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18658576 No.18658576 [Reply] [Original]

>'According to Spengler, the Western world is ending and we are witnessing the final season, the "winter" of Faustian Civilization. In Spengler's depiction, Western Man is a proud but tragic figure because, while he strives and creates, he secretly knows the actual goal will never be reached.'

>'Spengler predicted that about the year 2000, Western civilization would enter the period of pre‑death emergency whose countering would lead to roughly 200 years of Caesarism (extraconstitutional omnipotence of the executive branch of the central government) before Western Civilization's final collapse.'

The more I read about Spengler, the more he seems to have predicted the future.

>> No.18658589

Jesus Christ... 2 fucking centuries of Jewry infesting the constitution and the central banks raping us.


>> No.18658640

How is the new Arktos translation? Is it good?

>> No.18658648

>extraconstitutional omnipotence of the executive branch of the central government
What does this mean and what are the implications?

>> No.18658655

You can see it in Europe, where social liberties are being curbed more and more for the "safety of the general populace."

Just as with Augustus they will try and be sly and coy about control. Only when we are muzzled will we realise.

>> No.18658659

He's right.
Mere recent history has shown his philosophical truths. We've witnessed the collapse of a culture aimed towards metaphysics and spiritual ideas to one of practical commerce and formless urban masses.
However, just look at the EU. We are near the "Imperium." Which Toynbee called the Universal State. EU. NATO
I think the question now is who will run the show. It looks like the US.

>> No.18658668

The power of the government will increasingly fall into the hands of the Executive. Checks and balances on the branch will become weaker and weaker.

Look at how the President of America started and look where it is now. The increase of power that one branch has is significant.

>> No.18658673

Spengler even pointed out that money is what controls society. It's what he saw as the start of the Decline.

>> No.18658793

Also important to note: The power falls into the PERSON of the President and his PERSONAL role as President and his PERSONAL relationship with executive branches. It's not about his position, it's about HIM and HIS relationships.

>> No.18658809

>Spengler even pointed out that money is what controls society. It's what he saw as the start of the Decline.
Damn...only half a century after Marx? That's pretty deep ngl

>> No.18658840

Marxists are dogs who should be eviscerated.

>> No.18658843

You eviscerate dogs? Are you chinese or something?

>> No.18658855

But for Spengler, as I've heard, we are declining, not progressing, which is correct imo. I don't see us getting closer to utopia, but becoming more animalistic, devolving, until we are simply hedonistic sacks of biomatter incapable of anything but seeking sense stimuli.

>> No.18658903

Damn, only 1000 years after the Carmina Burana and 2000 after Socrates. Marx was avant-garde as fuck bro

>> No.18658909

Can you expand on this or point to a section?

>> No.18658926

The power of money created a bullwark within the old metaphysically derived institutions of society. Notice the Marxist idiots will miss the actual point here.
For example, the Republic or the Monarchy. These are institutions with deep metaphysical grounding in a high culture, perhaps for different reasons. Though let's take the American Republic as an example. It is something that came from the blood and soil. You had religious and or educated Europeans who made a cultural form rooted in their own metaphysical assumptions. It's based on ideas and people. It's prefigured on cultural happenings of the earliest colonies, how the settlers would mediate disputes by separation and use the expanse of the land to handle problems.
However, the latter day American Republic is based on moneyed interests. The capitalist has found cheaper labor by a new exports. People have become a commodity, this is why the capitalist is so in favor of open borders and migration, which is the destruction of the nation state. The moneyed interest, often in a unconscious collective, subverts all to its own need and ethic. It has replaced the racial and cultural notions of the American citizen and turned into a mere position of consumer and laborer. It's an evolution of the raiding mentality of the English, a Viking kind of a idea, the world as spoil.
Look at America 2020. The elite, the money led interest, want to turn every citizen into a consumer. No more shall they own property, but they will rent from the elite.
The moneyed interest dominate politics, to which there is only one solution to their ephemeral power: the man of blood. Money is an abstraction. The man of blood (not necessarily on violence), is the man of power. This is the authority that the people or culture trusts to answer the money. He is the Caesar man. All these problems happened before. Incidentally, land reform is a huge prefigure of turmoil.
The President is becoming more of a Caesar because the people entrust that position to be so. The culture has begun to rely on the executive.

