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/lit/ - Literature

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18649359 No.18649359 [Reply] [Original]

Either introduction level shit or higher level discussion is fine. As long as it's not some dude just reading a book out loud, but people actually talking about the subject.

>> No.18649371

justin murphy

>> No.18649421

Partially examined life seems to be exactly what you want. I'm still learning a lot of stuff, and I felt it was a bit too much of a stretch for me, but it might be your thing.

>> No.18649449
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Kali Tribune.

Hands down the best. You can tell the guy knows what he's talking about from the awful quality of it.
4K for philosophy? Yea fuckin right, tranny

>> No.18649499

Peter Adamson history of philosophy is really good he can read 9 languages and his history of islamic world's philosophy is superb. I think he's been doing it for 10 years now, if he didn't have a PhD In Islamic and platonic philosophy it would be a miss but since it's published by Oxford you know it's good quality.

>> No.18649519

Pill Pod

>> No.18649594
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>justin murphy

>> No.18649601

That is a man.

>> No.18649620

I'm not going to watch your podcast justin fuck off
this is what I wanted, thank you
and you are a faggot

>> No.18649641

I like Uberboyo's podcast. Its just audio from his Youtube videos, but I get to download them on Spotify, which is neat.

>> No.18649647

Ya have to get juicy boyo

>> No.18649648


>> No.18649667

I want a tall girl, but all of them are trannies! Wtf!

>> No.18649673

Recommend me some book tubers too

>> No.18649675


>> No.18650099

based and no-gaps-pilled

>> No.18650124

Booktubers are incomprehensible to me, why watch a video when you could be reading? I assume this is how people who actually like video games feel about streamers, though, and i do watch them from time to time

>> No.18650141

Should I make a youtube account and discuss philosophy? I promise quality, but I can't promise quantity because of the time and effort it would take. That's the main reason I hesitate to do it.

>> No.18650150

it's about finding what to read not listening to what they have to say about it

>> No.18650155

But streaming a video game is actually observing someone perform an activity. You can’t watch someone read and see the things the words make them think.
However, I give exceptions when people offer heir analyses on books. Of course typically they just offer ‘reviews’ and spend thirty minutes finding an arduous way to say “it was too long”

>> No.18650156

If you want success then probably not that requires a consistent output of videos at the very least.

>> No.18650200
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This podcast told me more about Islamic philosophy than I ever thought existed.

>> No.18650207

Hmmm, I see. I still don't really find it appealing, I guess, simply because I'd rather read a review. I don't really enjoy watching things in general

>> No.18650264
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Except livestreams apparently.

>> No.18650349

The literary culture of individual video games is sadly lacking. I definitely miss the gamefaq era

>> No.18650534

"Philosophize This" is really good but it explains philosophical subjects rather than "discusses" them, but it's worth a listen. Episodes are short too so you won't get bored

>> No.18650549

History of philosophy without any gaps is by far the best: https://historyofphilosophy.net/

>> No.18650582

and this man indeed started with the greeks.
I second this podcast. It's quite good.

>> No.18650868

There are only three classes of watchable booktubers:
1. The Intelligent Analysis ones
2. The Good Recommendations ones
3. The Cute Waifus ones

(1) does not exist. watch some lectures or talks instead;
(2) are way too personal taste/interest dependent to be worth recommending;
(3) should be avoided to be shared on /lit/ at all costs.

>> No.18650952

FUCK, that's a qt girl... name?

>> No.18650990

Without Gaps and Philosophize This!
Philosophize This! has seen a huge leap in quality over the years and while I was very hesitant when I listened to a couple of the early episodes, it felt dumbed down especially when compared with Adamson's podcast, the more recent episodes on 20th century philosophy are great.

I can't stand The Partially Examined Life. I can't speak to the actual content but I just can't stand the more informal aspects of some of it, and something about the inflections in their voice's gets on my nerves.

>> No.18651201

Anon, I...

>> No.18651452

>I just can't stand the more informal aspects of some of it, and something about the inflections in their voice's gets on my nerves.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

>> No.18651485

Here you go Anon :)

>> No.18651497


fuck... I mean I still would tho, I'm sohorny right now. am I gay?

