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18646063 No.18646063 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a cynical young man in his 20s disillusioned with the state of the world and my future. I don't believe that there's a god, and if there is one, then god is evil or negligent towards human activities. I've tried to change my outlook on the state of things, but I cannot bring myself to believe the bullshit espoused by sophists and normies alike, and so I revert back to my state of sublime madness and self destructive tendencies. I would take the advice of some of the people on here and read about stoicism or Platonism and try to conform to some metaphysical "good," but I wouldn't know if such a thing is feasible considering my youthful disposition towards unbridled hedonism (i.e., fucking numerous women, completely fucking over the lower class for my own profit, being a winner, etc. etc.) I understand that this isn't just as it could only lead to downfall, but I simply don't care and the former seems like a massive cope. Recommend me a book that'll show me the light.

>> No.18646071

I can't because the only cure for such degeneracy is a rope :(

>> No.18646073

Nice blog, loser. Go read Toni Morrison.

>> No.18646135

What you are finding is that, because of the permanent revolution in thought that has been proceeding since the sixteenth century, you are incapable of justifying to yourself ways of being that depend on the classical thought that preceded it. Only a defense of classical political philosophy that clarifies the character of modern political philosophy will give you the ability to choose between the two alternatives. I recommend the following:

Leo Strauss, "German Nihilism" https://archive.org/details/LeoStraussGermanNihilismIntegral/page/n19/mode/1up?q=german+nihilism
This essay will make clear what you are feeling and what you see among other disaffected young men.
Leo Strauss, "Three Waves of Modernity" https://archive.org/details/LeoStrauss3WavesOfModernityocr/mode/2up?q=three+waves+of+modernity
Leo Strauss, "What is Political Philosophy?" This is the first essay in this volume, all of which you should read https://archive.org/details/dli.ernet.504866/page/7/mode/2up

>> No.18646285

I will recommend that you read Epictetus Discoures if you are actually being serious. It will certainly give you something to think about.
god I hate this captcha
>but I wouldn't know if such a thing is feasible considering my youthful disposition towards unbridled hedonism
you haven't read any stoics or hedonists so how would you know this? you are just assuming, go read the actual source books for all the youtube philosophy videos you have watched.

>> No.18646312

I recommend you stop thinking like a Marxist because it's fucking provably wrong. You don't hurt people from profiting and you don't hurt people from winning. You also sound like a massive woe is me faggot, trying to wallow in your own self pity, trying to be a victim. You're a by product of socialism, that is, a mental degenerate.

>> No.18646388

Why are you people like this? Is it just a cope that you project onto others? The world has become an objectively shittier place; that doesn't mean that I'm not going lay down on the ground and die if that's how you understood my post, but it sure as hell is going to take a toll on how I perceive things altogether just as the majority of Americans seeing that Trump was elected. I'd get into the technicalities of it, but I wouldn't want to waste time on someone like you who will probably call me a tranny and come up with some dumbass remark on the omnipresence of the struggle of man and all this other mental masturbation when people are genuinely suffering as a result of our unjust leaders.

This looks interesting thank you

>> No.18646414

>he still thinks accumulating more information will bring fulfillment
take a moment to do absolutely nothing with your life

>> No.18646423

*that doesn't mean that I'm going lay down on the ground and die

>> No.18646433

If you think you're struggling it's because you have never actually struggled and thus lack both the knowledge to identity struggle and the experience to overcome. You're an infant, you're a fool pretending to know. You aren't struggling because you're not trying to do anything. You're a coward and content being in this state of mind.

>> No.18646459

Go away.

>> No.18646479

You see this kind of rationalization is perhaps the worst of offenses one can commit. A young person like myself comes along and for the first time, sees the world as it really is, and is rightly distraught with what he sees and demands change. But then in comes someone like you who feels left behind and a sense of dethronement by my very complaining as if to say "you are going to suffer just as much as I do because it's only fair" instead of offering guidance. You harass and talk down to the most vulnerable target which is me because I'm young and admittedly don't know as much and also because you cannot comprehend or point to a specific person in charge to blame other than maybe Biden.

