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18639305 No.18639305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think ?

>> No.18639331

If Nietzsche lived in our times he would be taking HRT

>> No.18639363

He’d’ve been in self quarantine, so no need.

Shove off, fascy

>> No.18639418

Yes because he wasn't a paranoid anti-social schizo. He also would have worn the mask, but would quietly disapprove of the sheepishness of it and probably write an aphorism about it.

>> No.18639454

>he wasn't a paranoid anti-social schizo
Since when?

>> No.18639488

He was a professor and he traveled a lot, so he wouldn't have really had a choice.

>> No.18639674

Hard to say but Babette Babich, a Nietzsche scholar, seethes on an almost hourly basis about the vaccine on Twitter. Maybe that's an indication of Neech's ultimate position, idk.

>> No.18639733

This pandemic only seems to kill off the old and the weak. How would he be against that?

>> No.18639876

He was actually pretty gregarious and kind to people. He was a light hearted guy in public.

>> No.18639932

Had her as a prof lol she rules. Very surprised to see someone here mentioning her

>> No.18639956

Considering the type of person who tends to be anti-vaccune, I can see him getting the vaccine to spite them.

>> No.18639962

Nietzsche would write a paper on the pointlessness of vaccines and cause medical professionals to kill themselves.

>> No.18640041

Tell us about the type of person who accepts an untested experimental vaccine and demands it to be injected in other people by compulsion. I'm sure Nietzsche would side with them, right?

>> No.18640058


>> No.18640060

Did you even read Nietzsche? He would detest you american trump hicks

>> No.18640074

He would be a catboy tranny spamming accelerationist memes.

>> No.18640077

He stated who he hated most quite explicitly, anarchists and socialists

>> No.18640085


This but 400,000% unironically

>> No.18640087

This. The state would just force him like it is currently done with academics.

>> No.18640105

Highly unlikely. As a contemporary German he would likely detest the bone-headed state machinery and the pseudo-religious beliefs in "science" that has formed around this virus.
But we all like to project our opinions into his writings, don't we?

>> No.18640121

Antisemites and german nationalists a lot more though. I wouldn't make any major life decisions based on what you think nietzsche would have thought, that seems really retarded. But I doubt he'd have anything flattering to say about right wing America. They're rabble who hate intellectuals, genuine or otherwise, and venerate the wisdom of the common lumpen working man. Lot of slave morality in that crowd. That's not to say he'd like big city liberals all that much either.

>> No.18640138

No he said the anarchists were whi he hated most, not german nationalists or antisemites. The flyover americans are hardly ubermenschen but they at least have a bit of spirit re not wanting to be disarmed and stuff

>> No.18640190

Out of disdain for their betters lol, not an attitude he respected much. There's not a lot of creative energy or real strength in flyover America. Mostly resentment and ignorance. Ignorance mainly of the fact that their lifestyle is not anymore rugged or independent than the city slicker. It's a cowboy fantasy.

>> No.18640217

Fine take, I accept your analysis
Nietzsche would never fall for the petty regional middle class patina that American right wingers do.

>> No.18640225

>not wanting to be disarmed and stuff
Oh how culture war rots the brain
Midwest people are passive aggressive pussies btw

>> No.18640231

If he was compelled to in order to avoid unnecessary hassle that would impede his life and work, otherwise I think he would just be so viscerally disgusted by all the cult-like observance of it that he'd avoid it quietly out of spite.

>> No.18640242

Being disarmed is really not 'culture war'

>> No.18640246

I don't remember Nietzsche speaking very disapproving of compulsion in controlling the masses. I remember one passage in twilight of the idols I think where he talks about the historical necessity of "the law of the knife" in early civilizations where the lower castes are forcibly circumcised to curb their reproduction.

>> No.18640282

Are you retarded? The pro-vaccine people are the most sheep-like herd there has ever been in history. People don't even know what is being injected in themselves, they only obey and follow institutions. Do you really think Nietzsche would find this secular moralism palatable? It is clear you are the one who has never read him.

