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18638690 No.18638690 [Reply] [Original]

I am currently doing an internship, I have nothing to do and I'm stuck in front of a computer so I decided to start reading on it... It's hard cause I must switch between windows since people are always coming in my back. For this reason, I think short books might be better to read in this condition... any rec ?

>> No.18638794

1. Disguise the book as a working document: transform the text, name the report No. 4399-2-1 about blah-blah-blah. Pretend that you read e-mail or MSDOC or that you still have to read there at work. If anything can be said: "yes, some nonsense came to work mail, I opened some incomprehensible text here."
2. If you have the opportunity to speak on the phone or it is not forbidden to turn on music in the headphones - plug the headphones into your ears and listen to the audiobook. You can pretend that you are talking on the phone and periodically submit remarks like "yes, great idea!" or "I didn't quite understand this - explain in more detail."

>> No.18638948

If all going to work consisted of was making money for somebody else, you wouldn't do it. If you'd rather not work, then don't. Nobody's putting a gun to your head. But don't expect others to feed you for nothing you useless, entitled little faggot.

>> No.18638965

I would just quote your post with an NPC avatar for maximum keks but that's too much work

>> No.18639030
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>If all going to work consisted of was making money for somebody else, you wouldn't do it. If you'd rather not work, then don't. Nobody's putting a gun to your head. But don't expect others to feed you for nothing you useless, entitled little faggot.

>> No.18639075

You're implicitly forced to work under threat of starvation though. It's not enforced, but there is no provision set aside for people who would rather just do shit on their own and not have to be a part of society. So yeah, someone is putting a gun to your head actually.

>> No.18639080

Parasite incel

>> No.18639152

You can get a privacy screen, so that no one can see what you're doing on the computer. But your employer also probably has monitoring or keylogging software, so you can't really hide what you're doing.

>> No.18639161 [DELETED] 

Seething wageslaving faggots who doesn't even answer the thread

>> No.18639495

>If all going to work consisted of was making money for somebody else, you wouldn't do it

This is some strange and ugly sentence. It definitely looks like there is something wrong with it...

>> No.18639992

I read Henry Miller in the upstairs loft of my tattoo parlor.

>> No.18641243


yes. and i don't hide it. i've got tenure.

>> No.18641253

TTS software.

>> No.18641304

>If all going to work consisted of was making money for somebody else, you wouldn't do it.
I've seen someone brag like
>I've made a sale for ONE MILLION dollars today
>What was your cut?
>ehh like zero dot zero zero zero...
>doesn't that make you salty
>it's still a lot of money at the end of the year...
>but you work literally 20 hours a day
>yeah but I have a house of my own.. how many people can say that
>you barely sleep in your house

>> No.18641314

Shut the fuck up slave

>> No.18641370


Being a worker is cucked but being a neet is cucked too

Being a capitalist and exploiting others is the only based way to live

>> No.18641395

if you're a neet living off welfare you're essentially exploiting others

>> No.18641399

>being a neet is cucked too
jokes on you, I just want to kill myself
you can't make me work if I am dead

>> No.18641414

What are some good office jobs where I can just slack off and read at least a third of the time?

>> No.18641431

I unironically wanted to become a cemetery guardian or some other fuckoff figure in remote places like in The Shining but basically all these jobs are given to slackers who never even show up. Nepotism has robbed me of all comfy jobs. Maybe a night-time job although I hate being awake at night.

>> No.18641434

Dude, what if we have to work in the after life? What is if there is no escape from the responsibility to self actualize and become the best version of your self? I would be fucking pissed. I just want to sit on the couch and eat chips and be rewarded for that.

>> No.18641442
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>Dude, what if we have to work in the after life?
change of plan: I need to achieve Nirvana ASAP

>> No.18641444

No because you have no power. You live at the mercy of an overlord. You're essentially a pet being fed scraps.

