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18633205 No.18633205[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good book or just racist garbage?

>> No.18633210

Racist garbage

>> No.18633218

Good book

>> No.18633234

Good garbage

>> No.18633241

It's good and it's not racist

>> No.18633242

Racist book

>> No.18633249

racist book

>> No.18633262
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literally nothing about it racist. Leftards and coloreds call anything that doesn't benefit them through their victim narrative "racist."

They think they should be able to cry about white people literally non stop until whites give them hand out and call any criticism of their situation by whites rayciss. Deep down they know the white western man is a superior species

>> No.18633275

good racist

>> No.18633276
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>> No.18633292

Die, senile boomer

>> No.18633298

kys shit skin

>> No.18633302
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>> No.18633312


>> No.18633366

Why does he honestly believe it's genetic and not due to blacks shitty anti intellectualism culture?

>> No.18633374

>not due to blacks shitty anti intellectualism culture?
Gee, I wonder why this culture exists

>> No.18633388
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where do you think culture comes from? Out of the sky and falls on your head?

>> No.18633403



It's hard to reconcile the apparent antipsychiatry/antipsychology positions of the majority of users with their strange obsession with IQ and folk taxonomy.

>> No.18633405

Explain how an "anti-intellectual culture" would lower IQ.
I would love to answer your question, but unless you elaborate I would inevitably create a strawman argument.

>> No.18633412

t. scored 113 on an online test, thought he deserved 130, now links dodgy articles that "debunk" IQ (the single most studied area of psychology) whenever it comes up

>> No.18633417

Taleb is dumb as pigshit


>> No.18633428

Good and racist
Leftist dissenters have no counter evidence

>> No.18633432

Even their reverends are degenerate

>> No.18633439

Anon, what you call "anti intellectualism culture" is just manifestation of their low IQ.

>> No.18633456

Its both. Genes and memes. Their genes are so shit that they fall for barbarian memes.

>> No.18633482

Never taken an "IQ test" - I'm under the assumption that I am painfully average. This is meaningful to me, why?
I don't have his responses saved, pretty sure he responded to this in his usual acerbic fashion. What's hilarious is that you've mistaken the links as tacit endorsements on the part of some rational-rando, instead of thread filler, essentially validating the assumption you're responding to.

>> No.18633484

Why do you think they develop Ebonics/creole wherever they are and are so adamant on legitimising it? They have naturally lower verbal iq.
Jews call them shvartze which has connotations of being dumb

>> No.18633566


>> No.18633583
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Why does this happen when even modern studies regard intelligence as hereditary? Is it just because he brought up race categories?

>> No.18633654

Meanwhile homosexuality is mainly due to environment and culture rather than genetics but it is regarded as an immutable genetic trait.

>> No.18633681

>Never taken an "IQ test" - I'm under the assumption that I am painfully average. This is meaningful to me, why?
If you know you're painfully average, why do you think yourself capable of "debunking" one of the most settled areas of psychology?

>> No.18633688

It’s an enlightening read, but paves the way for dangerous thinking, and I believe that people like Taleb criticize the book not because it’s bad science but because it’s an “ethical” thing to do.

>> No.18633699

>dangerous thinking
such as?

>> No.18633703

Such as not being a raging faggot like OP who uses cringe words like "racist"

>> No.18633710

I don't see myself debunking anything, nor does the post you've responded to imply that purpose. See this response:
>What's hilarious is that you've mistaken the links as tacit endorsements on the part of some rational-rando, instead of thread filler, essentially validating the assumption you're responding to.

>> No.18633746


>> No.18633759

Ok - anything to contribute, big-brain?

>> No.18633762

It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that black people are inferior in terms of intelligence and should be used for labor and nothing more. This book removed the hatred I used to have for niggers because I realized it's not entirely their fault that they are they way they are because they're closer to retarded animals than anything else. I've always believed you shouldn't beat/torture/harass an dog (for example) because of it's nature. After reading this book, I no longer wanted to harm niggers and instead wanted them to live in as much peace as possible. They can't be saved or improved. They can be trained, sure. But maybe in a million years they'll evolve to white level. For now, live and let live.

>> No.18633767

good racist book

>> No.18633768

just bought it recently so I will find out for you bb

>> No.18633769


>> No.18633785


>> No.18633801

>That pause
>That facial expression

>> No.18633802

A good hint is that children adopted by gays are significantly more likely to identify as gay than the rest of the young population

>> No.18633806

>three retarded Ngubus losing final for Ingurland

>> No.18633808

>anti intellectualism culture
lel come to burgerland

>> No.18633824

Because he's old as fuck and doesn't want to beat around the bush.

>> No.18633831

because there was some research on nigs adopted by white parents and whites adopted by nigs. turns out, their IQ remained consistent with their races

>> No.18633834

He looks like a Chernobyl radiation victim

>> No.18633845

>best universities especially in the European states
>greatest scientists and scholars

>> No.18633847
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>> No.18633866

I hit my dog so that it will learn. It works.

