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18660473 No.18660473 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: nuclear blackpills

>> No.18660491
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>> No.18660584


In what sense is this audiobook supposed to be a narrative that will totally depress me about reality, as advertised?

>> No.18660778

don't forget

>> No.18660888

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature by Steven Pinker

>> No.18660947

HP Lovecraft's message, that we are small insignificant things in the universe, and that existence is impossibly big, with strange and terrible things just on the fringes of the human experience, how we are really insignificant in a universe that cares not about us. Yeah, you can say humans are technically aware of this fact, especially now. But like death, we never seem to truly accept it. Being delusional primates in a rock filled with terrible secrets floating in space isn't even fully accepted by the people who supposedly spouse views like that.

>> No.18660968


>> No.18660977

>we are small insignificant things in the universe, and that existence is impossibly big, with strange and terrible things just on the fringes of the human experience, how we are really insignificant in a universe that cares not about us.
How do you know this?

>> No.18661024


>> No.18661043

Programmed to Kill and other books about devils roaming the earth.

>> No.18661246

A couple of spooky short stories told him as much.

>> No.18662193

This, much more scary to me than any kind of Lovecraftian uncaring cosmos type stuff.

>> No.18662219


>> No.18662238

Steven Pinker is right about some things, but that's just by accident and not as a consequence of his intellect.
Don't give Pinker your money. Listen to him speak or debate and if that doesn't convince you he's a hack then pirate his books.

>> No.18663181

God btfos all evil, all you need to do is say his name and they run in terror

>> No.18663202


>> No.18663302

Nigga read a story about le gargantuan squid monster and got to this conclusion

>> No.18663324

I agree that's a powerful blackpill, but honestly it really doesn't change much. Anything that is too immense or too diminute in scope will not affect the mundane experience of man.

>> No.18663362

Iliad is all about sex and violence being deeply deeply connected. The 'man' who runs away from conflict will not get any pussy. The man who submerges himself in conflict, revels in it, enjoys dishing out violence and is actively trying to get himself killed by ignorant unnecessarily risking everything, will get all the pussy

>> No.18663671


>> No.18663692

how about instead of a pathetic bump you post something with any amount of substance loser

>> No.18663770

This didn't work well for me

>> No.18663839


>> No.18663871
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>> No.18663898

The End of Linux is Nigh

>> No.18664885

>"Terror is the feeling which arrests the mind in the presence of whatsoever is grave and constant in human sufferings and unites it with the secret cause."
Joseph Campbell uses that quote from Joyce to illustrate one part of the idea of katharsis. Lovecraft presents terror in a way in which there is no potential for katharsis. The sublime will always be undefined and patterns we follow, ideological and physical, are both impotent and often malicious. There's no tangible reassurance if we honestly weigh our limited experience against such a scope.

All that said, the guy who wrote >>18660947 is probably a midwit making a superficial read between the idea of death and the essence of 'cosmic horror.' Contemplation is what makes things horrific (Lovecraft underscores that theme by making characters break down into madness)--takes like we're "delusional primates in(sic) a rock filled with terrible secrets floating in space" are really just cope. That doesn't prove we're fucked but it's more than enough reason to be terrified.

>> No.18664936

what's this book about?

>> No.18664941

>That doesn't prove we're fucked but it's more than enough
The "that" I'm talking about in the last sentence isn't the midwit take but the wariness put forward above it. Tangible experience provides evidence in favor of hard skepticism (ironically); that combined the fact we're mostly idiots prone to ideology is what constitutes the nuclear blackpill.

>> No.18664953

absolute garbage book
Do not recommend

>> No.18665052

my diary desu

>> No.18665114

nietzsche already btfo this trash a hundred years ago

>> No.18665468

how? will to power just seems to be another arbitrary form of terror management

>> No.18665497

Politics/Modern Society: Why Liberalism Failed by Deneen; anything by chris Hedges
Philosophical: anything by Cioran but mostly a History of Decat, Zapffe as well

Steven Pinker is the quintessential Wiggish

>> No.18665583

the opposite, amor fati is pure cope
schopenhauer came close since he didn't try to give meaning to suffer as a means of getting purpose

>> No.18665626

I expected blackpills, but all I got was Freud fanfiction

>> No.18665663

u mad genetic dead end?