>> No.18640286

See >>18640282

>> No.18640309

Sure, not a drop of slave morality in compulsory life-denying home imprisonment in order to save the weak, the elderly, the sick with comorbidities (implying any of these commands have any real effect)?

>> No.18640316

Obviously since America is a liberal project there is a vein of slave morality running down all of its politics.

>> No.18640332

>getting a vaccine for the cold

>> No.18640349

No but the idea of speaking about it as an affect certainly is

>> No.18640355

>Are you retarded? The pro-vaccine people are the most sheep-like herd there has ever been in history. People don't even know what is being injected in themselves, they only obey and follow institutions.

Libertarians are too dumb to understand the genealogy of morality and instead read Nietzsche as some enlightenment era individualist philosopher. Cope.

>> No.18640361
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Problem, faggy?

>> No.18640368

>no mask jokes
no one itt has read nietzsche

>> No.18640373

I tried reading Beyond Good and Evil and made it 3 pages into the verbose self-indulgent slosh before quitting. How do people read this shit?

>> No.18640400

You don't take it too seriously. Just have fun :)

>> No.18640401

What are you even talking about?

>> No.18640429

Nietzsche is the same person who refused to see a doctor when he was sick, refused to heat his house when it was cold and even advocated that mortally sick people should be euthanized if they seek treatment. Why would he ever want a vaccine?

>> No.18640554

That's pretty cool actually. Did she provide you with any valuable insights? I'm currently reading her book on Nietzsche and science.

>> No.18640693

The guy literally attacks Christianity for its anti-scientific tropes - of fucking course he would

>> No.18640702

Nietzsche is impossible today. How can he speak anymore when there is no one to even register his voice?
>Here the madman fell silent and looked again at his listeners; and they, too, were silent and stared at him in astonishment. At last he threw his lantern on the ground, and it broke into pieces and went out. "I have come too early," he said then; "my time is not yet. This tremendous event is still on its way, still wandering; it has not yet reached the ears of men. Lightning and thunder require time; the light of the stars requires time; deeds, though done, still require time to be seen and heard. This deed is still more distant from them than most distant stars -- and yet they have done it themselves.

>> No.18640716

You should have started with the Twilight of Idols or even Zarathustra

>> No.18640718

This is the funniest reading of Nietzsche I have maybe ever seen. The guy who disdained medicine in general would take a vaccine against a cold because he heckin loves science

>> No.18640780

This guy gets it
It makes a lot more sense when people realize Nietzsche was an egoist more than anything. He would see "Follow the science" as the ultimate spook.

>> No.18640813

>"Science ... has no consideration for ultimate purposes, any more than Nature has, but just as the latter occasionally achieves things of the greatest suitableness without intending to do so, so also true science, as the imitator of nature in ideas, will occasionally and in many ways further the usefulness and welfare of man,-but also without intending to do so."
You have never read Nietzsche in your life and it shows. He would mock a retard, like yourself, for your ridiculous superstitious beliefs. Please, respond with something even more retarded bro.

>> No.18640850

>The guy literally attacks Christianity for its anti-scientific tropes
How is that relevant?

>> No.18640869

Do you think because the state calls something science that makes it so? Regardless he literally rejected medicine that actually does work for actually dangerous diseases for basically eugenic reasons

>> No.18640877

>Popular morality and popular medicine.
>The morality which prevails in a community is constantly being worked at by everybody: most people produce example after example of the alleged relationship between cause and effect, between guilt and punishment, confirm it as well founded and strengthen their faith: some observe actions and their consequences afresh and draw conclusions and laws from their observations: a very few take exception here and there and thus diminish faith on these points. >All, however, are at one in the wholly crude, unscientific character of their activity; whether it is a matter of producing examples, making observations or taking exception, whether it is a matter of proving, confirming, expressing or refuting a law both material and form are worthless, as are the material and form of all popular medicine
>Popular medicine and popular morality belong together and ought not to be evaluated so differently as they still are: both are the most dangerous pseudo-sciences.

>> No.18641120

Imagine being so fucking retarded to think Nietzsche was talking about literal medicine, and not common sociological remedies to sociological problems. Holy fuck you really are dumb. You really are just quote machine who has never read Nietzsche.