>> No.18646489

>A young person like myself comes along and for the first time, sees the world as it really is

A tale as old as time.

Just become a Buddhist monk and get it over with.

>> No.18646505

The problem with society today is that people think too much in macro terms - for example, for some reasons, I'm supposed to give a shit about some literally who black guy getting knee-necked and dying in a city almost 2,000 miles away from me, as if that's supposed to have a significant impact on my life. The same people telling me that most likely couldn't tell me the names of their immediate neighbors. The concept of "community" has become global in scope, which is fucking retarded. Your pic is a good place to start with this.

>> No.18646529

>The concept of "community" has become global in scope, which is fucking retarded
There's no putting the genie back in the bottle . The internet has permanently created a new age of heightened consciousness.

>> No.18646575

okay dad

>> No.18646615

You just live in the US, which is supremely fucked as a nation. How about traveling or moving to other countries for some perspective?

>> No.18646646

god is everywhere and we are all his children, intellectuals and troglodytes alike. that means you’re his child too, buddy. feel the love and the mystery that lies in wait around you. and go bang some girls, preferably ones younger than you

>> No.18646649

nice spiel

>> No.18646655

>completely fucking over the lower class for my own profit

Stopped giving a shit here. If you're rich, then what are you complaining about? The elites of America have sold out the other 90% of the populace and are doing great for themselves. If your in that 10%, you have nothing too complain about.

>> No.18646682

Playing the perpetual faggot victim card and the I want to change the works melodrama. You're an idiot, you have only moved from a less ignorant state but you're still ignorant. You suppose that anyone who thinks differently just isn't enlightened such as you think you are. In reality you're just a fucking idiot and can't even identify what is causing what. This isn't your personal blog so fuck off with your self pitying victim complex you loser. Get a job.

>> No.18646689

my problem with people that want change is that always want fast, observable, often short-term change but they never want to dwell on the long-term impacts of those changes or whether or not it can be sustained without be at the expense of other factors. a change is good if you can tolerate both its short-term and long-term ramifcations, its not just some miracle glue that makes the whole world right again.

>> No.18646723

How are you fucking over the lower class? What is it you do for work? And how do I score with women without using undue amounts of money? How much do you spend on sex, i.e. drinks, dinners, gifts, etc, per person?

>> No.18646725

If you had read his post carefully, you would've noticed that he has a job, and is likely doing quite well in life.

>> No.18646728


Agreed. Stop everything for a while, don’t overthink it.

>> No.18646730 [DELETED] 

>seething this hard
I don't get it. You and I both know that things are regrettably changing for the worse yet you insist that I'm the victim for wanting to do something about it? You're not making much sense in that respect. Also I do have a full time job and have seen my fair share of how miserable the bottom strata of society due to our unjust leaders.

>> No.18646739

>seething this hard
I don't get it. You and I both know that things are regrettably changing for the worse yet you insist that I'm the victim for wanting to do something about it? You're not making much sense in that respect. Also I do have a full time job.

>> No.18646759
File: 82 KB, 600x455, 4F600C47-466F-45B1-A184-1E8F42643494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a lit tourist, is this what schizoposting looks like here?

>> No.18646812

If you want to do something than do it, don't just whine like a self hating fuckwit. You're insufferable, you reek of being pathetic. I'm an asshole, I'm mean, I'm this and that but at least i'm not crying over it like a fucking child.

>> No.18647012
File: 336 KB, 753x551, GRUGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18647038

Probably the best advice you'll get. Just sit. Still, easier said than done, especially for an adolescent.
You said you "would" try to read about Stoicism or Platonism and try to conform to some metaphysical "good." How about just reading Stoicism and Platonism with an open mind, and not trying to conform to anything? Read it (still, with an honest and deep-reaching mind) and see where it takes you. Plato's dialogues, and Stoicism for that matter, are not about meekly conforming to some ideal routine or behaviour. You've been tricked by someone if you really believe that.

>> No.18647119

Nah, you should read Shizoanon for that, although he hasn't posted in a while

>> No.18647215

>my state of sublime madness and self destructive tendencies

>> No.18647223

Stop shilling, gaylord