>> No.18665751

hot damn

>> No.18665820

What happened?

>> No.18667088

The end of Europe. He was French and that should tell you enough.

>> No.18667146

>amor fati is pure cope
I see this type of mistake on /lit/ all the time. A lot of you have the notion that coping means doing something that eases the burden of living. But it's more than that. Coping is deluding yourself in an attempt to ease the burden of living. It's avoidance, escapism, and it helps for a little while but in the long run makes matters worse. But amor fati is the complete opposite of that. It's radical acceptance of everything. You just call it a cope because it makes people feel better, which is the cope pessimists fall victim to. Any kind of hopeful idea instinctively arouses your suspicion because the higher you rise the farther you fall, so if you remain at the bottom, always expecting the worst, dismissing healthy ways of thinking as copes, then you protect yourself from disappointment.

>> No.18669303

While >>18664885 is probably right that I am a midwit, and definitely an autist. I have actually read most of Lovecraft's works, still in the process of finishing them all though. And I can assure you there is more to his works than "Oh noes fish pipol am going insane!" or "OH NO A BROWN AHHHHHHHHH I'M GOING INSANE!"
I don't, not for certain. But you never really know anything about the greater truths of the universe for certain. At least not people like me. Maybe others do. This is my idiosyncratic personal philosophy. Not a religion, I say it's true because it's true to me.
I admit my personal philosophy is indeed a massive cope to justify my sitting on my arse consuming. Most belief systems are indeed coping for something. Often times more than one thing. And now reading your post, you conveyed what I wanted to convey much better than me, I thank you for it. But I assure you I have a thought process similar, but way more disjointed, and I am of course, way less read.

>> No.18669969

>reading books by kikes

>> No.18670037


>> No.18670052

Journey to the end of the night is always a blackpill

>> No.18670058 [DELETED] 

this book is super overrated so far. i'm hoping there's something insightful at the end and it's not all a waste of time. i should have known anything that won the pulitzer would suck. i did get a good chuckle out of the part where say it's a normal stage of development to dig up your ass and play with shit. maybe it's because i have autism, but i was never into shit or assholes. anyways, overrated book, and another bad rec from /lit/.

>> No.18670304
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>> No.18670724


>> No.18670873

You have unmasked them. A cope simply becomes any twist or turn that evades their (in their mind) ineluctable argument. Eventually, you see a generation of people who worship these God-arguments (everything is a cope in the face of death, name the trait, all pleasures are lesser than their painful counterpart, etcetera) that gives them the pride fix they need. Why else would they hold it before them like an ungainly sword all the time?

>> No.18670888

>It's avoidance, escapism, and it helps for a little while but in the long run makes matters worse

You just agreed with them. Oof.

>> No.18670906

>Iliad is all about sex and violence being deeply deeply connected. The 'man' who runs away from conflict will not get any pussy. The man who submerges himself in conflict, revels in it, enjoys dishing out violence and is actively trying to get himself killed by ignorant unnecessarily risking everything, will get all the pussy
It's also about how war is glorious until you get a spear through your face and have all of eternity in the underworld to imagine being a farmer with a wife

>> No.18670911

>“In the whole vast domain of living nature there reigns an open violence, a kind of prescriptive fury which arms all the creatures to their common doom. As soon as you leave the inanimate kingdom, you find the decree of violent death inscribed on the very frontiers of life. You feel it already in the vegetable kingdom: from the great catalpa to the humblest herb, how many plants die, and how many are killed. But from the moment you enter the animal kingdom, this law is suddenly in the most dreadful evidence. A power of violence at once hidden and palpable … has in each species appointed a certain number of animals to devour the others. Thus there are insects of prey, reptiles of prey, birds of prey, fishes of prey, quadrupeds of prey. There is no instant of time when one creature is not being devoured by another. Over all these numerous races of animals man is placed, and his destructive hand spares nothing that lives. He kills to obtain food and he kills to clothe himself. He kills to adorn himself, he kills in order to attack, and he kills in order to defend himself. He kills to instruct himself and he kills to amuse himself. He kills to kill. Proud and terrible king, he wants everything and nothing resists him.
>From the lamb he tears its guts and makes his harp resound ... from the wolf his most deadly tooth to polish his pretty works of art; from the elephant his tusks to make a toy for his child - his table is covered with corpses ... And who in all of this will exterminate him who exterminates all others? Himself. It is man who is charged with the slaughter of man ... So it is accomplished ... the first law of the violent destruction of living creatures. The whole earth, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar upon which all that is living must be sacrificed without end, without measure, without pause, until the consummation of things, until evil is extinct, until the death of death.”
Joseph de Maistre

