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18654233 No.18654233 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everything now days have to be ruined?

>> No.18654248

> Queer readings of the The Lord of the Rings are (((not accidents)))
You don't say!

>> No.18654250

How is it ruined anon? Can’t you read the books without thinking about cocks going into buttholes now?

>> No.18654265

Because you react negatively and share these small incidents in such a way not only do you bombard your own bubble of information and your small worldview with them, but also these writers providing these "news" services are forced to report on them more in increasingly hyperbolic capacity because it's your disgust, anger and reciprocal actions (such as this thread) that really prove that's where the money is: in raw, irrational and oftentimes unfounded emotion.

>> No.18654278

Nothing has been ruined, the original exists as it always has.
These "readings" are just the midwit version of comic book "what if..." spin-offs.

>What if superman landed in Russia
>What if superman was evil
>What if a human had landed on Krypton instead
>What if Hobbits were gay
>What if superman was trans
>What if Tony Stark was an accelerationist

These retards carrying the double burden of $200,000 worth of academic jargon and nothing interesting to say have always existed.

>> No.18654322

Whenever I see this shit I hear in Curtis Yarvin's voice, "The german cat"

>> No.18654329

What part of that bothers you?

>> No.18654346

The dismantling of friendship by the gays is the most evil psyop of all time.

>> No.18654352

I mean to be fair I think modern conceptions of male relationships have become really restrictive and so behaviour that would have seemed normal in the past is now seen as being gay and abnormal

>> No.18654354

/lit/ couldn't stop thinking about that before.

>> No.18654359

>The dismantling of friendship by the gays
The straights did that. Guys can't be friends with guys; they think it's gay.

>> No.18654360

>What if superman was evil
He is.
Evil is banal => superman is dumb => by helping everyone, he deprives everyone of painful stimuli needed for personal growth

Also, this cretin adheres to the deontological view of morality. Meaning, that if you interpret the problem differently than the underpants-over-trousers invincible guy, well, sucks to be you be you.

>> No.18654362

>sucks to be you

>> No.18654373

Unironically it's because of the diabolic tightening of gender roles. Men are not allowed to display any affection whatsoever towards anyone who are not their family, lest they be suspected as gays, and honestly, men only have themselves to blame for that shit. Women have the freedom to develop extremely deep bonds with each other without having their sexuality questioned ("besties"). My sister is a straight woman, but she has a lady friend so close to her a westerner might mistake them for lesbians. If I had a friend like that, I'd be called gay immediately, mostly as a joke, but jokes don't come from thin air, they reflect an underlying sentiment that the speaker just does not want to commit to, so it's delivered as jest to avoid consequences.

>> No.18654376

Actually white women did that by enabling the gays to inject their fucking fetish into healthy male friendships. It's impossible to have an actual bond between men now because that's gay territory in the subconscious of the straight man, even though gays have no feelings other than lust. No bonds between men, no resistance.

>> No.18654384

>Actually white women did that by enabling the gays-
Stop right there, bucko. Women think men fucking each other is hot just men think women fucking each other is hot. It has nothing to do with actual gays "injecting" anything. Most gay fanfictions aren't even written by gays of any gender, it's mostly straight girls thinking about gay guys.

>> No.18654385

>Men are not allowed to display any affection whatsoever towards anyone who are not their family, lest they be suspected as gays
Half of Plato's "Symposium" is a discussion, where people conjure up reasons why gay sex is superior and women not needed.

>diabolic tightening of gender roles
Doubtful. Once again, ancient Greeks.

>> No.18654387

>My sister is a straight woman, but she has a lady friend so close to her a westerner might mistake them
I have bad news for you...

>> No.18654391

What's your point? We're not living ancient greece with its very open embrace of homosexuality and intensity of male bonds. We're thousands of years past that. Gender roles have took on different, more restrictive definitions since then.

>> No.18654392

She's married. She has a kid.
Miss me with your westoid brain.

>> No.18654444

>What's your point? We're not living ancient greece with its very open embrace of homosexuality and intensity of male bonds.
My point is exactly that ancient greek difference in gender roles has led to the embrace of homosexuality. Because homosexuality is where homosociality is.

>We're thousands of years past that

>> No.18654446

>genre fiction
>not inherently gay
tip top kek

>> No.18654456

So your point is that homosexuality and homosociality are essentially one and the same?

>> No.18654460

I always thought Tom Bombadil was a fucking faggot

>> No.18654463


Sailors, prisoners, Spartans, British gentlemen - all start pounding each other in the ass, once you exclude women for long enough.

>> No.18654468

If there’s anything I’ve learned from history it is that men will stick their dicks in literally anything.

>> No.18654469

Now give me a reason why male homoscoiality cannot exist in the presence of women when female homosciality exists just fine in the presence of men.

>> No.18654473

That really has nothing to do with average male friendships in the present day. How often do you see dudes hug each other in public? Almost never

>> No.18654489

>Women think men fucking each other is hot

Can someone actually verify this? I never get the impression outside of degenerate online communities. I feel like arousal to seeing the opposite sex fuck itself is mainly a male thng

>> No.18654515

Have you hung around women IRL at all?