>> No.18651527

What a butterface

>> No.18651731

This. "Philosophize This" is the best one for beginners.

>> No.18651738

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps is great, but it's a shame he's forced to spend so much time on garbage like Frederick Douglass or Booker T. Washington. Not just because they're worthless, but because spending so much time jerking off about the state religion cuts into time that could be spent on actual African philosophy and thought. Oh wow, this coon justifies stealing White people's stuff using a bad interpretation of Locke, how amazing! You know what doesn't get brought up? The novel metaphysics of the Igbo cosmology.

PEL suffers in part because of the author's biases. I can't blame them for not being interested in things they aren't interested in, but there's huge swathes of Philosophy that they just completely ignore. For Shitlibs who are desparately hoping no one finds their "yeah, so, we unironically voted for hillary, but we're not going to do any girl philosophers lmfao ayyyyoooo" dirt-bag left stuff, they surprisingly Eurocentric, only occasionally dipping their toes into the absolute bare minimum of stuff like Hinduism or Islam or Buddhism or Confucianism so that they can say they covered it.

>> No.18651752

Hermitix has the best guests, not all are professional philosophers, but it seems most are.

>> No.18651767

Hermitix's rules are that Metanomad has to find you at least vaguely interesting and you have to have published under your own name (no pseudonyms). He's a good dude.

>> No.18651783
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Yes, the science is settled: traps are gay.

>> No.18652173
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The latest pod about McLuhan is amazing.

>> No.18652203

The worst part is throwing that shit in with Egyptian and Indian philosophy. African Americans have not produced a truly interesting thinker in their entire history.

>> No.18652255

damn... she's a big girl...ahgmk

>> No.18652500
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In Our Time on BBC Radio 4 especially the episodes where Melvyn gets annoyed with some academic waffling on.

>> No.18652737

>Frederick Douglass or Booker T. Washington
>Oh wow, this coon justifies stealing White people's stuff using a bad interpretation of Locke, how amazing!
Are you stupid? Both Douglass and Washington were for private property and never advocated for stealing it, Washington specifically called for African Americans to become economically wealthy by working to own their own land. Both Douglass and Washington are rejected by today's African American "thinkers" because they weren't socialist.

>> No.18652748

That’s the sound I made when seeing OP

>> No.18652792

What does AHGMK mean? Does it mean "Ah! Howdy Giantess! My Koran!"

>> No.18652847


>> No.18652875

The undisputed champion of philosophy podcasts.

>> No.18652883

Not philosophy, but the episode about the industrial revolution where he attacks the guest arguing that the traditional Britain-focused account of the IR is chauvinistic is a classic.

>> No.18652931

I would suck her pp, no shame.

>> No.18653032

Miles upon miles of nigger cock

>> No.18653060

>>>All boys with big dinkies are turning into cock worshipping girly boys for some reason
>>>A lot of the most physically cut guys out there turn out to be Grindr trolling faggots

Kek. You niggers have no idea how good you actually have it these days

>> No.18653469

Forgive me Lord

>> No.18654086

Answer me!>>18652792

>> No.18654145

The only podcast worth listening to is Plato's podcasts from 2000 years ago. /thread

>> No.18654580

What does a girls cock taste like?

>> No.18654612

>that face
kek looks like a 30 year old english bloke

>> No.18654619

D E C O D E cast

>> No.18654628

like a man’s cock. good.

>> No.18654646

Is it even possible for a podcast to adequately explain Lacan and D&G

>> No.18654660

>needing podcasts
>not listening to socrates directly on the streets

>> No.18654794

qt numena pls

>> No.18655029

so all that a thread needs to survive in 4chan is the pic of a cute tranny?

>> No.18655053

yes. I fapped many times today to her pics.

>> No.18655076

Why are podcasts so popular, especially with midwits? For something that basically amounts to morning radio talk shows, complete with advertisements scattered throughout, there is an overwhelming amount of people desperately wanting to listen to them. I know that the an underlying issue is that it is easier to listen to people talk about something rather than the listener actually reading a philosophy text, repairing a car, traveling into the woods, etc. But there seems to be a draw, a need, a desperate want, for podcasts by a lot of people I know. Why is it that many of my acquaintances begin conversations with, "Yeah, I heard recently on a podcast that ..."? Why do they listen to ad-laden drivel by people not much smarter than them than read a book or even watch television? Is that it -- that it's the 'high class' liberal version of television?
What is it /lit/?

