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18662450 No.18662450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18662458

In comparison to when?

>> No.18662467

this. reading has always been a hobby of the minority. most people on earth were illiterate until very recently, and even in literate societies people read out of necessity

>> No.18662470

what a shit continent Africa is.
At least in the US they burned the book stores as well.

>> No.18662475

There's very little overlap in the venn diagram of 'enjoys reading' and 'enjoys looting'.

>> No.18662476


>> No.18662480

I understand youre trying to make a point about society here but I would have looted it. Not only for books but stationary.

>> No.18662485

In your hear of hearts, you know reading is a waste of time. What advantage have you gained from it?

>> No.18662497

Funny thing is I have dreamed of looting my local B & N during blackout.

>> No.18662506

It's because they're NIGGERS

>> No.18662507

trying to pander to the zoomer's attention span is a futile exercise, readers will read what they are interested in or they won't

>> No.18662511


>> No.18662517

This. Reading was always a niche hobby that the unwashed masses did not engage in.
In fact, because of the Internet, people probably read more than ever. It's just that they're not reading books. They're reading banal bite-sized shit takes like, well, like we're doing now.

>> No.18662521

Μοre peace of mind, demystified my world quite a lot.

>> No.18662526


>> No.18662535

I mean, true, too much reading and just reading whatever is not good but you know...Μέτρον άριστον, middle way etc.
Ofc you pay your fees by writting at some point.

>> No.18662550
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what do you think?

>> No.18662573

It just made me way more depressed than before to the point where I don't think I can ever feel happiness ever again

>> No.18662596

I mean they could’ve looted it and sold the books right? Unless it’s because they know that even the law abiding niggers don’t read

>> No.18662608

Big brained reader here: book stores never have anything good and if they do its always scrawled all over by some Moroni also have like a 50 book backlog

>> No.18662656

Moving beyond the racism. There's much more value and quicker turnover in electronics and clothing than there ever will be in books.

>> No.18662730

Books were only popular in the past because superior mediums didn't exist yet.

>> No.18662757

Books have higher value than electronics. Not just the value measured by greedy bankers.

Virtue of wisdom, of learning, of curiosity, will always beat the sin of consumer greed in the long run, making for a happier and meaningful life.

>> No.18662798

Hey chuds this a fake edited video keep in living your bubbles.