>> No.18633966

Learned what? Not to do something? Hit the dog enough and it'll eventually turn on you physically or it will conspire against you. You're one of those assholes who give pit bulls a bad name, aren't you?

>> No.18633987

This topic is like the evil video in the ring, if you read just a bit too much you find yourself stalked by a metaphysical poltard compelling you to post forbidden statistics

>> No.18633997

The kind of thinking that may lead to eugenics and ethnic cleansing

>> No.18634019

Hit it when it does something bad. I don’t beat it when I get upset or whatever trope you’re imagining.
>turns on me
No since I asserted dominance over it when it was a puppy. He’s extremely loyal and playful. It’s not a pitbull.

>> No.18634026

>may lead

Oh, so nothing.

>> No.18634028

It’s just science, you idiot. It doesn’t dictate politics and morality. You can’t suppress science.

>> No.18634036

wasn't this mainly funded by the republican party in order to get rid of certain welfare programs or some such bullshit?

>> No.18634052

Do you really have to hit it though? The dog knows when it's misbehaved if you just tell it, they understand tone and body language and clearly feel guilty

>> No.18634053

This isn’t plebbit, friend

>> No.18634068

I can't believe I have to say this, but humans aren't always rational and can use the science of the bell curve to justly target a certain demographic they believe to be causing problems in this country. There you have it, you mouth breathing fedora tippers.

>> No.18634071

I tried but it’s not motivating enough. After smacking it a few times the dog does not repeat the action. I barely hurt it.

>> No.18634076

Yeah, that doesn't work, fuckhead. Else we wouldn't have the problems we have today. We used to beat the living shit out of niggers in the field and they still bred out to be good for nothing but labor. Further, we indirectly bred them to be physically stronger than us today. Christ, we used to hang them from trees as a warning to stay in line. Gee, that worked out great, didn't it? Maybe they'd be a lot easier to control if we recognized that they were lesser people and treated them as such.

>> No.18634086

I was just talking about my dog, mate

>> No.18634092

That would be a rational action, no?
Anyway, that is why heeding Christ’s teachings are vital.

>> No.18634105

No it wouldn't because as soon as we cull all niggers, for example, we would focus on the next group who takes their spot on the totem pole and blame them for all the ills in society.
>Anyway, that is why heeding Christ’s teachings are vital.
How so?

>> No.18634113

Oh, great. There was no way you weren't trying to refute what I was saying by pointing out that by beating your dog you can change it. Who the fuck cares about your dog, asshole?

>> No.18634116

>No it wouldn't because as soon as we cull all niggers, for example, we would focus on the next group who takes their spot on the totem pole and blame them for all the ills in society
Again, isn’t that a rational process?
>how so?
He said that we are all equal to God. That means every life has intrinsic and equal value.

>> No.18634123






>> No.18634129

Only the finest sources for your online viewing!

>> No.18634135

You said that you shouldn’t “beat” a dog because of its nature. I disagree.

>> No.18634136

Refuting or supporting the book (particularly chapter 6 I believe) is irrelevant given that in supporting it you risk your academic career, especially nowadays. Fuck off.

>> No.18634137


>> No.18634158

One of the links you provided is a literal opinion piece from the New York Times and the other is form Noam Chomsky, who, for the record extreme bias towards the left.
Their is nothing to refute. You don't have an argument.
Now piss off midwit, quit shitting up the board and wasting my time

>> No.18634170

I said you shouldn't beat a nigger for its nature much like you shouldn't beat a dog for the same reason. I own a pit bull. He likes to slobber on faces and pretend he's a puppy by jumping on laps. Never had to hit him. Always been nice to him. He's snapped at me a couple times (one time I found out later he hurt his front left paw) but I never hit him. Instead, I realized he was trying to tell me something and I learned, "Hey assholes, maybe you shouldn't reach for his paw. He could be hurt." Sure, I've yelled at him. I'm not perfect. But he knows I feed him. Same with niggers. Instead of burning crosses and wearing retarded looking hoods, we should have gone door to door and explained, "Look, you aren't white. You're lower. Here's the evidence. Because of this, we are going to treat you as such, much like children are treated. But you are still subject to the laws of the land."

I don't know everything. But I know that the way it was done wasn't the right way.

>> No.18634177

Non sequitur - essentially meaningless to the topic of data veracity. I don't even disagree with the thrust of TBCs core claim, but substantial criticisms of both the method and funding have been outlined. Pretend otherwise or provide data that justifies your position, but it doesn't really matter. I do appreciate the faux-hostility, though. It's charming, in a childish sort-of-way.

