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18650508 No.18650508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do white people realize that every time they go to Church they are worshipping Jewish invented Critical Race Theory?

That was invented in a Jewish financed proto Frankfurt School?

Lol @ these brainwashed sheep. Literally worshipping a mind control weapon that was designed to ideologically subvert them, strip them of in group preference, and turn them into guilt ridden sheep.

In the 20th century the Jews then turned this weapon of war into secular form.

Progressive Liberalism = Secular Christianity.

White savior = Jesus
White guilt = Original Sin
Virtue Signalling = Christian Penance
"Equality" = the Christian belief that we are all equal under Jesus.

All white peoples ethics, worldview, fundemental frameworks, were constructed by Jews who were trying to subvert you, mentally before physically. They turned you into missionaries and evangelists who work towards the destruction of your own race without you even knowing.

>> No.18650510
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>> No.18650521

History of Christianity-> some rich kike (Philo of Alexandria) financed a school (proto Frankfurt School) and told them to come up with an ideology to subvert white peoples tribal instincts (the Romans who they were at war with), turn them against each other and subconsciously tie them to Jews. They took Zoroastrianism and thew in some Greek philosophy (Plato) to make it sound legitimate, but the overall aim was mental colonialism and to create submissive slaves.

>> No.18650541 [DELETED] 
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Yes. xtians are a disease that need to be purged. but only after the jews.

>> No.18650555

>There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Ethnocentrism and racism go against everything that Christ stood for, that's why racist Jews hate it so much.

>> No.18650584

But was Nazism just a rehashed version of the chosen people?

> In The Judaism of Hitler, as well as in A Queer Choice and The Crank, Chesterton made much of the fact that the very notion of "a Chosen Race" was of Jewish origin, saying in The Crank: "If there is one outstanding quality in Hitlerism it is its Hebraism" and "the new Nordic Man has all the worst faults of the worst Jews: jealousy, greed, the mania of conspiracy, and above all, the belief in a Chosen Race."

>> No.18650602

>Jewish invented Critical Race Theory?
>That was invented in a Jewish financed proto Frankfurt School
Lmao /pol/tards will really blame every problem in their lives on Marx, Marcuse and adorno without reading a single word of their writings because /pol/ told them to and then go on to call other people sheep in the nrxt sentence

>> No.18650604
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>and told them to come up with an ideology to subvert white peoples tribal instincts (the Romans who they were at war with)

lol Romans were globohomos at heart

> “And neither does the sea nor a great expanse of intervening land keep one from being a citizen [of Rome], nor here are Asia and Europe distinguished. But all lies open to all men. No one is a foreigner who deserves to hold office or to be trusted, but there has been established a common democracy of the world.” - Aelius Aristides, 2nd century pagan Roman

So what naturally happened is that a globohomo people and empire got taken over by a globohomo religion.

>> No.18650641

Baby just discovered post-
modern analysis, you are pretty late to the game anon, care to offer us something else instead of pure criticism and deconstruction?

>> No.18650648

Neopagans are postmodernists since they reject universal truths unlike Christianity.

>> No.18650653

I can’t imagine anything created or developed by African Americans to not have some Christian characteristics. Hell heaven their versions of Judaism and Islam have a lot of Christian elements.

>> No.18650674
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globohomo is the basis of western civilisation

>> No.18650707

>ideology to subvert white peoples

Yes cause they ultimately planned to also subvert a bunch of savage krauts living in swamps who they’ve never met.

>> No.18650827

Christianity is explicitly anti-racist.

>> No.18651852

I dunno, dawg, the Good Samaritan seems pretty straightforward to me. But by all means continue giving the game plan away with your schizophrenic ramblings.