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18636322 No.18636322 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any example of 'ubermensch' character in mainstream literature or other media?

>> No.18636326

Pickle Rick?

>> No.18636331

me from my diary desu

>> No.18636336

define übermensch

>> No.18636338

Desu, Elon Musk is a good example.

>> No.18636339

Judge Holden?

>> No.18636340

The Judge in Blood Meridian.
Dr. Manhattan in Watchmen.

>> No.18636347

Captain Ahab

>> No.18636354


>> No.18636358

Tyler Durden

>> No.18636367

Kiryu in the Yakuza series. Jake Gyllenhaal's character in Night Crawler, and Don Quixote de la Mancha

>> No.18636381


>> No.18636388

that guy from brave new world

>> No.18636431

Siegfried from the titular music drama. Nietzsche had a life long obsession with this character and based his idea of the Ubermensch on it.

>> No.18636451
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>> No.18637133
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Seto Kaiba, he's literally reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra in his first on-screen appearance in the main Yu-Gi-Oh! TV series (though 4kids may have edited the title out, I don't remember). He has his own system of values which he applies to his own life and liberates the lives of of others in the process by building a society focused on competition and ability. The idea of Eternal Return is also somewhat present in the series.
There is also a scene where he literally sacrifices a "god" to bring forth his signature monster (arguably a representation of himself and his values) rather than rely on something because it is revered by others as divine.

>> No.18637440
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No. He’s just got money.
Not the big murderous baby.
Manhattan is a demigod with existentialist doldrums, isn’t he? Halfway there.
He’s a tulpa
Don’t know the firsts. Sell me on Quixote

>> No.18637461

Harry Potter

>> No.18637468

Timmy from Fairy Oddparents.

>> No.18637482

Napoleon, Bismarck, Putin, winnie the pooh. They all operate beyond good and evil, dismiss slave morality and have a fake appearance of "I'm just representing the nation's interests" while hiding their actual immoral, power driven interests underneath

>> No.18637644

Captain Ahab

>> No.18637657


>> No.18637694
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>> No.18637810

The only übermensch I'll ever acknowledge is victor hugo, the fuckbeast of france.

>> No.18637949

Doc Savage, the original Superman.

>> No.18638083

just look in the mirror bro

>> No.18638357

Literally Superman bro

>> No.18638369

>People who haven’t read a lick of Nietzsche posting their opinions

>> No.18638390

Giacomo Casanova

>> No.18638641

johan liebert

>> No.18639593

I don't think the Judge is an Ubermensch character as much as a personification of the concepts that define one

That reads like shit but he's more of a supernatural force representing the Ubermemsch archetype

>> No.18639675

Yevgeny Bazarov is kind of close even though he's a retard

>> No.18639740


Damn you beat me to it, i can not think of a better example honestly

>> No.18639762
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>> No.18639948
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Pic is probably the closest to the real thing.

>Rick from R&M
>Second incarnation of Gandalf
Elon is more of a 'higher man' than an Overman. The higher man sets the stage for an Overman to come forward. In the same way Nietzsche says the higher man would "build the house and plant the garden for the Overman", Elon builds the rocket and the car for the Overman, both literally and figuratively. The real overman is almost not human.

To all you midwits saying "Superman, duh!" Superman was made to be the ANTI-overman. All of his struggles are forced because the idiot creators wrote themselves into a corner and made him too powerful. His whole morality is based on "mommy and daddy said to always be good so I'm good" he doesn't create his own value structures but tries to emulate what his parents taught him to act like.

I honestly think it would be fair to say that the humans who get a full scale brain-machine-interface where they are literally able to rewire their brains, matrix style, would be the closest thing to a real life overman. That or a sufficiently constructed AI that is human level intelligent as it would almost immediately surpass human level intelligence given the chance.

>> No.18641821 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18641860


>> No.18641887
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This. I've always wondered if Robert E. Howard was familiar with Nietzsche, because Conan really fits the idea of the Overman.

>> No.18642017

It's hard to write a good, serious story around a real Ubermensch because he lacks interesting huyman frailty. "Literature is concerned with the heart in conflict with itself" or however Faulkner put it. Much more common is the fake or would-be or near- Ubermensch. This is more or less just the tragedy of hubris. Lots of examples:
Richard, Richard III (Shakespeare)
Raskolnikov, Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky)
Kurtz, Heart of Darkness (Conrad)
Wolf Larsen, The Sea Wolf (London)
Thomas Sutpen, Absalom! Absalom! (Faulkner)
Gerald Crick, Women In Love (Lawerence)
Just about any James Bond villain is a would-be Ubermensch. Dr. No, Hugo Drax, etc

Ubermensch characters played straight are mostly in adventure/pulp:
Doc Savage
Most Heinlein heroes (e.g. Lazarus Long)

>> No.18642044


>> No.18642049

confused post

>> No.18642053

I genuinely thought you were talking about the fictional Pooh, and I thought you were really onto something

>> No.18642069

Holy shit

>> No.18642097
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>> No.18642814

Numenorean characters.

>> No.18642826


>> No.18642950
File: 9 KB, 197x255, be+my+friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This unironically.
Winnie the Pooh is an example of an ubermensch, I'm not even joking.

>> No.18642953

Unironically Jesus Christ.

>> No.18642958

the first movie even began with a Nietzsche quote

>> No.18642990

Lorne Malvo, Billy Bob Thornton's character in Fargo.

>> No.18643003

>Übermensch strong man. Kill many!
You are literal children

>> No.18643348
File: 121 KB, 1200x630, friedrich-nietzsche-quote-lbv4p2z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche hates you, btw

>> No.18643373

fucking literal moron over here. Adrian is the ubermensch in Watchmen and the Kid is the ubermensch in Blood Meridian

>> No.18643374

No, because the Übermensch is yet to come, and is something the modern world cannot conceive of.

>> No.18643402

Captain Nemo from Twenty-Thousand Leagues. Loved his crew. Loved the planet. Cared deeply about those he had no connection with so funded socialist revolution and saved a fisherman from dying. Is a master engineer and craftsman. Appreciates culture based on his extensive gallery and art collection. He paints and writes. He is decisive and articulate and is in charge of his own destiny. Although, he didn't believe he could save the world and instead decided to retreat from it - which stands in counter to him funding political movements on the mainland, perhaps he thought ideally he would remove himself from the world but couldn't stop thinking about making it a better place, even if he wasn't a part of it.

>> No.18643589

Mega Man

>> No.18643594


>> No.18644831
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>> No.18644899
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>> No.18644924

Jake Gyllenhaal in Night Crawler is such a sigma male.

>> No.18645055

>He’s just got money.
he sleeps in the fucking factory, pippi

>> No.18645126

kek I should have known you dont actually read

>> No.18645149


>> No.18645189
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