>> No.18641445

>But don't expect others to feed you for nothing you useless, entitled little faggot.
There are people who literally do feed you though? I'm sorry nobody loved you enough to do it for you, and you had to work for everything in your life. If that's something you're proud of, to cope with the lack of love, that's fine by me.

>> No.18641448

I wonder what causes people to become this way? it seems to be a common enough occurrence to be some type of pathology.

>> No.18641455

>I wonder what causes people to become this way?
Being in close contact with wagies and normies
>It seems to be a common enough occurrence to be some type of pathology.
Yes, it's called the industrial society.

>> No.18641456

Peak job for this is night auditor for a hotel. I work a 10 to 6 shift and by the time 1 am rolls around nobody is coming in or calling and asking for shit. I have about 3 hours of work to do a night and the rest is downtime. I started a month ago and I've cleared out half my bookshelf. Pay isn't great but you're being paid to do nothing most of the time. My boss knows this and doesn't give a fuck, brought it up during the interview even. It's a viable job just because most of humanity is not willing to do these hours.

>> No.18641457

oof seething

>> No.18641557

that may be enough of an explanation for a NEET, but I need something much more substantial than that. I'm not questioning your lifestyle in the slightest; unlike most people here, I KNOW that you are, and always have been unemployable. its more of a passing interest. was it a form of abuse; social ostracization of some sort; rationalizing the practice of isolation to avoid some form of anxiety? moreover, assuming that all three of the aforementioned points are valid, but distinct possibilities: what forms of life experience occurred to cause such pathological tendencies? can we essentially 'average out' a consistent 'story' unto what causes one to 'transform' into such a creature? I'd be more than willing to listen if you were willing to be honest with me.

>> No.18641601
File: 379 KB, 500x775, The Last Binge Ever Volume 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the faggots seething at OP.

Almost every summer internship I had in college was just like that. They would give me something like 10 minutes of work to do per day, and if I finished early and asked for more, they told to me to wait. Rarely ever giving me more, probably forgetting that I had finished their do-nothing task early to begin with.

After figuring this out by my second week, I learned that nobody bothered me if I pretended to be busy. This was however, incredibly boring and they still expected me to stay in the office from 10 - 5. That's when I started compiling the large list of screencaps I had of Londonfrog threads into Ebooks. The reason I stopped at (and took so long to finish) Volume 3 was because at that point I had finished my internship.

>> No.18641640

>haha you have the freedom to starve or die bro why do you even work haha god bless america

>> No.18641644

we all are, but I have more free time than you. Who gives a shit about power anyway :)

>> No.18641645

Are you ever gonna make an epub version of volume 3? I only found a pdf version of it, but found an epub of the first two

>> No.18641650

I can easily explain this quote.

1. Most people are incredibly dull and would just waste their time in tv and drink. This would make them more unhappy.

2. Works gives people an extended social life

>> No.18641651

>but found an epub
I meant that I found epubs*

>> No.18641704

Delightfully Devilish

>> No.18641711

based and neetpilled.

>> No.18641717

Holy fucking kek they're so mad

>> No.18641754


Unfortunately most likely not. If I had plans to pick up the project again I would consider it, but I don't think that will happen. I told an anon on another thread who expressed interest in continuing the Londonfrog compilations that he should take the torch. But Idk what will happen.

>> No.18641773

>6.30 am.

Softcock. I'm awake by 4.30 for my shift.

>> No.18641827

Alright, godspeed in wherever your travels lead you anon.

>> No.18642341
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im in exactly the same position as you, just got an internship and have nothing to do. When i finish the literal hour of work I get daily. I open a random excel spreadsheet on one side of my screen and a pdf on the other, people probably notice but I doubt they care. Hoping this thread doesn't derail cause one schizo has a sigma male mindset wanting to rise, grind and suck his employers cock dry. Otherwise, good luck anon

>> No.18643020 [DELETED] 

The absolute seethe this has incited. Holy fuck this board is full of petulant man babies.