>> No.18634184

The first paper does not say that there is no difference of IQ by race. They only challenge the importance of it as a factor for determine success.
They also write this:
> Murray's measure of parental SES fails to capture the effects of important elements of family background (such as single-parent family structure at age 14)
Black populations have an unusually high single parent household rate in every country despite differing cultures, government programs and attitudes. That implies that it might be due to genetics.

>> No.18634192

Perhaps it’s a bad comparison since dogs were specifically bred for thousands of years to help and live with humans.

>> No.18634194

Yeah, and you're gay. The book cannot be supported without someone risking their livelihood. You know it and I know it.

>> No.18634202

ahem fuck niggers

>> No.18634204

Well then why don’t they attempt a better study instead of smearing it?

>> No.18634208

*for determining socioeconomic success

>> No.18634210

Exactly, brainiac. If niggers were bred the same way, do you think we'd have half the problems we have today with them? They may very well have accepted their deficiencies by now. Instead, we bred them to be physically great and pissed at the white man. Whoo hoo! Thank you, my ancestors!

>> No.18634214

and with that, I'm out.

>> No.18634224

>physically great
>shorter, fatter and weaker than the white man

>> No.18634227

I thought he had shit his pants

>> No.18634229

The fact you provided literal opinion pieces as your sources proves that you're a bad faith debater with an agenda.
You are a faggot and an retard with no substance..

>> No.18634239

I don't understand what the point of this post was. Intelligence is still (at least partially) hereditary.

>> No.18634240

Sam Harris did a podcast with Murray that cleared up all the deranged opprobrium surrounding the book. Then, Sam did a debate podcast with Ezra Klein, who had a basedjew freakout that Sam was legitimizing Murray without getting black voices to "contextualize" the Bell Curve.

Podcast also does a good job of showing that the Bell Curve has yet to be refuted.

>> No.18634250
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>> No.18634252

It’s mostly hereditary. Homosexuality is only partially hereditary.

>> No.18634255

Soiboys hate this book. You suck at trolling.

>> No.18634257

>Homosexuality is only partially hereditary.
there is no evidence to support this.

>> No.18634262

4chan retards are soiboys with different politics, faggot

>> No.18634265

Ok then it’s not hereditary at all

>> No.18634268

No, that’s not what soiboy means

>> No.18634274
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>4chan retards are soiboys with different politics, faggot

>> No.18634278

>That implies that it might be due to genetics.
It's a probabilistic interpretation, not a correlative assumption, implication is not demonstration. I think there's a reasonable discussion to be had about the nurture assumptions (i.e. peer grooming and novelty responses) and their relationships to interracial/intraracial measures, though.
Do you recommend anything?
We're not having a debate, we're posting anonymously on 4chan. I don't have an agenda insofar as race is concerned, I just happen to believe that the data presented in TBC is overstated/skewed (not an unreasonable position). The links are mostly to old/older material for a reason.
Sure, partly. That's not the argument, the argument is degree of variability given sufficient parameterization in IQ testing and the (mis)representation of that data. I'm not saying that there's no heritable differentiation between whatever folk taxonomy we're measuring.

>> No.18634283

So let me get this straight...
Some humans are dumb, therefore it is a good idea to deny reality.

>> No.18634284

correct. homosexuality is spread through molestation.

>> No.18634288

How much of the various gaps do you think are determined by nature vs nurture ?

>> No.18634290

I recommend ethnostates and regional economic unions, of course

>> No.18634291
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>I don't have an agenda insofar
Then why did you include an opinion post from the NYT and Noam Chomsky?
And you asked for a direct refutation to your post.
You are a retard and a faggot. The more you talk, the clearer it becomes

>> No.18634292

It exposes the lack of philosophical foundations in modern education, so very good book.
>these facts are bad because I don't know how to reconcile my ethics with the harsh reality of nature

>> No.18634320

Voluntary ethno"states" and a decentralized national economy are the only correct answers.
By "states" I mean the state has no business corralling people like livestock. I'm a fan of the protestant style of community responsibility. Catholics needs to be sent back to e*rope.

>> No.18634325

>gini changed from 0.49 to 0.51
Wow it’s fucking nothing. That indicator is useless.

>> No.18634330

Oh shut up, heretic. Protestants are finished save the Baptists.

>> No.18634344

I don't care who is on top, I only care how they function. I despise catholics because it's a union of state and church. While I'm fond of protestants because they have a "do for self" attitude.
Also, I was under the impression that baptists were protestants. QRD on my ignorance?

>> No.18634355

They are. I mean that they’re the only Protestant branch that hasn’t collapsed.
The Mormons are fine too but they aren’t even Protestant.

>> No.18634388

I included them because they're sufficient summaries, no other reason - would you rather read a modern takedown? I can provide similar links to those as well. It's difficult to tell what it is you're asking, your grasp on English seems tenuous. If you can't contribute meaningfully to a discussion about race and IQ, even anonymously, I think your issues may be more deepseated than you realize.
Depends? Attributing a certain inferiority prima facie predicated on an outdated topological model has always struck me as incredibly stupid, but there's no real way to delimit or distinguish between influences because of basic Baldwin effects. Personally, I think Zajonc's Confluence Model needs another shot in the literature. Behavioral modeling is just an outcome aggregate, really.
I know. This is "data-science."