>> No.18654521

Oh come on, man. This faggot degeneracy wasn't the norm back in 2001 but you could still take one look at Fellowship and say that Sam and Frodo were fucking off screen.

>> No.18654529

As far as I remember women enjoy Lesbian porn the most.

>> No.18654536

You're too well read for this gaggle of faggots, my man.

>> No.18654547

Tolkien was a devout Catholic, he was a persecuted minority in a protestant country. He literally converted Lewis to Christianity by some autistic monologues about sanctifying myths.

>> No.18654555

>Why does everything now days have to be ruined?
Money. Large media companys are struggling. They have too much overhead and supply something you can get for free. Thats the answer.

>> No.18654567

>The straights did that.
I dont assume every male friend of mine is trying to fuck me. I dont assume it of others either. When i see two guys hanging out I assume they are friends. By default. Is this all of a sudden out of the ordinary?

>> No.18654574

>bisexual until graduation (BUG)

Evidently because men understand that you can like and respect someone without needing to fuck them. When a man "likes" a woman, he doesn't really like her. His primal brain is hyperstimulated and desires sexual release inside of the warm hole that stands before him. Modern feminism has brainwashed unsuspecting boys to mistake this feeling for feelings of camaraderie. When you befriend a man, it is seldom because you just so happened to see him and thought by looks alone he could be a good friend. Often, he's introduced to you by someone else, or he's performed some action that's caught your attention; the way he speaks, or perhaps a sense of humour, or a common interest. By any means, he has to prove himself to be worthy of your respect before you consider befriending him. Women do no such thing. It's simply unrealistic to expect a man to like a woman in the platonic sense, because if you strip a woman of her looks, she is at best a considerable dowry. When a woman likes someone, male or female, there is a trigger in their brain that says "fuck them". This is because when you like someone, they've proven themselves to be exceptional in some way. Thus for women, a primordial instinct to latch onto a suitable provider kicks in.

A better question to be asking is why are women not more inclined to be Lesbians... The answer is that women are generally unlikeable beyond looks. Men are aware of this, and any man dating a 30+ yo woman is living in vanity and cope.

>> No.18654579

Women do think that men fucking each other is hot, it's a very common fantasy, especially if it mimics heterosexual gender roles

>> No.18654585

>>What if Tony Stark was an accelerationist

I'd like to read this one ngl

>> No.18654600

based retard agreeing while posting with a tone of disagreement

>> No.18654605
File: 492 KB, 1280x704, DDE18CD8-F3A9-4E27-A3EA-78E6804540DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never enjoyed a close and emotional friendship with another man
actually very sad.

>> No.18654618

chudcels irrefutably btfo forever

>> No.18654665

it's a polygon article. if you take stupid shit like this seriously you are going to waste your whole life

>> No.18654681

No, you couldn't, unless you were a fucking degenerate.

>> No.18654691

I don't think it's the polygon article in particular, but rather the general movement to make LOTR out to be some LGBT-positive garbage

>> No.18654769

The worst thing about the internet is that you can't beat people up over it.

>> No.18654784

>Queer reading of The Lord of the Rings are not an accident
Oh, it's an accident, and not due to anything in the text. In a society in which homosexuality is open and even encouraged, male friendship with any meaningful degree of intimacy is interpreted as homosexuality. Even reading that probably sounded gay to you didn't it? That's because your brain is infected by faggotry to the point that it prevents you from forming meaningful male friendships. Homosexuality causes a society to rot and breaks down its social connections.

>> No.18654791

Tolkien grew up in an all-male environment. He couldn't depict any emotions and romantic relationship that wasn't between men. We all know, what British homosociality lead to.

>> No.18654797

Frodo Faggins

>> No.18654834

This applies to >>18654521 >>18654791 quite clearly.

>> No.18654892


>> No.18654915

>Can someone actually verify this?
Porn is unnatural as fuck. I like women kissing each other because women are pretty, but seeing two girls have actual sex as a spectator feels kind of lame once I realize I can't join in. But then again all porn is cuck porn. It only works on me if I can self-insert.

>> No.18654928

Scratch that I swapped the genders. Women do have a fetish for that though.

>> No.18654978

Progressivism is a totalitarian ideology.

It won't rest until it's infecting every facet of life in the world. It's greatest desire, more than anything else, is to grow into a total state environment - where everyone is plugged into it politically and ideologically, even if to "fight" against it. It requires this for it is the lifeblood of the oligarchical regime sustaining progressivism.

>> No.18655018

I think everyone can see this. From what ISP you choose to what email you choose to what food you eat to which car you drive to which shoes you wear, everything will have political meaning and everything will have to be approved by the Party or you'll be unpersoned.
I mean I pointed out why the fuck would Volkswagen have "we drive driversity" as their slogan, what the fuck do cars have to do with diversity? Nope, nothing, I'm just paranoid. There's no long term push going on, move along

>> No.18655250

Imagine inferring this from a bunch of literally whos on the internet talking about gay dwarves. I definitely believe there is such a thing as "too serious/dramatic to live".