>> No.18670937

As a midwit myself I totally understood what you were trying to say.

>> No.18671119


>> No.18671137
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>> No.18671160

Very interesting. How do you accept everything though? That seems like borderline spirituality and religion.

>> No.18672151


>> No.18672187

I-I think pascal kinda refuted, or at least adressed the absurdity of this one directional way of thinking 400 years ago: compared to the universe, humans are infinitely small. However, compared to a microscopic mite, he called un ciron, humans are infinitely large.

>> No.18672220

Imo this isn't really a blackpill it just systematizes Nietzsche. If you're not a spergcel like Heisman there's lots of room for hope in life ultimately winning. Especially if you look at how many past civilizations crumbled, the future is bright

>> No.18672262

> who supposedly spouse views like that.
I contend it is not humanly to accept such a philosophy the way you are contextualizing it.

>> No.18672503

That's why his characters go insane. See >>18664885

>> No.18672541

Anyone who accepts they're prone to midwittery cannot be a full-fledged midwit. You seem like a decent fellow...avoid falling into pseudness.

>> No.18673177

Amor Fati is Nietzsche turning what he considered the passiveness of stoicism (which he disparages in his work as submission to nature) into a more "active" and passionate embrace of nature, an anon once described it as stoicism 2.0 which has some truth to it.
Also I see any idea which romanticizes suffering as a necessary means of developing one's character or creating purpose - which isn't wrong per se - as a cope more often than not. That's why I respect Schopenhauer for refusing to take that route.

>> No.18673300
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>> No.18673325
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It's about the author going to a Turkish concentration camp

>> No.18673349

It's about embracing reality head-on rather than evading it, midwit

>> No.18674388

>everything is cope bro
>i-i-it's COPE! COPECOPECOPECOPECOPECOPECOPECOPECOPE!!!1!!11!1 don't you get it, I'm having a midlife crisis!

>> No.18674451

yeah and wat about ugly,short and ethnic incels who are having absolute miserable time in: finding a decent stable job,getting a girl who is his looksmatch,constantly being treated like shit by people around them,etc.

u have no fucking clue how the world even works.gtfo of reddit ,twitter and s_o_ifag social media outlets and go see the real world out there for urself.

>> No.18674470

kek, what faggoty complaints
wastes of space like you love to dramatize their own suffering so they don't have to bother anymore

>> No.18674477

do u even have any fucking clue how the way u look impacts ur day to day life be it in ur career,dating,status,etc.?

>> No.18674487

if you can't take it then kill yourself
if you aren't killing yourself then cease complaining, it does nothing but please your ego while not solving the problem
even if you looked like quasimodo you wouldn't have any actual problems

>> No.18674495

Ok, and?

>> No.18674517

>even if you looked like quasimodo you wouldn't have any actual problems
socially enforced loneliness and isolation because people would be disgusted for even coming near me if i looked like him.moreover i would have insanely high levels of chances of having my lungs ,nerves and stomach with severe kyphosis(which could've also been caused by osteoporosis at a young age).let us not even get to the deaf part.

>> No.18674519
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>make /lit/ seethe in oblivion

This is book is truly and final blackpill

>> No.18674530

>i'm so lonely and isolated bro, have nobody to go to starbucks with
waste of human meat
>health issues
then kill yourself
if you don't then the issues aren't as bad as you say

>> No.18674532

and what? do u wish to know how it affects ur day to day life which inevitably affects ur lifespan and the chances of genetic survival or do u wish to know what can a person do given this fact?