>> No.18634400

You did not really answer the question, like the difference in IQ and related difference in idk math scores, how much of this do you think is nature

>> No.18634408

Isn’t nurture itself dictated by nature?

>> No.18634410

I don't know how to answer the question as it's asked here (too much ambiguity) - rephrase it to be more specific and I'll give it a shot.

>> No.18634413

>the argument is degree of variability given sufficient parameterization in IQ testing and the (mis)representation of that data.
So, what are you saying, exactly? That there is no such thing as race, or that there is no correlation between intelligence and conventional notions of race, or something else?

Do you know why we refer to different human races? Because such shorthand categorizations are necessary for communication. With this in mind, the "modern" notions of race changes over time depending on what people's needs are. Racial categorizations are just a means. However, depriving science of its ability to categorize humans in any racial sense, just as we do for other animals, also deprives humans of their ability to express themselves to one another in a racial sense. Is that a good or a bad thing? What do you think?

>> No.18634417

How much of the difference in math scores between the different race categories in the US do you think is caused by genetics, none, a substantial amount, an insignificant amount?

>> No.18634452

Nta but it is now bad because of racial government programs. They can’t be accurate or equitable without this knowledge. In fact the idea of equity might be an injustice.

>> No.18634463

>equity might be an injustice

>> No.18634467

Friendly reminder that nurture is nature.
>>18634408 is correct

>> No.18634488

An insubstantial amount - studies on the performance of children of "black" immigrants as compared to their urban American counterparts suggest a cultural (nurture) component, while data collected on Sub-Saharan Africans has been routinely criticized. This doesn't mean that there isn't an underlying genetic component with regard to National averages, just that the topic is a bit more complex than originally assumed. This is something Thomas Sowell loves to point out. It's an issue that Henry George noted in 1879 (Progress and Poverty).

>> No.18634504

A study on an immigrant population only tells you about that population, you need studies about the native population showing that under certain conditions the gap closes

>> No.18634520

>rather read a modern takedown?
No, I want unbiased sources that you didn't just pull off of the first page of Google.
>It's difficult to tell what it is you're asking, your grasp on English seems tenuous. If you can't contribute meaningfully to a discussion about race and IQ, even anonymously, I think your issues may be more deepseated than you realize.
Wow. This is some peak midwit faggotry on an level I have never seen before.
You truly are a treat to witness in the wild. Trying so hard to sound intelligent and save face, while failing spectacularly and reinforcing my previous statement; that you are a faggot and a retard.
I would say kill yourself, but seeing how incompetent at presenting an idea on an anonymous basket weaving forum, you'd probably fuck up and take some actually worthwhile humans along with you.

>> No.18634526
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remember, human evolution stopped at the neck. any disparity of outcomes is due to culture

>> No.18634532

The study of genetics is proving IQ to be rather accurate. Here is a rather controversial study about brain size and IQ.
Here are some articles about genetics, intelligence, and brain size.
Brain size differs in women and also race. It also has a correlation coefficient of .3 The "left" is trying to make this subject matter verboten for obvious reasons. Take Dr. Lahn for example
They have also banned further study into the MAOA gene and prevalence across races. This type of information will probably be illegal in certain countries in the future as they continue to engage in Lysenkoism while also exalting science.

>> No.18634536

Not /pol/ but you are a fool if you think that blacks are up in arms on their own. The only reason that blacks are chimping out about muh racism is because intellectuals in ivory towers told them they should. I'm not saying that all of these intellectuals names end in "stein", but I am saying that they were heavily influenced by Marx and his acolytes.

>> No.18634561

I think peer effects are very real, very predominant features of a given population: Own Race Bias/Homophily are immediately obvious to anyone outside; the preferential asymmetries explain the portion of our modern heuristics that are predicated on phenotypical characteristics (pigmentation, prognathism, etc), but the population overlap and pedigree collapse make this little more than a superficial social construct, because as you note, the borders are conceptually fuzzy. I've used "folk taxonomy" in this thread, that's probably the most accurate PC population descriptor at hand.
>Is that a good or a bad thing?
I try not to assign negative valences to positions I'm uncertain of. We could definitely do better as a nation (US).

>> No.18634564

The boundaries being fuzzy really doesnt prevent you from comparing average traits between genetically distinct populations.

>> No.18634574

I find it funny that everyone on 4chan puts on their lab coat and plays scientist when it comes to race and iq
Is there a real and verifiable concept of race? Sure. But there are far more races than racists typically count, sub-Saharan africans are extremely genetically diverse, moreso than compared to other peoples. But for racists, of course, the only thing they need to know is that some people's skin color is different, and of course that means their dumber.

