worth telling normies to look into it?

>> No.18664987

I love it so much bros… Zarathustra is the older brother I never had… Sadge

>> No.18665001
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No the most relevant book is after virtue by alasdair macintyre

>> No.18665019

I find it to be somewhat unapproachable without a good knowledge of N's other work.

>> No.18665057
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what does the N stand for?

>> No.18665334


>> No.18665341


>> No.18665345

>Why isn’t /lit/‘s most shilled philosopher not being shilled everywhere else?

Prolly cuz people have had enough of his rambling, anon?

>> No.18665404
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Why do newfags lack any self-awareness?
As a side note, i fought a Sol yesterday in Strive with the username Zarathustra and he sucked ass.

>> No.18665952
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normie here. should I start reading nietzsche with this?

>> No.18666048

Absolutely not. Start with his untimely meditations.

>> No.18666083

I've started with it, despite being told otherwise.
Just out of captivation.

>> No.18666104

It's a brilliant work but to Western Civilization in today's context?
Assuming you're sticking to philosophy as a genre, The Undiscovered Self has got to be damn up there.

>> No.18666106
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No, Parsifal is.

>It is, I think, characteristic of our psychology that we find on the threshold of the new age two figures who were destined to exert an immense influence on the hearts and minds of the younger generation: Wagner, the prophet of love, whose music runs the whole gamut of feeling from Tristan down to incestuous passion, then up again from Tristan to the sublime spirituality of Parsifal; and Nietzsche, the prophet of power and of the triumphant will for individuality. Wagner, in his last and loftiest utterance, harked back to the Grail legend, as Goethe did to Dante, but Nietzsche seized on the idea of a master caste and a master morality, an idea embodied in many a fairhaired hero and knight of the Middle Ages. Wagner broke the bonds that fettered love, Nietzsche shattered the “tables of values” that cramp individuality. Both strove after similar goals while at the same time creating irremediable discord; for where love is, power cannot prevail, and where power prevails, love cannot reign.

>> No.18666127
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It's accessable. I started with excerpts of The Will to Power (for a class) and then read Beyond Good and Evil on my own. I don't think it really matters where you start with him (starting where I did was probably what pseuds would say is the worst). It's like Naked Lunch/The Atrocity Exhibition: you can jump in anywhere and the more you read the more things start coming together and jumping out. That said...(pic) is the best place to start.

>> No.18666134

No, take him chronologically

>> No.18666313

I'm actually interested in his idea of the ubermensch and the acceptance of suffering as a component of good things. I'm not familiar with philosophical works (and not really intending to go through all of his works) and zarathustra is a novel so it seems more accessible than others. I'm trying to be a better person and not just to wander around with my thoughts. so should I give it a go or are there any other recommendations?

>> No.18666334

Gay science
Ecce homus

>> No.18666344

Start with Wagner. Zarathustra being the artistic work that it is pays homage to the themes which Wagner first espoused in Der Ring des Nibelungen and Tristan und Isolde.

>> No.18667047
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>> No.18667105

Based Phaedo and Jacques-Louis David poster.

>> No.18667118

Normies wouldn't understand it.

>> No.18667127

>We have invented happiness, they say, and blinketh. Whoever goeth that way goeth voluntarily into the madhouse.

>> No.18667235

Genealogy, BGE and Joyous Science are all far better works than TSZ.

>> No.18667255

Before you even think about getting into Nietzsche you should read
>Greek Tragedians
>Holy Bible
>Julius Caesar
>Giordano Bruno

>> No.18667651

I'm re-reading it now and i think we need to start some form of religious movement from it. Petition to find a new Zarathustra and create a Jihadist movement based around him and the book and sweep across the western hemisphere like in Dune

>> No.18667656

love this meme

>> No.18667663

I can't help but laugh thinking how many impressionable anons got memed into extreme completionism bordering with insanity and anxiety that they're not going to understand Hegel because they haven't read some medieval Arabic commentary on Aristotle (in original of course)

>> No.18667700

Different anon here, but what do you mean by starting with Wagner? Wathcing his operas or what

>> No.18667814

Watching or listening to his operas and reading his essays.

>> No.18667879

They aren't better, they just deliver the same message in a different format (Twilight and Antichrist as well).

>> No.18667896

yes. anyone who suggests you do this before that is the kind of person who justifies a liking a shit game that only "gets good" after a certain amount of hours

>> No.18668016

I have tried to get into Wagner's music but it never clicked. What do you recommend? Also, any link or edition for his essays?

>> No.18668193

Start with Tannhauser, a work full of musical invention and significant enough because of how it transports Euripides' Bacchae under a Goethean wing. Then start with the Ring, his major work, and from there Tristan, Meistersinger and Parsifal. Lohengrin and Hollander are optional.


Most of his works you can only read through a subpar Victorian translation, but despite that some of the essentials are On the Destiny of Opera, What is German?, Judaism in Music, Modern, On Poetry and Composition and On Conducting. I've specifically chose none of his longer works which are unreadable in the present translation, including his three main aesthetic works Art and Revolution, The Artwork of the Future and Opera and Drama.


>> No.18668362

Thank you for the recommendation, I read the Bacchae recently. I appreciate all of it immensely.

>> No.18668620

wow dude Bill Nye is so deep...deep in my ass for SCIENCE!

>> No.18669114

Welcome anon, enjoy Wagner!

>> No.18669895
