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File: 59 KB, 850x400, quote-music-is-the-answer-to-the-mystery-of-life-the-most-profound-of-all-the-arts-it-expresses-arthur-schopenhauer-144-89-88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18642470 No.18642470 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true? Is music really important to human development? Does not being able to engage with music make you a soulless bugman?

>> No.18642483

>Does not being able to engage with music make you a soulless bugman?


>> No.18642493

ITT: deaf people are not people

>> No.18642504

Only 19th century music

>> No.18642516

I hate music. You cannot choose not to listen to music. If someone puts up some niggertune beat you have to endure it. If you're not in the mood for happy folk music you have to endure the happy folk music. Meanwhile nature's sounds just exist and no matter how harsh they're never as invasive of one's personal space.
Music fails to compete with nature's ambience and that makes it an objectively inferior art.
Worshipping music is on the same level as people who say that children's noises are the sweetest most joyful sound there is when in reality they're fucking annoying 99% of the time.

>> No.18642603


>> No.18642610

You don't hate music you hate the current social dynamics and genres of music. If you hate all forms of music you're a subhuman.

>> No.18642616

This, Rock, all Rock is nothing but kitsch.

>> No.18642623

Ironically, China is where you still have packed productions of Wagner and Beethoven, and classical works played at street festivals.

In the US, this music only exists in the very largest cities and can't fill seats for their performances. Unga bunga trap music is the only art form people flock to, or "I love my tractor, I love my gun, I love my tractor, and I love my gun," country degeneracy using a handful of premade chord schemes.

The US and Europe represent nations run by their mobs. China is a nation still run by their aristocrats of the soul.

>> No.18642630


>> No.18642634

What about Japan?


>> No.18642720
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1536, 20160526_205116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile nature's sounds just exist and no matter how harsh they're never as invasive of one's personal space.
Let me introduce you to my dog

>> No.18642732

And it was like for a moment, O my brothers, some great bird had flown into the milkbar and I felt all the malenky little hairs on my plott standing endwise and the shivers crawling up like slow malenky lizards and then down again. Because I knew what she sang. It was a bit from the glorious Ninth, by Ludwig van.
Oh bliss! Bliss and heaven! Oh, it was gorgeousness and gorgeousity made flesh. It was like a bird of rarest-spun heaven metal or like silvery wine flowing in a spaceship, gravity all nonsense now. As I slooshied, I knew such lovely pictures!

Friendly reminder that Beethoven would me making metal if he was alive right now

>> No.18642734

Virgin neckbeard weeaboo hands typed these words on a greasy keyboard.

Daily reminder that gooks are soulless, milquetoast wannabe-Westerners.

>> No.18642746

we get it man try developing a personality one day

>> No.18642768
File: 83 KB, 650x975, 06e9cbc08eebb5fe3b073c5fc29b3b94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't blame people for siding with the one remaining superpower.

>> No.18643304

Schopenhauer is wrong here. The most profound of all arts are paintings.
Also, by privileging paintings over music, you will lean more to Mazdan dualism over Vedic nondualism.
Music is too anomolous in its expression, which is obvious to those who study signal processing. Paintings have a more direct immediacy that reveal the fundamental truth. Hanging a painting of Mayfield Parrish is more lit than playing Bach.

>> No.18643309

>Mayfield Parrish
Maxfield Parrish*
Sorry on phone. Damn autocorrect.

>> No.18643522

There is no music that is not music, and that is the big problem.

>> No.18645068

music just feels better bro

>> No.18645073

What's a painting that isn't a painting, or a novel that isn't a novel?