>> No.18634575

Are you kidding me? Marx was quite “racist” himself. The idea that he was talking pro-trans/ pro-BLM is even counter to Marxism. He wrote, on top of outright disparaging blacks, that these kinds of social movements were initiated by the bourgeoise to protect them from class warfare.

No idea where these activist movements or Fox News/ whoever else get the idea that Marx was woke, trans, genderqueer, or supportive of any of this.

>> No.18634576

>We could definitely do better as a nation (US).
I agree. Seeing BLM trend on social media last year was pretty discouraging.

>> No.18634578

I don't get it. I just do not understand why people deny heredity. Even among the same race, you see different lineages that can vary wildly in something like IQ.

>> No.18634582

You won't accept what I provide, what's the point in talking to you? I think I've been pretty civil given your spergery.
I don't think I implied that anywhere, if I did, that's not my position. I'm just pointing to a flawed methodological approach (it's not valueless).

>> No.18634584

That’s not true. Racism is a Marxist term. He wrote that it must be stamped out despite his personal feelings.

>> No.18634589

Racists know about these subraces more than pretty much everyone except actual geneticists, which sometimes they are themselves, they obsess over haplogroups and graphs of genetic distances. There is a whole ecosystem of these people on blogs and Twitter

>> No.18634591

This is like calling the 70IQ bubba who just got done fucking his sister an authority on race.
Real racists, the ones you like to ignore, are insanely educated on race and it sometimes even weirds me out how a white racist is able to tell the difference between african tribes just by physical appearance.
You wanna know the nail in the coffin for you? What really outs you as ignorant of the people you are supposedly better than?
Racists all agree that certain african lineages are more capable and should be put in charge of the others.

>> No.18634594

You know what we'll accept? Address the studies that come to a conclusion you disagree with, by addressing the data and methodologies of those studies. Anyone can pull a link off google, it means nothing.

>> No.18634597

>on twitter
For real?

>> No.18634598

It’s a social construct based on genetics. So what? Apparently we are all adamant on reinforcing them.
Also, maybe IQ and behaviour is due to culture but leftists are not interested in changing their culture.

>> No.18634607

Yeah I forget most of their names but they're tangential to far right Twitter, usually not overtly political but given the nature of the subject it's not surprising they intersect with the frogs.

>> No.18634608

Citation? I have read a ton of Marx cover-to-cover and I don’t know where you’re either getting that from or the fact that Marx was woke. Everything I’ve read was quite the opposite; he even wrote an essay disparaging rights themselves (and Jews, incidentally, in the same essay) which is in direct contradiction to even the stated goals of BLM.

And you have no case on feminism and homosexuality/ trans, because he was openly anti-feminist in his day.

Stop getting your information on philosophers from political pundits. Reading Marx won’t make you a Marxist; it will probably give you better arguments if you know what you’re talking about.

>> No.18634611

Neither. You might as well read a cheat guide to how to game online Hunger Games social rankings. Actually, no, if you did the second thing, you'd be not only smart but also rich.

>> No.18634613
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Your passive aggressive comments belies an angry midwit desperately trying to maintain an air of control, despite his poorly constructed argument falling apart right in front of his face.
I won't accept the sources you provided, because it is opinionated dogshit.
The fact that you can't seem to acknowledge and correct that highlights your faggotry and retardation

>> No.18634614

I just assumed something like that would be a no no on twitter

>> No.18634617

What the fuck is that?
I have never heard of that book

>> No.18634620

I tip my tinfoil hat to you.

>> No.18634621

It's Battle Royale fanfiction for zoomer grills and cougar millennials.

>> No.18634622

Twitter has people every bit as edgy as pol, right down to the slurs and calls for genocide. I was surprised as well but they exist there

>> No.18634625

This is revisionism from a neo-Nazi, not a historian.
t. knower

>> No.18634626

>couger millennials
The march of time is a cruel beast

>> No.18634629

I know about Battle Royale and all that shit, but what separates it as a useful book to read?

>> No.18634632

Dogs don't need to be hit though. You can raise a dog perfectly well without hitting it.

>> No.18634633

>t. knower
I'm not that anon, but what the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.18634635

Lots of them were old enough for HP fanfiction to basically be statutory rape even where they didn't write nonconsent and incest fics, so we shouldn't be surprised a few extra years didn't stop them.

>> No.18634636

It really doesn’t matter

>> No.18634641
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>> No.18634642

It doesn't smell of weeb and has a white girl as the Mary Sue instead of a twink.

>> No.18634645

Sorry, but no. Science doesn't exist as some nebulous cloud of data in a vacuum, and it doesn't excuse the inexcusable. It should serve humanity and facilitate respect for man and his world.

