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/lit/ - Literature

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18629380 No.18629380 [Reply] [Original]

Rate this novel out of 10, with a one-word review.

>> No.18629420


>> No.18629432


>> No.18629438


>> No.18629441

I really wanted to like this book, but the photos need to go. I don't want fucking pictures in my literature. NSMRT

>> No.18629493
File: 865 KB, 500x264, SmartDearestAmbushbug-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18629496

Unironically best novel of the 21st Century thus far.

>> No.18629497

six gorillions/six gorillions

>> No.18629516

No number, no single word review. For some reason I don't trust your reading comprehension enough to have faith in your assessment of the novel.

>> No.18629529

I hated The Rings of Saturn so why the fuck would I read this probably overrated trash as well?

>> No.18629539

7. ILikedTheRingsOfSaturnMore

>> No.18629671

Fuck off OP.

>> No.18629675

5/10, rings of saturn is better

>> No.18630085

7.5. Memoriiies

>> No.18630125

4, meh

>> No.18630172


>> No.18630296

8/10, Conradian

>> No.18630402

better long sentences than proust.

>> No.18630408

Solid 8

>> No.18630473

woah. crazy how people get filtered by something being “too simple”.
That must be an awful experience when one realizes one is so shallow that it is not simple pretentiousness that can filter one, but instead innate aesthetic humanity lacks in you to appreciate the beautiful simple.


>> No.18630504

English your second language, friendo?

>> No.18630533

yeah, and I just woke up. Thought about deleting and reposting, but this thread doesn’t deserve such effort.

>> No.18630550

Cool background
Now give us a number and a word or gtfo

>> No.18630551


>> No.18630564

notice a curious lack in page increase with this post occurring btw.

>> No.18630568

6.5/10. Professorial.

>> No.18630625

fuck off and do your homework yourself... i am not giving you a review

>> No.18632180


>> No.18633222

>>hating the rings of saturn
how much of a fucking pleb and tasteless asshole can one be

>> No.18633274

Was loving this book until I found out it was just another "muh 6 gorillion" book.
The worst part is that the writer isn't even a Jew. He was a German who had white guilt, which might even be worse.

>> No.18633943

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18634097

based anon. Rings of Saturn isn't all Holohoax drama, is it? Cause that one sounds interesting and is at the top of my list.

>> No.18634125

8. Good.

>> No.18634134

His whole bibliography is basically just thinly veiled Holocaust guilt. The Emigrants is the most overt of this, since it's literally about Holocaust survivors/victims.
Rings is the least offender of this, but still it's there bubbling under the surface at all times.

>> No.18634605

Go back

>> No.18634714

Defend it in one paragraph.

>> No.18634788

No, Jews put their jew shit in everything, and I will never stop pointing it out. Cry more Levi.

>> No.18634812

>Rings is the least offender of this, but still it's there bubbling under the surface at all times.

There's a literal two page spread photograph of a pile of dead people in some camp inserted in the middle of one of the chapters IIRC.

>> No.18634820

IIRC it also comes completely out of left field, probably intentionally.

>> No.18635475

This is seriously the state of /lit/ now. Dismissing a book off hand because it deals with a major historical event. You can imagine these cunts sitting around teahouses bemoaning another book about the French Revolution (never happened). No, wait, you can't, because the state of things has never before been so thoroughly dreadful.

>> No.18635504

Writing about the holocaust nowadays is as revolutionary and interesting as writing about "X"-geist in late 19th/early 20th century Germany : it's just so boring and played out, no wonder people can't muster more than a tired moan at the sound of yet another author not being able to write about anything else.

Maybe you just haven't been exposed to it as much, and so you don't notice these sorts of things?

>> No.18636044
File: 436 KB, 915x1074, 2021-03-29_173324_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exposed to it
As in, sought it out.
How, pray, have you been "exposed" to this book, except by entering this thread to moan about it? Without even deigning to give a number and a word, I might add.
You, my boy, are one of life's losers.