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18634950 No.18634950 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, technique is bad. Now what? Return to fucking monke?

>> No.18634986
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Naw, not completely monke. But do change society

>> No.18635009

HOW? If we try to change this society, then we have to do it efficiently. But if we want to find the one true way of doing it, then we’re already trapped by technique.

>> No.18635019

>Return to fucking monke?
He never says this. Read his theology to see his "solution", to simplify it as that.

>> No.18635023
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It has to be torn apart and pit back together. Replacing the abhorrent with what the locals find acceptable. It will be a mess, but honestly, it’s a mess now. With more hands steering, it will eventually come around

>> No.18635040

The fact that you're putting the word solution in scare quotes does not bode well for the legibility of the text you're recommending

>> No.18635049

He seems to have Returned to monk, for his solution.

>> No.18635583
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considering the displacement of certain events societies at large seem to be having in correlation with what has been happening, I would argue the danger is upon us. these passports being spoken of to link our physical and biological identities into a digital item of identification are most frightening. this central bank digital currency are equally frightening. Both of which will lead to the exclusion of outliers that threaten the system; see into the current censorship.
despite the limelight for the futuristic cyperbunk utopia advertised to the masses, its becoming more and more apparent that what its goals are Are the total enslavement of the our kind. Naturally, it will also lead to the replacement of all biological life as well. A post-human in a great convergence.

>> No.18635793

>Read his theology
Which is?

>> No.18636130

The world right now is in the best state it has ever been and there is no historiographically legit way of refuting this claim

>> No.18636142
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>> No.18636234

>oh no my own interpretation of the world says the world is in a bad state
>we must now do everything to change how the world is to how I want it to be

please fuck off cringe marxist LARPing zoomers

>> No.18636524

Gtfo, Pinker

>> No.18636531

>bolo bolo

holy based

>> No.18636532

I didn't know P.M. made any impression on the anglo world.

Anyone read "Weltgeist Superstar" by any chance?

>> No.18636622
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>> No.18636969

the takeaway i got was a the need for a human scale and human speed society and no more. customary instead of metric, that sort of thing

>> No.18636992

You realize that by reducing the book to "technique bad" you invite the kind of discourse you see in this thread?

A little effort goes a long way.

For the record Ellul doesn't really say "technique bad" he simply describes the implications of this runaway phenomenon - many of which are, indeed, horrifying.

Furthermore, it is not his intention to provide any sort of 'solution' in this book - it's entirely descriptive. As others have said to see what he might want as a solution you have to read his other works. Ellul lamented that people read his works in isolation

>> No.18637161

Yeah. Surely, such revolutionary ideals will end better this time around. This time, we’ll completely restructure society the right way!

>> No.18637173

>Furthermore, it is not his intention to provide any sort of 'solution' in this book - it's entirely descriptive.
Well, that’s the problem. Isn’t it? Many people have been descriptive enough but no one seems to be able to describe where and how we go from here. If a runaway future is inevitable than what’s the point in even talking about it?

>> No.18637408
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It was only a tweet. You’ve no imagination, you shell shocked wretch
Read something

>> No.18637419

i'd prefer i revolution that i had some say in over our current finance billionaire-led one

>> No.18637429

first, take control over the technique in your life
second, maybe try to live more like the amish
third, don't worry about changing the world, this is stupid. live a good life by example, that's the best you can do. other people will follow and maybe you can affect the world this way.

>> No.18637759

Identifying a problem is in a sense the first part of a solution. There are others like Mumford and Spengler who wrote about it before him, but Ellul was the first to provide a broad and thorough overview of technique as a phenomenon.