>> No.18641127

Nietzsche was literally a drug addict too who did tons of opium and al kinds of psycho drugs. Dude this is retarded thinking Nietzsche was against medicine.

>> No.18641133

What do you think this covid charade is lmao? You think this disease seriously threatens anything and the government responses are based on 'science's and not naked powergrabbing?

>> No.18641144

Fag, you're literally praising a guy, Nietzsche, who took fucking drugs, medication like opium all his fucking life. Why continue with the cope when you're clearly just fucking wrong? You're just so fucking delusional, and narcissistic, you have such a huge problem to admit when you wrong. Lose that ego of yours, its just going to get you killed.

>> No.18641152
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I love how redditcucks come here thinking everyone is a pozzed "progressive" and then proceed to get buttfucked by "rightwingers"

>> No.18641154

You didn't actually respond to anything I said, do you know what the death rate is for covid? You think that even vaguely justifies the insane control measures that have been taken including this meme vaccine. Why do you even trust the state in the first place?

>> No.18641161
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>> No.18641165

You are talking to a mentally disabled person / redditor, please treat them accordingly.

>> No.18641177

kek - fucking retard actually tried to argue Nietzsche would be against medicine, and science when we have quotes from him praising science and when he literally did prescribed fucking drugs like opium and aspirin for pain relief - c'mon nigger you have to be stupid. It always amazes with right-wing retards try to turn Nietzsche into some anti-degeneracy guy when he got STDS from fucking whores in a brothel, was a regular drug addict, and constantly praised Jews as noble beings. Nietzsche himself sees degeneracy as a necessary path of life; for conflicts it creates is what makes life worth living for in the first place. The class collaborationist non-sense you faggots push with race, and whatnot, is totally against everything Nietzsche stood for - he wasn't for this last man, end of history kumbyah shit you faggots are for - he's struggle, he's life, he's for decay and everything that comes with it. Bitches like you just want to complain, and make excuses as to why you're a pussy. Nietzsche is all about war speak - he's not about the servile sensitives of you mentally retarded spooks

>> No.18641179

The use of 'fucking'4 times in like two sentences as well as the vague intimation of my death for disagreeing with his state-mandated opinions did clue me into that.

>> No.18641183

Consider killing yourself bros. You should join the COVID death rate, nigger. Nobody will miss you.

>> No.18641186

You're aware that Nietzsche said

>Whom do I hate most heartily among the rabbles of today? The rabble of Socialists, the apostles to the Chandala, who undermine the workingman's instincts, his pleasure, his feeling of contentment with his petty existence—who make him envious and teach him revenge.... Wrong never lies in unequal rights; it lies in the assertion of "equal" rights.... What is bad? But I have already answered: all that proceeds from weakness, from envy, from revenge. — The anarchist and the Christian have the same ancestry...

>> No.18641190

Why you trying so hard to be a wannabe Pyrrho. You're still a fucking retard regardless.

>> No.18641194

>oy vey!
make sure to get your second dose please

>> No.18641198

I'm not a socialist though, nigger. That's so hilarious you think just because people hate you that means they're a socialist. That's pretty epic bro. I'm beyond your retarded, petty political rabble you fucking loser.

>> No.18641200

Dont be angry bro, it's all in good fun
Pyrrho is indeed my favorite philosopher outside theologians. Still not an answer though lel

>> No.18641204

You are wise.

>mentally disabled leftcuck thinks Nietzche was just as pozzed as "they" are
comedy gold

>> No.18641205

You said 'class-collaborationist' so I assumed you were a commie. My apologies for offending you but you shouldn't use such terms if you dont want to be seen as one

>> No.18641212

I have had it for 6 months at this point within a single side effect.
I was told by Alex Jones I would start becoming disable by one month and mentally lose my ability to function by year 1.
When does the loss of mental capability happen?

>> No.18641217

Liar. If you were beyond it you wouldn't be SEETHING like an unhinged tr*nny. Oh wow, look guys, he said NIGGER, he's just as based as you, even though her opinions are just regurgitate Huffingpaint Post headlines xD

Take your meds/hormone pills, mkay?

