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18633288 No.18633288 [Reply] [Original]

There was this anon who moved to the woods and had a youtube channel, does anyone remember him? Can't find him on jewtube anymore

>> No.18633321


>> No.18633879


>> No.18633954

amazingly based. Wonder if he just shows up at a McDonalds and uploads his vids every once a while

>> No.18633969

AFAIK he's really really out of the way. I seem to recall him saying that it takes him 2+ days to walk to the nearest town. No idea what he does for internet.

>> No.18634508

>forest anon
Dont think hell engage with the internet too much any more and he said hell shun interacting with this place even though it was /lit/ he made some of his first hermit videos for.
No idea why people are surprised that there will be some sour apples. Just cause 3 people complain doesn’t mean the praise from the +12 others is invalidated. He literally only replied to the hate and didnt give any attention to those who admire what he does and find inspiration in his attitude.

Kind of disappointing, but it’s selfish for me to say this, since if I were in his shoes (had the balls to do it) I would have dropped all internet long ago. Doubt boredom and the need to talk would have made me do videos like he did. hell probably make 2-3 more videos and by 2022 be part of the probably very large group of people who live totally remote and self sustaining in the wilderness.

>> No.18634872
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He uses his data and a cell tower in somewhat close enough range

>shun interacting with this place
/lit/cels sends the poor guy death threats and then tells the FBI he's a terrorist and gets him investigated. I would shun this shithole too if I was forest anon.
>He literally only replied to the hate and didnt give any attention to those who admire what he does and find inspiration in his attitude.
We arent entitled to a reply from him. He replies to every question he is asked in the YouTube comments. You can ask him a question and he always responds to it at some point. If any one of us charged our phones with a crank and tried replying to every comment he gets then we wouldn't have enough battery to sit there doing it.

The whole point of his videos are because we wanted to watch his journey. All of us who were there from the beginning didn't expect him to actually interact with us as much as he did but it helped him keep his communication skills from getting too rusty.

Plus he still talks to us and some of his old IRL friends on other parts of the internet which I won't name because it will just encourage the wrong people to go fuck with him there too.

>> No.18634973

>lit/cels sends the poor guy death threats and then tells the FBI he's a terrorist and gets him investigated. I would shun this shithole too if I was forest anon.
What the hell? Fucking trolls.

>> No.18636210

did he say that?
I bet they came to him because his house was almost burned down in a fucking forest fire killing him as well

>> No.18636455

He replied to a couple people in the youtube comments about it.