>> No.18643034
File: 392 KB, 1408x1390, 1594538890782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute seethe this has incited. Holy fuck this board is full of petulant man babies.

>> No.18643066

oh man, Mr. Shekelstein fucks you harder than the other wagies, you're so so cool. So *hard.*

>> No.18643327


>> No.18643570

Do the laughing animals (who are free and do not have to work) represent the people who replied with mockery to that post?

>> No.18643732

Sure retard and those animals are as smart and contribute as much to society as losers who cant find a job do

>> No.18643740

There is definitely a gun to your head. There is always a gun to your head.

The only way to provide for your animal needs is to participate in the clown world fiat economy.
>so that you generate taxes for the state

Oh you just want to kill yourself so you don't have to participate in the elaborate murder machine that keeps the dollar significant internationally?
>suicide is illegal

There is a gun to your head, there is always a gun to your head.

>Welcome to the world infant anon, we've collected a DNA sample, severed your foreskin, and assigned your number. report to pre-school in 3 years.

>You must contribute to the preservation of the hegemony, that is all.

>> No.18643749

I'm a wagie and work with my hands, almost no verbal thought required. So I listen to audiobooks. Do they allow you to listen to stuff?

>> No.18643750


>> No.18643774

>are as smart
is being the bitch of your boss all that makes you smart?
>and contribute as much to society
will anybody give a shit when you become endangered?

>> No.18643781

Puzo's the Godfather addresses the cold uncaring nature of government.

>> No.18643809

I work from home now thanks to Corona, even before that I worked from home quite often and periodically have it very lax at work so I've been able to read many books during work hours.

>> No.18643813

Wtf this is literally my situation exactly. I’ve already read The Iliad, The Odyssey, and the Orestia at work this summer. Glad to know I’m not the only one with literally nothing to do at my internship.

>> No.18643827

>There is definitely a gun to your head. There is always a gun to your head.
Who is pointing the gun at you?

>> No.18643870


It's an implied gun you fucking literal minded dipshit.

If you are compelled to do something by legal maxim, or are prohibited from doing something by legal maxim, the enforcement of those maxims is by an implied brute-force coercion. When practically implemented, that force manifests, usually, in the form of something manufactured by Colt.

At every end of society are legal maxims compelling every member to work for the state, whether you're self employed, or payroll, you can not generate anything valuable, legally, without reporting it to the government. And you can not comunicate that value to vendors without first channeling it through Patriot Act compliant institutions.

>> No.18643886

Our existence is thus, primarily, ruled by the dominion of society over taxable units. Any way out, including the doorway God included on the soft side of your wrist, is barred by the force of the implied gun.

There is definitely a gun to your head.

>> No.18643918

I refuse to work further than a 30 minute commute from home and more than 4 hours a day.
I am sure that many people feel like this. 4 hours is OK for everyone. There are many people who don't work. There are so many people doing so much shit that is pointless for hours upon hours. I don't understand why if I have to work, I have to literally give my life to some company. I understand the value of breaking people like this and turning them against people who don't want to be broken, but man, it would be so fucking easy. So much work is just superfluous.

>> No.18643932

I used to work in an office and do nothing but work in the morning and read in the afternoon. I even received raises for a job well done, one of the better gigs of my life.

>> No.18643939

Were you laid off?

>> No.18643980

Nah, I quit after two years because it was getting unbearably boring and I felt like I was developing 0 skills and basically getting stuck into a mental sandtrap. I basically agree with some anon saying we should basically work 4 hours because we can truly do even boring work for that amount of time.

>> No.18644028

One of the most based posts I've read in the last while.

>> No.18644070

So there's no gun to your head and you could just starve? I suggest you do that because wasting food on someone like you should be punishable.

>> No.18644077

The "threat of starvation" is due to your inability to secure food. it's the driving force of every living being. It's your job to keep yourself alive

>> No.18644078

This, seriously. It's absolutely repugnant, as an idea that it's acceptable for everyone to work FIVE days of their week for NINE hours of their day. How people willingly accept these terms in a non serf society is beyond me. Three days a week, 5 hours a day should be the standard.

