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18655351 No.18655351 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that capture the online entrepreneur mindset?

>> No.18655475


they look like good lads.

>> No.18655532

>tfw making 6 figures selling marked up chink products by using social media as advertisement
I love the internet and fuck broke ass niggas

>> No.18656080
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>In philosophy and psychology, ressentiment is one of the forms of resentment or hostility. The concept was of particular interest to some 19th century thinkers, most notably Friedrich Nietzsche. According to their use, ressentiment is a sense of hostility directed toward an object that one identifies as the cause of one's frustration, that is, an assignment of blame for one's frustration. The sense of weakness or inferiority complex and perhaps even jealousy in the face of the "cause" generates a rejecting/justifying value system, or morality, which attacks or denies the perceived source of one's frustration. This value system is then used as a means of justifying one's own weaknesses by identifying the source of envy as objectively inferior, serving as a defense mechanism that prevents the resentful individual from addressing and overcoming their insecurities and flaws. The ego creates an enemy in order to insulate itself from culpability.
Yes OP, i'm sure if your dad was rich you'd beg him to raise the wages of all his employees for "the common good." I"m sure your just THAT good a person.

>> No.18656104

Capitalism is rather evil, isn’t it.

>> No.18656138

I've thought about what a company which would do right by its employees would look like in America, and I think I have found the solution.
1. Each employee gets a share in the company when they begin work, which is returned to the company in exchange for the market price when the employee leaves or is fired. The employees get quarterly dividends for this share.
2. The employees are the only shareholders which can vote on things which normally most shareholders can.
In this way, the company is run solely by its employees, who are more motivated to see the company do well because they are rewarded for it monetarily. Plus, the employees out of self-interest will make sure both that they are not screwed over and that the company does well.

>> No.18656141

>rich man bad

>> No.18656149

You Know I Had to Do It to Em by L. Luciano

>> No.18656167


>> No.18656173

That's called Anarcho-Syndicalism, read it up.

>> No.18656688

If youre a man, you talk politics into a webcam.
If youre a woman you show your asshole to a webcam.


>> No.18656735
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>> No.18656857

The issue isn't what he would do were he in that position. The question is whether or not it's the right thing to do. This literally has nothing to do with imagined beliefs and actions of individuals in counterfactual scenarios.
True statements are not an extension of the ego.
Why is it so hard for people to understand this?
Why do they always think in terms of "winning arguments" by means of social domination tactics and personal attacks? Why don't they instead see arguments as a process of vetting truth by means of logic????
Can't people step outside of themselves and this cheese ball social game just once????

>> No.18656965


you missed the point entirely

>> No.18656980
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Ha! Based.

>> No.18657235

the person who made this meme is clearly clueless

those types are like one of three categories

1. old wealth
2. have high professional parents (lawyers, accountants, doctors etc.)
3. parents run high level businesses like investments firms or tech related stuff

the minimum wage wont effect them since no one they hire besides the illegal cleaner they underpay already exists

>> No.18657262

..if they're Jews.

>> No.18657276
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Co-ops are gay, now get back to work faggot.

>> No.18657293

>socialists are clueless as to how the world works
Imagine my shock.

>> No.18657314

in USA minimum wage hike would literally only hurt small businesses

>> No.18657337

>muh liberals know how the world (liberalism) works

> the minimum wage wont effect them since no one they hire besides the illegal cleaner they underpay already exists
What part of “raising minimum wage” do you not get? They oppose it. In fact lobby to impose “right to work” laws to outlaw it.

>> No.18657346

No I did not. Try again.

>> No.18657350

Which could be easily offset with government funds.
But they won’t do that because they have a war machine and other billionaires draining them.

>> No.18657362

>muh liberals know how the world (liberalism) works
What did you mean by this?
>What part of “raising minimum wage” do you not get?
I get that it won't do jack shit for the company that already has workers being paid for significantly higher than minimum wage.

>> No.18657379

You're assuming people aren't retarded and won't let the power get to the top of their head.

>> No.18657383

What do you mean? Every employee would have the same voting power.

>> No.18657403

Ah, you’re just changing the category to just above minimum wage jobs. Never mind then.
Yeah, liberal capitalists

>> No.18657408

A big issue is that most of these voters are probably working menial jobs and don't have a clue as to how to run a company. They'll likely vote for really bad ideas that will run the company to the ground or at least be a big blunder.