>> No.18634646

Sure - Point me to studies you think I would disagree with based on your assessment of my ideological leanings as evidenced by my posts in this thread, I'll examine them and either argue the point or concede.
What argument do you think I'm making? I haven't outlined a thesis in this thread and my responses have been accommodating. If you can, summarize my "argument," such that is. I'm curious as to what it is you think I'm actually saying.

>> No.18634647

>instead of a twink

>> No.18634651

Murray is part of a conservative think tank and his work has been used as justification for shitting on the poor, so basically yeah.

>> No.18634652

ikr? that potential three way is half the romantic appeal

>> No.18634653

If they are so knowledgeable, than why are they opposed to Nigerian immigration, for example? Aren't they of better intellectual stock than even most whites?
For that matter, why is it that European races being superior over others the natural order of things, but when Jews are apparently intellectually superior and running the west for centuries, that is something to resist? Why are they not the master race?

>> No.18634655
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>and it doesn't excuse the inexcusable. It should serve humanity and facilitate respect for man and his world.

>> No.18634659
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>> No.18634662

The book got extensive reviews in the mainstream press and its contents are still discussed. Shut up with your persecution complex.
Noam Chomsky is a libertarian socialist but has a history of trolling other leftists.

>> No.18634671

>why are segregationists opposed to immigration
>why are ethno nationalists opposed to extra national influence
You retard...

>> No.18634672

Eric Siegel wrote on the Scientific American blog that the book "endorses prejudice by virtue of what it does not say. Nowhere does the book address why it investigates racial differences in IQ. By never spelling out a reason for reporting on these differences in the first place, the authors transmit an unspoken yet unequivocal conclusion: Race is a helpful indicator as to whether a person is likely to hold certain capabilities. Even if we assume the presented data trends are sound, the book leaves the reader on his or her own to deduce how to best put these insights to use. The net effect is to tacitly condone the prejudgment of individuals based on race."

>> No.18634673

>They have also banned further study into the MAOA gene and prevalence across races
Prove it.

>> No.18634676
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>Noam Chomsky is a libertarian socialist but has a history of trolling other leftists.
mfw chomsky dick suckers still say this after all the utter bullshit he's spewed unironically

>> No.18634677

Why dont you go ask them, I'd guess some dont care much about Nigerian immigration and others oppose all immigration regardless of who is coming. You are also conflating them with JQ people, of which there are a variety, the modal example just thinks the ashkenazi have high iq and are therefore overrepresented, they dont think they run the world.

Really politics and sociology are just separate questions from race science

>> No.18634678

ethno nationalists aren't opposed to extra national influence when they're the ones doing the influencing. See germany

>> No.18634679

I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to history.

>> No.18634680

Silence is violence

>> No.18634687

Learn the difference between control and influence. Here's a hint, subversion.

>> No.18634703

He's been politically active since the 60s - of course he's missed some points. That doesn't mean he doesn't have an extensive knowledge of fields like history and epistemology.

>> No.18634705
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All those fancy words and you have nothing to say.
You presented a list of sources citing why the The Bell Curve was incorrect. I called out your shithole sources as biased and heavily opinionated. The next reply was you saying "Refutations?" >>18634137.
You. Are. A. Retard. And. A. Faggot.
Close your browser and take a toaster bath, you disingenuous faggot

>> No.18634708

I'm sorry did I contest his knowledge? His beliefs are the problem, you disingenuous cock gobbler.

>> No.18634717

If his beliefs are a problem, presumably they're based on incorrect knowledge.

>> No.18634720

>this is your brain on modern education
Philosophy is dead, long live philosophy

>> No.18634736

I've posted 7 links in this thread, the post you're replying to is a short list of "old" summaries and reviews. There are 15-100 articles I could provide. I didn't say The Bell Curve was incorrect
>I don't even disagree with the thrust of TBCs core claim, but substantial criticisms of both the method and funding have been outlined.
Pay a bit more attention.

>> No.18634740

You seem upset.

>> No.18634746

Why wouldn't I be

>> No.18634750

Watson has nothing to lose anyway. They're already trying to retcon the history regarding the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA (i.e. making it seem as if he stole information from a female scientist, making him out to be a sexist monster by saying he openly bullied her (because he called her "Rosie" instead of "Rosalind")...in reality, her contribution was minor and she had a reputation of being abrasive (re-characterised a just response to sexism) and not sharing her work with fellow scientists).

>> No.18634763

Good point - snowflakes are sensitive.

>> No.18634765

>you're not a desensitized as me
Is this supposed to be an insult?

>> No.18634778

One of my exes volunteered at a hospital in Haiti (padded out her med school application). She told me it was like trying to nurture thankless animals--most of the women just said racist shit about Chinese people (even after she told them she's Korean) and the men were horny retards. Koreans are pretty fucking racist but her time in Haiti gave her a pretty good reference point for dealing with blacks.