>> No.18641218
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Its just so interesting you're Pyrrhonist until someone is skeptical towards you.
Imagine thinking people are leftists because you're a mutt obsessed with political compass memes, and your jewified media. Lmao, you faggot - kill yourself. You'll never be white, my man.

>> No.18641223
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>> No.18641232

>Mutt seething because of how easily triggered you are about politics
Nobody gives a fuck about you, nigger. You're just as inconsequential as the shit I just took. Fucking Amerimutt subhuman

>> No.18641238

On the contrary I invite total skepticism towards my beliefs, that's why I love 4chan so much, you can always be sure someone will disagree with you and tell you exactly why, no matter what you say. I find it great to talk these things through.

So why do you think covid is dangerous, why do you think this vaccine is good, and why do you trust the state? You can question me about anything you want as well, that's the fun of it

>> No.18641242

What's my timeframe looking like then anon.

>> No.18641251

It doesn't really matter how you choose to identify. Are you asian?

>> No.18641259

Class solidarity (collaboration) is a catch phrase of fascism, anon... Class warfare and antagonism is communist.

>> No.18641264

>n-no you
I'm not even american, but you're so mad it's hilarious. You sound like you want to kill somebody.

Oh I thought you were trolling. I'm not interested in debating on vaccines. They say the science is settled, right? Take the vaccine if you trust the billionaire class.

>> No.18641265

Your reading of Nietzsche is incredibly off. Not to mention you've asserted three blatantly false facts about him which you must have simply fabricated or been lied to about.

>> No.18641269

I think our friends from abroad have been told to pepper 'n*gger' into their posts to seem authentic, the odd way they're using it strikes me as quota-like. Amerimutt is another old tell. 'Subhuman' though well we all know they've always thought everyone else are subhuman haven't they, you notice they seem more genuine when they say that part. That thing where they talk like cavemen 'da oos' also shows the same sentiment.

>> No.18641274

100%, you are wise.

>> No.18641277

It's used as an epithet by commies which you well know lel. How many fascists have you even read, know they enemy my friend

>> No.18641283
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I can tell you're a left wing pussy by the way you type.

>> No.18641284

I trust them to make a mediocre vaccine with fine levels of safety they will exploit and sell for huge profits.

>> No.18641297

OK. I'm guessing you're ESL, which is why I thought you were trolling, since your original post was so full of errors and you ended it with asking us when you would start to notice cognitive defects.

>> No.18641337

not a commie or a leftist, just someone who knows what words mean.
>It's used as an epithet by commies
commies only talk about solidarity of the proletariat, not "class solidarity." If you want a fascist example, Giovanni Gentile is all that is needed

>> No.18641342

Commies talk about class collaboration, fascists talk about rightful hierarchy between classes. That phrase really gave you away

>> No.18641349

It's cause I'm phone posting on a new phone and I can't type in the fucking keyboard it's keys are too small and autocorrect is shit. I noticed that too after posting it desu.

>> No.18641351

>Commies talk about class collaboration
No they don't. Commies talk about class warfare. This is literally basic knowledge of Marxism and communism.

>> No.18641353

Yes which they oppose to class collaboration, it's literally a pejorative commies use. Do you think we dont see you speak lol

>> No.18641357

>"The Greeks did not require such conceptual hallucinations, for among them the idea that laboris adisgrace is expressed with startling frankness; and another piece of wisdom, more hidden and less articulate, but everywhere alive, added that the human thing also was an ignominious and piteous nothing and the“dream of a shadow.” Labor is a disgrace, because existence has no value in itself;""
Fuck the proletariat - fuck the workers.
None of what I said wasn't true. Please, debunk what I said. I dare you.

>> No.18641358

Dude, you're a faggot that literally is talking to another anon that isn't even me. You're clearly fucking delusional. You're talking several different people, and you're such a retarded mutt you can't even tell. Lmao.