>> No.18644081

>So yeah, someone is putting a gun to your head actually.
Take that up with nature instead of trying to get others to pay for you you useless turd.

>> No.18644092

This is practically most office jobs, I work less than 4 hours a day and spend the rest of the time shitposting, reading, cleaning my home or preparing food. Don't be a dimwit that's stuck at McDonalds.

>> No.18644102

the average age of posters in here has to be below 20. guess what retards, you're going to spend the rest of your life doing shit you dont want to, because you have to make money and support yourself somehow. you're gonna whine and complain, maybe even read some shitty french faggots who complain about MUH SOCIETY, but one way or another you're going to buy into this system or kill yourselves.

>> No.18644129
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>I'll never be more than a dog so why bother
Epic r*ddit moment

>> No.18644141

This is functional literacy at its worst.

I'm not arguing that we feed ourselves by forceful coercion, or that it doesn't take work to meet your individual needs.

I clearly am criticizing the means available to you to meet those needs, which are codified by the legal system and thus enforced by the implied gun.

it is a LEGAL system of meeting needs through coerced participation, not a NATURAL system of meeting needs, of which any and all non participation in is punishable by threat of implied gun.

I'm saying that you're forcefully coerced to participate in the legally defined and predetermined acceptable forms of work.

Read Walden.

>> No.18644156

lmfao, capitalist SEEETHE

>> No.18644159

>I'm saying that you're forcefully coerced to participate in the legally defined and predetermined acceptable forms of work
No you're not. Go live in a tent you dirty hippie, that's clearly what you want.

>> No.18644171

I suppose so. But a neet exploits much less than your average hyperrich capitalist.

>> No.18644186

>I daresay that you may feel irritated at being suddenly awakened when you have been caught napping.

>> No.18644187

>you have to be as miserable as me because....YOU JUST DO OK?!

>> No.18644252

>the average age of posters in here has to be below 20. guess what retards, you're going to spend the rest of your life doing shit you dont want to
Why would you live 80 years and do unpleasant, suicide inducing things for 10 hours a day (commuting through traffic or nigger infested public transport, working a job you hate)
Assuming 270 working days that's 2700 hours of torture out of 5840 hours available in a year minus sleep
You have 3140 hours of free time in a year, soured by working
vs. 5840 hours in a year, not soured by working
Assuming you start being a wagie at 20, by the time you are 80 you will have lived 188400 hours of free time soured by work (7850 days)
That's the same as living until 52 as a NEET and then killing yourself (186880 hours)
Except your hours are not soured by work and you enjoy a better time when you're young.

>> No.18644264

Are you sure? How do you know people wouldn't use their free time differently if they had more of it? Or that they don't prefer tv and drink? Shouldn't they be free to choose?

>> No.18644303

Why? Technology has advanced to a point that providing for the needs of everyone, including food, water, energy and the like, can be done by a small number of people working a few days a week. Since that's possible, should it really be everyone's job to secure their own food when a small number of us could do it for everyone more efficiently?

>> No.18644316

Again, no one is holding you in an armbar to participate in society. go live off grid if you don't want to participate.
>source: my ass

>> No.18644332

>go live off grid if you don't want to participate.
Not him, but wouldn't you get evicted even in bumfuck nowhere since you're squatting on gubbermint property?

>> No.18644337

>Except your hours are not soured by work and you enjoy a better time when you're young.
Haha, nice cope you fucking loser. All of you self proclaimed "proud" NEETs are complete virgins who spend all day sitting on the computer afraid to even leave your home. Even if you by some miracle have friends you can't do anything fun with them because you have no money of your own. Your entire existence is owed to mommy and daddy who feel nothing but contempt for you.