>> No.18634782

Not him but you signed up to be a member of the internet hate machine and now you're hoping crying is going to help you, which I am here for because I'm still waiting for the anon who knew about battle royale to take up a conversation about a BL alternate ending.

>> No.18634787

Not him but equally as retarded. Pointing out a problem is not crying, you can (ironically) cry snowflake all night long. Doesn't matter.

>> No.18634790

More like the internet retardation machine lets be honest

>> No.18634791

>their dumber.
It's "they're" you stupid nigger.

>> No.18634794

I'm just saying if you could describe how your tears taste and how much bodily danger you feel yourself to be in, that would really help me out.

>> No.18634801

Lying's a lot more fun tbph

>> No.18634803

Words like disingenuous, niggardly and passive aggressive do not even begin to describe how bad you are at communicating.

>> No.18634805

So are you saying this is a kabedon situation?

>> No.18634808

Haitians have a reputation for crude and backwards behavior (other Caribbean people say this too) but that doesn't mean that image isn't full of shit. St. Domingue wasn't prosperous and pleasant - it was basically hell on Earth unless you were a plantation owner.

>> No.18634813

Napoleon's at fault, really.

>> No.18634814

I'm just not a pussy.

>> No.18634818
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Try harder

>> No.18634824

I just want to know what genre of yaoi I'm in.

>> No.18634827

I hate lying, absolutely hate it. To genuinely autistic levels

>> No.18634830

Oh, sorry. Korean omegaverse. Rich, brooding top. Blonde, tsundere bottom.

>> No.18634831

ok kant, not all of us are boomers who haven't read schopenhauer

>> No.18634833

Very based
Very rat like

>> No.18634836

>Kpop wolves
ily bby let's comingle our ancestors' shame and get married

>> No.18634837


> correlation coefficient of .3

That's nothing

>> No.18634841

Now I want to re read love is an illusion, thanks fag.

>> No.18634843

Yeah, and an example of that is using the idea of "underdetermination" as a means to suppress telling and verified results. Another example is marking IQ as the most intrinsic factor in determining someone's humanity.

The bottom line is: IQ is relevant, blacks average lower on IQ testing, an individual black person won't necessarily test low, black people are still people. Ideology is what doesn't let us move on from those results, let alone use them to guide social programmes more productively (e.g. shit like affirmative action, giving a handout to someone who already has enough in their favour...breeding resentment and the idea that they couldn't have done things on their own).

>> No.18634846

Girls are not allowed on the internet. Not even fujoshi. Go away.

>> No.18634849

I am the rare bisexual man who loves the sick twisted homosexuality women write.

>> No.18634855

I'm just a self shaming fujoshi samefagging in an IQ thread.

>> No.18634860


>> No.18634862


> If they are so knowledgeable, than why are they opposed to Nigerian immigration, for example? Aren't they of better intellectual stock than even most whites?

Nigerians don't have higher IQ's than Whites. Nigerian immigrants however are often comparible and this is due to immigration being a strong selection filter for IQ. So observing their success compared to U.S. blacks is really an argument for less immigration

>> No.18634864

So what anime are you into or is it all doujins?

>> No.18634866

Then why didn't you post one from the "15-100"(?) articles and instead choose to post the worst possible links to those archaic opinion pieces?
You are beyond retarded.

>> No.18634877

My top 5 favorite, in no particular order
Ergo Proxy
Kekkai Sensen
Banana Fish
Darker than Black
Level E

>> No.18634891

>Kekkai Sensen
Nice. Fuck this reminded me of Gugure Kokkori-san, another twisted 12 episode where I need more adaptations and don't care if it takes another decade.

>> No.18634904

>pattern recognition is bad
How unscientific of you

>> No.18634936

Jew hands typed this post ( a reasonable assumption!)

>> No.18634942

Doesn't refute differing IQ scores between races. Instead, is aimed against the idea that heritable IQ outweighs socioeconomic status.
"4 very questionable premises." The first premise listed is an appeal to nebulous information; shifting the goalposts. The Bell Curve is specifically about psychometric testing involving intelligence. The second premise is also nebulous and dishonest (blocking percentiles within a distribution is one of the first things you learn in statistics). The third premise regards heritability (twin studies and adoption studies have borne out that IQ is closely related to genetics over environment...besides, they're alluding to the argument that environment plays a larger factor and not that heritability is irrelevant). The fourth premise regards immutability in IQ scores. As I already mentioned twin/adoption studies have shown this to be largely the case (even more, they've shown that the range of someone's potential IQ is smaller than it would need to be so as to significantly affect their overall percentile).