>> No.18655100
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Because you cannot read a book while working out, driving or at your job. But you can listen to a podcast. You do other things with your life besides staying home all day and occasionally reading, right anon?

>> No.18655108

Why listen to a podcast than an audio book or music?

>> No.18655179

holy shit
are you american?
why are you acting like such a retard

>> No.18655204

What do you gain from listening to the podcast? Trivia. Like anon said, it basically amounts to morning radio.
Your time is much better spent in contemplation while working out or whatever. Even music is better exercise for your intellect.

>> No.18655214

yea this one is great, if you carefully listen to the podcast and study some of the philosophers in it more closely you'll genuinely have a better background in (history of) philosophy than most bachelor degree phil students.

>> No.18655246

Normies see podcasters as figures of authority on subjects. Talking about that subject is their 'job' so they must have valuable insight, r-right.
Podcasts, while easy to mindlessly consume, also require a time investment. As if listening to 'professionals' basically just talk about a blurb for two hours is equal to spending two days studying a topic.
Conversation starters. Identifiers. I'll watch people have in depth conversations about a recent podcast episode without even understanding what they are talking about. Its like back and forth they just reference points and pretend the other person wasnt listening to the exact same podcast.

>> No.18655337
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Knowing trivia is not a bad thing though? If I actually care about the subject I'll do proper research and study, but if something only vaguely interests me then I rather listen to a podcast while doing something else.

>> No.18655367


>> No.18655430

If you lean left then PhilPod because they cover a lot of what you'd generally consider a left field philosophy. Also, they have fun personalities and banter which can appeal to you even if you're not left-oriented.
If you are even further left probably Acid Horizon

>> No.18655639

Tried watching an episode on his website on a desktop browser but hitting the play button does nothing. Oh well

>> No.18655844

are you retarded?

>> No.18655860


>> No.18656072

BBC In Our Time

It's very varied but they have a good few philosophy episodes.

>> No.18656144

I guess I'm not seeing the issue. Especially on this literature board, why wouldn't you listen to an audio book or music or perhaps even nothing over a podcast? Are you lonely? Perhaps you need socialization at every hour? What is it?

>> No.18656221

holy shit
why are we being raided by americans.

>> No.18656258

I guess enriching yourself with books and music rather than debasing yourself with a salesman's words is an American trait.

>> No.18656789
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TROON as fuck

>> No.18656892

transphobia isn't allowed on 4chan I'm going to report you rn, byeeee

>> No.18656986

Adolf Hitler give me krieg?

>> No.18658069

It would be interesting if there was a podcast or youtuber or anything who only did history of metaphysics and kept out politics, ethics, etc out of it. It's not uninteresting but when that stuff is wrong it's boring and even infuriating, whereas wrong metaphysics is still fascinating.

>> No.18658610

only submissive/self hating tranies are allowed on 4channel.

>> No.18658632

Can you not illustrate your thread with pornography workers pretending to be pensive 22 year olds? It detracts from my ability to masturbate. Gd8y4

>> No.18658994

Drunken philosophy though they duck around and talk about other shit for a lot of the episodes. It's on hiatus but there are 300 episodes. It's comfy and funny

>> No.18659138

Any nonfiction written after 9-11 is essentially just an audiobook transcript.

>> No.18660225


>> No.18660667


>> No.18660800


>> No.18660824

americans are the ones who consume podcasts because its mindlessly easy

>> No.18660954

>implying my dick cares

>> No.18661164

Just listened to it based on your post, fucking hilarious

>Inventors didn't drive the industrial revolution, that's nationalist and racist
>But they did invent things in Britain

>> No.18661318

I skip the black philosophy stuff, but the rest is great.

>> No.18661959

God, she's so ugly...

>> No.18661969

why would you do that anon, don't tell me you are a ra...

>> No.18662019

>black philosophy stuff
>still no black pilled