>> No.18674555

>>i'm so lonely and isolated bro, have nobody to go to starbucks with
dude many of these incels can't even afford to waste their money going to such shitty places.
>if you don't then the issues aren't as bad as you say
y are u telling me to kill myself?i never said i was an ugly guy with physical deformities.are u fucking retarded?

>> No.18674567

i don't give a shit about incels
if they suffer they shoul kill themselves
since they are still alive that emans they don't suffer and should stop jabbering on about retarded shit to feel good about themselves

>> No.18674576

I can’t take antinatalists seriously. If they really believed living was bad they would kill themselves. Instead they write books that make other people want to kill themselves. It’s kind of gross

>> No.18674577

Now they're trying to build a pipeline from Vegass to northern Nevada to suck all our water from underground. The audacity of cityfags truly knows no bounds.

>> No.18674582
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>> No.18674588

some if not many of them do end up killing themselves .a few like ER try to bring others with them to the grave,especially the ones who are happy ,joyful and who are living a prosperous life.

>> No.18674625
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Pascal is a brilliant mathematician and a sublime philosopher, but I respectfully disagree. Humans are insignificant even on the scale of Earthly life, and we are fortunately insulated from the fact by our preoccupation with what little order we can impose on the world.

>> No.18674654


>> No.18674806
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Argues that not existing is better than existing. Creates a book about it to share and communicate his thoughts and ideas about existing.

Doesn't track. Go watch True Detective and fawn over that pussy alcoholic pseud; the one who intellectualizes feeling sorry for himself and jumps at the chance to jackrabbit 6 pump his partner's wife.

>> No.18674817

>Pascal is a brilliant mathematician and a sublime philosopher, but I respectfully disagree
Pretentious much? Try using less of the word "sublime."

>> No.18676641
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I don't listen to kikes OP. The real blackpill is all Jews are wrong.

>> No.18676655

jewish propaganda. you fucking goy

>> No.18676667

antisemitism is probably the most basic bluepill in existence but people like you can't be reasoned with

>> No.18676750
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I don't know, I'd been reading a lot of Nietzche at the time and something just clicked for me at the end of this

>> No.18676756
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>antisemitism is probably the most basic bluepill in existence but people like you can't be reasoned with

>> No.18676765

This. Nihilism is ironically the real cope because if the game is rigged then it's not your fault when you lose and in fact there's nobility in not falling for the ruse and refusing to even play. Really it's the exact same thing as standing at the wall at the school dance while all the cool kids have fun because you've told yourself you just hate dancing.

>> No.18676777

This book makes me want to jizz in the guy who wrote its wife and that in of itself thoroughly rebukes his entire premise.

>> No.18676791

What kind of cope is this? Didn't think it was possible.

>> No.18676804

Oh so you danced with the prom queen, did you?

>> No.18676810

can't even reply to the right person

>> No.18676830

I danced with your mum.

>> No.18676842

Cope or rope. I don't mind which you opt for

>> No.18677077

Greek refugee literature is heart wrenching and often horrific, but it also shows the struggle for survival and hope for a new life.

Communist poetry after the civil war (1949-1974), on the other hand, is truly black-pilled. Most of it is pure despair and disillusionment, the collapse of every ideal and identity, a sense of vanity and reaignation.

>> No.18677677
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>people like you can't be reasoned with
>gives no reason
>just more premises

>> No.18677712

>sucking off the jews of eastern asia
kys, the Japanese were in the right this entire tuime

>> No.18677732

How did it take so many posts about lit blackpills for someone to mention spengler? SAD!

>> No.18678818

I'd like to have kids, just not in this world.
Also yes I'll kill myself.

>> No.18679318

I am skeptical to the premise of this book and many other psychology books. The Life cannot be merely reduced to the anxiety of death. It is much more than that. Life is a celebration as well as mourning. It is birth (and perhaps rebirth) as much as death.

>> No.18679331

Yet another episode of what no pussy does to a mf. Many such cases.

These antinatalist and pessimists philosophies are the product of a depressed individual not the other way around.

>> No.18679348

To add a bit more into this, the book claims that there is a worm at our core that is the fear of death and all human activity and culture is a response to this, as a coping mechanism. So like much of psychology it is trying to explain the why of things instead of how and thus distancing themselves from any serious scientific inquiry and aligning with quasi spirituality. Hence the psychology is the new religion.