>> No.18645354

Absolutely. Never trust or befriend someone who doesn't like music

>> No.18645491

>music is solely to hear

>> No.18645497

Deaf people enjoy the vibrations

>> No.18645514

Daily reminder that John Coltrane is quite literally 100x the composer than Wagner or Schumann

>> No.18645519

>If you hate all forms of music you are subhuman.
The problem is that this is a subjective take. I would agree with you that classical music is far more pleasant and universally bearable than anything else, but to the vast majority of people it's shit. It's boring. I have in fact just read a discussion where experienced professionals in the music industry argued that modern pop singers are in fact outstanding, at least technically. And there's a whole lot of very hard and skilled work going into producing the stuff that rapes my ears every day.
I don' t really know if I have the authority to say that I only like objectively good music. Sometimes I can't even stand better music that I used to listen to, like very technical jazz, because it's too frantic and I feel overstimulated. Everyone seems to insist that my world view is wrong about bad things, that things with merit ascend and things without merit stay down.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm just retarded. It sems like the whole world thinks that the things I hate are really good. I look at average people and they look like a bunch of subhumans to me, but in this society I'm definitely a loser. I don't understand, I feel so alienated.

>> No.18645537

You definitely sound like you have some sensory issues

>> No.18645560

>those who study signal processing
books about this subject?

>> No.18645632


Anon has a point here. Sound being hard to ignore can be a nuisance. I suppose that makes hearing to be one of our senses that can detect new information from farther away than vision for example.

>> No.18645726

>Anon has a point here. Sound being hard to ignore can be a nuisance.
So? That's not a point, anon.

>> No.18645747

It's definitely a point when 1 digit IQ retards have their fucking phone blaring with autotuned garbage that gives you instant ear cancer on public transport.

>> No.18645767

Are shitposts making your eyes bleed also? Get a grip.

>> No.18645871

Just buy a book on digital signal processing and mess around with Audacity.
Once, I accidentally turn a happy pop song into something that sounded like it was from Silent Hill. I lowered the bit depth due to my work, and I got one of the most horrifying songs I've ever heard.

>> No.18645908

>Are shitposts making your eyes bleed also?
I'm sure that reading retarded shitposts on 4chan also affects my health and if certain posters were in front of me it would affect their health too

>> No.18645938

the difference is that if I read a shitpost it's my fault and I can choose not to read it. I can't do anything when I go to the park and there are hooligans smoking weed and playing loud music

>> No.18645943

Anon was talking about signal processing in general compared to audio signal processing in particular. That was the interesting bit.

>> No.18645944

Anon, I think you may be legitimately autistic, and I mean this not in an insult way but sincerely

>> No.18645947

You can choose to not go to that park, anon.

>> No.18645973

I am not autistic. It's far easier to ignore annoying visual advertisements than annoying jingles. If there's a giant billboard in the park I can avoid looking at it, I don't have to go to another park, of which there are none.
Music is inherently invasive.

>> No.18645986

>Music is inherently invasive
How so?

>> No.18645991

>It's far easier to ignore annoying visual advertisements than annoying jingles
How do you manage?

>> No.18645997

I already said it. Can you avoid picking up things with your ears that you don't want to hear?

>> No.18646005

Your explanations make no sense, anon, I'm sorry to say. I also don't want to be mean but I would investigate the sensory issues angle.

>> No.18646022

I don't know if you're messing with me but if there's a screen or billboard I just don't look at it if I don't want to see ads. I'm not compelled to look at everything and even if I see something unpleasant I don't have to continue looking at it. If within the same scene there's something making loud unpleasant noises I have no other way to avoid hearing the noise outside of leaving the public transport, park, etc. or throwing a live hand grenade at that person

>> No.18646043

Don't be so sure of yourself. Use imagination. Good luck.

>> No.18646056

What the fuck can I do? Plug my ears to drown 20% of the noise?

>> No.18646069

You need to understand that a normal person absolutely CAN and does filter out sound. You think everyone walks around the grocery store paying absolute attention to the muzak being played?

>> No.18646092

>You think everyone walks around the grocery store paying absolute attention to the muzak being played?
What... yes, why would they put muzak on if people filtered it out anyway? I can't imagine filtering music as if it didn't exist.

>> No.18646095
File: 185 KB, 400x300, EE7267CD-CF72-4E78-8E1F-917E99938CA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18646104

Honestly I can't filter any noise at all. There's a fan in my room and I fully perceive it along with the ticking of the alarm clock. I never get to a point where these things are in the background.
Is this some kind of condition or something

>> No.18646107

Yes, as previously stated you may have an actual auditory processing issue, or undiagnosed autism. Possibly ADHD since that is known to cause those issues.