>> No.18644340

Man has always worked a lot in civilization. Instead of backbreaking manual labor, it’s now at a desk. Work does the soul good. It feels rewarding to benefit from our work. That has always existed

>> No.18644347

I'm 33 and haven't had a job in over a decade.
I'm not on bennies or inheritance either, I just lead a very simple lifestyle.

>> No.18644361
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I work from home as a translator.
Yes, I procrastinate and perhaps read a few hours a day and then hurriedly get my job done once the sun's down and I can't comfortably lie on my hammock and enjoy a book under the sunlight. Then I pass out halfway drunk as I swear in mumbles one day I'll escape this hell and write something I can truly call my own.
Rinse and repeat.

>> No.18644382
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>> No.18644385

The wagies I know don't do anything with their friends because they're always working, or their friends are working. If by friends you mean LARPing on social media then oh yes, touché I don't have social media. They do not have a social life anymore because they're working all the fucking time, or their friends are working when they are free. They don't even have the time to be with their kids so they just live parenting through prepackaged experiences by proxy while their kids are taught that being gay is the way to go. I've had a very good share of sex until the end of college and honestly it wasn't so compelling I'd wageslave to get more of it, especially not with older women and the threat of children hanging over my neck.
Yes I am a "parasite" to my family, can't argue on that. I don't give a shit. If they had reasoned like me they wouldn't have had this problem.

>> No.18644393
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ITT: two sides arguing with each other about how best to translate their life into bean counting.

Traditional opportunity (as opposed to social mobility) is still available to most who work hard enough to achieve it. The methods of control in the advanced democracies are as psychological/internal as they are external. Cultivate an ethic of work, self-denial, and civic-mindedness. Work a wage job that you find fulfilling while you live frugally and learn a trade as an artisan. Carpentry, masonry, landscaping, gunsmithing, ironworking, etc.

Man is a producer. It is folly to think that a life of leisure and without work will be fulfilling. While it is lamentable that there does exist a permanent class of wage laborers, it is similarly misguided to dream of realizing a utopian world where nobody needs to work

>> No.18644408
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I read at work all the time.

>> No.18644414


The invention of agriculture was a mistake.

>> No.18644415

This is so fucking edgy it makes me scared

>> No.18644452

Work at a factory, listen to audiobooks

>> No.18644470

>let's have babies even though things are getting increasingly worse lol we're bored
it's true. you want to live vicariously through your children, enjoy it

>> No.18644479

>Work a wage job that you find fulfilling while you live frugally and learn a trade as an artisan.
You have never been a wagie your whole fucking life or you're some kind of rich American, stop this retarded theorycrafting.

>> No.18644482

>Even if you by some miracle have friends you can't do anything fun with them because you have no money of your own.
You can tell he is a very clever troll by this sentence alone.

>> No.18644502

I'm still one right now, saving up money for a down payment on a house in one of the most expensive areas to live in the world. I'll probably have it in a few years if all goes well

>> No.18644511

>in one of the most expensive areas to live in the world.
yeah and you started off dirt poor of course
get the fuck out

>> No.18644528

No, I can't read if I have to stop every few minutes to check a page.

>> No.18644542

The prime advantage of being born in a wealthy family is getting to gloat about those that are not.

Like ITT, your precariat problems make me so glad, you would not believe.

>> No.18644557


>> No.18644563
File: 257 KB, 800x621, 1617738382489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much yeah. Live with your parents and save money until you have a job that pays well enough that you can move out (preferably with someone) and still save a good amount of money. A fairly large chunk of those 70% in the United States that live paycheck-to-paycheck do so of their own volition. If you can't stay with parents or relations from the get go things would be monumentally more difficult though yeah. Funny thing is nobody is born out of the ground though.

>> No.18644568

Your helpless rage has been noted.

>> No.18644581

Thank you.

>> No.18644584

I love that you assume that everyone lives in the United States. I am sure you were raised in poverty, bro

>> No.18644612

>The seether typed, gritting his teeth.