>> No.18679366

That’s the big problem with psychology. Because its subject matter is the individual, creating psychological hypothesis and believing them changes the individual in the process unlike natural sciences, so it is very tricky. If you are explained for example the reason you get headaches when you visit your family is that you want to sleep with your mom and kill your father, you might as well start thinking that way or if they say it was because you were molested as a kid you might create a false memory of it and think that you had a revelation about yourself after all your psychological investigations. So psychology for me is like the snake trying to catch its tail. And so there is hardly anything to find in it.

>> No.18679523

>It's radical acceptance of everything.
This is just Taoism, wtf

>> No.18679545
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Being this much of an idiot in 2021

>> No.18679781

any essential greek refugee reads besides that book?

>> No.18680780

O Russet Witch!

>> No.18681086

Is phaedo a good book?

>> No.18681101

I can only think of Serenity from the same author and perhaps a little bit captain Michalis and the fratricides of Kazatzakis though not quite and exactly.

>> No.18681549


>> No.18681567

But who determines significance? The vast universe doesn’t say anything one way or another. We are as significant or insignificant as we believe ourselves to be.

>> No.18681588

Second HG Wells. The ending to that book presents one of the bleakest visions of society I’ve ever read.

>> No.18682383
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>nuclear blackpill
The book is shit.
>People are afraid to die
>There for everything everyone does all the time is a cope to deal with the fear of death
>By the way fetishes, homosexuality and anal play with children is perfectly normal, I wrote three chapters proving that.
>If you disagree you are just repressing memories of shoving things up your ass as a child because of your fear of death.

>> No.18682663

but your definition of "significant" is just as arbitrary. everything depends on scale. to a mite on your eyelash, even just the hair on your upper and lower lid contains the whole universe. Litterally just a small part of you is the sum total plus much more than that one being will ever experience.

Largeness and smallness are just framing tools that require relativity for impact, and thus changing the lense changes the signifigance.

The one exception to this might be abstract concepts/perfect forms. but those are hypothetical, and without scale in themselves.

>> No.18683464

(Can't guarantee they're in english)
Story of a Prisoner, by Stratis Doukas
Bloody Soil, by Dido Sotiriou
Aivali, my homeland, by Fotis Kontoglou (in stark contrast to the others, he never speaks anout the atrocities and the death of his whole family, but chooses to narrate fond memories)

>> No.18683596

>By the way fetishes, homosexuality and anal play with children is perfectly normal, I wrote three chapters proving that.
wtf, I love this book now?

>> No.18683696

I think it's particularly bleak because the first thing that happens after you finish and go back into the world is you see exactly the same thing the narrator describes. It's like a double blackpill

>> No.18684007


>> No.18684012

>antisemitism is probably the most basic bluepill in existence but people like you can't be reasoned with
Yet the Semites Hate everyone else's Sacredness and Culture.

But non talk about their Hate...

>> No.18684021

amor fati is the stupidest idea ever conceived by any well known philosopher

>> No.18684183

The Preacher said the nature of women was a truth more bitter than death, their hearts full of snares and nets.

>> No.18684204

Lol get owned rural watercuck

>> No.18684626

Living isn’t bad, dying is. Because of death. To have always been dead is not to die. Are you retarded or was this a sarcastic post?

>> No.18684628

The Bible

>> No.18684633

>Being delusional primates in a rock
you have to go back (to reddit)

>> No.18684640

Humans are not infinitely small, we are literally the center of the moral universe.
Earth is the cosmic battleground between the forces of good and evil.
The whole "insignificant rock" meme is spouted by literal NPCs.

>> No.18684644

You didn’t read the book. Don’t use a specific number to make it seem like you did.

>> No.18684703
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>You didn’t read the book.
He goes into it in 3 separate chapters, about how anal play is perfectly normal and should not be discouraged in children and how fetishism is just the man picturing the """""natural"""""" hermaphrodite women and using the fetish item (he uses a shoe as example in the book) as a symbol for the female penis, with this object properly taking the place of the penis the man can now happily engage in sex.

It had a few good points but ultimately it's just a long defense of his fucked up sexuality.