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18652183 No.18652183 [Reply] [Original]

I recently had an epiphany. I discovered that I am a LOSER. Not in a self-hating or self conscious way, just that I finally understood my station. I'm "that guy".
>no friends
>no gf
>no job
>no driver's license
>live with parents
>poor social skills
>idiosyncratic and/or antisocial behaviours, quirks, opinions, hobbies
>mid-20s already
Wondering if there are any classic examples of /loser/ /lit/ I'm missing out on. Hardmode: no Houellebecq

>> No.18652216

Confederacy of Dunces
Also get a job you fucking loser

>> No.18652226


>> No.18652231

The Loser, by Thomas Bernhard.

>> No.18652259
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You're doing the right thing looking for books about loserdom. No cap lean into it, bro. "Like portion hath he that abideth at home, and if one warreth his best, and in one honour are held both the coward and the brave; death cometh alike to the idle man and to him that worketh much." My man Homer said that. Here's something you should read, neph: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lafargue/1883/lazy/ch01.htm

>> No.18652263

Catcher In The Rye

>> No.18652311

Notes from the underground

Maybe you can achieve the pleasure of being a massive loser as the narrator mentions.

>> No.18652321

*achieve pleasure from

>> No.18652565

Why is it always a man that's a loser and never a woman?

>> No.18652573

>mid-20s already
you're not a loser yet

>> No.18652655
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Because the bar is so, so low for women who aren't grotesquely obese or genetically defective. I can't just offer exclusive access to my naked body to someone in exchange for *basically* everything I could ever need.

>> No.18652659

It's not looking good... I don't much like thinking about my future.

>> No.18652688
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Good job realizing it OP. When I came to the same realization it was such an amazing load off my shoulders. So funny how 99.9% of guys are trying to be Alpha when in reality only 0.1% of guys really are.

As for your question, I would recommend searching literotica for stories with the keyword "cuckold". https://search.literotica.com/?query=cuckold

>> No.18652718
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Skip the trying to venture up the normie route, you're unemployable. Besides, if you feel at home here, I'd wager that even if you get all those markers of worldy success you'll be unhappy anyway. Take this is an invitation to do something all your own with your life even if nobody ever hears about you. It's a joy to create yourself, even if nobody understands.

>> No.18652719

>The Loser consists almost entirely of its (unnamed) narrator's recollections of and ruminations on his relationships with two pianist friends: one named Wertheimer, the other named Glenn Gould. As we learn, Wertheimer and the narrator were students in a piano class taught by Vladimir Horowitz at the Mozarteum in Salzburg in 1953. There they met a young Canadian Wunderkind who played the Goldberg Variations miraculously and who, they quickly came to realize, was a greater pianist than even their teacher – indeed, "the most important piano virtuoso of the century," as the narrator puts it in the novel's opening sentence.

The IRL Glenn Gould was not a fan of competition, virtuosity, Mozart, or Horowitz, and was shy, introverted, and somewhat naive, so they're really not off to a great start in this novel. The character who kills himself out of guilt and feelings of inferiority is not a common type in the current year, either. Most lack the proper element of self-reflection. I think a better foil for the genius in such a scenario would be the calculating climber whose ressentiment leads her/him to sabotage and to "wear the skin" of her/his more successful rival.

Also see "In Search of Alberto Guerrero" by John Beckwith for a historical account of being a student alongside Glenn Gould.

>> No.18652869
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He wasn't shy exactly, he had a long term affair with a friend's wife (and other women, from a young age), his own radio show, lots of studio collaborators for his music. He wasn't overly concerned about his public image, feeling that the final product of his musical recordings was more important than touring. He relied quite heavily on his early teachers but didn't require a lot of guidance after that (late teens). He was theoretically minded more than anything, rarely practiced on an instrument, preferring instead studying scores and other materials, and his work came from that. (This is the main difference between Horowitz, as he was theoretically deficient and his 'talent', intuition, made him sloppy and kitschy. Truly Gould would never take a lesson from Horowitz.) Really nice and personable guy, in his neurotic way. Open-minded too; I doubt he hated much and was always willing to listen to people's likes and interest even if he didn't share them. Gave tons of interviews. Also ate out often and walked extensively through busy Toronto streets. He was a sociable adult rather than some retiring juvenile, even from a young age. (My mom worked at the CBC during his heyday.) Richter was as talented yet far crazier and paralysed by society, probably the culmination of both Horowitz's and Gould's gifts, both soul and faithful renditions with correct technique. Anyway, this series with Menuhin gives a sense of his demeanour. https://youtu.be/AABQYAPK_Ek

>> No.18652876

Men are more likely to have low IQs

>> No.18652887

what's man's purpose in life, if not to be the best he can so he may pass on his genes
what's a woman's purpose if not to simply choose the best man.

>> No.18652903

my diary desu

>> No.18652905
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People always say this cliche stuff but if you were serious about it you'd just always go donate sperm at sperm banks. Man's real purpose in life is to know and walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

>> No.18652922
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The Last Binge Ever Volumes 1 - 3

>> No.18652927
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Don’t start with this shit.