>> No.18655257

>noooo how dare you enter my heckin' fun thread!

>> No.18655303

This isn't about the thread, it's about the article itself, dummy. A bunch of literally whos on a fucking meme buzzfeed-tier journalism website (polygon) talking about gay dwarves. And you choose to have a melodramatic soliloquy over it.

>> No.18655308

The article doesn't matter. If two men are close people won't think friends, they'll think gay.

>> No.18655312
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>> No.18655339

OK, kinda based ngl.

>> No.18655342
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>> No.18655353

Polygon is a socialized leftist page. You can't ignore that when reading their articles.

>> No.18655356

Just stop spazzing out and go make close friends, no one's holding you back.

>> No.18655369

male friendship and homosexuality are not mutually exclusive, anon.

>> No.18655390

What, that's having a frail masculitiny. If you're enjoying your time with a friend who the fuck cares what other people think

>> No.18655394

You're missing his point and I'm beginning to think intentionally so.

>> No.18655397

>everything is gay now!
Riveting. There's too much autism in the air here, just go out and do what you want without obsessing over what internet ghosts say.

>> No.18655403

Indeed. How can you be friends with someone, if he doesn't trust you enough to let you enter his ass?

>> No.18655412

Isn't he speaking about an oligarchy being build by the new progesist elite?
If you don't care about hierarchies and live on the fringe of modern society whatever movement and ideologies they're trying to push shouldn't bother. Hell, even if you live in a city just be practical and treat everyone with respect while not being overly interactive with them.

>> No.18655417
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Humanities departments are not just dead but actively pursuing delusions & evil

>> No.18655420

I want to Queer /Lit/

>> No.18655425
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>it's not hurting you personally so what's the problem?
Out, you Liberalist trash.

>> No.18655438
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>> No.18655455

ah yes

>> No.18655473

I'm all for the freedom of press but agencies that thrive on manufactured controversy and write articles to piss people off intentionally should be eviscerated with in the town square. There should be laws against this kind of shit. Hard written laws that leave no room for interpretation.

>> No.18655483

And how would you distinguish free press from manufactured controversies and bait articles?

>> No.18655514

Hey faggot! They're not gay, they're hobbits!

>> No.18655517

Haven't been there in over 2 years. Try again.

>> No.18655584

>Plato says the ideal form of love is between two friends because it remains uncorrupted by the desire of flesh
Academics don't start with the Greeks

>> No.18655607

Yeah they start with me.

>> No.18655609

Wow, so the Greeks were incestuous bastards, then?

>> No.18655617

Nigga what you be talm bow

>> No.18655647

those many """news""" websites are losing money and are kept afloat by billionaire liberals who want to spread their woke propaganda.
Reminder that Amazon literally discussed about the fact that diversity in the workplace decreases the likelihood of workers from unionizing. Reminder that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post. Reminder that this is a single example from many more.

>> No.18655654

t. literal virgin. you have no idea how hard it is for uncloseted bisexuals to get women to date them.

>> No.18655657

Galehaut in the prose Lancelot is gay as fuck, they could have focused on that, but instead they chose one of the most popular middle english poems to prove just how fucking illiterate and lazy they are

>> No.18656403

>1,examine the character of an article
>2,if it has anything to do with identitarian themes kill everyone involved with it because nobody ever wrote an article about fags, race, political inclinations of the general population etc without expecting some sort of controversy and ALL controversy is intentional

>> No.18656416

Flicking your bean to gay sex is not the same as wanting to date a faggot.

>> No.18656458

>Reminder that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

"Jeff Bezos owns the Post. But he does not actually own the Post. If he started exercising guidance over the tone and direction of the news desk’s reporting, people would laugh. If he proved he was serious, people would leave. Jeff Bezos could destroy the Post, but not control the Post"

"My theory of the Times is that the Sulzbergers were the last great press dynasty which actually maintained a kind of supervision over the news desk—keeping it focused, consistent with the Hoppean theory of monarchical time preference, on the long-term interests of the institution and even (gasp!) the nation."
"This is why people think Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos have power—political power, to be exact. (They obviously have professional power.) They look like something that your immune system is looking for. Actually, they are unimportant, harmless bacteria. You are right that you have a fatal disease. It is one your body recognizes as self.
To the fully enlightened observer, the crackdown of 2021 proves just the opposite: the tech “oligarchs” have no power at all. "

"However, if Zuck is subject to some kind of oligarchic power, he is in exactly the same position as his own moderators. He exercises power, but it is not his power, because it is not his will. The power does not flow from him; it flows through him. This is why we can say honestly and seriously that he has no power. It is not his, but someone else’s.
Why doth Zuck ban shitlords? Is the creator of “Facemash” passionately committed to social justice? Well, maybe. He may have no power, but he is still a bigshot. Bigshots often do get religion in later life—especially when everyone around them is getting it. But—does he have a choice? If he has no choice—he has no power."