>> No.18644647
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Speaking on where I live, and where probably a plurality of 4chan posters are from. I wouldn't know enough about other countries to comment on how available opportunity is. But it sounds like you made the mistake of equating opportunity with mere social mobility; I love that you assume that success looks like living in the United States.

>> No.18644664

the epitome of uncle tom syndrome

>> No.18644670

No but this tendency of making assumptions is something I recognize from talking to people who've got everything handed to them on a silver platter but had the nerve to say they "started from zero". The truth is that any minor setback on your hard-working life as a nobody means you'll never get out. "Hard work" is nothing but a myth to keep people blaming themselves if they fail, against the evidence that opportunity is very limited and very well guarded.

>> No.18644671

Has anyone tried to be a daytrader?
I sometimes recommend that in these threads since it's the perfect job for /lit/ neets.
You are self-employed, work from home and earn enough in 2 hours to free up the rest of the day. The only issues with it are the learning curve (at least 1.5 year but generally 2 years to get decent) and amount of money required to make a living ($10 minimum but the more the better). I recommend future tradings, like the S&P 500 index but you might want to start with treasury futures first since that's slower. Check futures.io for more stuff, /biz/ is trash.

>> No.18644680

The overlord lives at the mercy of the system and established order.

>> No.18644702

what do you think animals do all day..

>> No.18644709

all of the dumb daytraders get raped by the big boys, eventually.

>> No.18644715
File: 389 KB, 1151x1230, 1614491381563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the anon that's been making assumptions about my upbringing from the start (and continues to)? The irony is delicious, and the fact that you didn't see it before writing this post is even better. I don't blame you for your pessimism but the real effect of having it is cynicism and self-defeating fatalism. If you'd take a walk outside you might see that people will typically find ways to manage. The cult of social mobility, consumption, and capital accumulation for its own sake is orders of magnitude more damaging than a strong work ethic.

>> No.18644744

The big boys target other big boys, not retail traders. You just need to learn how to follow the money. I would say more but don't want to spoon-feed anyone, just do your research instead of falling for misconceptions based on bullshit statistics like "95% of traders lose money"

>> No.18644747

I"m not making assumptions if I know you're being disingenuous and out of touch.
There's not a single person who'll say "yeah I got a little push here and there"
Maybe I'm soured by my personal experience but I have never seen a rich person who was prepared, competent, or particularly hard-working. What I've seen was just people who started off with way better opportunities, and lots of nepotism but that's another issue. I have never seen extremely competent and prepared people in high reward areas. Never.

>> No.18644866

a dog with more free time than you

>> No.18644889
File: 285 KB, 1500x2400, DCBF0D7F-B5E2-4488-8946-4A542B580BE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the entirety of pic related at work recently

>> No.18644904

have you read kaczynski? serious question.

>> No.18644906
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>Anon: Don't expect something for nothing
The absolute state of society.

>> No.18644917

quintessentially based for stirring up red faggots;
cringe and bluepilled otherwise.

>> No.18644936

>Not him, but wouldn't you get evicted even in bumfuck nowhere since you're squatting on gubbermint property?
yes but "just go live in the woods all alone with no chance of reproducing, forming a family or trading your surplus" is civtards only cope

>> No.18644948
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>there is no provision set aside for people who would rather just do shit on their own and not have to be a part of society.
Society doesn't support people who don't want to be a part of society? Imagine that.

>> No.18645052

Society doesn't just, as you say quite misleadingly "withhold support", it is actively hostile. There is no possibility for a person to go "off grid" on a whim. All the land is owned by state, corporations or private citizens, there is no legal possibility of "not being part of society", because it is considered a criminal offense to just go live off the land, you can't just start planting your own crops on some plot of land without buying it first, and to buy it you need to spend your time and energy working in the society which you're trying to escape from.