>> No.18646109

They play muzak for the same reason they put up billboards, if you can believe that.

>> No.18646128

I don't have ADHD for sure. I get very focused provided the room is quiet. It doesn't impact my functioning outside of crowded places with music, then I start getting distressed.
No... not the autism...

>> No.18646143

You say sadism but earlier you suggested throwing a grenade to get rid of noise.
You might be delusional.

>> No.18646152

I thought the hyperbole with the grenade made it clear that it was a joke

>> No.18646235

Ppl are clowning on you but you're right that having the wrong music on for the moment just fucking kills the vibe and this is something forced on you instead of something you can choose. Yeah you can kinda filter it out so it isn't in the forefront of your consciousness but the vibe is still ruined.

>> No.18646328
File: 305 KB, 1211x2048, 253957C7-ED81-4735-8F16-253B347664D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all are stupid.

What matters is not the media, but the piece itself.

As such, you can enjoy the best every media has to offer. Even from videogames. Yes, some videogames are art.

>> No.18646391

This pic is repulsive jesus FUCK no human body could do that

>> No.18646451

To understand Schopenhauer's view of music you have to situate it with respect to his whole metaphysics. For Schope, music is the purest expression of emotions, and emotions are the most primal manifestation of the will. So music is the manifested in an aesthetic form, it is the universe's true essence given pure expression. Music, claims Schope, is the purest art form because it most palpably channels the passions which are the most direct expression of inner nature of reality in its most fluid and effortless emotively expressive medium.

For example, one can listen a to a sad song and immediately know--on a fundamental level--that it expresses sadness. There is no intellectual layer through which you must filter and process this sensory signal, the sad song makes you feel sad. Whereas a sad story or painting has to be contemplated for the mood it expresses to be understood. There is no "understanding" music, there is only feeling it, and thus as an art form it is continuous and closest to the will which is composed subjectively of feeling.

>> No.18646457

>So music is the manifested in an aesthetic form,
So music is the will manifested...

>> No.18646467

>For example, one can listen a to a sad song and immediately know--
It's not just one immediately knows in a cognitive way that the music is sad, one feels it. Thus music and the will are continuous. There is no contemplative layer of abstraction like there is in other art forms that require you to have to think about it to appreciate it. Although he did rank sculpture as second to music in terms of aesthetic ranks for somewhat similar reasons.

>> No.18646517

you can’t go wrong with listening to Bach, Beethoven, Shosty, or any classical composer. it’ll only make you better

>> No.18646526

>any of those


>> No.18646829


>> No.18647631

Pick up an instrument and learn how to play.

>> No.18647654

Thinking Wagner is bad just shows your own inadequacy.

>> No.18647747

I totally get where you're coming from. My dad is a musician and all my life I've been listening to music, hearing the layers, developing my own taste. I've been raised to pay attention to music, not to filter it out. 'Pop' music is fucking shit. Hiphop, rap, all that trash music, the filth annoys my ears. I can't stand it, nor the lyrics.
When there's ads on tv/YT I turn off the noise.
I'm not sure what people mean with 'filtering out' music. I hear it. Just as I see things other people don't. I pay attention, I am detailed.

>> No.18648579

Ever watched gymnastic?


I find this extremely hot btw

>> No.18648616

China is closer to a military junta than an aristocracy. Your glasses are so rose-colored that you're either an idiot, or a fifty cent army shill.

You are not fitting in.

>> No.18648636

He he'd been white you wouldn't even know his name.

Yes, some of the shit you people post is so stupid it should count as assault, and justify lethal self-defense.

>just build your own park!
This argument has never been valid or even remotely reasonable-sounding. When something negative is ubiquitous you run out of cheeks to turn.

>> No.18648658

>China is closer to a military junta than an aristocracy.
An aristocracy is nothing but the second generation of a military junta.