>> No.18652987

>My mom worked at the CBC during his heyday
Opinion discarded.

>> No.18653094
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Because you're a victim of contemporary left vs. right propaganda? I feel sorry for you that you hate the entire histrory of a news network, probably enough to actively cause you stress, because someone got you worked up in the internet about jews and browns and liberals. Although despite it all, these petty delusions are probably your only source of pride and perhaps your only tenuous connection to whatever passes for reality for you. So at least you have that.

>> No.18653110

The funniest book about a loser I've read is The Dog of the South. If you want something darker try Wise Blood.

>> No.18653149

I joke, of course, but you also clearly have no musical understanding, or sense of those performers' opinions or personalities.

>> No.18653197
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Hey it's been their business model for 2000 years
There's no reason to care about a loser, by definition no one cares aboit them. They can't even be side characters in someone else's story since that would involve the protagonist caring about them. Houellebecq's characters are seldom genuine losers; they are usually burned out or jaded sure but not to the point where they are totally alone.

>> No.18653477

I am pleasantly surprised that you recognized this and admitted it. That is the first step towards unlosering yourself.
I had a similar realization recently, not about life station per se, but about how I regard myself as a thoughtful, civilized person. It turns out, most of my instincts are and have been very wrong and ugly and stupid and impulsive. So now I must spend a lot of time reprogramming myself not to be the person I've been for twelve years: an overinflated sense of intelligence, a superficial knowledge of dozens of topics but with a serious and mature understanding of almost nothing.
I have no right to lecture anybody about anything until I grow up.

>> No.18653826

nice journal entrie

>> No.18653843

Nearly all literature has this theme to some degree.

Knut Hamsun's Hunger. It's "we live in a society" but very well written "we live in a society."
Kafka's entire bibliography is just different variations about coping with being a loser.
Like another anon said, Notes From Underground, but Crime and Punishment is basically just a better version of Notes and it has the same themes.
Also Thomas Mann's work is riddled with protagonists who are introverted and go against society's norms in some way.

And if you want the mother of them all, read Proust. But Proust is the final boss and should not be read until you are like 30.

>> No.18653984

read Bukowski, do everything not to be like him.

>> No.18654162

books about Napoleón

>> No.18654172

Robert Walser - The Tanners, The Walk

>> No.18654255

most guys in their 20s are losers. just make sure you get your shit together soon. you don't want to be like this in your 30s. it's not a good look

>> No.18654374
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>> No.18654472
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how old of a loser are you?

if you are 19 and you are those things you are not a loser. you are only a loser if you reach 30 and you are still those things

i am 35 and a loser

>did poorly in middle school and high school(i think i was in special ed)
>have had no friends since middle school(even in middle and elementary school i didn't have that many. i was a social retard)
>didn't get driver's license until recently
>recently a neet
>all my jobs were given to me by my aunt(i am too mentally ill and socially inept to get a job by myself)

the stranger in the woods (about christopher thomas knight)

the superfluous man literature is relatable if you are a neet

>> No.18654504 [DELETED] 

i had a 2nd grade reading level in 9th grade and didn't give a shit about academics
that changed when i got a laptop and taught myself

>> No.18654550
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>be OP
>get a hoe of a girlfriend
>impregnate her
>get a wageslave dead-end job
Look mom, I'm a WinNeR!

>> No.18654556

House of Leaves. The book has two protagonists, but the one called Johnny will probably be very relatable to you, especially once you start to realize that half the shit he is saying is made up

>> No.18654564

Notes from the underground man
Diary of a Wimpy vt4m2Kid

>> No.18654583

this. i don't get it. am i supposed to believe that my dipshit cousin who has 2 illegitimate kids and a gambling addiction is a "winner", just because he has a gf, job , and drivers licence? normies man

>> No.18654615

no one considers that being a winner. that's the bare minimum. Being a winner is having a good relationship with your hot wife, and a good job where you don't work too much but that pays well.

>> No.18654617

Men have been cursed with the gift of introspection and superior judgment. Throughout all known history only men were the ones who found flaws in themselves, in their societies, in their beliefs, in their militaries and in the world as a whole. The only flaw a woman can conceivably find is in their make up.

>> No.18654633

>lots of friends
>live by myself
>adequate social skills
>generative hobbies
>early 20s
>feel the same as when I was an unemployed loser
physical things don't matter u need to escape samsara

>> No.18655640

Wholesome. Nice take :)

>> No.18655670

Damn I know a few that could benefit from such enlightenenement

>> No.18655686

I would just like a woman to shower and watch movies and stuff with. No intense commitments are required. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out you all would prefer me to retarded niggers like Julio or Stephen even if they are more willing to kiss your ass. You stop by for me sometimes and go back to whichever dumbass. I don't fucking care what you do.


>> No.18656274

Fuck, how i miss this guy