>> No.18645246
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> Society doesn't just, as you say quite misleadingly "withhold support", it is actively hostile
This is the same thing. Sovereignty is a zero-sum game.
Realistically, society has no obligation to anybody except itself and its members. By "doing shit on your own" you are actively incurring a cost on society. An independent settlement on a fertile or mineral-rich tract of land is practically denying population, labor, resources, and potential further opportunities to a state that abides it.
It is not that I am an imbecile, you simply have no right to exist in modernity. This is why shirkers are forcibly integrated into the system where possible (by "mental health treatment", or as wealth recycler consumers / forced labor), and efficiently pushed out in all other cases.
And honestly, modernity has many serious flaws, but this is not one of them.

>> No.18645752

how would you suggest that someone closely approaching adult age secure a stay at home job that allows such free time?

>> No.18645779

sounds great to me. is there a reason you keep yourself at home? it doesn't sound like you need to be there all day if you're simply translating material. how do I go about getting such a job?

>> No.18645805

does that website contain everything I'd need to learn off the bat; or is their any literature you can point me to that will help out?

>> No.18645818

read of him. I know enough to see that he is a hikikkimori whose conclusions such as the left worshipping the social comes from itself, a recluse social exile who cannot relate with most people in the populace due to how much of a genius he was. no one in this thread is as intelligent or accomplished as he is though, so most of his points are kinda moot for 99.9% of the anons on this website (much less, this very thread).

>> No.18645843

>is there a reason you keep yourself at home?
I work for a publisher that's a few thousand miles away from where I live. Only thing I have to keep up with are deadlines, though more importantly I'm also just a very clearly mentally ill shut-in.
Get a degree and the certifications for the languages you handle. Maybe do a few translations during your time in academia that you can use for your portfolio. There's always demand for translators in a good deal of languages, and the bar is relatively low as long as you're competent. Oftentimes I've seen people without degrees working on the field that just happen to master the languages they work on (pre-employment tests are pretty common and the work-field is surprisingly meritocratic).

>> No.18646101

Yes, but only on my commute to/from and at lunch time.

>> No.18646151
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>> No.18646165

>tfw no qt nurses will lovingly tie you to a comfy bed while jabbing you with sedatives

>> No.18646190
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>> No.18646845


>> No.18646944

Based as fuck

>> No.18647030

4chan NEETs are humanist Marxists in the making. Read the 1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts.

>> No.18647690
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Thanks faggot, ive been thinking about this for quite some time

>> No.18647723

Tatto a book on the insides of your eyelids, so you can read it while blinking.

>> No.18647737

based retard

>> No.18647742


>> No.18648135

Either in business business administration or IT, those jobs seem to allow people to work from home quite regularly and they're not exactly hard to study for.

>> No.18649341

as >>18648135 get into business admin/IT and work for small companies that don't have the means to monitor you. Besides emails that require written correspondence you can often automate a lot of your work, or at least make it take less time.

I work for two small business right now, both of which think I work full time and exclusively for them. On any given day I work about 2-4 hours for each of them. I have effectively doubled my wage. At worst I work a full 8 hours, but get paid for 16 - sometimes I only work 4 or less and still get paid for 16.

This is the most effective way for wagies to increase their pay. Not by demanding 25 cent raises, but by working multiple jobs from home. You need a certain skill set though... Learn shell scripting, python, vim, excel (boomers love excel). As long as you're responsive by email you'll be fine.

>> No.18650490


>> No.18651598

Sad, animal like mentality

>> No.18651607

Youre a midwit retard, you know that mate?

>> No.18651648

im approaching the halfway point of stoner atm and kind of loving it. its strange how affecting i've found it considering how dry the writing can be at times. good stuff

>> No.18651664

Go suck your boss' cock you fucking cuck lol

>> No.18651671

It’s called welfare you jackass

>> No.18652190

funnily enough, I came to such a conclusion myself when observing a buddy of mine working from home due to covid measures. he works at a pharmaceutical company, so there are some complications - written signatures and the like within pdf files that must be parsed (I'm aware there are AI now that can possibly do such things, but I'm a massively beginner scrub programmer, so I can't get my mind around the API more than likely) - but it seemed to me that most of his activities could be automated. I thought that I can essentially get hired like '20 times' vis a vis resources that you can easily have access to in a big city that I live in, and essentially pay less than 1% of the income I would have generated to said resource, but it sounds like from what you've outlined, that there's only so much I can actually do. unless you can offer details, I guess I'll just look at various IT/business-admin jobs, and try to come to my own conclusions on which are the easiest to automate. I'm very unfamiliar with that world, so I'd be starting from scratch essentially.