>> No.18657419
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Just as long as we’re dumping the whole hierarchal structure too. Full co-op WSDE style syndicalism is a good start. But the wealthy class will, as they are now, actively trying to squelch it. It’s only a start.

>> No.18657426

Did you read >>18657235 at all? What goalpost was moved?

>> No.18657858

beautiful butterfly light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. The reason why is because the meme tries to portray the young WASPs as opposing minimum wage BECAUSE their dads business will be hurt. Now I'm sure these rich kids will oppose the minimum wage for a number of dumb and immoral reasons but their dads business being hurt is not one of them.

>> No.18657872

lol butters is now writing incoherent posts to get (you)'s.

>> No.18657889

>dividends for one share

You are retarded.

>> No.18657944

>raise minimun wage
>inflation goes up
>poorfags have the same buy power
>unproductive fags become unenployed
hmm... based ?

>> No.18657963

I'm an online entrepreneur.
So far I've made thirty dollars in online sales. I'm basically homeless and subsidize my lifestyle with welfare. Every day I go to an internet cafe and just sit around drinking one coffee while I work on my important business stuff. I live in a sailboat and wear mostly button up shirts. My guts have been irreparably damaged from eating canned food, and I clean myself by jumping in the ocean and then hosing myself down with a garden hose. It's been over a year since I had a real bath in a real bathtub, and I often fantasize about experiencing such a luxury. The last "real" job I had ended with me getting arrested after I beat down my employers jew nephew for mouthing off to me.
I do consider myself a temporarily embarrassed millionaire, and as a white guy without money or a college degree my only shot at social advancement is building something myself.
I've never met a left-winger that gave a single shit about me. If I ever succeed I'm certain they'll trip over themselves to tear me down. My life is motivated from a combination of spitefulness and fear. I fucking hate progressives, they all live in gated communities and rip down people who succeed because of their entitlement and resentment.

Case in point. Why should a small business need to have government approval just to exist? Have you ever tried applying for grants before? It's just corporate welfare for a small class of well-off shopkeepers, non-profits, and political groups. You don't care about small businesses at all, or workers, you just care about securing government handouts for yourself and your clique. Its vile, and you're completely insulated from the harm caused by policies you promote.

>> No.18658172

Just saying I misinterpreted the goalpost. Beg pardon.

Some rich people maintain minimum wage workers. The Waltons (Walmart) for one are notorious skinflints.

Here’s Yours.

I know I know. I haven’t bee a progressive lib in over a decade now. I don’t care for the mountains of red tape and can never trust legislators to do the right thing. It’s naïve to expect anything good to come of that route.

>> No.18658331

Id pick these lads over a pack of niggers any day

>> No.18658911
File: 49 KB, 512x423, intredasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro why don't we just set minimum wage to like $100 bucks an hour? Everyone would be millionaires!

>> No.18658917

they really don't

>> No.18658927

what a gay steretypical gay white outfit. thats like a mexican guy that only wears chinos and baggy white shirts, or a black dude that climbs trees naked and eats bananas all the time

>> No.18658951

At least none are niggers

>> No.18658958

>if your grandmother had balls, she'd be your grandfather, checkmate bro
He really didn't. Fuck you're retarded.


>> No.18659004

If you thought that analogy was in any way similar to his post then you 100% missed the point.

>> No.18659011

They don't even hire the cleaners. They hire a company which hires the cleaners. I remember reading an article in the NYT some years ago about a VP at Kodak who rose from being a cleaner; now-a-days the cleaners all work for a outside company.

>> No.18659027

Some of my friends and me sometimes look like that. I think having a group of friends like this is incredibly fun.

>> No.18659135

real american posting hours tonight huh

>> No.18659253

Anon I hope you pull it off somehow, if you really need some cash though set up some sexy female tinder profiles and tell guys they need to venmo you money if you're going to meet up. It's how I fed myself in college

>> No.18659293

It seems like it.

>> No.18659415

>They oppose it
Who do you mean "they"?

Is this version of butterfag an antisemite?

>> No.18659980
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>> No.18660097

Devious. I just might do this.

>> No.18660143

Id pic both of them desu senpai. Looks like it would be a fun party.

>> No.18660177

>The question is whether or not it's the right thing to do.
Who cares

>> No.18660210

learn how to dress man people are laughing at you