Look, there's a lot wrong with that article and I'm not going to take the time to shoot all of it down. I'll just point out that psychometrics and theories of intelligence are related but separate fields--the article referencing different theories of categorizing intelligence (especially the "multiple intelligences" framework) is disingenuous. I can strip the whole thing down if you deem it necessary...but if you're being intellectually honest the above points should be more than enough.
This is an OPED from a non-psychologist. It's conclusions are openly political and irrelevant to the actual science involving psychometrics.
This is just a hit-piece against Murray. (Also, 2 NYT articles? Pathetic).
Another politically motivated article. Chompsky outlines his own idea of the motivations that would produce such results and attacks the book (more than halfway through that overly long piece) as belonging to that. He isn't motivated by the science and what it says so much as he is by what he has to say about it.

So there you go. Those are shit articles. Also, the fact you chose OBVIOUS politically motivated articles as a means to demonstrate that which you already believe should make you reflect on why you feel the way you do (because it obviously isn't about what you yourself think).

>> No.18634948

Poppy Z. Brite is tits (even if she had hers cut off).

>> No.18634990

speak english please

>> No.18635010

It's a really simple book. Almost all of the analysis is based off of a single study conducted by the US Department of Labor, the NLSY, which tracked life outcomes in its participants with numerous personal characteristics, including IQ. They control for 3 independent variables: age, parental socioeconomic status and IQ. One analysis is done by holding age and SES constant and varying IQ, another by holding age and IQ constant and varying SES, to see how they affect various social ills (crime, unemployment, illegitimacy, poverty, welfare use, etc). In virtually every case IQ is a much better predictor of poor life outcomes than SES. Moreover, many "gaps" in academic achievement and employment disappear entirely after IQ is controlled for.

The vast majority of the analyses in the book focuses on whites only. Race is only analyzed in one section of it.

As is the case of many other books, very few of its loudest detractors have actually read it. They hate it simply because of its conclusions.

>> No.18635018

It's a pretty good book that covers a lot of things.

But I think a few things everybody omits from the book is:
>Racists and socially conservative people clock in with lower IQs
>black and Latinos with bachs tend to have higher IQs, but still have lower IQs with comparable white/Asians in occupations
>affirmative action quotas/removal of IQ tests implemented in the 1960s lead to significantly more corruption and lower performance in government facilities

>> No.18635034

Racists having lower iqs is truly funny, it's like a society wide meta joke

>> No.18635036

>Racists and socially conservative people clock in with lower IQs
They're not wrong though, so it's not really relevant.

>> No.18635055

Are we talking the stereotypical racist we see, (I.e.. the Deliverance style hillbilly) or racists in general?
Because you do have to be stupid to be openly racist in today's age.

>> No.18635070

Fuck, even though you're bi you should know tits mean awesome. Also, if you're hyping women who write degenerate gay-themed lit and don't know who Brite is...you need to read more. If you're not the same person...the joke isn't meant for you and you can fuck off.

>> No.18635089

I can only read so much of one thing, man. My preferences are as varied and varying as the stars themselves. I do not have time to "hype" anything, I'm too busy being horny.
But no yeah I know what (the) tits means.
Okay so after looking up poopy z brite, I'm gonna have to ask you to never speak to me ever again. If I see one more fat dyke in my lifetime I think I'm gonna snap.

>> No.18635115

Our social brains developed in the context of small social groups no bigger than 20-40 people. Tribalism is a default setting and most people can't think their way out of it regardless of their race (at least western societies are trying...they're getting shit on all the way and a lot of it is self-flagellating bullshit...but maybe we'll work it out--the boomers need the flood of immigrants to maintain their wealth).

>> No.18635126

Openly is the key word
The most intelligent people on the planet are disproportionately racists

>> No.18635127

Western societies are committing suicide, or if you're the conspiratorial type, they're being murdered from within. It is a big joke to think some multicultural utopia is going to emerge from this shit, it's already falling apart

>> No.18635141

That makes sense.
Same thing with the conservative bit. Conservatism as a political concept doesn't work

>> No.18635149

It works perfectly fine, it just requires an active effort like anything else.

>> No.18635152
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You're sassy--are you sure you're not just full-on gay? Brite was a stripper in New Orleans and got into writing. She wrote extremely graphic horror novels (American Psycho, to use a widely read example, is tame compared to her shit) throughout the 90s but dropped off significantly. Also...she isn't a dyke. About a decade ago, she had FTM sexual reassignment surgery (but remained married to her husband). If anything, her fucked up psychology when it comes to her sexual identity informs her work and it's all the better for it. She isn't Virginia Woolf but her skill elevates her work (she's a lot better as a writer than someone like Anne Rice or Stephen King). Honestly, you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't check her out. Start with pic.

>> No.18635160

My guy... why would I want horror novels. I'm trying to fucking nut over here.

>> No.18635167

It clearly works with a homogenous society. It's pretty much following basic instincts. Which is China will surpass the west in a few decades as we collapse.

>> No.18635173

only openly anti black/latino. you can get away with light racism for asians/jews and be fully racist against whites.

>> No.18635180

Don't be so sure. China is a house of cards. The only thing keeping it afloat is propaganda and a healthy dose of not so secret secret policing.