>> No.18653167

>society has no obligation to anybody except itself and its members

Oh nonono.
Realistically, society's first, primary, and only obligation is to dissolve.

>> No.18653400

How did you pass the captcha?

>> No.18653665

Forest anon joined the chat

>> No.18654060

The laborers have the most enormous power in their hands, and, if they once became thoroughly conscious of it and used it, nothing would withstand them; they would only have to stop labor, regard the product of labor as theirs, and enjoy it. This is the sense of the labor disturbances which show themselves here and there.

The State rests on the — slavery of labor. If labor becomes free. the State is lost.
>End quote
My labor is my own. I need not use it FOR necessities, for I can find other methods for that. I work because I enjoy my work and, as a Researcher, truly benefit from it. However, if I did not enjoy this work, I'd likely abandon it like any other hobby. My labor is mine, free from other's grasps. They only get to relish in it as they give me free money for my enjoyment.

>> No.18654512

few people achieved moksha though.

>> No.18654526

>londonfrog into ebooks
what's the title? what's it about?

>> No.18654720

tis sadly is the truth.
t. third worlder. you gotta come see it to believe it. almost like there's impenetrable barriers to gain better opportunity, especially for the one who started from poor backgrounds. My father was on the way to rich, but gone sour and crazy and left the family to shambles. by the time I was out for the world I started from zero. now I live mediocre lives but that's way better considering where the family is heading. my older siblings, on the contrary tasted richness of wealth but turn into poorfags riddled with economic problems. funny how things turn out. tldr if you are poor (financially or mentally) do not breed. spare the posterity from needless sufferings.

>> No.18654763

I've also seen plenty of rich boys with
>gambling problems
>drugs problems
>get literally imprisoned
But hey in the end they came out clean and dandy and now hold a nice job somewhere because muh nepotism. Opportunity is always there if you're rich and connections have such a massive impact. Meanwhile if you're a "hard working" poorfag it takes literally something as stupid as temporary illness to completely fuck your life upside down.

>> No.18654789

>How do you know people wouldn't use their free time differently if they had more of it?
Because there is, frankly, nothing to indicate otherwise.

>Or that they don't prefer tv and drink?
Notice I said most....

>Shouldn't they be free to choose?
They are, its just people are free to choose to not pay them or give them services.

>> No.18654985

lel you're right. everything we have is enabled by the 90% of subhuman normies and once people realize this it's over. It's very naive and optimistic to blame the Jews, aliens, Satan, or some other singular force, because no matter what it would be easier to fight than 7 billion monkeys

>> No.18655602

Yeah something like that is a bit beyond my skills as well. In that case, unless it was time sensitive, I would save tasks like that for the end of the day and do it all at once.

A lot of boomer or small business love excel for example but have no clue about it's features, or other ways to manipulate data sets. They might say: 'take this [data] and please get me the totals for each [category]'. They expect this to take you two hours because not a single one knows what a pivot table is. I kid you not I used to do this at a small accounting firm because they were computer illiterate, like most small businesses. So I had my job down from 2 hours to about 2 minutes. The bar is really low - I'm no programmer either.

Just remember to NEVER tell them about the methods you use to get the job done. Under no circumstance are you trying to be impressive or standout - remember, our 'raise' comes from our ability to be hired at more than 1 job at once.

For other stuff you might use python with pandas and numpy to manipulate spreadsheets more easily. Github is full of cool little scripts and tools for all kinds of little things that can help you too.