>> No.18658935

>Carmina Burana
Tell me more

>> No.18658952

Isn't Marx making the opposite point, and that it's not about money?

>> No.18659127
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Short read


>That which is for me through the medium of money – that for which I can pay (i.e., which money can buy) – that am I myself, the possessor of the money. The extent of the power of money is the extent of my power. Money’s properties are my – the possessor’s – properties and essential powers. Thus, what I am and am capable of is by no means determined by my individuality. I am ugly, but I can buy for myself the most beautiful of women. Therefore I am not ugly, for the effect of ugliness – its deterrent power – is nullified by money. I, according to my individual characteristics, am lame, but money furnishes me with twenty-four feet. Therefore I am not lame. I am bad, dishonest, unscrupulous, stupid; but money is honoured, and hence its possessor. Money is the supreme good, therefore its possessor is good. Money, besides, saves me the trouble of being dishonest: I am therefore presumed honest. I am brainless, but money is the real brain of all things and how then should its possessor be brainless? Besides, he can buy clever people for himself, and is he who has [In the manuscript: ‘is’. – Ed.] power over the clever not more clever than the clever? Do not I, who thanks to money am capable of all that the human heart longs for, possess all human capacities? Does not my money, therefore, transform all my incapacities into their contrary?

>> No.18659203

Its not new

>> No.18659254

He's correct in broad strokes probably but there's no reason to believe his more specific predictions will come true because that level of accuracy is impossible.

>> No.18659343

What specific predictions can you articulate?

>> No.18659652

Right and wrong is beyond the point of any theory. All theories are wrong, some are useful. Spengler has proven time and time again to be very useful. But we should all remeber that Spengler's theory is wrong in a Kantian sense.

>> No.18659657

Didn't he actually go back and state that the dominance of modern technology having largely originated in the west could actually cause Faustian civilization to last much longer or something to that effect?

>> No.18659967
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But for how many people, though? I for one have confidence in the middle class INDIVIDUALS, I trust that many will detach themselves completely and start their own thing away from the cities. Sadly, the corporations have adopted convenient elements of totalitarian communism (advertising that seems more like propaganda, the exaltation of entertainers) and what I think is being discussed in executive offices was permitted by a capitalist coercion that will culminate in businesses giving into stakeholder models which is peak Marxism but anyway...

I don't think that human beings are necessarily social enough to work 100% for the collective, reading On Pain by Junger, it's come to my attention that through technology only the very creative or the very intelligent will avoid the many traps set up by the autocratic arm of this new stakeholder capitalism. The thing that's happening here is that the individualistic nature of humans is being taken advantage of to the extreme, everyone's being "divided and conquered" so to say as a mosaic of different identities. (regardless of political opinions, this is a reign of marketers, not intellectuals) My worry is that because business are catching on to the individuation that is taking place, the only uniting element for people will be products themselves and so now loyalty will be pledged to companies, not kings nor Gods. How are you going to unite individuals who have run away with the memories of being separated for so long in the cities still fresh in people's minds meanwhile the invading concrete blob will offer pleasure beyond your imagination...

>> No.18660017
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I did not sign up for this shit.

>> No.18660034

Im currently reading it. Why did non of you fucks told me that I have to be a specialist at mathemtics to understand it?

>> No.18660466

A lot of readers don't expect Spengler's actual philosophical thesis. But all that stuff makes sense of "predetermining history."

>> No.18661128

Think it like this. The Greeks were focused on sensuous, present bodily forms hence they developed geometry. The Arabs for mystical unknowns in the cavern so they developed algebra, and the Western obsession for infinite space led to mathematics of a grid of infinite range (Cartesian, actually found by Oresme) subdivided into tiny, infinitesimal cells (calculus)

>> No.18661309

His revelations abour Russia are far more impressive to me.
The collapse of communist ideas there and a revival of an original and innate Christendom with the year 2000.

Btw, there will never be another Caesar or Octavian.

>> No.18661340
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Time for me to become the new Rutilius Namatianus then

>> No.18661758

>the Republic or the Monarchy. These are institutions with deep metaphysical grounding in a high culture
The only metaphysical thing here is the level of bootlicking that you achieved.