>> No.18641361

Who are you that you keep telling me I'm 'wise' sorry buddy but I don't really trust such things

>> No.18641366

Idc Nietzsche was a fag

>> No.18641367

We have all heard communists say 'class collaboration' while we have never heard a fascist say it because fascists use different terms to refer to class interactions, hierarchical terms. That's why it's obvious, I'm just giving you guys Intel you should thank me

>> No.18641368

But you are a mutt pretending to be intelligent. You're pseudo quoting a guy you never read in your life. What you're gonna, mutt, call Jesus non Jewish now and defend him?

>> No.18641374

Why are you talking about "we" - you're a single person talking to multiple people. A literal internet nobody, and if you were doxxed, everyone would know you're just a retarded lolcow with a deep seated resentment of the fact that you are a mutt, not even white, but a white nigger with a criminal record like all you larper nationalists are. You certainly aren't ubermensch, or anything Nietzsche would describe as useful to humanity.

>> No.18641388

I dont hate Jews at all anon, I think they have the most painful role in history of al people, and I think they have done ok though they have sinned like everyone does. I think the jews are a great people, admirable and resilient.

I dont think the particular people who shill here are very representative of Jews as a whole

>> No.18641390

Subhuman muttoid trying way too hard to think he figured someone out on /lit/ fucking with him. Peak lolcow behavior. Figures, the fags running Vanguard America was literally a bunch weebs from /pol/ who got exposed for being fags on kiwifarms.

>> No.18641405

I just mean anons who see those terms, 'class collaboration' is just a commie term I'm not sure what to tell you. I dont matter at all dude, I am completely insignificant, and I dont even like Nietzsche. You dont seem to really get what 4chan is, it's just bouncing ideas off each other in some suspended reality, I encourage you to engage in it, its liberating

>> No.18641415

You’re such a baby

>> No.18641430

That I very much am

>> No.18641450

I like where this threads at rn

>> No.18641451

sure as hell he'd be on brain-numbing antidepressants and other chemical lobotomy pills like anyone who still has some form of individualism in his marrow

>> No.18641520

Is anyone going to tell this anon that the groups with the lowest vaccination rates in America are minorities? Specifically the black and latino demographics. It's not for a lack of vaccines either.

>> No.18641551


>> No.18641610


>> No.18641624

Don't think he'd care all that much

>> No.18641641

Yes. Why wouldn't he?

>> No.18641769

Any argument based on the propensity of nietzsche to self-medicate (he signed his own perscriptions as "dr nietzsche") misses the enormous change that occurred in post-war medicine. The entire field has been distorted by corporate and governmental interests, putting business in the science. Medicine then is closer to hippocrates than it is to modern medicine, in terms of the motives of the profession.

But nietzsche was also very frail, so he might look on rona with greater concern. If he had been anti-lockdown he might have travelled north to sweden.

>> No.18641792

Holy cringe

>> No.18641812

The nietzschean larp and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.18642177
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Nietzsche was singular

>> No.18642189

It is not only America, you insist on the same thing, I’m not even american. This is a global phenomenon.

Why do you keep trying to assume what people who contest your dumb posts are? In my case I’m neither american nor libertarian or whatever. You have never read Nietzsche.

>> No.18642200

There are some good chapters, but I agree with you there are some terribly boring, irrelevant shit there.

>> No.18642371

Because the virus is Gods will and anti-vaccers are generally abrahamites or new-age hippies.

>> No.18642380

The dionysian dialectics is really admirable. Christians today are more nietzscheans than those disruptive movements.

>> No.18642447

>passive aggressive pussies
pot, kettle

>> No.18642876

God is dead.

>> No.18642898

>Would Nietzsche take the vaccine?
>119 replies

>> No.18643184

his mother would make him take the vaccine before feed him.

>> No.18643619

Trump supporters are philosemites.

>> No.18643767

What's the problem with that ?

>> No.18644219

does it contain semen

>> No.18644249

kek no and it is all thanks to darwinian nature of life namely to ensure genetic survival no matter what.Infact it would be nietzsche who would end up roping himself after discovering about incels,genetic determinism and his inherent degeneracy .That genetic invalid died of syphilis didn't he?